blob: 26edc734cd1ce0d90c05f1a923bfc56e759fb31f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Jakarta Ant build file for the wyona content management system
when Who What
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2001-01-06 Marc Liyanage Initial version
Copyright (c) 2002
@version CVS $Id: build.xml,v 1.21 2002/02/28 15:11:26 memo Exp $
<project default="webapp" name="wyona-cms" basedir=".">
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Set up some global properties -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
Give user a chance to override without editing this file
(and without typing -D each time he compiles it)
<property file=""/>
<property file="${user.home}/"/>
<property file=""/>
<!-- Project version and name -->
<property name="version" value="2.1-dev"/>
<property name="fullname" value="${}-${version}"/>
<!-- The libraries we use and which are not already included in the cocoon package -->
<property name="lib.dir" value="lib"/>
<!-- All compilation and preparation takes place in build.root -->
<property name="build.root" value="build"/>
<!-- Destination for the compliation of our own classes in the "compile" target -->
<property name="build.dir" value="${build.root}/${}"/>
<!-- Destination for the filtered source files -->
<property name="build.src" value="${build.dir}/src"/>
<!-- Destination for the class files of the "compile" target -->
<property name="build.dest" value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<!-- This is where we assemble the webapp directory in the "webapp" task -->
<property name="build.webapp" value="${build.dir}/webapp"/>
<!-- All packaging for distribution takes place in dist.root -->
<property name="dist.root" value="./dist"/>
<!-- The toplevel directory for the final end-user distribution -->
<property name="dist.bin.dir" value="${dist.root}/${fullname}"/>
<!-- The javadoc destination directory -->
<property name="dist.bin.javadocs" value="${build.webapp}/wyona/cms/pubs/wyona-cms-docs/resources/html/javadoc"/>
<!-- The filename of the final end-user war package -->
<property name="dist.bin.warfile" value="${dist.bin.dir}/${}.war"/>
<!-- The filename of the final end-user tar file -->
<property name="dist.bin.dir" value="${dist.root}/${fullname}-bin"/>
<!-- The toplevel directory for the final developer source distribution -->
<property name="dist.src.dir" value="${dist.root}/${fullname}-src"/>
<!-- The original, unmodified and expanded cocoon.war file upon which we base our package -->
<property name="src.cocoon.dir" value="./src/cocoon"/>
The files that should be copied into the dist
directory and packed up as tar.gz file, along with the .war file
<property name="src.dist.dir" value="./src/dist"/>
The files that should be copied into the source dist
directory and packed up as tar.gz file, along with the sources etc.
<property name="src.dist-src.dir" value="./src/dist-src"/>
<!-- Our own source code tree is here -->
<property name="" value="./src/java"/>
<property name="java.dir" value="src/java"/>
The unit testing source code
<property name="src.test.dir" value="./src/test"/>
Our own webapp resources to be merged with the
contents of the cocoon webapp are here
<property name="src.webapp.dir" value="./src/webapp"/>
<property name="tools.jar" value="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
these are here only for those who use jikes compiler. For other
developers this part makes no difference.
<property name="build.compiler.emacs" value="on"/>
<property name="build.compiler.pedantic" value="false"/>
<property name="build.compiler.depend" value="true"/>
<property name="build.compiler.fulldepend" value="true"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Set up classpath -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/lib">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<!--<pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/>-->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Targets -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Initialization target -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="init">
<format property="SNAPSHOT_STAMP" pattern="yyyyMMddhhmmss"/>
<property name="fullname" value="Wyona CMS"/>
<property name="Name" value="Wyona:CMS"/>
<property name="name" value="wyona:cms"/>
<property name="version" value="2.1-dev"/>
<property name="short.version" value="2.1"/>
<property name="release" value="1th"/>
<property name="year" value="1999-2002"/>
<echo message="------------------- ${fullname} ${version} [${year}] ----------------"/>
<echo>Building with ${ant.version} using build file ${ant.file}</echo>
<property name="debug" value="on"/>
<property name="optimize" value="off"/>
<property name="deprecation" value="off"/>
<property name="nowarn" value="on"/>
<property name="build.compiler" value="classic"/>
<property name="target.vm" value="1.2"/>
<property name="packages" value="org.wyona.*"/>
<property name="resource.dir" value="${src.webapp.dir}/resources/css"/>
<property name="today" value="${TODAY}"/>
<echo message="Today is ${today}"/>
<property name="snapshot.bin.dir" value="${dist.root}/${fullname}-bin-${SNAPSHOT_STAMP}"/>
<property name="snapshot.src.dir" value="${dist.root}/${fullname}-src-${SNAPSHOT_STAMP}"/>
<available file="${tools.jar}" property="tools.jar.present"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Check the tools.jar existance -->
<!-- =============================================================-->
<target name="check-tools-lib" unless="tools.jar.present" depends="init">
<!-- NOTE: java.home is normally set by the JVM to the /jre directory -->
<echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message="Couldn't find the tools.jar."/>
<echo message=" Make sure to copy the tools.jar from your"/>
<echo message=" $$JAVA_HOME/lib directory to the"/>
<echo message=" ${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/lib/javac.jar"/>
<echo message=" directory prior to build/install the webapp/war file(s)"/>
<echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Copies the tools.jar to javac.jar in web-inf/lib -->
<!-- =============================================================-->
<target name="prepare-tools-lib" if="tools.jar.present" depends="init">
<!-- NOTE: java.home is normally set by the JVM to the /jre directory -->
<copy file="${tools.jar}" tofile="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/lib/javac.jar"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Prepares the build webapp directory -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="prepare-cocoon" depends="init,check-tools-lib,prepare-tools-lib">
<copy todir="${build.webapp}" filtering="off">
<fileset dir="${src.cocoon.dir}">
<exclude name="sitemap.xmap"/>
<exclude name="cocoon.xconf"/>
<exclude name="**/logkit.xconf"/>
<exclude name="**/javac.jar"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- copy the bulk of the cocoon webapp to our destination -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="prepare" depends="prepare-cocoon">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.webapp}"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Prepares the source code -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="prepare-src" depends="prepare">
<copy todir="${build.src}" filtering="on">
<fileset dir="${java.dir}">
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- The main compilation target -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="compile" depends="prepare-src"
description="Compile the sources">
<mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/>
<javac srcdir="${build.src}"
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Set a variable if javadoc is already up-to-date. -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="javadocs_check">
<uptodate property="javadocs.notrequired" targetfile="${dist.bin.javadocs}/packages.html" >
<srcfiles dir="${build.src}" includes="**/*.java"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- If javadoc is already up-to-date, print a message saying so. -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<target name="javadocs_done" if="javadocs.notrequired">
<echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message="Not rebuilding Javadocs, as they are up-to-date:"/>
<echo message=" ${dist.bin.javadocs}/packages.html is more recent than"/>
<echo message=" ${build.src}/**/*.java"/>
<echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Creates the API documentation -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="javadocs" depends="prepare-src, javadocs_check, javadocs_done"
description="Generates the API documentation">
<mkdir dir="${dist.bin.javadocs}"/>
<javadoc packagenames="${packages}"
windowtitle="${Name} API - Version ${version}"
bottom="Copyright &#169; ${year} Wyona. All Rights Reserved."
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Produce the webapp -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
This target creates a webapp directory which exactly mirrors how
the war file will look. It is used to create the war file for
the "war" target but it can also be used by developers
This is useful if the reloadable attribute of the context
in the server.xml configuration is set to true so changes in the classes
are reflected immediately.
<!-- <target name="webapp" depends="compile,javadocs" -->
<!-- description="Builds the webapp directory ready to be linked into a servlet engines context directory"> -->
<target name="webapp" depends="compile,javadocs"
description="Builds the webapp directory ready to be linked into a servlet engines context directory">
overwrite some parts of the previously unpacked
cocoon webapp package with our customized files
<copy todir="${build.webapp}">
<fileset dir="${src.webapp.dir}">
<include name="**/*"/>
<!-- now copy our compiled classes -->
<mkdir dir="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<copy todir="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/classes">
<fileset dir="${build.dest}">
<include name="**/*"/>
<!-- now copy any additional libraries in ./lib -->
<mkdir dir="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
<copy todir="${build.webapp}/WEB-INF/lib">
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
<include name="**/*"/>
<exclude name="servlet.jar"/>
The war target just packs up what was created in the webapp target
(and triggers the javadoc target with the dependency)
<target name="war" depends="webapp, javadocs" description="Builds the deployable war file">
<mkdir dir="${dist.bin.dir}"/>
<jar jarfile="${dist.bin.warfile}"
The dist target prepares the binary distribution tarball for
end users. It forces a complete rebuild of everything through its
dependency on the "clean" target in order to prevent garbage
like the cocoon logfiles from ending up in the distribution tarball.
<target name="prepare-dist" depends="distclean,war">
<copy todir="${dist.root}/${fullname}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="INSTALL*"/>
<include name="README"/>
<target name="dist" depends="prepare-dist" description="Build a regular binary distribution tar ball">
<tar tarfile="${dist.bin.dir}.tar" basedir="${dist.root}" includes="${fullname}/**"/>
<gzip zipfile="${dist.bin.dir}.tar.gz" src="${dist.bin.dir}.tar"/>
<delete file="${dist.bin.dir}.tar"/>
The dist target prepares the binary distribution tarball for
end users. It forces a complete rebuild of everything through its
dependency on the "clean" target in order to prevent garbage
like the cocoon logfiles from ending up in the distribution tarball.
<target name="snapshot" depends="prepare-dist" description="Build a snapshot binary distribution tar ball">
<copy todir="${snapshot.bin.dir}">
<fileset dir="${dist.root}/${fullname}"/>
<tar tarfile="${snapshot.bin.dir}.tar" basedir="${dist.root}" includes="${fullname}-bin-${SNAPSHOT_STAMP}/**"/>
<gzip zipfile="${snapshot.bin.dir}.tar.gz" src="${snapshot.bin.dir}.tar"/>
<delete file="${snapshot.bin.dir}.tar"/>
The dist-src target prepares the source distribution tarball for
developers. It also depends on the clean target to remove all build stuff.
<target name="prepare-dist-src" depends="distclean">
<mkdir dir="${dist.src.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${dist.src.dir}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="README"/>
<include name="INSTALL*"/>
<include name=""/>
<include name="src/**"/>
<include name="${lib.dir}/**"/>
<include name="build.xml"/>
<target name="dist-src" depends="prepare-dist-src" description="Builds a regular tar ball containing the sources for developers">
<tar tarfile="${dist.src.dir}.tar" basedir="${dist.root}" includes="${fullname}-src/**"/>
<gzip zipfile="${dist.src.dir}.tar.gz" src="${dist.src.dir}.tar"/>
<delete file="${dist.src.dir}.tar"/>
The dist target prepares the binary distribution tarball for
end users. It forces a complete rebuild of everything through its
dependency on the "clean" target in order to prevent garbage
like the cocoon logfiles from ending up in the distribution tarball.
<target name="snapshot-src" depends="prepare-dist-src" description="Builds a snapshot tar ball containing the sources for developers">
<copy todir="${snapshot.src.dir}">
<fileset dir="${dist.src.dir}"/>
<tar tarfile="${snapshot.src.dir}.tar" basedir="${dist.root}" includes="${fullname}-src-${SNAPSHOT_STAMP}/**"/>
<gzip zipfile="${snapshot.src.dir}.tar.gz" src="${snapshot.src.dir}.tar"/>
<delete file="${snapshot.src.dir}.tar"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Install webapp -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="install" depends="webapp" description="Install the webapp into servlet engine context">
<copy todir="${install.dir}" filtering="off">
<fileset dir="${build.webapp}"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Clean targets -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="clean" depends="init" description="Cleans the build directories">
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
<target name="distclean" depends="clean" description="Cleans everything to the original state">
<delete dir="${build.root}"/>
<delete dir="${dist.root}"/>
<target name="reset" depends="clean" description="Resets the deployment by also cleaning the servlet engine context">
<!-- Empty server cache - this directory is set in the "" file -->
<delete dir="${cache.dir}"/>
<delete dir="${install.dir}"/>