blob: 9f260af3183cbebd9c22b46e69edb02e3d38c2bc [file] [log] [blame]
Log4cxx is a port to C++ of the log4j project.
The goal is have the same functionnalities and interfaces of log4j.
It's a flexible and highly configurable logging framework
Main features :
- Configurable logging destinations (appenders)
- Configurable logging format (layouts)
- Categorized logging statements through a hierarchy (loggers)
- Advanced filtering (filters)
- Thread safe library
- UTF-16 Unicode support
* Appenders:
AsyncAppender, ConsoleAppender, DailyRollingFileAppender, FileAppender,
NTEventLogAppender, ODBCAppender, RollingFileAppender, SMTPAppender,
SocketAppender, SocketHubAappender, SyslogAppender, TelnetAppender,
* Layouts:
HTMLLayout, PatternLayout, SimpleLayout, TTCCLayout, XMLLayout
* Filters:
DenyAllFilter, LevelMatchFilter, LevelRangeFilter, StringMatchFilter
* Configurators:
BasicConfigurator, DOMConfigurator, PropertyConfigurator
* Java like objects with dynamic cast and instanciation. Custom objects can
be configured through the DOMConfigurator and PropertyConfigurator classes
Supported OS
* Linux (tested on Linux Mandrake 10.0)
* FreeBSD
* Windows (MSVC 6.0, MSVC 7.1 or Cygwin)
* Other POSIX OS should be supported but were not tested
make check
make install
See INSTALL file for further details.
Visual Studio .Net 2003 and Visual Studio 6.0 considerations
For projects linking with log4cxx static library, the macro LOG4CXX_STATIC must
be defined (tab C++, textbox Preprocessor in the project properties) and
"log4cxxs.lib" must be passed to the linker (tab Link,textbox Object/Library
Modules in the project settings).
For projects linking with log4cxx dynamic library (dll), "log4cxx.lib" must be
passed to the linker (tab Link,textbox Object/Library Modules in the project
Unitary Tests
You will need to install
* cppunit (
* boost regex (
Unix : run "make check"
Windows : run msvc/tests/runtests.bat
Performance Tests
Just run performance/
The result are expressed in micro-seconds.
Log4cxx project page
Log4j project page
See AUTHORS file
This library is licensed under the Apache Public License. Please read the
included license.apl for details.