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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# limitations under the License.
Abiquo Test Suite
import sys
from libcloud.test import MockHttp, unittest
from libcloud.utils.py3 import ET, httplib
from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError, InvalidCredsError
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeImage, NodeLocation
from libcloud.test.compute import TestCaseMixin
from libcloud.common.abiquo import ForbiddenError, get_href
from libcloud.test.file_fixtures import ComputeFileFixtures
from libcloud.compute.drivers.abiquo import AbiquoNodeDriver
class AbiquoNodeDriverTest(TestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
Abiquo Node Driver test suite
def setUpClass(cls):
Set up the driver with the main user
AbiquoNodeDriver.connectionCls.conn_class = AbiquoMockHttp
cls.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("son", "goku", "")
def test_unauthorized_controlled(self):
Test the Unauthorized Exception is Controlled.
Test, through the 'login' method, that a '401 Unauthorized'
raises a 'InvalidCredsError' instead of the 'MalformedUrlException'
def test_forbidden_controlled(self):
Test the Forbidden Exception is Controlled.
Test, through the 'list_images' method, that a '403 Forbidden'
raises an 'ForbidenError' instead of the 'MalformedUrlException'
AbiquoNodeDriver.connectionCls.conn_class = AbiquoMockHttp
conn = AbiquoNodeDriver("son", "gohan", "")
self.assertRaises(ForbiddenError, conn.list_images)
def test_handle_other_errors_such_as_not_found(self):
Test common 'logical' exceptions are controlled.
Test that common exception (normally 404-Not Found and 409-Conflict),
that return an XMLResponse with the explanation of the errors are
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("go", "trunks", "")
self.assertRaises(LibcloudError, self.driver.list_images)
def test_ex_create_and_delete_empty_group(self):
Test the creation and deletion of an empty group.
group = self.driver.ex_create_group("libcloud_test_group")
def test_create_node_no_image_raise_exception(self):
Test 'create_node' without image.
Test the 'create_node' function without 'image' parameter raises
an Exception
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.driver.create_node)
def test_list_locations_response(self):
if not self.should_list_locations:
return None
locations = self.driver.list_locations()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(locations, list))
def test_create_node_specify_location(self):
Test you can create a node specifying the location.
image = self.driver.list_images()[0]
location = self.driver.list_locations()[0]
self.driver.create_node(image=image, location=location)
def test_create_node_specify_wrong_location(self):
Test you can not create a node with wrong location.
image = self.driver.list_images()[0]
location = NodeLocation(435, "fake-location", "Spain", self.driver)
self.assertRaises(LibcloudError, self.driver.create_node, image=image, location=location)
def test_create_node_specify_wrong_image(self):
Test image compatibility.
Some locations only can handle a group of images, not all of them.
Test you can not create a node with incompatible image-location.
# Create fake NodeImage
image = NodeImage(3234, "dummy-image", self.driver)
location = self.driver.list_locations()[0]
# With this image, it should raise an Exception
self.assertRaises(LibcloudError, self.driver.create_node, image=image, location=location)
def test_create_node_specify_group_name(self):
Test 'create_node' into a concrete group.
image = self.driver.list_images()[0]
self.driver.create_node(image=image, ex_group_name="new_group_name")
def test_create_group_location_does_not_exist(self):
Test 'create_node' with an unexistent location.
Defines a 'fake' location and tries to create a node into it.
location = NodeLocation(435, "fake-location", "Spain", self.driver)
# With this location, it should raise an Exception
def test_destroy_node_response(self):
'destroy_node' basic test.
Override the destroy to return a different node available
to be undeployed. (by default it returns an already undeployed node,
for test creation).
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("go", "trunks", "")
node = self.driver.list_nodes()[0]
ret = self.driver.destroy_node(node)
def test_destroy_node_response_failed(self):
'destroy_node' asynchronous error.
Test that the driver handles correctly when, for some reason,
the 'destroy' job fails.
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("muten", "roshi", "")
node = self.driver.list_nodes()[0]
ret = self.driver.destroy_node(node)
def test_destroy_node_allocation_state(self):
Test the 'destroy_node' invalid state.
Try to destroy a node when the node is not running.
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("ve", "geta", "")
# Override the destroy to return a different node available to be
# undeployed
node = self.driver.list_nodes()[0]
# The mock class with the user:password 've:geta' returns a node that
# is in 'ALLOCATION' state and hence, the 'destroy_node' method should
# raise a LibcloudError
self.assertRaises(LibcloudError, self.driver.destroy_node, node)
def test_destroy_not_deployed_group(self):
Test 'ex_destroy_group' when group is not deployed.
location = self.driver.list_locations()[0]
group = self.driver.ex_list_groups(location)[1]
def test_destroy_deployed_group(self):
Test 'ex_destroy_group' when there are machines running.
location = self.driver.list_locations()[0]
group = self.driver.ex_list_groups(location)[0]
def test_destroy_deployed_group_failed(self):
Test 'ex_destroy_group' fails.
Test driver handles correctly when, for some reason, the
asynchronous job fails.
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("muten", "roshi", "")
location = self.driver.list_locations()[0]
group = self.driver.ex_list_groups(location)[0]
def test_destroy_group_invalid_state(self):
Test 'ex_destroy_group' invalid state.
Test the Driver raises an exception when the group is in
invalid temporal state.
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("ve", "geta", "")
location = self.driver.list_locations()[0]
group = self.driver.ex_list_groups(location)[1]
self.assertRaises(LibcloudError, group.destroy)
def test_run_node(self):
Test 'ex_run_node' feature.
node = self.driver.list_nodes()[0]
# Node is by default in NodeState.TERMINATED and AbiquoState ==
# so it is available to be runned
def test_run_node_invalid_state(self):
Test 'ex_run_node' invalid state.
Test the Driver raises an exception when try to run a
node that is in invalid state to run.
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("go", "trunks", "")
node = self.driver.list_nodes()[0]
# Node is by default in AbiquoState = 'ON' for user 'go:trunks'
# so is not available to be runned
self.assertRaises(LibcloudError, self.driver.ex_run_node, node)
def test_run_node_failed(self):
Test 'ex_run_node' fails.
Test driver handles correctly when, for some reason, the
asynchronous job fails.
self.driver = AbiquoNodeDriver("ten", "shin", "")
node = self.driver.list_nodes()[0]
# Node is in the correct state, but it fails because of the
# async task and it raises the error.
self.assertRaises(LibcloudError, self.driver.ex_run_node, node)
def test_get_href(self):
xml = """
<link href=""
type="application/vnd.abiquo.datacenter+xml" rel="edit1"/>
<link href=""
type="application/vnd.abiquo.datacenter+xml" rel="edit2"/>
<link href=""
type="application/vnd.abiquo.datacenter+xml" rel="edit3"/>
elem = ET.XML(xml)
href = get_href(element=elem, rel="edit1")
self.assertEqual(href, "/admin/datacenters/2")
href = get_href(element=elem, rel="edit2")
self.assertEqual(href, "/admin/datacenters/3")
href = get_href(element=elem, rel="edit3")
self.assertEqual(href, "/admin/enterprises/1234")
class AbiquoMockHttp(MockHttp):
Mock the functionallity of the remote Abiquo API.
fixtures = ComputeFileFixtures("abiquo")
fixture_tag = "default"
def _api_login(self, method, url, body, headers):
if headers["Authorization"] == "Basic c29uOmdvdGVu":
expected_response = self.fixtures.load("unauthorized_user.html")
expected_status = httplib.UNAUTHORIZED
expected_response = self.fixtures.load("login.xml")
expected_status = httplib.OK
return (expected_status, expected_response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters(self, method, url, body, headers):
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("vdcs.xml"), {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4(self, method, url, body, headers):
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("vdc_4.xml"), {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances(self, method, url, body, headers):
if method == "POST":
vapp_name = ET.XML(body).findtext("name")
if vapp_name == "libcloud_test_group":
# we come from 'test_ex_create_and_delete_empty_group(self):'
# method and so, we return the 'ok' return
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_creation_ok.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
elif vapp_name == "new_group_name":
# we come from 'test_ex_create_and_delete_empty_group(self):'
# method and so, we return the 'ok' return
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_creation_ok.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
# It will be a 'GET';
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapps.xml"), {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_5(self, method, url, body, headers):
if method == "GET":
if headers["Authorization"] == "Basic dmU6Z2V0YQ==":
# Try to destroy a group with 'needs_sync' state
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_5_needs_sync.xml")
# Try to destroy a group with 'undeployed' state
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_5.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
# it will be a 'DELETE'
return (httplib.NO_CONTENT, "", {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6(self, method, url, body, headers):
if method == "GET":
# deployed vapp
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
# it will be a 'DELETE'
return (httplib.NO_CONTENT, "", {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3_tasks_1da8c8b6_86f6_49ef_9d29_57dcc73b875a(
self, method, url, body, headers
if headers["Authorization"] == "Basic bXV0ZW46cm9zaGk=":
# User 'muten:roshi' failed task
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_undeploy_task_failed.xml")
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_undeploy_task.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_5_virtualmachines(
self, method, url, body, headers
# This virtual app never have virtual machines
if method == "GET":
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_5_vms.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
elif method == "POST":
# it must be a POST
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_creation_ok.xml")
return (httplib.CREATED, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines(
self, method, url, body, headers
# Default-created virtual app virtual machines'
if method == "GET":
if headers["Authorization"] == "Basic dmU6Z2V0YQ==":
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vms_allocated.xml")
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vms.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
# it must be a POST
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_creation_ok.xml")
return (httplib.CREATED, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3(
self, method, url, body, headers
if (
headers["Authorization"] == "Basic Z286dHJ1bmtz"
or headers["Authorization"] == "Basic bXV0ZW46cm9zaGk="
# Undeploy node
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_deployed.xml")
elif headers["Authorization"] == "Basic dmU6Z2V0YQ==":
# Try to undeploy a node with 'allocation' state
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_allocated.xml")
# Get node
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3_action_deploy(
self, method, url, body, headers
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_deploy.xml")
return (httplib.CREATED, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3_tasks_b44fe278_6b0f_4dfb_be81_7c03006a93cb(
self, method, url, body, headers
if headers["Authorization"] == "Basic dGVuOnNoaW4=":
# User 'ten:shin' failed task
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_deploy_task_failed.xml")
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_deploy_task.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_action_undeploy(
self, method, url, body, headers
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_undeploy.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3_action_reset(
self, method, url, body, headers
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_reset.xml")
return (httplib.CREATED, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3_tasks_a8c9818e_f389_45b7_be2c_3db3a9689940(
self, method, url, body, headers
if headers["Authorization"] == "Basic bXV0ZW46cm9zaGk=":
# User 'muten:roshi' failed task
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_undeploy_task_failed.xml")
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_reset_task.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3_action_undeploy(
self, method, url, body, headers
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_undeploy.xml")
return (httplib.CREATED, response, {}, "")
def _api_cloud_virtualdatacenters_4_virtualappliances_6_virtualmachines_3_network_nics(
self, method, url, body, headers
response = self.fixtures.load("vdc_4_vapp_6_vm_3_nics.xml")
return (httplib.OK, response, {}, "")
def _api_admin_datacenters(self, method, url, body, headers):
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("dcs.xml"), {}, "")
def _api_admin_enterprises_1(self, method, url, body, headers):
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("ent_1.xml"), {}, "")
def _api_admin_enterprises_1_datacenterrepositories(self, method, url, body, headers):
# When the user is the common one for all the tests ('son, 'goku')
# it creates this basic auth and we return the datacenters value
if headers["Authorization"] == "Basic Z286dHJ1bmtz":
expected_response = self.fixtures.load("not_found_error.xml")
return (httplib.NOT_FOUND, expected_response, {}, "")
elif headers["Authorization"] != "Basic c29uOmdvaGFu":
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("ent_1_dcreps.xml"), {}, "")
# son:gohan user: forbidden error
expected_response = self.fixtures.load("privilege_errors.html")
return (httplib.FORBIDDEN, expected_response, {}, "")
def _api_admin_enterprises_1_datacenterrepositories_2(self, method, url, body, headers):
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("ent_1_dcrep_2.xml"), {}, "")
def _api_admin_enterprises_1_datacenterrepositories_2_virtualmachinetemplates(
self, method, url, body, headers
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("ent_1_dcrep_2_templates.xml"), {}, "")
def _api_admin_enterprises_1_datacenterrepositories_2_virtualmachinetemplates_11(
self, method, url, body, headers
return (httplib.OK, self.fixtures.load("ent_1_dcrep_2_template_11.xml"), {}, "")
if __name__ == "__main__":