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Google Compute Engine Driver Documentation
`Google Compute Engine`_ gives users the ability to run
large-scale workloads on virtual machines hosted on Google's infrastructure.
It is a part of Google Cloud Platform.
.. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/gcp.png
:align: center
:width: 500
Google Compute Engine features:
* High-performance virtual machines
* Minute-level billing (10-minute minimum)
* Fast VM provisioning
* Persistent block storage (SSD and standard)
* Native Load Balancing
Connecting to Google Compute Engine
Libcloud supports three different methods for authenticating:
`Service Account`_, `Installed Application`_ and `Internal Authentication`_.
Which one should I use?
* Service Accounts are generally better suited for automated systems, cron
jobs, etc. They should be used when access to the application/script is
limited and needs to be able to run with limited intervention.
* Installed Application authentication is often the better choice when
creating an application that may be used by third-parties interactively. For
example, a desktop application for managing VMs that would be used by many
different people with different Google accounts.
* If you are running your code on an instance inside Google Compute Engine,
the GCE driver will consult the internal metadata service to obtain an
authorization token. The only value required for this type of
authorization is your Project ID.
Once you have set up the authentication as described below, you pass the
authentication information to the driver as described in `Examples`_. Also
bear in mind that large clock drift (difference in time) between authenticating
host and google will cause authentication to fail.
Service Account
To set up Service Account authentication, you will need to download the
corresponding private key file in either the new JSON (preferred) format, or
the legacy P12 format.
1. Go to Google Cloud Console ( and create a
new project ( or re-use an
existing one.
.. figure:: /_static/images/misc/gce/create_service_account.png
:align: center
:width: 500
2. Select the existing or newly created project and go to IAM & Admin ->
Service Accounts -> Create service account to create a new service account.
Select "Furnish a new private key" to create and download new private key you will
use to authenticate.
a. If you opt for the new preferred JSON format, download the file and
save it to a secure location.
b. If you opt to use the legacy P12 format:
Convert the private key to a .pem file using the following:
``openssl pkcs12 -in YOURPRIVKEY.p12 -nodes -nocerts
| openssl rsa -out PRIV.pem``
Move the .pem file to a safe location
.. figure:: /_static/images/misc/gce/iam_and_roles.png
:align: center
:width: 500
.. figure:: /_static/images/misc/gce/create_service_account.png
:align: center
:width: 500
3. You will need the Service Account's "Email Address" and the path to the
key file for authentication.
.. figure:: /_static/images/misc/gce/view_service_accounts.png
:align: center
:width: 500
4. You will also need your "Project ID" (a string, not a numerical value) that
can be found by clicking on the "Overview" link on the left sidebar.
.. figure:: /_static/images/misc/gce/project_dashboard.png
:align: center
:width: 500
5. You will also need to have billing information associated and enabled for
that project. If billing is not yet enabled for that project an error
message similar to the one below will be printed when you first run the code
which uses GCE driver:
.. sourcecode:: python {u'domain': u'usageLimits', u'message': u'Access Not Configured. Compute Engine API has not been used in project 1029894677594 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.', u'reason': u'accessNotConfigured', u'extendedHelp': u''}
You can simply follow the link in the error message to configure and enable
Installed Application
To set up Installed Account authentication:
1. Go to the `Google Developers Console`_
2. Select your project
3. In the left sidebar, go to "APIs & auth"
4. Click on "Credentials" then "Create New Client ID"
5. Select "Installed application" and "Other" then click "Create Client ID"
6. For authentication, you will need the "Client ID" and the "Client Secret"
7. You will also need your "Project ID" (a string, not a numerical value) that
can be found by clicking on the "Overview" link on the left sidebar.
Internal Authentication
To use GCE's internal metadata service to authenticate, simply specify
your Project ID and let the driver handle the rest. See the
`5. Using GCE Internal Authorization`_ example below.
Accessing Google Cloud services from your Libcloud nodes
In order for nodes created with libcloud to be able to access or manage other
Google Cloud Platform services, you will need to specify a list of Service
Account Scopes. By default libcloud will create nodes that only allow
read-only access to Google Cloud Storage. A few of the examples below
illustrate how to use Service Account Scopes.
Additional example code can be found in the "demos" directory of Libcloud here:
1. Getting Driver with Service Account authentication
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gce/
2. Getting Driver with Installed Application authentication
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gce/
3. Getting Driver using a default Datacenter (Zone)
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gce/
4. Specifying Service Account Scopes
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gce/
5. Using GCE Internal Authorization
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gce/
API Docs
.. autoclass:: libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCENodeDriver
.. _`Google Compute Engine`:
.. _`Google Developers Console`: