Try fixing minio integration tests - it looks like new version of the
container prints different text on startup / ready.
diff --git a/integration/storage/ b/integration/storage/
index 95b7e40..9736972 100644
--- a/integration/storage/
+++ b/integration/storage/
@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@
     port = 9000
     environment = {'MINIO_ROOT_USER': account, 'MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD': secret}
     command = ['server', '/data']
-    ready_message = b'Console endpoint is listening on a dynamic port'
+    # Output seemed to have changed recently, see
+    #
+    #ready_message = b'Console endpoint is listening on a dynamic port'
+    ready_message = b'1 Online'
     def test_cdn_url(self):
         self.skipTest('Not implemented in driver')