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<h2><a href="/blog/2012/12/28/new-committer-mahendra-maheshwara-joins-our-team.html">New committer Mahendra Maheshwara joins our team</a></h2>
<span class="post-date-author">By Tomaz Muraus on Dec 28, 2012</span>
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<p>The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Libcloud has asked
Mahendra Maheshwara to become a committer and we are pleased to announce
that they have accepted.</p>
<p>Mahendra Maheshwara has joined the Libcloud community fairly recently, but
he has already contributed multiple great patches -
<p>Giving him commit access will allow him to more directly contribute to the
<p>Everyone, please help me welcome him to the team :)</p>
<p>Source: <a href="">mailing list thread</a>.</p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/2012/12/26/2012-in-retrospect-and-happy-new-year-from-libcloud-team.html">2012 in retrospect and a Happy New Year from the Libcloud team</a></h2>
<span class="post-date-author">By Tomaz Muraus on Dec 26, 2012</span>
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<p>Dear users, developers and team members!</p>
<p>2012 is slowly coming to an end and Libcloud team wishes everyone a happy
and successful new year 2013!</p>
<p>2012 has been another great year for us and we have surpassed 2011 in
pretty much every aspect.</p>
<p>Here is a short list of things which have been accomplished and important
events which have happened in 2012:</p>
<li>One new committer Ilgiz Islamgulov (ilgiz) has joined the team.</li>
<li>We have another new commiter joining our team soon (Mahendra M).
Currently he is undergoing a process of submitting his ICLA.</li>
<li>134 new JIRA issues have been opened (total of 271). Out of those 134
issues, 111 are now marked as ‘resolved’.</li>
<li>SVN repository has had a total of 320 commit. More than 50% of those
commits were patches from external contributors.</li>
<li>We had our first Google Summer of Code student which worked on a project
named “Libcloud REST” ( The
goal of the project is to expose Libcloud functionality over HTTP.</li>
<li>Tomaz gave a talk titled “Avoiding Vendor Lock-In Using Apache Libcloud”
at CloudOpen 2012 in San Diego</li>
<li>We now finally have some more user friendly documentation and examples on
the website -</li>
<li>We held a first in person meetup at the Rackspace San Francisco office in
the beginning of the year (</li>
<li>We had a total of 7 releases (0.8.0, 0.9.1, 0.10.1, 0.11.0, 0.11.1,
0.11.3, 0.11.4) and over 70.000 downloads / installs on PyPi (</li>
<li>Github mirror has been starred by 266 users (</li>
<p>Thanks again to everyone for their work and contributions and lets make
2013 even better :)</p>
<p>I will post those numbers in a more machine readable format (JSON) in the
next couple of weeks. This way it will be easier for us to track those
metrics on a year over year basis.</p>
<p>Numbers retrieved on: 2012-12-25.
Sources for those numbers: JIRA, Libcloud website, PyPi,, Google
<p>Source: <a href="">mailing list post</a>.</p>
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