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title: Apache Libcloud is a standard Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs
description: Python library for interacting with many of the popular cloud service providers using a unified API.
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<h1>One Interface To Rule Them All</h1>
<h2 class="tagline">Python library for interacting with many of the popular
cloud service providers using a unified API.</h2>
<p>Supports <a href="" target="_blank">more than 50</a> providers such as</p>
<div id="carousel-provider-logos" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel" data-interval="3500">
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<img src="/images/provider-logos/rackspace.png" class="provider-logo" /></a>
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<img src="/images/provider-logos/aws.png" class="provider-logo" /></a>
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<img src="/images/provider-logos/cloudstack.png" class="provider-logo" /></a>
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<img src="/images/provider-logos/openstack.png" class="provider-logo" /></a>
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<img src="/images/provider-logos/digitalocean.png" class="provider-logo" /></a>
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<img src="/images/provider-logos/joyent.png" class="provider-logo" />
<img src="/images/provider-logos/linode.png" class="provider-logo" />
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<p>Latest stable version (Python 3.5+ only): <a href="" target="_blank">3.5.0</a> (March 11th, 2022)</p>
<p>Latest bug-fix only version (Python 3.5+ only): <a href="" target="_blank">3.4.1</a> (November 11th, 2021)</p>
<p>Latest bug-fix only version (Python 2 and Python 3): <a href="" target="_blank">2.8.3</a> (June 12th, 2020)</p>
<p><code>pip install apache-libcloud</code></p>
<p>Or <a href="downloads.html">download it from our servers</a> and install it manually.</p>
<div class="col-md-6">
<li>Avoid vendor lock-in</li>
<li>Use the same API to talk to many different providers</li>
<li>More than <a href="">
30 supported providers</a> total</li>
<li>Six main APIs:
<a href="">Compute</a>,
<a href="">Storage</a>,
<a href="">Load Balancers</a>,
<a href="">DNS</a>,
<a href="">Container</a>,
<a href="">Backup</a></li>
<li>Supports <a href="/about.html#supported-python-versions">Python 3, PyPy (3.x and 2.x) and Python 2.7 (v2.8.x release series)</a></li>
<div class="row section row-3">
<div class="col-md-6 example" data-example="compute-1">
<h3>Compute Example - Create a node</h3>
{% highlight python linedivs %}
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
cls = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE)
driver = cls('username', 'api key', region='iad')
sizes = driver.list_sizes()
images = driver.list_images()
size = [s for s in sizes if == 'performance1-1'][0]
image = [i for i in images if 'Ubuntu 18.04' in][0]
node = driver.create_node(name='libcloud', size=size, image=image)
{% endhighlight %}
<p>For information on what the code does, click or hover over the line.</p>
<p>For more compute examples, see <a href="">documentation</a>.</p>
<div class="col-md-6 example" data-example="dns-1">
<h3>DNS Example - Create a DNS record</h3>
{% highlight python linedivs %}
from libcloud.dns.types import Provider, RecordType
from libcloud.dns.providers import get_driver
cls = get_driver(Provider.ZERIGO)
driver = cls('email', 'api key')
zones = driver.list_zones()
zone = [zone for zone in zones if zone.domain == ''][0]
record = zone.create_record(name='www', type=RecordType.A, data='')
{% endhighlight %}
<p>For information on what the code does, click or hover over the line.</p>
<p>For more DNS examples, see <a href="">documentation</a>.</p>
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<h3>Latest Blog Posts</h3>
{% for post in site.posts limit:4 %}
{% unless post.exclude_from_index %}
<p><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
<p>You can also subscribe and stay up to date using our
<a href="/blog/atom.xml">RSS / Atom feed.</a></p>
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<h3>Whois using Libcloud?</h3>
<div class="whos-using text-center">
<a href="" alt="SaltStack" title="SaltStack - Central system and configuration manager" rel="tooltip" "target="_blank"><img src="/images/whois-using/saltstack.png" class="logo" /></a>
<a href="" alt="CloudControl" title="cloudControl - Rock-solid European Platform as a Service" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/whois-using/cloudcontrol.png" class="logo" /></a>
<a href="" alt="" title=" - Cloud management in your pocket" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/whois-using/mistio.png" class="logo" /></a>
<div class="whos-using text-center">
<a href="" alt="Scalr" title="Scalr - Enterprise Cloud Management Platform" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/whois-using/scalr.png" class="logo" /></a>
<a href="" alt="Rackspace" title="Rackspace - The Open Cloud Company" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/whois-using/rackspace.png" class="logo" /></a>
<a href="" alt="DivvyCloud" title="DivvyCloud - Hybrid Cloud Management" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/whois-using/divvycloud.png" class="logo" /></a>
<p>See <a href="/whois-using.html">more projects and companies</a> using Libcloud.</p>
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<h3>Get in Touch, Follow Us</h3>
<p>Users mailing list: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Developers mailing list: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>IRC channel: <a href="">#libcloud on Libera.Chat</a></p>
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<a href="" title="Libcloud on Github" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/social-icons/github.jpg" alt="Libcloud on Github" class="social-icon" /></a>
<a href="" title="Libcloud on Twitter" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/social-icons/twitter.png" alt="Libcloud on Twitter" class="social-icon" /></a>
<a href="" title="Libcloud on Open Hub" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/social-icons/openhub.png" alt="Libcloud on Open Hub" class="social-icon" /></a>
<a href="" title="Libcloud on SourceGraph" rel="tooltip" target="_blank"><img src="/images/social-icons/sourcegraph.png" alt="Libcloud on SourceGraph" class="social-icon" /></a>
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<h3>Events, Other</h3>
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