blob: 37fc4f60bbbcbc5b96bc11cde6cbcec2ee0cfde9 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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<!DOCTYPE project SYSTEM "../../../../modules/development/test/canoo/lenya_webtest.dtd">
<project name="administration" basedir="." default="main">
<import file="../../../../modules/development/test/canoo/macros.xml"/>
<target name="main" depends="admin.users, groupaffiliation"/>
<target name="admin.users">
<webtest name="admin.users">
<doLogin username="lenya" password="levi"/>
<!-- add user -->
<invoke url="index.html?lenya.usecase=admin.users"/>
<verifyText text="Add User:"/>
<clickButton name="input-add_user"/>
<verifyElementText type="h1" text="Add Local User"/>
<setInputField name="userId" value="webTestUser"/>
<setInputField name="fullName" value="WebTest User"/>
<setInputField name="description" value="WebTest User description"/>
<setInputField name="email" value=""/>
<setInputField name="newPassword" value="webTest123"/>
<setInputField name="confirmPassword" value="webTest123"/>
<clickButton name="submit"/>
<verifyText text="User Profile"/>
<verifyText text=""/>
<!-- back to users list -->
<invoke url="index.html?lenya.usecase=admin.users"/>
<!-- user IDs are automatically converted to lowercase -->
<verifyXPath xpath="//a[normalize-space(.) = 'webtestuser']"/>
<!-- delete user -->
<clickButton xpath="//form[input[@value = 'webtestuser']]/input[@type = 'submit']"/>
<verifyText text="Delete User"/>
<verifyText text="webtestuser"/>
<clickButton name="submit"/>
<verifyText text="Add User:"/>
<verifyXPath xpath="//a[normalize-space(.) = 'webtestuser']"/>
<macrodef name="checkGroup"
description="check if item 'group' is in listbox 'list-in' and not in 'list-not'">
<attribute name="group"/>
<attribute name="list-in"/>
<attribute name="list-not"/>
<verifyXPath xpath="//select[@name = '@{list-in}']/option[@value = '@{group}']"/>
<verifyXPath xpath="//select[@name = '@{list-not}']/option[@value = '@{group}']"/>
<macrodef name="checkUserProfile"
description="check if user profile looks right">
<attribute name="admin"/>
<verifyText text="User Profile"/>
<verifyText text=""/>
<ifStep test="@{admin}" description="admin affiliation">
<verifyText text="groupId=admin"/>
<ifStep unless="@{admin}" description="no admin affiliation">
<not><verifyText text="groupId=admin"/></not>
<target name="groupaffiliation">
<webtest name="groupaffiliation">
<doLogin username="lenya" password="levi"/>
<!-- request user profile of user alice -->
<invoke url="index.html?lenya.usecase=admin.user&amp;userId=alice"/>
<checkUserProfile admin="false"/>
<!-- request group affiliation page -->
<clickButton name="input-edit_group_affiliation"/>
<verifyElementText type="h1" text="Group Affiliation"/>
<checkGroup group="admin" list-in="otherGroup" list-not="userGroup"/>
<!-- add user alice to group admin -->
<clickElement xpath="//select[@name = 'otherGroup']/option[@value = 'admin']"/>
<clickButton name="add"/>
<verifyElementText type="h1" text="Group Affiliation"/>
<checkGroup group="admin" list-in="userGroup" list-not="otherGroup"/>
<!-- save and back to user profile -->
<clickButton name="submit"/>
<checkUserProfile admin="true"/>
<!-- request group affiliation page -->
<clickButton name="input-edit_group_affiliation"/>
<verifyElementText type="h1" text="Group Affiliation"/>
<checkGroup group="admin" list-in="userGroup" list-not="otherGroup"/>
<!-- remove user alice from group admin -->
<clickElement xpath="//select[@name = 'userGroup']/option[@value = 'admin']"/>
<clickButton name="remove"/>
<verifyElementText type="h1" text="Group Affiliation"/>
<checkGroup group="admin" list-in="otherGroup" list-not="userGroup"/>
<!-- save and back to user profile -->
<clickButton name="submit"/>
<checkUserProfile admin="false"/>