blob: c0e2962eb9c47d9190efa760597876c7733dc8e2 [file] [log] [blame]
{"get_pricing_plans_response" :
{ "status_message" : null
, "status_code" : 200
, "error_info" : null
, "response_type" : "OK"
, "human_readable_message" : "Here some pricing plans we are offering on new orders.  Note we offer most disk and memory sizes.  So if you setup a new server feel free to vary these (e.g. different memory, disk, etc) and we will just adjust the pricing to suit.  Pricing is in USD.  If you are an NZ-based customer then we would need to add GST."
, "response_display_duration_type" : "REGULAR"
, "pricing_plan_infos" :
[{ "pricing_plan_code" : "MiroVPSLowContention"
, "pricing_plan_description" : "MiroVPS Semi-Dedicated Server (Dallas)"
, "monthly_recurring_fee" : 32.54
, "monthly_recurring_amt" : {
"amt" : 35.0
, "currency" : "CUR_AUD"
, "amt_usd" : 32.54}
, "minimum_memory_mb" : 950
, "minimum_disk_gb" : 20
, "minimum_data_transfer_allowance_gb" : 75
, "see_also_url" : ""
, "server_type" : "VPS"
, "offered_at_data_center" :
{ "data_center_location_code" : "DCDALLAS"
, "data_center_location_name" : "Dallas" }