blob: 8a59610ac59f5363e95a10b7ea74c06d754de7ca [file] [log] [blame]
import unittest
import sys
from integration.driver.test import TestNodeDriver
from import NODES, REPORT_DATA
class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.instance = TestNodeDriver('apache', 'libcloud', secure=False,
host='localhost', port=9898)
def test_nodes(self):
Test that you can list nodes and that the responding objects
match basic values, list (ip), and dict (extra).
nodes = self.instance.list_nodes()
for node in NODES:
match = [n for n in nodes if == node['id']]
self.assertTrue(len(match) == 1)
match = match[0]
self.assertEqual(, node['id'])
self.assertEqual(, node['name'])
self.assertEqual(match.private_ips, node['private_ips'])
self.assertEqual(match.public_ips, node['public_ips'])
self.assertEqual(match.extra, node['extra'])
def test_ex_report_data(self):
Test that a raw request can correctly return the data
data = self.instance.ex_report_data()
self.assertEqual(data, REPORT_DATA)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import libcloud
with open('/tmp/testing.log', 'w') as f: