blob: d3bbb1bf167b2da81b43a1da61c0f19004f77d70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning ( push )
#pragma warning ( disable: 4231 4251 4275 4786 )
#include <log4cxx/log4cxx.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/exception.h>
#include <log4cxx/appenderskeleton.h>
#include <log4cxx/spi/loggingevent.h>
#include <list>
namespace log4cxx
namespace db
class LOG4CXX_EXPORT SQLException : public log4cxx::helpers::Exception
SQLException(short fHandleType,
void* hInput, const char* prolog,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p);
SQLException(const char* msg);
SQLException(const SQLException& src);
const char* formatMessage(short fHandleType,
void* hInput, const char* prolog,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p);
<p><b>WARNING: This version of ODBCAppender
is very likely to be completely replaced in the future. Moreoever,
it does not log exceptions.</b> </p>
The ODBCAppender provides for sending log events to a database.
<p>Each append call adds to an <code>ArrayList</code> buffer. When
the buffer is filled each log event is placed in a sql statement
(configurable) and executed.
<b>BufferSize</b>, <b>db URL</b>, <b>User</b>, & <b>Password</b> are
configurable options in the standard log4j ways.
<p>The <code>setSql(String sql)</code> sets the SQL statement to be
used for logging -- this statement is sent to a
<code>PatternLayout</code> (either created automaticly by the
appender or added by the user). Therefore by default all the
conversion patterns in <code>PatternLayout</code> can be used
inside of the statement. (see the test cases for examples)
<p>Overriding the {@link #getLogStatement} method allows more
explicit control of the statement used for logging.
<p>For use as a base class:
<li>Override getConnection() to pass any connection
you want. Typically this is used to enable application wide
connection pooling.
<li>Override closeConnection -- if
you override getConnection make sure to implement
<code>closeConnection</code> to handle the connection you
generated. Typically this would return the connection to the
pool it came from.
<li>Override getLogStatement to
produce specialized or dynamic statements. The default uses the
sql option value.
class LOG4CXX_EXPORT ODBCAppender : public AppenderSkeleton
* URL of the DB for default connection handling
LogString databaseURL;
* User to connect as for default connection handling
LogString databaseUser;
* User to use for default connection handling
LogString databasePassword;
typedef void* SQLHDBC;
typedef void* SQLHENV;
typedef void* SQLHANDLE;
typedef short SQLSMALLINT;
* Connection used by default. The connection is opened the first time it
* is needed and then held open until the appender is closed (usually at
* garbage collection). This behavior is best modified by creating a
* sub-class and overriding the <code>getConnection</code> and
* <code>closeConnection</code> methods.
SQLHDBC connection;
* Stores the string given to the pattern layout for conversion into a SQL
* statement, eg: insert into LogTable (Thread, File, Message) values
* ("%t", "%F", "%m")
* Be careful of quotes in your messages!
* Also see PatternLayout.
LogString sqlStatement;
* size of LoggingEvent buffer before writing to the database.
* Default is 1.
size_t bufferSize;
* ArrayList holding the buffer of Logging Events.
std::list<spi::LoggingEventPtr> buffer;
virtual ~ODBCAppender();
Set options
virtual void setOption(const LogString& option, const LogString& value);
Activate the specified options.
virtual void activateOptions(log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p);
* Adds the event to the buffer. When full the buffer is flushed.
void append(const spi::LoggingEventPtr& event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool&);
* By default getLogStatement sends the event to the required Layout object.
* The layout will format the given pattern into a workable SQL string.
* Overriding this provides direct access to the LoggingEvent
* when constructing the logging statement.
LogString getLogStatement(const spi::LoggingEventPtr& event,
helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Override this to provide an alertnate method of getting
* connections (such as caching). One method to fix this is to open
* connections at the start of flushBuffer() and close them at the
* end. I use a connection pool outside of ODBCAppender which is
* accessed in an override of this method.
* */
virtual void execute(const LogString& sql,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p) /*throw(SQLException)*/;
* Override this to return the connection to a pool, or to clean up the
* resource.
* The default behavior holds a single connection open until the appender
* is closed (typically when garbage collected).
virtual void closeConnection(SQLHDBC con);
* Override this to link with your connection pooling system.
* By default this creates a single connection which is held open
* until the object is garbage collected.
virtual SQLHDBC getConnection(log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p) /*throw(SQLException)*/;
* Closes the appender, flushing the buffer first then closing the default
* connection if it is open.
virtual void close();
* loops through the buffer of LoggingEvents, gets a
* sql string from getLogStatement() and sends it to execute().
* Errors are sent to the errorHandler.
* If a statement fails the LoggingEvent stays in the buffer!
virtual void flushBuffer(log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p);
* ODBCAppender requires a layout.
* */
virtual bool requiresLayout() const
return true;
* Set pre-formated statement eg: insert into LogTable (msg) values ("%m")
void setSql(const LogString& s);
* Returns pre-formated statement eg: insert into LogTable (msg) values ("%m")
inline const LogString& getSql() const
return sqlStatement;
inline void setUser(const LogString& user)
databaseUser = user;
inline void setURL(const LogString& url)
databaseURL = url;
inline void setPassword(const LogString& password)
databasePassword = password;
inline void setBufferSize(size_t newBufferSize)
bufferSize = newBufferSize;
inline const LogString& getUser() const
return databaseUser;
inline const LogString& getURL() const
return databaseURL;
inline const LogString& getPassword() const
return databasePassword;
inline size_t getBufferSize() const
return bufferSize;
ODBCAppender(const ODBCAppender&);
ODBCAppender& operator=(const ODBCAppender&);
static void encode(wchar_t** dest, const LogString& src,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p);
static void encode(unsigned short** dest, const LogString& src,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool& p);
}; // class ODBCAppender
} // namespace db
} // namespace log4cxx
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning ( pop )