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Luadns DNS Driver Documentation
I was a happy user of a free DNS hosting service for many years, when this service was acquired by a competitor in august 2011, I was forced to move somewhere else.
While migrating my zone files I realized that I don't like Bind syntax files neither administering tens of domains through a web interface. I've started to experiment on how it should look a perfect DNS service for me. I've realized that I would love to store my configuration files in a Git repository and I would need some configuration language for templating (Lua).
This is how LuaDNS was born on October, 2011.
Read more at:
Instantiating the driver
.. literalinclude:: /examples/dns/luadns/
:language: python
API Docs
.. autoclass:: libcloud.dns.drivers.luadns.LuadnsDNSDriver
.. _`Luadns`: