Removed release helping scripts
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index b55461c..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash -e
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Perform a release.
-# Performing a release involves Maven currently to build and test things and we ran into problems
-# with the default dir structure maven assumes. This script works around those and we need to sign
-# the release archives anyway, which can be easily automated as well to not need to follow manual
-# instructions always.
-# It's important to note that this script is expected to be executed in the branch "next_stable",
-# most likely prepared by the preparing counterpart.
-function main
-  # log4cxx is able to build using private copies of apr and apr-util, which are expected in some
-  # special relative dir structure. That doesn't work with the default working dir "perform" uses,
-  # which is "target/checkout". So we either need to make apr and apr-util available in "target" or
-  # change the working dir. Making available seems easy using symlinks, but "mvn clean" deletes the
-  # contents(!) of the linked dirs then. And always copying things around seems a bit unnecessary as
-  # well, so I'm using a relocation of the folder for now. The downside is that "mvn clean" ignores
-  # that dir by default.
-  WD_RELEASE="$( pwd)/../log4cxx-next_stable"
-  WD_DIST_DEV="$(pwd)/../log4cxx-dist-dev"
-  perform_release
-  prepare_dist_dev
-  sign_and_copy
-  publish_for_vote
-function perform_release
-  rm -rf "${WD_RELEASE}"
-  mvn release:perform "-DworkingDirectory=${WD_RELEASE}"
-# Prepare dist/dev to get the release candidate published for a vote.
-function prepare_dist_dev
-  mkdir -p "${WD_DIST_DEV}"
-  pushd    "${WD_DIST_DEV}" > /dev/null
-  if [ ! -d ".svn" ]
-  then
-    svn co "" .
-  fi
-  svn up
-function sign_and_copy
-  # Might be a good idea to have another look at the GPG-plugin for Maven in the future:
-  #
-  #
-  #
-  pushd "${WD_RELEASE}/target" > /dev/null
-  for file in *.tar.gz *.zip
-  do
-    echo "Processing ${file}:"
-    gpg -ab --yes "${file}" > "${file}.asc"
-    sha512sum     "${file}" > "${file}.sha512"
-    # No symlinks because those would be treated as is, no hard-links because it should be safer for
-    # commits.
-    cp --force "${file}"        "${WD_DIST_DEV}"
-    cp --force "${file}.asc"    "${WD_DIST_DEV}"
-    cp --force "${file}.sha512" "${WD_DIST_DEV}"
-  done
-function publish_for_vote
-  pushd "${WD_DIST_DEV}" > /dev/null
-  echo "Please validate the files in $(pwd)"
-  #svn add --force *.*
-  #svn ci  -m "Publishing artifacts for new release to vote on."
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index e2660d8..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Prepare a release.
-# We need to update dates and version numbers at various places during releases and things can go
-# wrong, so another RC might need to be released. Am not sure if/how those things are properly
-# handled using the Maven release plugin, because that moves versions of the current branch forward
-# and doesn't seem to provide a way to say that a new release is just another RC for some former
-# release. Additionally, after the current branch has been moved forward, it might have been used to
-# merge new changes already. So how to tell Maven to do another release with a former version?
-# So the current approach of this script is to always create a new branch "next_stable" which acts
-# as the base for releases only. One needs to manually merge changes to the code into that branch
-# as needed for making a release work, but keep all other changes to "master" etc. outside. We try
-# to handle setting release dates, current number of release candidate etc. here automatically as
-# much as possible. Some of that info is even merged back into some source branch, e.g. "master",
-# because release dates in files like "src/changes/changes.xml" need to be updated with additional
-# candidates or later releases.
-# This script can be invoked with "next_stable" being the current branch already or with some other
-# and "next_stable" is checked out automatically. If it's invoked with some other branch, release
-# dates, new development version etc. are merged to the branch the script was invoked with. Without
-# another branch, those changes need to be done/merged manually to wherever they need to be in the
-# end, most likely "master". If only "master" should be supported in the future, merging back into
-# that might be hard-coded, currently it isn't to support arbitrary source branches from which a
-# release gets initiated. If "next_stable" is the starting branch, it's assumed to only create
-# another release based on a former release, without merging things back to anywhere.
-function main
-  #exit_on_changes
-  branch_starting=$(      git branch | grep "\*" | cut -d " " -f 2)
-  branch_starting_is_ns=$(git branch | grep "\* next_stable")
-  co_next_stable
-  set_release_date_if
-  update_scm_tag_name_format
-  exec_mvn
-  exit_on_started_with_ns
-  exit_on_no_new_release_cycle
-  proc_new_release_cycle
-function exit_on_changes
-  if [[ -n $(git status --short) || -n $(git diff-index HEAD) ]]
-  then
-    echo Maven release process requires committed changes!
-    exit 1
-  fi
-function co_next_stable
-  if [ -z "${branch_starting_is_ns}" ]
-  then
-    # If we didn't start with "next_stable", don't merge the starting branch, because it contains
-    # changes regarding new development iteration etc. we don't want to have. People need to merge
-    # relevant changes manually.
-    git checkout "next_stable" || git checkout -b "next_stable"
-  fi
-function git_commit_if
-  if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD
-  then
-    git commit -m "${1}"
-  fi
-function set_release_date_if
-  local today=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
-  sed -i -r "1,/date=\".+?\"/ s/date=\".+?\"/date=\"${today}\"/" "src/changes/changes.xml"
-  git add "src/changes/changes.xml"
-  if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD
-  then
-    git commit -m "Set release date to today."
-    if [ -z "${branch_starting_is_ns}" ]
-    then
-      local commit_changes=$(git log --max-count=1 | grep "commit" | cut -d " " -f 2)
-      git checkout "${branch_starting}"
-      git merge    "${commit_changes}"
-      git checkout "next_stable"
-    fi
-  fi
-function update_scm_tag_name_format
-  local scm_tag_name_format=$(grep "<tagNameFormat>" "pom.xml")
-  local scm_tag_name_format_needs_one=$(echo "${scm_tag_name_format}" | grep -E -e "-RCx")
-  local scm_tag_name_format_needs_inc=$(echo "${scm_tag_name_format}" | grep -E -e "-RC[0-9]+" | sed -r "s/.+?-RC([0-9]+).+?/\1/")
-  if [ -n "${scm_tag_name_format_needs_one}" ]
-  then
-    sed -i -r "s/(<tagNameFormat>.+?-RC)x/\11/" "pom.xml"
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${scm_tag_name_format_needs_inc}" ]
-  then
-    local inced_nr=$((${scm_tag_name_format_needs_inc} + 1))
-    sed -i -r "s/(<tagNameFormat>.+?-RC)[0-9]+/\1${inced_nr}/" "pom.xml"
-  fi
-  git add "pom.xml"
-  git commit -m "scm.tagNameFormat reconfigured to new RC number."
-function get_pom_curr_ver
-  # \t doesn't seem to work for grep for some reason.
-  echo "$(grep -E -e "^\s<version>" "pom.xml" | sed -r "s/^\t<.+>(.+)<.+>/\1/")"
-function get_mvn_prepare_new_dev_ver
-  if [ -n "${branch_starting_is_ns}" ]
-  then
-    echo "$(get_pom_curr_ver)"
-    return 0
-  fi
-  # Maven is able to calculate a useful new version itself, even if it warns about not being able to
-  # parse an empty version.
-  echo ""
-# Revert new version in "pom.xml" assigned by Maven.
-# During release preparation Maven always assigns some new development version to the "pom.xml",
-# which is either a new calculated one or one we specified on our own already to be the same like
-# before. The first case is needed to get a new version into "", from where it
-# might be merged into a starting branch. In any case, within "next_stable" we want to keep the
-# one known version and therefore need to always revert any changes made by maven. So if a specific
-# new version is provided, always keep that, while without use the formerly available version of the
-# file. The caller most likely already has both values and additionally we are called AFTER Maven
-# already changed "pom.xml", so can't get the old value on our own easily anway.
-# @param[in] Original version from "pom.xml".
-# @param[in] Specific version to be used by Maven.
-function revert_mvn_prepare_new_dev_ver
-  local pom_orig_ver="${1}"
-  local new_dev_ver="${2}"
-  local pom_new_ver="${new_dev_ver:-${pom_orig_ver}}"
-  sed -i -r "s/^(\t<version>).+(<)/\1${pom_new_ver}\2/" "pom.xml"
-  git add "pom.xml"
-  git_commit_if "Revert to ${pom_new_ver}."
-function exec_mvn
-  local pom_orig_ver="$(get_pom_curr_ver)"
-  local new_dev_ver="$( get_mvn_prepare_new_dev_ver)"
-  local prepare_args="-Dresume=false"
-  # Avoid a warning about not being able to parse an empty version:
-  if [ -n "${new_dev_ver}" ]
-  then
-    prepare_args="${prepare_args} -DdevelopmentVersion=${new_dev_ver}"
-  fi
-  mvn clean                           || exit 1
-  mvn release:prepare ${prepare_args} || exit 1
-  revert_mvn_prepare_new_dev_ver "${pom_orig_ver}" "${new_dev_ver}"
-function exit_on_started_with_ns
-  if [ -n "${branch_starting_is_ns}" ]
-  then
-    exit 0
-  fi
-function exit_on_no_new_release_cycle
-  git checkout "${branch_starting}"
-  local new_release_cycle=$(grep 'date="XXXX-XX-XX"' "src/changes/changes.xml")
-  if [ -n "${new_release_cycle}" ]
-  then
-    git checkout "next_stable"
-    exit 0
-  fi
-function proc_new_release_cycle
-  git checkout "${branch_starting}"
-  local commit_mvn_next_dev_iter=${1}
-  local new_dev_ver=$(      grep -E "^" "" | cut -d "=" -f 2)
-  local new_dev_ver_short=$(grep -E "^" "" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d "-" -f 1)
-  local new_release=$(cat <<-"END"
-	<body>\n\
-		<release	version="VER_NEEDED"\n\
-					date="XXXX-XX-XX"\n\
-					description="Maintenance release.">\n\
-		<\/release>\n
-  local new_release="${new_release/VER_NEEDED/${new_dev_ver_short}}"
-  sed -i -r "s/AC_INIT\(\[log4cxx\], \[.+?\]\)/AC_INIT([log4cxx], [${new_dev_ver_short}])/" ""
-  sed -i -r "s/^(\t<version>).+(<)/\1${new_dev_ver}\2/"                                     "pom.xml"
-  sed -i -r "s/<body>/${new_release}/"                                                      "src/changes/changes.xml"
-  git add ""
-  git add "pom.xml"
-  git add "src/changes/changes.xml"
-  git_commit_if "Prepare for next development iteration: ${new_dev_ver_short}"
-  git checkout  "next_stable"
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deleted file mode 100755
index b6eeb2f..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Purge (some) releases during development of release-scripts.
-# This script is mainly used during development of the release-scripts themself and simply deletes
-# branches and tags created during tests of the release process. Be very careful with execution!
-function main
-  purge_branch_and_tag
-  revert_pom
-  revert_changes
-  commit_reverts
-function purge_branch_and_tag
-  git checkout "release_scripts"
-  git branch -D "next_stable"
-  git push --delete "origin" "next_stable"
-  for tag in $(git tag -l | grep "v0.11.0-RC")
-  do
-    git tag  --delete          "${tag}"
-    git push --delete "origin" "${tag}"
-  done
-function revert_pom
-  sed -i -r "s/^(\t<version>).+(<)/\10.11.0-SNAPSHOT\2/" "pom.xml"
-function revert_changes
-  if [ -n "$(grep "version=\"0.11.1\"" "src/changes/changes.xml")" ]
-  then
-    # Remove not needed "release" node.
-    sed -i -r "1,/.+<release.+/ s/.+<release.+//"         "src/changes/changes.xml"
-    sed -i -r "1,/.+date=.+/ s/.+date=.+//"               "src/changes/changes.xml"
-    sed -i -r "1,/.+description=.+/ s/.+description=.+//" "src/changes/changes.xml"
-    sed -i -r "1,/.+<\/release.+/ s/.+<\/release.+//"     "src/changes/changes.xml"
-    # Don't know how to remove the left newlines easier...
-    local changes=$(cat "src/changes/changes.xml")
-    echo "${changes/$'\n\n\n\n\n'/}" > "src/changes/changes.xml"
-  fi
-  # Last release date needs to be "unknown":
-  sed -i -r "1,/.+date=.+/ s/date=\".+\"/date=\"XXXX-XX-XX\"/" "src/changes/changes.xml"
-function commit_reverts
-  git add "pom.xml"
-  git add "src/changes/changes.xml"
-  git commit -m "No 0.11.1 yet."