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Viewing Log Events
When viewing a lot of information, the main viewing screen looks as follows:
There are three main parts of the screen that we will go over now.
Logger Pane
On the left side of the screen, we have the logger pane:
This pane displays all of the loggers that we have seen messages from.
The loggers that have been seen can be interacted with. For example, right-clicking
on a logger brings up a context menu that will allow you to do different operations,
such as:
* Focusing/ignoring a specified logger
* Adding a color rule for a logger
* Adding information to the 'find' field
Log Messages
In the center of the screen we have the main log viewing area.
This contains all of the log messages that we have seen from this receiver.
Each log event is a separate row in this table, and each field in the log event
corresponds to a column.
Right-clicking in this area brings up a context menu. From this context menu,
you may perform several actions. You can perform several actions on the data,
some of which overlap with the logger pane. Note that these actions are not
based off of the entire log message, but rather what column you have clicked on.
For example, making a color rule when you right-click on the LOGGER column will
create a rule based off of the currently selected logger name. If you instead
click on the LEVEL column, the rule will be based off of the curren level.
Some of the actions that you can perform on the table are:
* Add value under cursor to 'Refine Focus' field
* Add value under cursor to 'Find' field
* Change how the relative times are displayed
* Define a color rule
* Copy an entry to the clipboard(column or log event)
* Show/hide different panes
* Undock into a new window
* Best-fit the column for the given data
At the top of the pane are two text boxes that are used for searching/filtering.
The one on the left, 'Refine Focus', lets you focus on different parts of the
information. For example, you can refine focus on a logger by using an {{{./expression-rules.html}expression rule}}.
This allows you to quickly filter messages based off of their attributes.
When using the 'Refine Focus' box, log messages that do not match are automatically
hidden so as to not clutter the screen.
The 'Find' field on the other hand is a traditional search bar. It will
search through the messages for interesting data without hiding log events
that don't match. An expression rule can also be defined here to search
for information.
Detail Pane
At the very bottom of the screen, we have the detail pane:
This pane shows information about the currently selected log message.
The exact details shown in this pane can be customized by right-clicking
and bringing up a context menu.
Each log event may be associated with a marker. By default, all markers are not
set. You may add a marker by double-clicking on a log event. The default name of
the marker will be 'set,' however you can change the name of the marker by
clicking on the marker column and editing the marker name. Double-clicking on
an event that already has a marker set will clear the marker.