blob: d36bb171cc1a3b6fd030036d0935a7ef1e2b6449 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
__all__ = [
from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, BaseDriver
from libcloud.dns.types import RecordType
class Zone(object):
DNS zone.
def __init__(self, id, domain, type, ttl, driver, extra=None):
@type id: C{str}
@param id: Zone id.
@type domain: C{str}
@param domain: The name of the domain.
@type type: C{string}
@param type: Zone type (master, slave).
@type ttl: C{int}
@param ttl: Default TTL for records in this zone (in seconds).
@type driver: C{DNSDriver}
@param driver: DNSDriver instance.
@type extra: C{dict}
@param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
""" = str(id) if id else None
self.domain = domain
self.type = type
self.ttl = ttl or None
self.driver = driver
self.extra = extra or {}
def list_records(self):
return self.driver.list_records(zone=self)
def create_record(self, name, type, data, extra=None):
return self.driver.create_record(name=name, zone=self, type=type,
data=data, extra=extra)
def update(self, domain=None, type=None, ttl=None, extra=None):
return self.driver.update_zone(zone=self, domain=domain, type=type,
ttl=ttl, extra=extra)
def delete(self):
return self.driver.delete_zone(zone=self)
def __repr__(self):
return ('<Zone: domain=%s, ttl=%s, provider=%s ...>' %
(self.domain, self.ttl,
class Record(object):
Zone record / resource.
def __init__(self, id, name, type, data, zone, driver, extra=None):
@type id: C{str}
@param id: Record id
@type name: C{str}
@param name: Hostname or FQDN.
@type type: C{RecordType}
@param type: DNS record type (A, AAAA, ...).
@type data: C{str}
@param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type).
@type zone: C{Zone}
@param zone: Zone instance.
@type driver: C{DNSDriver}
@param driver: DNSDriver instance.
@type extra: C{dict}
@param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
""" = str(id) if id else None = name
self.type = type = data = zone
self.driver = driver
self.extra = extra or {}
def update(self, name=None, type=None, data=None, extra=None):
return self.driver.update_record(record=self, name=name, type=type,
data=data, extra=extra)
def delete(self):
return self.driver.delete_record(record=self)
def __repr__(self):
return ('<Record: zone=%s, name=%s, type=%s, data=%s, provider=%s '
'...>' %
(,, RecordType.__repr__(self.type),,
class DNSDriver(BaseDriver):
DNS driver.
connectionCls = ConnectionUserAndKey
name = None
website = None
def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
@param key: API key or username to used (required)
@type key: C{str}
@param secret: Secret password to be used (required)
@type secret: C{str}
@param secure: Weither to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers
only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
@type secure: C{bool}
@param host: Override hostname used for connections.
@type host: C{str}
@param port: Override port used for connections.
@type port: C{int}
@rtype: C{None}
super(DNSDriver, self).__init__(key=key, secret=secret, secure=secure,
host=host, port=port, **kwargs)
def list_record_types(self):
Return a list of RecordType objects supported by the provider.
@rtype: C{list} of L{RecordType}
return list(self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP.keys())
def iterate_zones(self):
Return a generator to iterate over available zones.
@rtype: C{generator} of L{Zone}
raise NotImplementedError(
'iterate_zones not implemented for this driver')
def list_zones(self):
Return a list of zones.
@rtype: C{list} of L{Zone}
return list(self.iterate_zones())
def iterate_records(self, zone):
Return a generator to iterate over records for the provided zone.
@param zone: Zone to list records for.
@type zone: L{Zone}
@rtype: C{generator} of L{Record}
raise NotImplementedError(
'iterate_records not implemented for this driver')
def list_records(self, zone):
Return a list of records for the provided zone.
@param zone: Zone to list records for.
@type zone: L{Zone}
@rtype: C{list} of L{Record}
return list(self.iterate_records(zone))
def get_zone(self, zone_id):
Return a Zone instance.
@param zone_id: ID of the required zone
@type zone_id: C{str}
@rtype: L{Zone}
raise NotImplementedError(
'get_zone not implemented for this driver')
def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id):
Return a Record instance.
@param zone_id: ID of the required zone
@type zone_id: C{str}
@param record_id: ID of the required record
@type record_id: C{str}
@rtype: L{Record}
raise NotImplementedError(
'get_record not implemented for this driver')
def create_zone(self, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None):
Create a new zone.
@param domain: Zone domain name.
@type domain: C{str}
@param type: Zone type (master / slave).
@type type: C{str}
@param ttl: (optional) TTL for new records.
@type ttl: C{int}
@param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
@type extra: C{dict}
@rtype: L{Zone}
raise NotImplementedError(
'create_zone not implemented for this driver')
def update_zone(self, zone, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None):
Update en existing zone.
@param zone: Zone to update.
@type zone: L{Zone}
@param domain: Zone domain name.
@type domain: C{str}
@param type: Zone type (master / slave).
@type type: C{str}
@param ttl: (optional) TTL for new records.
@type ttl: C{int}
@param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
@type extra: C{dict}
@rtype: L{Zone}
raise NotImplementedError(
'update_zone not implemented for this driver')
def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None):
Create a new record.
@param name: Hostname or FQDN.
@type name: C{str}
@param zone: Zone where the requested record is created.
@type zone: L{Zone}
@param type: DNS record type (A, AAAA, ...).
@type type: L{RecordType}
@param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type).
@type data: C{str}
@param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
@type extra: C{dict}
@rtype: L{Record}
raise NotImplementedError(
'create_record not implemented for this driver')
def update_record(self, record, name, type, data, extra):
Update an existing record.
@param record: Record to update.
@type record: L{Record}
@param name: Hostname or FQDN.
@type name: C{str}
@param type: DNS record type (A, AAAA, ...).
@type type: L{RecordType}
@param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type).
@type data: C{str}
@param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
@type extra: C{dict}
@rtype: L{Record}
raise NotImplementedError(
'update_record not implemented for this driver')
def delete_zone(self, zone):
Delete a zone.
Note: This will delete all the records belonging to this zone.
@param zone: Zone to delete.
@type zone: L{Zone}
@rtype: C{bool}
raise NotImplementedError(
'delete_zone not implemented for this driver')
def delete_record(self, record):
Delete a record.
@param record: Record to delete.
@type record: L{Record}
@rtype: C{bool}
raise NotImplementedError(
'delete_record not implemented for this driver')
def _string_to_record_type(self, string):
Return a string representation of a DNS record type to a
libcloud RecordType ENUM.
string = string.upper()
record_type = getattr(RecordType, string)
return record_type