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<h2>Libcloud 2.0.0rc2 released</h2>
<span class="post-date-author">By Anthony Shaw on Apr 07, 2017</span>
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<p>We are pleased to announce the release of Libcloud 2.0.0rc2.</p>
<p>This release brings many new features, improvements, bug-fixes, and drivers.</p>
<h2 id="release-highlights">Release highlights</h2>
<li>Apache Libcloud 2.0 series replaces the use of Python httplib with a hard dependency on the <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">requests</code> package. Users’ no longer
have to specific Certificate Authority bundles when using Apache Libcloud</li>
<li>10% performance improvement through the use of HTTP sessions</li>
<li>Support for buffered IO streams for storage drivers</li>
<li>Support for Python 3.6, deprecation of Python 3.2</li>
<p>A detailed description of the 2.0 changes is documented <a href="">here</a></p>
<p>Note that 2.0.0rc1 was not released to PyPi as 4 breaking issues were discovered by users. The changelog for both 2.0.0rc2 and rc1 is below.</p>
<h2 id="release-highlights-for-200rc2">Release highlights for 2.0.0rc2</h2>
<h3 id="compute">Compute</h3>
<li>Fix a bug in profitbricks driver where listing snapshots would request a malformed URL</li>
<li>Fix LIBCLOUD-806 bug where vsphere driver cannot be instantiated</li>
<li>[google compute] Improve performance of list nodes by caching volume information.</li>
<h3 id="common">Common</h3>
<li>Fix LIBCLOUD_DEBUG trying to decompress already decompressed responses</li>
<li>Added an integration test API and a test suite for validating functionality
without mocking any libcloud subsystems</li>
<li>Fix for Linode classes since 2.0x</li>
<li>Fix CertificateConnection not correctly signing requests in 2.0rc1, impacted
Azure classic driver, OpenStack and Docker driver</li>
<li>Change Cloudscale to</li>
<li>Explicitly check if response is None in RawResponse class</li>
<h3 id="compute-1">Compute</h3>
<li>Outscale SAS doc improvements and logo update</li>
<li>[GCE] Allow preemptible instances to be created</li>
<li>Add support for forcing detachment of EBS volumes to EC2 driver</li>
<li>Fix Public IP not assigned when creating NIC on Azure ARM</li>
<li>[ONAPP] Add list images support for OnApp driver</li>
<li>[EC2] Add r4 instance types for AWS</li>
<li>[EC2] support for AWS eu-west-2 and ca-central-1 regions</li>
<li>[EC2] Add P2 GPU instance types</li>
<li>[EC2] Add method to modify snapshot attribute for EC2</li>
<li>[Linode] Add start, stop instance methods and fix incorrect state TERMINATED to STOPPED</li>
<li>[EC2] Add ENA support for EC2 compute images</li>
<li>[Azure ARM] fix typeerror on ex_list_nics</li>
<li>[GCE] allow delete instances from managed group</li>
<h3 id="storage">Storage</h3>
<li>Reintroduce S3 multipart upload support with signature v4</li>
<h2 id="changes-apache-libcloud-200rc1">Changes Apache Libcloud 2.0.0rc1</h2>
<h3 id="common-1">Common</h3>
<li>Fix DEBUG mode, also add support for using io.StringIO as the file handle when calling libcloud.enable_debug</li>
<li>Introduction of the requests package as the mechanism for making HTTP requests for all drivers</li>
<li>Fix bug where custom port and secure flag would not get propagated to connection class</li>
<li>Fix bug where custom port would not get propagated to connection</li>
<li>Fix bug where instantiating a connection from URL and then requesting an action with a leading / would lead to
a malformed URL</li>
<h3 id="compute-2">Compute</h3>
<li>Fix a bug in profitbricks driver where listing snapshots would request a malformed URL</li>
<li>Fix LIBCLOUD-806 bug where vsphere driver cannot be instantiated</li>
<li>[google compute] Improve performance of list nodes by caching volume information.</li>
<p>Full change log can be found at <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<h3 id="special-thank-you">Special thank you</h3>
<p>I would like to wish a special thank you to all of our community contributors
for their ongoing support to the project.</p>
<h3 id="download">Download</h3>
<p>The release can can be downloaded from
<a href=""></a> or installed using pip:</p>
pip install apache-libcloud==2.0.0rc2
<h3 id="upgrading">Upgrading</h3>
<p>If you have installed Libcloud using pip you can also use it to upgrade it:</p>
pip install --upgrade apache-libcloud==2.0.0rc2
<h3 id="upgrade-notes">Upgrade notes</h3>
<p>A page which describes backward incompatible or semi-incompatible
changes and how to preserve the old behavior when this is possible
can be found at <a href=""></a></p>
<h3 id="documentation">Documentation</h3>
<p>Regular and API documentation is available at <a href=""></a></p>
<h3 id="bugs--issues">Bugs / Issues</h3>
<p>If you find any bug or issue, please report it on our issue tracker
<a href=""></a>.
Don’t forget to attach an example and / or test which reproduces your
<h3 id="thanks">Thanks</h3>
<p>Thanks to everyone who contributed and made this release possible! Full
list of people who contributed to this release can be found in the
<a href="">CHANGES file</a>.</p>
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