blob: 6bee3864e26a83c695e9389f8cbf6d93ca3fa37c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.lens.cube.parse;
import static org.apache.lens.cube.error.LensCubeErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.metrics.MethodMetricsContext;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.metrics.MethodMetricsFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Context;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.*;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
* Rewrites given cube query into simple storage table HQL.
public class CubeQueryRewriter {
private final Configuration conf;
private final List<ContextRewriter> rewriters = new ArrayList<ContextRewriter>();
private final HiveConf hconf;
private Context qlCtx = null;
private boolean lightFactFirst;
public CubeQueryRewriter(Configuration conf, HiveConf hconf) {
this.conf = conf;
this.hconf = hconf;
try {
qlCtx = new Context(conf);
} catch (IOException e) {
// IOException is ignorable
lightFactFirst =
conf.getBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.LIGHTEST_FACT_FIRST, CubeQueryConfUtil.DEFAULT_LIGHTEST_FACT_FIRST);
* Here is the rewriter flow.
* Expression resolver: replaces the queried expression columns with their
* expression ASTs in the query AST.
* ColumnResolver : ColumnResolver finds all the columns in the query AST
* AliasReplacer: - Finds queried column to table alias. - Finds queried dim
* attributes and queried measures. - Does queried field validation wrt
* derived cubes, if all fields of queried cube cannot be queried together. -
* Replaces all the columns in all expressions with tablealias.column
* DenormalizationResolver: Phase 1: Finds all the queried column references
* if any.
* CandidateTableResolver: Phase 1: - Prune candidate fact tables if queried
* dim attributes are not present. - Also Figures out if queried column is not
* part of candidate table, but it is a denormalized field which can reached
* through a reference - Finds all the candidate fact sets containing queried
* measures. Prunes facts which do not contain any of the queried measures.
* JoinResolver : - Finds all the join chains for between tables queried.
* TimerangeResolver : - Finds all timeranges in the query and does validation
* wrt the queried field's life and the range queried
* CandidateTableResolver: Phase 2: - Prunes candidates tables if required
* join columns are not part of candidate tables - Required source
* columns(join columns) for reaching a denormalized field, are not part of
* candidate tables - Required denormalized fields are not part of refered
* tables, there by all the candidates which are using denormalized fields.
* AggregateResolver : - If non default aggregate or no aggregate queried for
* a measure, it prunes all aggregate facts from candidates. - Replaces
* measures with default aggregates. if enabled
* GroupbyResolver : - Promotes select to groupby and groupby to select, if
* enabled
* StorageTableResolver : - Resolves storages and partitions for all candidate
* tables. Prunes candidates if not storages are available.
* Whenever a candidate fact is pruned (because of no storages, no default
* aggregate and etc), the sets containing the fact are also pruned.
* LeastPartitionResolver and LightestFactResolver work on candidate fact sets
* and considers sets with least number of partitions required and lightest
* facts respectively.
* If LightestFact first flag is enabled, LightestFactResolver is applied
* before StorageTableResolver.
* MaxCoveringFactResolver runs just after all candidate facts' partitions
* are resolved. It then sees how much time range each fact set is able to cover
* and finds the maximum coverable range. It then prunes all fact sets that
* are covering less than that range. If fail on partial is true, then by the
* time this resolver runs, all the candidate fact sets cover full range.
* So there this resolver is a no-op. Same thing when fail on partial is false
* and no fact set has any data. This is most useful when facts actually have
* partial data. There it'll ensure the facts that are covering the maximum
* time range will be picked.
* Once all rewriters are done, finally picks up one of the available
* candidate sets to answer the query, after all the resolvers are done. Once
* the final candidate fact set is picked, if number of elements in the fact
* set is one, the query written as with cube query ASTs. If the number of
* fact sets is more, then query rewritten with MultifactHQLContext which
* writes a join query with each fact query. A fact query contains only the
* fields queried from that fact. The ASTs corresponding to the fact are AST
* copied from original query and the expressions missing from this fact
* removed.
private void setupRewriters() {
// Resolve columns - the column alias and table alias
rewriters.add(new ColumnResolver());
// Rewrite base trees (groupby, having, orderby, limit) using aliases
rewriters.add(new AliasReplacer());
ExpressionResolver exprResolver = new ExpressionResolver();
DenormalizationResolver denormResolver = new DenormalizationResolver();
CandidateTableResolver candidateTblResolver = new CandidateTableResolver();
StorageTableResolver storageTableResolver = new StorageTableResolver(conf);
// Phase 1 of exprResolver: Resolve expressions
// Phase 1 of denormResolver: De-normalized columns resolved
// Resolve time ranges
rewriters.add(new TimerangeResolver());
// Phase 1 of candidateTblResolver: Resolve candidate storages and dimension tables for columns queried
// Resolve aggregations and generate base select tree
rewriters.add(new AggregateResolver());
rewriters.add(new GroupbyResolver(conf));
//validate fields queryability (in case of derived cubes setup)
rewriters.add(new FieldValidator());
// Resolve joins and generate base join tree
rewriters.add(new JoinResolver());
// Do col life validation for the time range(s) queried
rewriters.add(new ColumnLifetimeChecker());
// Phase 1 of storageTableResolver: Validate and prune candidate storages
// Phase 2 of candidateTblResolver: Resolve candidate storages and dimension tables for columns included
// in join and denorm resolvers
// Find Union and Join combinations over Storage Candidates that can answer the queried time range(s) and all
// queried measures
rewriters.add(new CandidateCoveringSetsResolver());
// If lightest fact first option is enabled for this driver (via lens.cube.query.pick.lightest.fact.first = true),
// run LightestFactResolver and keep only the lighted combination(s) generated by CandidateCoveringSetsResolver
if (lightFactFirst) {
// Prune candidate tables for which denorm column references do not exist
// Phase 2 of exprResolver:Prune candidate facts without any valid expressions
// Pick the least cost combination(s) (and prune others) out of a set of combinations produced
// by CandidateCoveringSetsResolver
rewriters.add(new LightestFactResolver());
// Phase 2 of storageTableResolver: resolve storage table partitions.
// In case partial data is allowed (via = false) and there are many
// combinations with partial data, pick the one that covers the maximum part of time ranges(s) queried
rewriters.add(new MaxCoveringFactResolver(conf));
// Phase 3 of storageTableResolver: resolve dimension tables and partitions.
// Prune candidate tables for which denorm column references do not exist
//TODO union: phase 2 of denormResolver needs to be moved before CoveringSetResolver.. check if this makes sense
// Phase 2 of exprResolver : Prune candidate facts without any valid expressions
if (!lightFactFirst) {
// Pick the least cost combination(s) (and prune others) out of a set of combinations produced
// by CandidateCoveringSetsResolver
rewriters.add(new LightestFactResolver());
// if two combinations have the same least weight/cost, then the combination with least number of time partitions
// queried will be picked. Rest of the combinations will be pruned
rewriters.add(new LeastPartitionResolver());
rewriters.add(new LightestDimensionResolver());
public CubeQueryContext rewrite(ASTNode astnode) throws LensException {
CubeSemanticAnalyzer analyzer;
try {
analyzer = new CubeSemanticAnalyzer(conf, hconf);
analyzer.analyze(astnode, qlCtx);
} catch (SemanticException e) {
throw new LensException(SYNTAX_ERROR.getLensErrorInfo(), e, e.getMessage());
CubeQueryContext ctx = new CubeQueryContext(astnode, analyzer.getCubeQB(), conf, hconf);
rewrite(rewriters, ctx);
return ctx;
public CubeQueryContext rewrite(String command) throws LensException {
if (command != null) {
command = command.replace("\n", "");
ASTNode tree;
try {
ParseDriver pd = new ParseDriver();
tree = pd.parse(command, qlCtx, false);
tree = ParseUtils.findRootNonNullToken(tree);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new LensException(SYNTAX_ERROR.getLensErrorInfo(), e, e.getMessage());
return rewrite(tree);
private static final String ITER_STR = "-ITER-";
private void rewrite(List<ContextRewriter> rewriters, CubeQueryContext ctx) throws LensException {
int i = 0;
for (ContextRewriter rewriter : rewriters) {
* Adding iteration number as part of gauge name since some rewriters are have more than one phase, and having
* iter number gives the idea which iteration the rewriter was run
MethodMetricsContext mgauge = MethodMetricsFactory.createMethodGauge(ctx.getConf(), true,
rewriter.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ITER_STR + i);
public Context getQLContext() {
return qlCtx;
public void clear() {
try {
if (qlCtx != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {"Ignoring exception in clearing qlCtx:", e);
// ignoring exception in clear