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AuroraCompute Computer Driver Documentation
`PCextreme B.V.`_ is a Dutch cloud provider. It provides a public cloud offering
under the name AuroraCompute. All cloud services are under the family name Aurora.
The datacenters / availability zones are located in:
- Amsterdam (NL)
- Rotterdam (NL)
- Miami (US)
- Los Angelos (US)
- Tokyo (JP)
- Barcelona (ES)
.. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/pcextreme.png
:align: center
:width: 300
The AuroraCompute driver is based on the CloudStack driver. Please refer to
:doc:`CloudStack Compute Driver Documentation <cloudstack>` page for more
Instantiating a driver
When you instantiate a driver you need to pass the following arguments to the
driver constructor:
* ``key`` - Your AuroraCompute API key
* ``secret`` - Your AuroraCompute secret key
You can find your 'key' and 'secret' in the AuroraCompute `Control Panel`_ under
your users.
With these credentials you can instantiate a driver:
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/auroracompute/
:language: python
Create a Virtual Machine (node)
Creating a Virtual Machine on AuroraCompute using libcloud works the same as on any
other platform. This example is just to show exactly that.
This example will create a Virtual Machine in Amsterdam. Should you want to create
one in one of our other regions you should take a look at the example below which
shows how to use our different regions.
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/auroracompute/
:language: python
Using a different region
By default the region AMS (Amsterdam) is selected by the driver.
AuroraCompute supports multiple regions and when instantiating the driver you can
choose a region.
Keep in mind that each region uses different credentials. These can be found in
the `Control Panel`_ under your users.
In this example we select the Miami (MIA) region:
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/auroracompute/
:language: python
API Docs
.. autoclass:: libcloud.compute.drivers.auroracompute.AuroraComputeNodeDriver
.. _`PCextreme B.V.`:
.. _`Control Panel`: