blob: 8b0a50fab6a2f831bf8f90e7b80b4c39155fb5fb [file] [log] [blame]
Storage Examples
Specify meta-data when uploading an object
Most of the providers allow you to associate arbitrary key-value pairs
(meta-data) with every uploaded object. This example shows how to do that in
.. literalinclude:: /examples/storage/
:language: python
As you can see in the example above, meta-data is specified by including
``meta_data`` key in the ``extra`` dictionary argument which gets passed
to all the upload methods.
Create a backup of a directory and directly stream it to CloudFiles
.. literalinclude:: /examples/storage/
:language: python
Efficiently download multiple files using gevent
.. literalinclude:: /examples/storage/
:language: python
Publishing a static website using CloudFiles driver
.. note::
This example works with Libcloud version 0.11.0 and above.
.. literalinclude:: /examples/storage/
:language: python