blob: 68bdbada098291bac95a5c58229014bf2e087003 [file] [log] [blame]
Using the built-in Jetty
1) Start up Apache Lenya by executing lenya.bat on Windows or
sh servlet
on Unix.
2) Open http://localhost:8888/ with your browser
1) Copy lenya.war into .../TOMCAT_PREFIX/webapps directory
2) Copy endorsed libraries into .../TOMCAT_PREFIX/common/endorsed directory.
(Unpack the lenya.war file by typing jar -xf lenya.war and you will find the
endorsed libraries within WEB-INF/lib/endorsed)
Also please make sure to delete any "duplicated" older libraries from the
endorsed directory.
3) Startup Tomcat
Known issues
Please read the "Known issues" section in the README.txt file
to find out more about known bugs/issues in Apache Lenya.