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All Apache Lens releases
Below table captures releases, release documentation, their compatibility and tools provided for incompatible changes.
|Release version|Major features|Release documentation|Release Notes|Download|Incompatibilities|More Info |
|2.2.0-beta-incubating| CLI Improvements, Support for multiple expressions and and union queries, More descriptive error codes, Zeppelin integration, Code cleanup| {{{../versions/2.2.0-beta-incubating/index.html} 2.2.x-incubating docs}} | {{{} 2.2 release notes}}| {{{} Download}} | {{{#a2.2.x_from_2.1.x} 2.2.x-incompatibilities}} | - |
|2.1.0-beta-incubating| Estimate api, Partition timeline, DB resources, Timers on REST api| {{{../versions/2.1.0-beta-incubating/index.html} 2.1.x-incubating docs}} | {{{} 2.1 release notes}}| {{{} Download}} | {{{#a2.1.x_from_2.0.x} 2.1.x-incompatibilities}} | - |
|2.0.1-beta-incubating| First release in Apache| {{{../versions/2.0.1-beta-incubating/index.html} 2.0.x-incubating docs}} | {{{} 2.0 release notes}}| {{{} Download}} | - | - |
Binary distribution of the release does not include dependency org.acplt:oncrpc:jar:1.0.7, as its licensing (LGPL) is
not in compliance with Apache licensing which is required for ganglia metrics reporting. If user is interested in
ganglia metrics reporting, the jar needs to be downloaded and used.
* Incompatibilities
** 2.2.x from 2.1.x
* LENS-484 : Fact table weight is a mandatory field now, for creating facts from the web interface. Please refer to
cube xsd for further details.
* LENS-553 : Java compilation version moved to Java 7 from Java 6.
* LENS-546 : Parameter names in Lens CLI will have _ (underscore) instead of - (hyphen) as a separator
* LENS-256 : Use explicit keywords for different parameter names in Lens-CLI
* LENS-486 : More structured and informative error responses for the REST interface
* LENS-487 : Consistent error response display in Lens-CLI. The output shown is different than the previous version.
* LENS-550 : Removed support for multi table select in cube queries
* LENS-563 : There was a length limitation of the property value of string that specified 'valid' column list for
a fact table. This change has fixed the length limitation by allowing users to set a size parameter, and multiple
numerically indexed keys for specifying the bigger column list.
** 2.1.x from 2.0.x
* LENS-437 : Removed counts and weights from QueryPlan. The values are no longer available. If any usecase requires
these values, it requires a feature addition.
* LENS-338 : REST api path changed from /facts/\{factName\}/storages/\{storage\}/partitions to
/facts/\{factName\}/storages/\{storage\}/partition and /dimtables/\{dimTableName\}/storages/\{storage\}/partitions to
/dimtables/\{dimTableName\}/storages/\{storage\}/partition for adding single partition. If single partition is
getting registered with old path, they need to change to use new path.
* LENS-281 : Lens server understands data(partition) availability through partition timeline instead of querying
metastore. When server is brought up for the first time after this feature, partition timeline will built. If it needs
to be updated again, table properties on storage table need to be modified by setting
cube.storagetable.partition.timeline.cache.present to false. All add and drop partitions should go through Lens server
to keep timeline updated.
* LENS-327 : Adds "QueryCost estimate(AbstractQueryContext qctx) throws LensException;" in LensDriver interface;
ESTIMATE is added in SubmitOp enum. If there is a driver implementation, the new api needs to be implemented.
* LENS-441 : GET on /cubes/\{cubeName\}/facts returns StringList instead of List<XFactTable>. For getting the
XFactTable corresponding to the name returned in StringList, user need to use GET on /facts/\{factName\}.
* LENS-275 : Session not found error code is 410, instead of 404