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<a title="A TestCase Skeleton" href="#A+TestCase+Skeleton">A TestCase Skeleton...</a>
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<a title="The Test Buildfile" href="#The+Test+Buildfile">The Test Buildfile...</a>
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<h1>Writing Unit Tests</h1>
<a name="N1000E"></a><a name="Introduction"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Introduction</h2>
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<p>Recommended resources</p>
<a href="">JUnit homepage</a>
<a href="">JUnit Cookbook</a> (Eric Gamma, Kent Beck)</li>
<a href="">JUnit: A Cook's Tour</a> (Eric Gamma, Kent Beck)</li>
<a href="">JUnitTest Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests</a>
<a name="N10031"></a><a name="Organization"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Organization</h2>
<div class="section">
<p> Put your test classes in <em>src/test</em>. </p>
<p> Add the ant task that executes your test to <em>src/targets/test-build.xml</em>. </p>
<a name="N10049"></a><a name="The+Test+Publication"></a>
<h2 class="h3">The Test Publication</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>Most tests will need a publication in the install (servlet container) directory. To provide a predictable test publication, the clean <em>default</em> publication from the build directory is copied to the <em>test</em> publication in the installation directory. </p>
<p>In the test buildfile, the test publication is setup by the <em></em> target. The directory {{${install.dir}/lenya/pubs/test}} is deleted (so that the files created by former tests are removed), and the default publication is copied to this directory. Add this target to the <em>depends</em> attribute of your test target if you need the test publication. </p>
<a name="N10061"></a><a name="The+PublicationHelper"></a>
<h2 class="h3">The PublicationHelper</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>To simplify the acces to a publication you can use the class <em>org.apache.lenya.cms.PublicationHelper</em>. It provides the following methods: </p>
<pre class="code">
* Initializes the object with the first parameters from the command
* line arguments &lt;code&gt;args&lt;/code&gt;. The remainder of the array is returned.
* @param args The command line arguments of the test.
* @return The remainder of the arguments after the publication
* parameters are extracted.
public static String[] extractPublicationArguments(String args[]);
* Returns the publication.
* @return A publication object.
public static Publication getPublication();
<p>The <em>extractPublicationArguments(String[])</em> method extracts the first two strings from the <em>args</em> parameter. The first one is the servlet context path, the second is the publication ID. </p>
<p>To make use of the PublicationHelper, you have to call the <em>extractPublicationArguments(String[])</em> method in the <em>main(String())</em> method of your <em>TestCase</em> class. This initializes the PublicationHelper: </p>
<pre class="code">
public static void main(String[] args) {
// extract the arguments needed for setting up the publication
// only the remaining arguments are returned
args = PublicationHelper.extractPublicationArguments(args);
<a name="N1008A"></a><a name="A+TestCase+Skeleton"></a>
<h2 class="h3">A TestCase Skeleton</h2>
<div class="section">
<pre class="code">
public class MyTest extends TestCase {
// static fields to store test parameters
private File configFile;
/** Constructor. */
public MyTest(String test) {
* The main program.
* The parameters are set from the command line arguments.
* @param args The command line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args) {
args = PublicationHelper.extractPublicationArguments(args);
/** Returns the test suite. */
public static Test getSuite() {
return new TestSuite(MyTest.class);
/** Tests whatever you want. */
public void testSomething() {
/** Sets a parameter value. */
protected static void setConfigFile(String fileName) {
File publicationDirectory
= PublicationHelper.getPublication().getDirectory();
configFile = new File(publicationDirectory, fileName);
/** Returns a parameter value. */
protected static File getConfigFile() {
return configFile;
<a name="N10094"></a><a name="Debugging+a+Test"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Debugging a Test</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>For debugging, it might be desired to run the test from an API. In this case, the <em>main(String[])</em> method is never executed. </p>
<p>To provide the parameters, you can hardcode them as fallback in the TestCase.setup() method that is called before the test is invoked: </p>
<pre class="code">
/** @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
if (getConfigFile() == null) {
String args[] = {
<a name="N100A7"></a><a name="The+Test+Buildfile"></a>
<h2 class="h3">The Test Buildfile</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>The test buildfile is located at <em>src/targets/test-build.xml</em>. It contains the following common targets: </p>
<strong>test</strong> - Runs all tests. </p>
<strong>tests.junit</strong> - Runs the JUnit tests. </p>
<strong>tests.anteater</strong> - Runs the Anteater tests. </p>
<strong>tests.prepare</strong> - Prepares the tests, e.g. compiles test classes. </p>
<strong></strong> - Prepares the test publication. </p>
<a name="N100DE"></a><a name="Adding+the+Test+to+the+Buildfile"></a>
<h2 class="h3">Adding the Test to the Buildfile</h2>
<div class="section">
<p>To add your test to the buildfile, you create a target called <em>test.&lt;name&gt;</em>. </p>
<p>If you use assertions (Java assertions, not the JUnit ones) in your test, it is important to enable them using the <em>-ea</em> or <em>-enableassertions</em> argument. </p>
<pre class="code">
&lt;target name="" depends=""&gt;
&lt;!-- My Test --&gt;
&lt;java fork="yes" classname="org.apache.lenya.cms.mypackage.MyTest"&gt;
&lt;jvmarg value="-enableassertions"/&gt;
&lt;arg value="${install.dir}"/&gt; // PublicationHelper
&lt;arg value="test"/&gt; // PublicationHelper
&lt;arg value="config/something.xconf"/&gt; // MyTest
&lt;classpath refid="classpath"/&gt;
&lt;pathelement location="${build.test}" /&gt;
&lt;pathelement path="${build.root}/lenya/webapp/WEB-INF/classes" /&gt;
&lt;fileset dir="${build.root}/lenya/webapp/WEB-INF/lib"&gt;
&lt;include name="ant**.jar"/&gt;
<p>Finally, you have to add the test to the <em>tests.junit</em> target: </p>
<pre class="code">
&lt;target name="tests.junit" depends="init, tests.prepare, ...,"&gt;
<p>Now you can run the tests: </p>
<pre class="code">
$LENYA_HOME &gt; build test
<p>If you want to call your test independently, you have to call the preparation targets before: </p>
<pre class="code">
$LENYA_HOME &gt; build init
$LENYA_HOME &gt; build tests.prepare
$LENYA_HOME &gt; build
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