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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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World Wide DNS Driver
__all__ = ["WorldWideDNSDriver"]
import re
from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError
from libcloud.common.worldwidedns import WorldWideDNSConnection
from libcloud.dns.types import Provider, RecordType
from libcloud.dns.types import ZoneDoesNotExistError
from libcloud.dns.types import RecordError
from libcloud.dns.types import RecordDoesNotExistError
from libcloud.dns.base import DNSDriver, Zone, Record
MAX_RECORD_ENTRIES = 40 # Maximum record entries for zone
class WorldWideDNSError(LibcloudError):
def __repr__(self):
return (
"<WorldWideDNSError in " + repr(self.driver) + " " + repr(self.value) + ">"
class WorldWideDNSDriver(DNSDriver):
type = Provider.WORLDWIDEDNS
name = "World Wide DNS"
website = ""
connectionCls = WorldWideDNSConnection
RecordType.MX: "MX",
RecordType.CNAME: "CNAME",
RecordType.A: "A",
RecordType.NS: "NS",
RecordType.SRV: "SRV",
RecordType.TXT: "TXT",
def __init__(
:param key: API key or username to used (required)
:type key: ``str``
:param secret: Secret password to be used (required)
:type secret: ``str``
:param reseller_id: Reseller ID for reseller accounts
:type reseller_id: ``str``
:param secure: Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers
only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
:type secure: ``bool``
:param host: Override hostname used for connections.
:type host: ``str``
:param port: Override port used for connections.
:type port: ``int``
:return: ``None``
super(WorldWideDNSDriver, self).__init__(
key=key, secret=secret, secure=secure, host=host, port=port, **kwargs
self.reseller_id = reseller_id
def list_zones(self):
Return a list of zones.
:return: ``list`` of :class:`Zone`
For more info, please see:
action = "/api_dns_list.asp"
if self.reseller_id is not None:
action = "/api_dns_list_reseller.asp"
zones = self.connection.request(action)
if len(zones.body) == 0:
return []
return self._to_zones(zones.body)
def iterate_records(self, zone):
Return a generator to iterate over records for the provided zone.
:param zone: Zone to list records for.
:type zone: :class:`Zone`
:rtype: ``generator`` of :class:`Record`
records = self._to_records(zone)
for record in records:
yield record
def get_zone(self, zone_id):
Return a Zone instance.
:param zone_id: ID of the required zone
:type zone_id: ``str``
:rtype: :class:`Zone`
zones = self.list_zones()
zone = [zone for zone in zones if == zone_id]
if len(zone) == 0:
raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(
driver=self, value="The zone doesn't exists", zone_id=zone_id
return zone[0]
def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id):
Return a Record instance.
:param zone_id: ID of the required zone
:type zone_id: ``str``
:param record_id: ID number of the required record.
:type record_id: ``str``
:rtype: :class:`Record`
zone = self.get_zone(zone_id)
if int(record_id) not in range(1, MAX_RECORD_ENTRIES + 1):
raise RecordDoesNotExistError(
value="Record doesn't exists",
except ValueError:
raise WorldWideDNSError(
value="Record id should be a string number", driver=self
subdomain = zone.extra.get("S%s" % record_id)
type = zone.extra.get("T%s" % record_id)
data = zone.extra.get("D%s" % record_id)
record = self._to_record(record_id, subdomain, type, data, zone)
return record
def update_zone(
self, zone, domain, type="master", ttl=None, extra=None, ex_raw=False
Update an existing zone.
:param zone: Zone to update.
:type zone: :class:`Zone`
:param domain: Zone domain name (e.g.
:type domain: ``str``
:param type: Zone type (master / slave).
:type type: ``str``
:param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional)
:type ttl: ``int``
:param extra: Extra attributes (driver specific) (optional). Values not
specified such as *SECURE*, *IP*, *FOLDER*, *HOSTMASTER*,
*REFRESH*, *RETRY* and *EXPIRE* will be kept as already
is. The same will be for *S(1 to 40)*, *T(1 to 40)* and
*D(1 to 40)* if not in raw mode and for *ZONENS* and
*ZONEDATA* if it is.
:type extra: ``dict``
:param ex_raw: Mode we use to do the update using zone file or not.
:type ex_raw: ``bool``
:rtype: :class:`Zone`
For more info, please see
if extra is not None:
not_specified = [
key for key in zone.extra.keys() if key not in extra.keys()
not_specified = zone.extra.keys()
if ttl is None:
ttl = zone.ttl
params = {"DOMAIN": domain, "TTL": ttl}
for key in not_specified:
params[key] = zone.extra[key]
if extra is not None:
if ex_raw:
action = "/api_dns_modify_raw.asp"
if self.reseller_id is not None:
action = "/api_dns_modify_raw_reseller.asp"
method = "POST"
action = "/api_dns_modify.asp"
if self.reseller_id is not None:
action = "/api_dns_modify_reseller.asp"
method = "GET"
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params, method=method) # noqa
zone = self.get_zone(
return zone
def update_record(self, record, name, type, data, extra=None):
Update an existing record.
:param record: Record to update.
:type record: :class:`Record`
:param name: Record name without the domain name (e.g. www).
Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain
name, you should specify empty string ('') for this
:type name: ``str``
:param type: DNS record type (MX, CNAME, A, NS, SRV, TXT).
:type type: :class:`RecordType`
:param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type).
:type data: ``str``
:param extra: Contains 'entry' Entry position (1 thru 40)
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: :class:`Record`
if (extra is None) or ("entry" not in extra):
raise WorldWideDNSError(
value="You must enter 'entry' parameter", driver=self
record_id = extra.get("entry")
if name == "":
name = "@"
if type not in self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP:
raise RecordError(
value="Record type is not allowed",,
zone =
extra = {
"S%s" % record_id: name,
"T%s" % record_id: type,
"D%s" % record_id: data,
zone = self.update_zone(zone, zone.domain, extra=extra)
record = self.get_record(, record_id)
return record
def create_zone(self, domain, type="master", ttl=None, extra=None):
Create a new zone.
:param domain: Zone domain name (e.g.
:type domain: ``str``
:param type: Zone type (master / slave).
:type type: ``str``
:param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional)
:type ttl: ``int``
:param extra: Extra attributes (driver specific). (optional). Possible
parameter in here should be *DYN* which values should be
1 for standart and 2 for dynamic. Default is 1.
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: :class:`Zone`
For more info, please see
if type == "master":
_type = 0
elif type == "slave":
_type = 1
if extra:
dyn = extra.get("DYN") or 1
dyn = 1
params = {"DOMAIN": domain, "TYPE": _type}
action = "/api_dns_new_domain.asp"
if self.reseller_id is not None:
params["DYN"] = dyn
action = "/api_dns_new_domain_reseller.asp"
self.connection.request(action, params=params)
zone = self.get_zone(domain)
if ttl is not None:
zone = self.update_zone(zone, zone.domain, ttl=ttl)
return zone
def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None):
Create a new record.
We can create 40 record per domain. If all slots are full, we can
replace one of them by choosing a specific entry in ``extra`` argument.
:param name: Record name without the domain name (e.g. www).
Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain
name, you should specify empty string ('') for this
:type name: ``str``
:param zone: Zone where the requested record is created.
:type zone: :class:`Zone`
:param type: DNS record type (MX, CNAME, A, NS, SRV, TXT).
:type type: :class:`RecordType`
:param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type).
:type data: ``str``
:param extra: Contains 'entry' Entry position (1 thru 40)
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: :class:`Record`
if (extra is None) or ("entry" not in extra):
# If no entry is specified, we look for an available one. If all
# are full, raise error.
record_id = self._get_available_record_entry(zone)
if not record_id:
raise WorldWideDNSError(
value="All record entries are full", driver=zone.driver
record_id = extra.get("entry")
if name == "":
name = "@"
if type not in self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP:
raise RecordError(
value="Record type is not allowed",
extra = {
"S%s" % record_id: name,
"T%s" % record_id: type,
"D%s" % record_id: data,
zone = self.update_zone(zone, zone.domain, extra=extra)
record = self.get_record(, record_id)
return record
def delete_zone(self, zone):
Delete a zone.
Note: This will delete all the records belonging to this zone.
:param zone: Zone to delete.
:type zone: :class:`Zone`
:rtype: ``bool``
For more information, please see
params = {"DOMAIN": zone.domain}
action = "/api_dns_delete_domain.asp"
if self.reseller_id is not None:
action = "/api_dns_delete_domain_reseller.asp"
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params)
return response.success()
def delete_record(self, record):
Delete a record.
:param record: Record to delete.
:type record: :class:`Record`
:rtype: ``bool``
zone =
for index in range(MAX_RECORD_ENTRIES):
if == zone.extra["S%s" % (index + 1)]:
entry = index + 1
extra = {"S%s" % entry: "", "T%s" % entry: "NONE", "D%s" % entry: ""}
self.update_zone(zone, zone.domain, extra=extra)
return True
def ex_view_zone(self, domain, name_server):
View zone file from a name server
:param domain: Domain name.
:type domain: ``str``
:param name_server: Name server to check. (1, 2 or 3)
:type name_server: ``int``
:rtype: ``str``
For more info, please see:
params = {"DOMAIN": domain, "NS": name_server}
action = "/api_dns_viewzone.asp"
if self.reseller_id is not None:
action = "/api_dns_viewzone_reseller.asp"
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params)
return response.object
def ex_transfer_domain(self, domain, user_id):
This command will allow you, if you are a reseller, to change the
userid on a domain name to another userid in your account ONLY if that
new userid is already created.
:param domain: Domain name.
:type domain: ``str``
:param user_id: The new userid to connect to the domain name.
:type user_id: ``str``
:rtype: ``bool``
For more info, please see:
if self.reseller_id is None:
raise WorldWideDNSError("This is not a reseller account", driver=self)
params = {"DOMAIN": domain, "NEW_ID": user_id}
response = self.connection.request("/api_dns_transfer.asp", params=params)
return response.success()
def _get_available_record_entry(self, zone):
"""Return an available entry to store a record."""
entries = zone.extra
for entry in range(1, MAX_RECORD_ENTRIES + 1):
subdomain = entries.get("S%s" % entry)
_type = entries.get("T%s" % entry)
data = entries.get("D%s" % entry)
if not any([subdomain, _type, data]):
return entry
return None
def _to_zones(self, data):
domain_list = re.split("\r?\n", data)
zones = []
for line in domain_list:
zone = self._to_zone(line)
return zones
def _to_zone(self, line):
data = line.split("\x1f")
name = data[0]
if data[1] == "P":
type = "master"
domain_data = self._get_domain_data(name)
resp_lines = re.split("\r?\n", domain_data.body)
soa_block = resp_lines[:6]
zone_data = resp_lines[6:]
extra = {
"HOSTMASTER": soa_block[0],
"REFRESH": soa_block[1],
"RETRY": soa_block[2],
"EXPIRE": soa_block[3],
"SECURE": soa_block[5],
ttl = soa_block[4]
for line in range(MAX_RECORD_ENTRIES):
line_data = zone_data[line].split("\x1f")
extra["S%s" % (line + 1)] = line_data[0]
_type = line_data[1]
extra["T%s" % (line + 1)] = _type if _type != "NONE" else ""
extra["D%s" % (line + 1)] = line_data[2]
except IndexError:
extra["D%s" % (line + 1)] = ""
elif data[1] == "S":
type = "slave"
extra = {}
ttl = 0
return Zone(id=name, domain=name, type=type, ttl=ttl, driver=self, extra=extra)
def _get_domain_data(self, name):
params = {"DOMAIN": name}
data = self.connection.request("/api_dns_list_domain.asp", params=params)
return data
def _to_records(self, zone):
records = []
for record_id in range(1, MAX_RECORD_ENTRIES + 1):
subdomain = zone.extra["S%s" % (record_id)]
type = zone.extra["T%s" % (record_id)]
data = zone.extra["D%s" % (record_id)]
if subdomain and type and data:
record = self._to_record(record_id, subdomain, type, data, zone)
return records
def _to_record(self, _id, subdomain, type, data, zone):
return Record(
id=_id, name=subdomain, type=type, data=data, zone=zone, driver=zone.driver