blob: 28551d7f40b45eeb4d8fef4c8d6ca36319c6083c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- $Id$ -->
<publication xmlns="" >
<description>This publication is a best practice, getting started publication.</description>
<!-- the @...@ macros are evaluated by ant at build time -->
<!-- The various languages need to be listed for verification and widget building -->
<language default="true">en</language>
<!-- A template instantiator is used to create new publications based on this one. -->
<template-instantiator name="default"/>
<!-- A publication can inherit from another publication. "id" corresponds to the publication id
of that template (and thus to the name of the directory it's stored in) -->
<template id="some-pub-id"/>
<document-builder name="default"/>
<site-manager name="tree"/>
<!-- Resource types need to be listed because of the workflow resp. because the workflow depends on the publication and not on the resource type -->
<resource-type name="xhtml" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<resource-type name="homepage" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<resource-type name="links" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<resource-type name="cforms" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<resource-type name="opendocument" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<resource-type name="resource" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<resource-type name="usecase" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<resource-type name="news" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
<!-- Modules need to be listed because of the menu and i18n -->
<module name="usecase"/>
<module name="editors"/>
<module name="xhtml"/>
<module name="links"/>
<module name="opendocument"/>
<module name="cforms"/>
<module name="homepage"/>
<module name="resource"/>
<module name="sitemanagement"/>
<module name="sitetree"/>
<module name="export"/>
<module name="workflow"/>
<module name="notification"/>
<module name="svg"/>
<module name="lucene"/>
<module name="development"/>
<module name="profiling"/>
<module name="languageselector"/>
<module name="administration"/>
<module name="acusecases"/>
<module name="news"/>
<module name="prettyprinting"/>
<module name="usecasedocument"/>
<module name="monitoring"/>
<module name="navigation"/>
<module name="tinymce"/>
<module name="jquery"/>
<!-- TODO: The goal is to have a blog module ;-) -->
<module name="blog"/>
<!-- You can specify a custom location for your content, outside the Lenya build tree. Note that you will probably also want
to specify custom locations for access control (see access-control/access-control.xml), so that all your dynamically generated data is in one place
for easy backup. -->
Relative to webapp context:
<content-dir src="lenya/pubs/default"/>
<content-dir src="/home/USERNAME/data/default"/>
<content-dir src="D:/tmp/default"/>
Lenya can rewrite the links to cater to special proxy setups.
Make sure to update the GlobalProxies configuration in cocoon.xconf as well.
For information about these settings, read
This example setting simulates the following situation:
* A customer wants a company hostname and URLs without Lenya-specific
path components for his live site.
* The server uses name-based virtual hosting with just one IP, i.e.
there can only be one SSL vhost, which is shared among several
customers. This implies the need for sub-directories in the proxy
* "authoring" should be ssl-protected. There is no need for a
customer hostname here, since it's not publicly visible.
* Any SSL-protected documents in "live" can be handled by the SSL
vhost (not using the company hostname is ok in this case, because
the customer does not want to pay for an additional IP address).
The desired customer hostname is
The SSL vhost is called
The Lenya CMS for our customer is reachable as
The global proxy for non-publication-specific resources shall be
<proxy area="live" ssl="true" url=""/>
<proxy area="live" ssl="false" url=""/>
<proxy area="authoring" ssl="true" url=""/>
<proxy area="authoring" ssl="false" url=""/>
<proxy area="archive" ssl="true" url=""/>
<proxy area="archive" ssl="false" url=""/>
<proxy area="trash" ssl="true" url=""/>
<proxy area="trash" ssl="false" url=""/>