blob: 7f2d0b24a73bd527c92eb0233e64ec1b596ebd65 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
__all__ = ["EBSBackupDriver"]
from libcloud.utils.xml import findtext, findall
from libcloud.utils.iso8601 import parse_date
from libcloud.backup.base import (
from libcloud.backup.types import BackupTargetType, BackupTargetJobStatusType
from import AWSGenericResponse, SignedAWSConnection
VERSION = "2015-10-01"
HOST = ""
ROOT = "/%s/" % (VERSION)
NS = "" % (VERSION,)
class EBSResponse(AWSGenericResponse):
Amazon EBS response class.
namespace = NS
exceptions = {}
xpath = "Error"
class EBSConnection(SignedAWSConnection):
version = VERSION
host = HOST
responseCls = EBSResponse
service_name = "backup"
class EBSBackupDriver(BackupDriver):
name = "Amazon EBS Backup Driver"
website = ""
connectionCls = EBSConnection
def __init__(self, access_id, secret, region):
super(EBSBackupDriver, self).__init__(access_id, secret)
self.region = region = HOST % (region)
def get_supported_target_types(self):
Get a list of backup target types this driver supports
:return: ``list`` of :class:``BackupTargetType``
return [BackupTargetType.VOLUME]
def list_targets(self):
List all backuptargets
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`BackupTarget`
raise NotImplementedError("list_targets not implemented for this driver")
def create_target(self, name, address, type=BackupTargetType.VOLUME, extra=None):
Creates a new backup target
:param name: Name of the target
:type name: ``str``
:param address: The volume ID.
:type address: ``str``
:param type: Backup target type (Physical, Virtual, ...).
:type type: :class:`BackupTargetType`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
# Does nothing since any volume can be snapped at anytime.
return self.ex_get_target_by_volume_id(address)
def create_target_from_node(self, node, type=BackupTargetType.VIRTUAL, extra=None):
Creates a new backup target from an existing node
:param node: The Node to backup
:type node: ``Node``
:param type: Backup target type (Physical, Virtual, ...).
:type type: :class:`BackupTargetType`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
# Get the first EBS volume.
device_mapping = node.extra["block_device_mapping"]
if device_mapping is not None:
return self.create_target(,
raise RuntimeError("Node does not have any block devices")
def create_target_from_container(
self, container, type=BackupTargetType.OBJECT, extra=None
Creates a new backup target from an existing storage container
:param node: The Container to backup
:type node: ``Container``
:param type: Backup target type (Physical, Virtual, ...).
:type type: :class:`BackupTargetType`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
raise NotImplementedError(
"create_target_from_container not implemented for this driver"
def update_target(self, target, name, address, extra):
Update the properties of a backup target
:param target: Backup target to update
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param name: Name of the target
:type name: ``str``
:param address: Hostname, FQDN, IP, file path etc.
:type address: ``str``
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
# Does nothing since any volume can be snapped at anytime.
return self.ex_get_target_by_volume_id(address)
def delete_target(self, target):
Delete a backup target
:param target: Backup target to delete
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
raise NotImplementedError("delete_target not implemented for this driver")
def list_recovery_points(self, target, start_date=None, end_date=None):
List the recovery points available for a target
:param target: Backup target to delete
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param start_date: The start date to show jobs between (optional)
:type start_date: :class:`datetime.datetime`
:param end_date: The end date to show jobs between (optional)
:type end_date: :class:`datetime.datetime``
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`BackupTargetRecoveryPoint`
params = {
"Action": "DescribeSnapshots",
"Filter.1.Name": "volume-id",
"Filter.1.Value": target.extra["volume-id"],
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_recovery_points(data, target)
def recover_target(self, target, recovery_point, path=None):
Recover a backup target to a recovery point
:param target: Backup target to delete
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param recovery_point: Backup target with the backup data
:type recovery_point: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param path: The part of the recovery point to recover (optional)
:type path: ``str``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
raise NotImplementedError("delete_target not implemented for this driver")
def recover_target_out_of_place(
self, target, recovery_point, recovery_target, path=None
Recover a backup target to a recovery point out-of-place
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param recovery_point: Backup target with the backup data
:type recovery_point: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param recovery_target: Backup target with to recover the data to
:type recovery_target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param path: The part of the recovery point to recover (optional)
:type path: ``str``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
raise NotImplementedError("delete_target not implemented for this driver")
def get_target_job(self, target, id):
Get a specific backup job by ID
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param id: Backup target with the backup data
:type id: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:rtype: :class:`BackupTargetJob`
jobs = self.list_target_jobs(target)
return list(filter(lambda x: == id, jobs))[0]
def list_target_jobs(self, target):
List the backup jobs on a target
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
params = {
"Action": "DescribeSnapshots",
"Filter.1.Name": "volume-id",
"Filter.1.Value": target.extra["volume-id"],
"Filter.2.Name": "status",
"Filter.2.Value": "pending",
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_jobs(data)
def create_target_job(self, target, extra=None):
Create a new backup job on a target
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
params = {"Action": "CreateSnapshot", "VolumeId": target.extra["volume-id"]}
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
xpath = "CreateSnapshotResponse"
return self._to_job(findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)[0])
def resume_target_job(self, job):
Resume a suspended backup job on a target
:param job: Backup target job to resume
:type job: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
:rtype: ``bool``
raise NotImplementedError("resume_target_job not supported for this driver")
def suspend_target_job(self, job):
Suspend a running backup job on a target
:param job: Backup target job to suspend
:type job: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
:rtype: ``bool``
raise NotImplementedError("suspend_target_job not supported for this driver")
def cancel_target_job(self, job):
Cancel a backup job on a target
:param job: Backup target job to cancel
:type job: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
:rtype: ``bool``
raise NotImplementedError("cancel_target_job not supported for this driver")
def _to_recovery_points(self, data, target):
xpath = "DescribeSnapshotsResponse/snapshotSet/item"
return [
self._to_recovery_point(el, target)
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)
def _to_recovery_point(self, el, target):
id = findtext(element=el, xpath="snapshotId", namespace=NS)
date = parse_date(findtext(element=el, xpath="startTime", namespace=NS))
tags = self._get_resource_tags(el)
point = BackupTargetRecoveryPoint(
extra={"snapshot-id": id, "tags": tags},
return point
def _to_jobs(self, data):
xpath = "DescribeSnapshotsResponse/snapshotSet/item"
return [
self._to_job(el) for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)
def _to_job(self, el):
id = findtext(element=el, xpath="snapshotId", namespace=NS)
progress = findtext(element=el, xpath="progress", namespace=NS).replace("%", "")
volume_id = findtext(element=el, xpath="volumeId", namespace=NS)
target = self.ex_get_target_by_volume_id(volume_id)
job = BackupTargetJob(
return job
def ex_get_target_by_volume_id(self, volume_id):
return BackupTarget(
extra={"volume-id": volume_id},
def _get_resource_tags(self, element):
Parse tags from the provided element and return a dictionary with
key/value pairs.
:rtype: ``dict``
tags = {}
# Get our tag set by parsing the element
tag_set = findall(element=element, xpath="tagSet/item", namespace=NS)
for tag in tag_set:
key = findtext(element=tag, xpath="key", namespace=NS)
value = findtext(element=tag, xpath="value", namespace=NS)
tags[key] = value
return tags