blob: c9aa77bd018b99d320b76f8ef983e8650c08a791 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as github from '@actions/github'
import {
} from '@octokit/types'
const micromatch = require('micromatch');
type WorkflowRunStatus = 'queued' | 'in_progress' | 'completed'
type WorkflowRunConclusion = 'success' | 'failure' | 'neutral' | 'cancelled' | 'skipped' | 'timed_out'
const concurrentSkippingMap = {
"always": null,
"same_content": null,
"same_content_newer": null,
"outdated_runs": null,
"never": null,
function getConcurrentSkippingOptions(): string[] {
return Object.keys(concurrentSkippingMap);
type ConcurrentSkippingOption = keyof typeof concurrentSkippingMap;
interface WorkflowRun {
event: WRunTrigger;
treeHash: string;
commitHash: string;
status: WorkflowRunStatus;
conclusion: WorkflowRunConclusion | null;
html_url: string;
branch: string | null;
runId: number;
workflowId: number;
createdAt: string;
runNumber: number;
type WRunTrigger = "pull_request" | "push" | "workflow_dispatch" | "schedule";
interface WRunContext {
repoOwner: string;
repoName: string;
currentRun: WorkflowRun;
olderRuns: WorkflowRun[];
allRuns: WorkflowRun[];
octokit: any;
pathsIgnore: string[];
paths: string[];
doNotSkip: WRunTrigger[];
concurrentSkipping: ConcurrentSkippingOption;
function parseWorkflowRun(run: ActionsGetWorkflowRunResponseData): WorkflowRun {
const treeHash = run.head_commit?.tree_id;
if (!treeHash) {
logFatal(`Could not find the tree hash of run ${run}`);
const workflowId = run.workflow_id;
if (!workflowId) {
logFatal(`Could not find the workflow id of run ${run}`);
return {
event: run.event as WRunTrigger,
commitHash: run.head_sha,
status: run.status as WorkflowRunStatus,
conclusion: run.conclusion as WorkflowRunConclusion ?? null,
html_url: run.html_url,
branch: run.head_branch ?? null,
createdAt: run.created_at,
runNumber: run.run_number,
function parseAllRuns(response: ActionsListWorkflowRunsResponseData): WorkflowRun[] {
return => parseWorkflowRun(run));
function parseOlderRuns(response: ActionsListWorkflowRunsResponseData, currentRun: WorkflowRun): WorkflowRun[] {
const olderRuns = response.workflow_runs.filter((run) => {
// Only consider older workflow-runs to prevent some nasty race conditions and edge cases.
return new Date(run.created_at).getTime() < new Date(currentRun.createdAt).getTime();
return => parseWorkflowRun(run));
async function main() {
const token = core.getInput('github_token', { required: true });
if (!token) {
logFatal("Did not find github_token");
const repo = github.context.repo;
const repoOwner = repo?.owner;
if (!repoOwner) {
logFatal("Did not find the repo owner");
const repoName = repo?.repo;
if (!repoName) {
logFatal("Did not find the repo name");
const runId = github.context.runId;
if (!runId) {
logFatal("Did not find runId");
let context: WRunContext;
try {
const octokit = github.getOctokit(token);
const { data: current_run } = await octokit.actions.getWorkflowRun({
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
run_id: runId,
const currentRun = parseWorkflowRun(current_run);
const { data } = await octokit.actions.listWorkflowRuns({
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
workflow_id: currentRun.workflowId,
per_page: 100,
context = {
olderRuns: parseOlderRuns(data, currentRun),
allRuns: parseAllRuns(data),
pathsIgnore: getStringArrayInput("paths_ignore"),
paths: getStringArrayInput("paths"),
doNotSkip: getStringArrayInput("do_not_skip") as WRunTrigger[],
concurrentSkipping: getConcurrentSkippingInput("concurrent_skipping"),
} catch (e) {
core.warning(`Failed to fetch the required workflow information`);
exitSuccess({shouldSkip: false});
const cancelOthers = getBooleanInput('cancel_others', false);
if (cancelOthers) {
await cancelOutdatedRuns(context);
if (context.doNotSkip.includes(context.currentRun.event)) {`Do not skip execution because the workflow was triggered with '${context.currentRun.event}'`);
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: false });
const skipAfterSuccessfulDuplicates = getBooleanInput('skip_after_successful_duplicate', true);
if (skipAfterSuccessfulDuplicates) {
if (context.concurrentSkipping !== "never") {
if (context.paths.length >= 1 || context.pathsIgnore.length >= 1) {
if (skipAfterSuccessfulDuplicates) {
await backtracePathSkipping(context);
} else {
core.warning(`Ignore paths detection because 'skip_after_successful_duplicate' is set to false`);
}"Do not skip execution because we did not find a transferable run");
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: false });
async function cancelOutdatedRuns(context: WRunContext) {
const currentRun = context.currentRun;
const cancelVictims = context.olderRuns.filter((run) => {
if (run.status === 'completed') {
return false;
return run.treeHash !== currentRun.treeHash && run.branch === currentRun.branch;
if (!cancelVictims.length) {
return`Did not find other workflow-runs to be cancelled`);
for (const victim of cancelVictims) {
await cancelWorkflowRun(victim, context)
async function cancelWorkflowRun(run: WorkflowRun, context: WRunContext) {
try {
const res = await context.octokit.actions.cancelWorkflowRun({
owner: context.repoOwner,
repo: context.repoName,
run_id: run.runId,
});`Cancelled ${run.html_url} with response code ${res.status}`);
} catch (e) {
core.warning(`Failed to cancel ${run.html_url}`);
function detectSuccessfulDuplicateRuns(context: WRunContext) {
const duplicateRuns = context.olderRuns.filter((run) => run.treeHash === context.currentRun.treeHash);
const successfulDuplicate = duplicateRuns.find((run) => {
return run.status === 'completed' && run.conclusion === 'success';
if (successfulDuplicate) {`Skip execution because the exact same files have been successfully checked in ${successfulDuplicate.html_url}`);
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: true });
function detectConcurrentRuns(context: WRunContext) {
const concurrentRuns: WorkflowRun[] = context.allRuns.filter((run) => {
if (run.status === 'completed') {
return false;
if (run.runId === context.currentRun.runId) {
return false;
return true;
if (!concurrentRuns.length) {`Did not find any concurrent workflow-runs`);
if (context.concurrentSkipping === "always") {`Skip execution because another instance of the same workflow is already running in ${concurrentRuns[0].html_url}`);
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: true });
} else if (context.concurrentSkipping === "outdated_runs") {
const newerRun = concurrentRuns.find((run) => new Date(run.createdAt).getTime() > new Date(context.currentRun.createdAt).getTime());
if (newerRun) {`Skip execution because a newer instance of the same workflow is running in ${newerRun.html_url}`);
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: true });
} else if (context.concurrentSkipping === "same_content") {
const concurrentDuplicate = concurrentRuns.find((run) => run.treeHash === context.currentRun.treeHash);
if (concurrentDuplicate) {`Skip execution because the exact same files are concurrently checked in ${concurrentDuplicate.html_url}`);
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: true });
} else if (context.concurrentSkipping === "same_content_newer") {
const concurrentIsOlder = concurrentRuns.find((run) => (run.treeHash === context.currentRun.treeHash) && (run.runNumber < context.currentRun.runNumber));
if (concurrentIsOlder) {`Skip execution because the exact same files are concurrently checked in older ${concurrentIsOlder.html_url}`);
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: true });
}`Did not find any skippable concurrent workflow-runs`);
async function backtracePathSkipping(context: WRunContext) {
let commit: ReposGetCommitResponseData | null;
let iterSha: string | null = context.currentRun.commitHash;
let distanceToHEAD = 0;
do {
commit = await fetchCommitDetails(iterSha, context);
if (!commit) {
iterSha = commit.parents?.length ? commit.parents[0]?.sha : null;
exitIfSuccessfulRunExists(commit, context);
if (distanceToHEAD++ >= 50) {
// Should be never reached in practice; we expect that this loop aborts after 1-3 iterations.
core.warning(`Aborted commit-backtracing due to bad performance - Did you push an excessive number of ignored-path-commits?`);
} while (isCommitSkippable(commit, context));
function exitIfSuccessfulRunExists(commit: ReposGetCommitResponseData, context: WRunContext) {
const treeHash = commit.commit.tree.sha;
const matchingRuns = context.olderRuns.filter((run) => run.treeHash === treeHash);
const successfulRun = matchingRuns.find((run) => {
return run.status === 'completed' && run.conclusion === 'success';
if (successfulRun) {`Skip execution because all changes since ${successfulRun.html_url} are in ignored or skipped paths`);
exitSuccess({ shouldSkip: true });
function isCommitSkippable(commit: ReposGetCommitResponseData, context: WRunContext): boolean {
const changedFiles = => f.filename);
if (isCommitPathIgnored(commit, context)) {`Commit ${commit.html_url} is path-ignored: All of '${changedFiles}' match against patterns '${context.pathsIgnore}'`);
return true;
if (isCommitPathSkipped(commit, context)) {`Commit ${commit.html_url} is path-skipped: None of '${changedFiles}' matches against patterns '${context.paths}'`);
return true;
}`Stop backtracking at commit ${commit.html_url} because '${changedFiles}' are not skippable against paths '${context.paths}' or paths_ignore '${context.pathsIgnore}'`);
return false;
const globOptions = {
dot: true, // Match dotfiles. Otherwise dotfiles are ignored unless a . is explicitly defined in the pattern.
function isCommitPathIgnored(commit: ReposGetCommitResponseData, context: WRunContext): boolean {
if (!context.pathsIgnore.length) {
return false;
// Skip if all changed files match against pathsIgnore.
const changedFiles = => f.filename);
const notIgnoredPaths = micromatch.not(changedFiles, context.pathsIgnore, globOptions);
return notIgnoredPaths.length === 0;
function isCommitPathSkipped(commit: ReposGetCommitResponseData, context: WRunContext): boolean {
if (!context.paths.length) {
return false;
// Skip if none of the changed files matches against context.paths.
const changedFiles = => f.filename);
const matchExists = micromatch.some(changedFiles, context.paths, globOptions);
return !matchExists;
async function fetchCommitDetails(sha: string | null, context: WRunContext): Promise<ReposGetCommitResponseData | null> {
if (!sha) {
return null;
try {
const res = await context.octokit.repos.getCommit({
owner: context.repoOwner,
repo: context.repoName,
ref: sha,
//`Fetched ${res} with response code ${res.status}`);
} catch (e) {
core.warning(`Failed to retrieve commit ${sha}`);
return null;
function exitSuccess(args: { shouldSkip: boolean }): never {
core.setOutput("should_skip", args.shouldSkip);
return process.exit(0) as never;
function formatCliOptions(options: string[]): string {
return `${ => `"${o}"`).join(", ")}`;
function getConcurrentSkippingInput(name: string): ConcurrentSkippingOption {
const rawInput = core.getInput(name, { required: true });
if (rawInput.toLowerCase() === 'false') {
return "never"; // Backwards-compat
} else if (rawInput.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
return "same_content"; // Backwards-compat
const options = getConcurrentSkippingOptions();
if (options.includes(rawInput)) {
return rawInput as ConcurrentSkippingOption;
} else {
logFatal(`'${name}' must be one of ${formatCliOptions(options)}`);
function getBooleanInput(name: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean {
const rawInput = core.getInput(name, { required: false });
if (!rawInput) {
return defaultValue;
if (defaultValue) {
return rawInput.toLowerCase() !== 'false';
} else {
return rawInput.toLowerCase() === 'true';
function getStringArrayInput(name: string): string[] {
const rawInput = core.getInput(name, { required: false });
if (!rawInput) {
return [];
try {
const array = JSON.parse(rawInput);
if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
logFatal(`Input '${rawInput}' is not a JSON-array`);
array.forEach((e) => {
if (typeof e !== "string") {
logFatal(`Element '${e}' of input '${rawInput}' is not a string`);
return array;
} catch (e) {
logFatal(`Input '${rawInput}' is not a valid JSON`);
function logFatal(msg: string): never {
return process.exit(1) as never;
main().catch((e) => {