blob: 00741cdd0cfc601802b94dbd25b0f1c885b4db3f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- $Id$ -->
<map:sitemap xmlns:map="">
<map:serializers default="xhtml">
<map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.links" name="links" src="org.apache.lenya.cms.cocoon.serialization.LinkSerializer"/>
<map:selector name="exception" src="org.apache.cocoon.selection.ExceptionSelector">
<exception name="resourceNotFound" class="org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException" unroll="true"/>
<map:view from-position="last" name="links">
<map:serialize type="links" />
<!-- This pipeline handles helper requests and metadata, not the actual publication documents -->
FIXME: the whole webdav shebang should be handled by the webdav module sitemap.
<!-- catch webdav GET requests. -->
<map:match pattern="*/webdav**">
<map:mount uri-prefix="{1}/" src="{fallback:lenya/modules/webdav/sitemap.xmap}" check-reload="true" reload-method="synchron"/>
<!-- catch PUT requests (used by webdav clients) -->
<map:select type="request-method">
<!-- many client editors like to PUT changes -->
<map:when test="PUT">
<map:mount uri-prefix="" src="{fallback:lenya/modules/webdav/sitemap.xmap}" check-reload="true" reload-method="synchron"/>
<!-- Requests ending in a slash are redirected to the corresponding index.html page to mimic
standard web browser behaviour. -->
<!-- FIXME: this will trigger a HTTP redirect. Maybe it's more effective to do an internal redirect using
a cocoon:/ URI? An apache httpd server will not send a HTTP redirect when a directory is requested, but
serve the index.html file implicitly IIRC. -->
<map:match pattern="**/">
<map:redirect-to uri="{proxy:/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{1}/index.html}"/>
<map:pipeline type="caching">
<!-- RSS formatting.
FIXME: this should be handled by an RSS feed module!
<map:match pattern="**.rss">
<map:generate src="{resource-type:format-rss}"/>
<map:serialize type="xml" mime-type="application/rss+xml"/>
<!-- FIXME: either this should be moved into a metadata module, or at least we need to establish
some standard for magic extra suffixes and stick to it.
Here we use .html.meta, bxe uses .bxe.html.
<map:match pattern="*/**.html.meta">
<map:generate type="lenyaMetaData" src="lenya-document:{page-envelope:document-uuid},area={1},lang={page-envelope:document-language}"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
<!-- {1:rendertype}/{2:pub}/{3:area}/{4:path} -->
<map:match pattern="document-content/*/*/*/**">
<map:act type="language-exists">
<map:generate src="{resource-type:format-xhtml}?rendertype={../1}"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
<!-- if the action fails (i.e. the document does not exist), create a nice error page. -->
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="fallback://lenya/content/exception/document-does-not-exist.xsp"/>
<map:transform src="fallback://lenya/xslt/exception/document-does-not-exist.xsl">
<map:parameter name="requestUrl" value="{request:requestURI}"/>
<map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
<map:parameter name="pub" value="{2}"/>
<map:parameter name="path" value="/{4}"/>
<map:parameter name="area" value="{3}"/>
<map:transform type="i18n">
<map:parameter name="locale" value="{page-envelope:language}"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
This matcher aggregates the Lenya page: breadcrumbs, tabs, menu etc. and the actual document content.
<map:match pattern="lenyabody-raw-*/*/*/*/*/*/**">
<map:aggregate element="cmsbody">
<map:part src="cocoon://modules/sitetree/breadcrumb/{2}/{3}/{5}/{6}/{7}.xml"/>
<map:part src="cocoon://modules/sitetree/tabs/{2}/{3}/{5}/{6}/{7}.xml"/>
<map:part src="cocoon://modules/sitetree/menu/{2}/{3}/{5}/{6}/{7}.xml"/>
<map:part src="cocoon://modules/sitetree/search/{2}/{3}/{5}/{6}/{7}.xml"/>
<map:part src="cocoon://modules/languageselector/text-none/flagsize-13"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/document-content/{1}/{2}/{3}/{7}"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
This match provides the XSLT to render a given doctype to XHTML
It checks for the existence of a doctype-specific one, and if none
exists, falls back to the default one.
<map:match pattern="getDoctypeXSLT-*">
<map:select type="resource-exists">
<map:parameter name="prefix" value="fallback://"/>
<map:when test="xslt/page2xhtml-{1}.xsl">
<map:generate src="fallback://xslt/page2xhtml-{1}.xsl"/>
<map:generate src="fallback://xslt/page2xhtml.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
<!-- This is the pipeline that ultimately builds the page. -->
<map:pipeline type="noncaching">
This matcher takes the raw aggregated page content and applies SVG rendering and a doctype-specific
XSL transformation. It makes some meta information available to the XSLT, and demonstrates the use
of the LenyaMetaDataTransformer (see below).
<map:match pattern="lenyabody-*/*/*/*/**">
<map:generate src="cocoon:/lenyabody-raw-{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{page-envelope:default-language}/{page-envelope:language}/{5}"/>
<map:transform src="fallback://lenya/modules/svg/xslt/image2svg.xsl"/>
<map:transform src="cocoon:/getDoctypeXSLT-{4}">
<map:parameter name="publication-id" value="{2}"/>
<map:parameter name="area" value="{3}"/>
<map:parameter name="uuid" value="{page-envelope:document-uuid}"/>
<map:parameter name="language" value="{page-envelope:document-language}"/>
<map:parameter name="document-path" value="{page-envelope:document-path}"/>
<map:parameter name="document-type" value="{4}"/>
<map:parameter name="lastPublishedUser" value="{access-control:user-name:{workflow:lastUser.publish}}"/>
<map:parameter name="lastPublishedDate" value="{workflow:lastDate.publish}"/>
<!-- Following is a show off to explain -->
<map:parameter name="author" value="{}"/>
<map:parameter name="lenyaVersion" value="{properties:lenya.version}"/>
<map:parameter name="nodeName" value="{page-envelope:document-name}"/>
<map:transform type="i18n">
<map:parameter name="locale" value="{page-envelope:language}"/>
<!-- This is a demonstration of the generic meta data transformer
described in bug 39891.
1) define the ns: xmlns:meta=""
2) use it in above xsl like e.g.
<meta:value ns="" element="date" uuid="{@uuid}"/>
Where @ns is the namespace for which you want to retrieve the @element for.
If there is more then one element registered then the transformer returns:
<value xmlns="" value="2005-09-11 12:44:05" element="date" />
<value xmlns="" value="2006-09-11 12:44:05" element="date" />
Otherwise it will return the value as characters.
<map:transform type="metaData">
<map:parameter name='pubid' value='{page-envelope:publication-id}'/>
<map:parameter name='area' value='{page-envelope:area}'/>
<map:transform type="uuid2url"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
<!-- This is the main entry point into the publication. This
pipeline uses the uriparametrizer to determine the doctype of this
request. It then aggregates the lenya menu (for the given area) and
the lenya body, the actual document. -->
FIXME: this is a BXE-specific hack that should be handled by BXE's module sitemap. The publication
should not be concerned with BXE-specific pre-processing of documents.
<map:match pattern="**.bxe.html">
<map:generate src="cocoon:/lenyabody-edit/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{page-envelope:area}/{page-envelope:document-type}{page-envelope:document-path}"/>
<map:transform type="proxy"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
Finally: this matcher handles requests for publication documents.
<map:match pattern="*/**.html">
The default publication does not have content by default.
This check provides the user with a dialog to import example content.
It should be removed in production systems.
<map:select type="resource-exists">
<map:when test="lenya://lenya/pubs/{page-envelope:publication-id}/content/authoring/sitetree.xml"/>
<map:redirect-to uri="{proxy:/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{1}/{2}.html}?lenya.usecase=export.importExampleContent"/>
<!-- If the requested language version of the document exists, we set a last-modified header. -->
<map:act type="language-exists">
<map:act type="set-header">
<map:parameter name="Last-Modified" value="{date-iso8601-rfc822:{page-envelope:document-lastmodified}}" />
HEAD requests shouldn't have all the xslt overhead, all the user wants is the HTTP header information.
So the actual content generation is bypassed.
<map:select type="request-method">
<map:when test="HEAD">
<map:generate src="context://lenya/content/util/empty.xml" />
<map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
<map:select type="parameter">
<map:parameter name="parameter-selector-test" value="{request-param:rendertype}"/>
<map:when test="edit">
<!-- put the bxe_xpath attribute into the page -->
<map:generate src="cocoon:/lenyabody-edit/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{page-envelope:area}/{page-envelope:document-type}{page-envelope:document-path}"/>
<!-- sane page w/o hacks -->
<map:generate src="cocoon:/lenyabody-view/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{page-envelope:area}/{page-envelope:document-type}{page-envelope:document-path}"/>
<!-- Menu generation -->
<map:select type="parameter">
<!-- you remember that {1} is the area, right? -->
<map:parameter name="parameter-selector-test" value="{1}"/>
<map:when test="live">
<!-- do nothing for live -->
<!-- for all other areas, we want a GUI menu (handled by global-sitemap.xmap -->
<map:transform src="cocoon://lenya-page/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{1}/{2}.xml"/>
external broken link reporting (pretty much untested)
TODO: External Links checking should be optional on a document by document basis.
<map:transform src="fallback://lenya/xslt/authoring/addJavaScript.xsl">
<map:parameter name="scriptSRC" value="/modules/linkcheck/linkreporter.js"/>
strip xhtml namespace prefix to ensure compatibility with non-XML conformant browsers
workaround to avoid empty script, style and textarea tags (firefox chokes on those)
<map:transform src="fallback://lenya/xslt/util/strip_namespaces.xsl"/>
<!-- client cache expiration settings -->
<map:select type="parameter">
<map:parameter name="parameter-selector-test" value="{1}"/>
<!-- for live area: -->
<map:when test="live">
<!-- set cache expiration header according to resource type configuration (<expires/>) -->
<map:act type="language-exists">
<map:act type="set-header">
<map:parameter name="Expires" value="{date-iso8601-rfc822:{doc-info:{page-envelope:publication-id}:{page-envelope:area}:{page-envelope:document-uuid}:{page-envelope:document-language}:expires}}"/>
<!-- for other areas -->
<!-- tell the browser not to cache stuff so that the user always sees up-to-date content -->
<map:act type="set-header">
<map:parameter name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache" />
<map:parameter name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/>
<!-- pretty-print output for easier debugging and for the benefit of new users
NOTE: you may want to disable this in production for performance reasons,
but it's on by default in the default publication to make the generated code
easier to work with for new users. -->
<map:transform src="fallback://lenya/modules/prettyprinting/xslt/xml2nicexml.xsl"/>
<!-- the proxy transformer handles proxy-related URL rewriting -->
<map:transform type="proxy"/>
<map:act type="language-exists">
<map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
When the requested document does not exist, we generate a nice error page.
Still, it's not what the user wants, so make sure we send a 404 "not found".
<map:serialize type="xhtml" status-code="404"/>
This pipeline handles all requests that do *not* end in ".html".
<map:match pattern="*/**">
<map:act type="language-exists">
A workaround for a byte-range issue with PDFs,
see;m=112496255207733&amp;w=2 .
FIXME: still necessary?
<map:match type="regexp" pattern="(.*\.)(pdf|PDF|Pdf)$">
<map:read src="lenya-document:{page-envelope:document-uuid},lang={page-envelope:document-language}{link:rev}" mime-type="application/pdf">
<map:parameter name="byte-ranges" value="false"/>
<!-- try delegate others formats to the resource module.
If the resource module don't implement the format, a ResourceNotFound exception was thrown and catch at the end of this pipeline : the content is served as-is with no processing -->
<map:match pattern="**/*.*">
<map:generate src="cocoon://lenya/modules/{page-envelope:document-type}/{3}.xml"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
If the action above fails (e.g. the document does not exist), call into the lenyabody pipeline.
It will generate a nice document-does-not-exist page for us.
<map:generate src="cocoon:/lenyabody-view/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{page-envelope:area}/{page-envelope:document-type}{page-envelope:document-path}"/>
<map:select type="parameter">
<map:parameter name="parameter-selector-test" value="{1}"/>
<map:when test="live"/>
<map:transform src="cocoon://lenya-page/{page-envelope:publication-id}/{1}/{2}?doctype={page-envelope:document-type}"/>
<map:transform src="fallback://lenya/xslt/util/strip_namespaces.xsl"/>
<map:transform type="proxy"/>
<map:serialize type="xhtml" status-code="404"/>
<map:select type="exception">
<map:when test="resourceNotFound">
<!-- Documents other than *.html and not processed by the resource module are served as-is and do not require processing: -->
<map:read src="lenya-document:{page-envelope:document-uuid},lang={page-envelope:document-language}{link:rev}"