blob: 875581dca7f6248be570d3308001290f59a0958c [file] [log] [blame]
class.cpp - class Class
begin : mar avr 15 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Michael CATANZARITI
email :
* Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. *
* *
* This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software *
* License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this *
* distribution in the LICENSE.txt file. *
#include <log4cxx/helpers/object.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/class.h>
#include <map>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/stringhelper.h>
using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
typedef std::map<String, const Class *> classMap;
classMap * registry = 0;
class RegistryDestructor
if (registry != 0)
delete registry;
ClassNotFoundException::ClassNotFoundException(const String& className)
message = _T("Class '") + className + _T("' not found");
String ClassNotFoundException::getMessage()
return message;
Class::Class(const String& name) : name(name)
const String& Class::toString() const
return name;
const String& Class::getName() const
return name;
ObjectPtr Class::newInstance() const
throw InstantiationException();
return 0;
const Class& Class::forName(const String& className)
String strippedClassName;
String::size_type pos = className.find_last_of(_T('.'));
if (pos != String::npos)
strippedClassName = className.substr(pos + 1);
strippedClassName = className;
const Class * clazz = (*registry)[StringHelper::toLowerCase(strippedClassName)];
if (clazz == 0)
throw ClassNotFoundException(className);
return *clazz;
void Class::registerClass(const Class * newClass)
if (newClass == 0)
if (registry == 0)
registry = new classMap();
(*registry)[StringHelper::toLowerCase(newClass->toString())] = newClass;