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User CLI Commands
Lens provides CLI on a shell. This document provides various commands available
in lens CLI. All the commands documented below can be seen by typing <<help>>
from the CLI shell.
* Understanding this document
Given below are a bunch of available commands in lens cli along with the argumets they expect and the way
they expect those arguments. This section will give a brief introduction on how to interpret the help of
commands given below. Arguments to commands can be passed in the following ways:
** Passing Keyword arguments
In this, all the arguments are passed with arg name and arg value. example:
<<<command --arg1 value1 --arg2 value2 --arg3 value3 >>>
** Passing list arguments
In this, arguments are passed without arg names. Directly values will be passed:
<<<command value1 value2 value3>>>
** Mixing list and keyword arguments
<<<base command --arg1 value1 [--arg2] value2 [[--arg3] value3] [--arg4 value4] >>>
The <<<[]>>> notation means <<<optional>>>. So argument <<<arg1>>> has to be passed as keyword argument, <<<arg2>>>
can be passed either with or without <<<--arg2>>>. arg3 can be omitted, passed without <<<--arg3>>> or passed
with <<<arg3>>>. arg4 can be omitted, or if passed, it has to be passed with <<<--arg4>>>.
** Argument Passing in LENS
Lens supports both the approaches of passing arguments but advises the usage of keyword arguments over list arguments.
Mixing is not generally supported. Keyword args are always supported. In places where all the arguments
have arg name optional, list arguments are supported. So to re-iterate, list arguments are supported if
* All args are either like <<<arg2>>> or <<<arg3>>> in the previous section.
* Arguments are of any type, but there is only one argument of type arg2 or arg3 and that's the argument you intend
to pass value to.
** About the huge number of commands below
The commands given below is an exhaustive list of commands available in lens cli. The good thing is, you probably
don't need to remember any of them. In lens-cli, pressing <<<tab>>> anytime will give you possible keywords.
For example, if you don't know the exact command but have an idea that it's related to facts,
type fact and press <<<tab>>>. You'll be provided with all possible next keywords.
Looking at the options should be helpful to know which to pick
for the action you want to perform. Similarly, when you don't know what arguments the command takes, type <<<-->>>
and then <<<tab>>> will also provide you with with the arguments of the command.
Also, there's a special command <<<help>>> which displays all possible commands with the arguments they expect.
** Known bugs
* If all arguments have same value, Something weird will happen.
* LENS CLI Commands
** Commands for Session Management
Opening the lens CLI shell is equivalent to open a session with lens server.This section provides all the commands available for in shell which are applicable for the full session.
|add file [--path] \<path-to-file-on-server-side\>|Adds a file resource to session\ |
|add jar [--path] \<path-to-jar-on-server-side\>|Adds jar resource to the session\ |
|close/bye|Releases all resources of the server session and exits the shell\ |
|debug [[--enable] ]|prints all class level logs and verbose logs on cli for debugging purpose. 'debug false' to turn off all class level logging and verbose level logging \ |
|get [--key] \<key\>|Fetches and prints session parameter specified with name <<<key>>> from lens server\ |
|list resources [[--type] \<resource-type\>]|list all resources from session. If type is provided, lists resources of type <<<resource-type>>>. Valid values for type are jar and file.\ |
|remove file [--path] \<path-to-file-on-server-side\>|removes a file resource from session\ |
|remove jar [--path] \<path-to-jar-on-server-side\>|Removes a jar resource from session\ |
|session|Print the current session handle\ |
|set \<key\>=\<value\>|Assign <<<value>>> to session parameter specified with <<<key>>> on lens server\ |
|show params|Fetches and prints all session parameter from lens server\ |
|verbose [[--enable] ]|Show cliLogger logs on cli. 'verbose false' turns off the cliLogger logs on console\ |
<<Lens Connection Commands>>
** Commands for Database Management
These commands provide CRUD for databases
|create database [--db] \<database-name\> [--ignoreIfExists \<ignore-if-exists\>]|create a database with specified name. if <<<ignore-if-exists>>> is true, create will not be tried if already exists. Default is false\ |
|drop database [--db/--database] \<database-name\> [--cascade ]|drop a database with specified name\ |
|show databases|displays list of all databases\ |
|use [--db] \<database-name\>|change to new database\ |
<<Lens Database Commands>>
** Commands for Storage Management
These commands provide CRUD for Storages
|create storage [--path] \<path-to-storage-spec\>|Create a new Storage from file <<<path-to-storage-spec>>>\ |
|describe storage [--name] \<storage-name\>|describe storage <<<storage-name>>>\ |
|drop storage [--name] \<storage-name\>|drop storage <<<storage-name>>>\ |
|show storages|list all storages\ |
|update storage [--name] \<storage-name\> [--path] \<path-to-storage-spec\>|update storage <<<storage-name>>> with storage spec from <<<path-to-storage-spec>>>\ |
<<Lens Storage Commands>>
** Commands for OLAP Data Cube Management
These commands provide CRUD for cubes
|create cube [--path] \<path-to-cube-spec-file\>|Create a new Cube, taking spec from <<<path-to-cube-spec-file>>>\ |
|cube latestdate [--name] \<cube_name\> [--time_dimension] \<time_dimension\>|get latest date of data available in cube <<<cube_name>>> for time dimension <<<time_dimension_name>>>. Instead of time dimension, partition column can be directly passed as <<<time_dimension>>>\ |
|cube show fields [--name] \<cube_name\> [--flattened \<flattened\>]|Show queryable fields of the given cube <<<cube_name>>>. Optionally specify <<<flattened>>> to include chained fields\ |
|cube show joinchains [--name] \<cube_name\>|Show joinchains of the given cube <<<cube_name>>>. \ |
|describe cube [--name] \<cube_name\>|describe cube with name <<<cube_name>>>\ |
|drop cube [--name] \<cube_name\>|drop cube <<<cube_name>>>\ |
|show cubes|show list of cubes in current database\ |
|update cube [--name] \<cube_name\> [--path] \<path-to-cube-spec-file\>|update cube <<<cube_name>>> with spec from <<<path-to-cube-spec-file>>>\ |
<<Lens Cube Commands>>
** Commands for Dimension Management
These commands provide CRUD for Dimensions
|create dimension [--path] \<path-to-dimension-spec file\>|Create a new Dimension, taking spec from <<<path-to-dimension-spec file>>>\ |
|describe dimension [--name] \<dimension_name\>|describe dimension <<<dimension_name>>>\ |
|dimension show fields [--name] \<dimension_name\> [--flattened \<flattened\>]|Show queryable fields of the given dimension <<<dimension_name>>>. Optionally specify <<<flattened>>> to include chained fields\ |
|dimension show joinchains [--name] \<dimension_name\>|Show joinchains of the given dimension <<<dimension_name>>>. \ |
|drop dimension [--name] \<dimension_name\>|drop dimension <<<dimension_name>>>\ |
|show dimensions|show list of all dimensions in current database\ |
|update dimension [--name] \<dimension_name\> [--path] \<path-to-dimension-spec-file\>|update dimension <<<dimension_name>>>, taking spec from <<<path-to-dimension-spec file>>>\ |
<<Lens Dimension Commands>>
** Commands for Facts Management
These command provide CRUD for facts, associated storages, and fact partitions
|create fact [--path] \<path-to-fact-spec-file\>|create a fact table with spec from <<<path-to-fact-spec-file>>>\ |
|describe fact [--fact_name] \<fact_name\>|describe fact <<<fact_name>>>\ |
|drop fact [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--cascade \<cascade\>]|drops fact <<<fact_name>>>. If <<<cascade>>> is true, all the storage tables associated with the fact <<<fact_name>>> are also dropped. By default <<<cascade>>> is false\ |
|fact add partitions [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-list-spec-path\>|add multiple partition to fact <<<fact_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading partition list spec from <<<partition-list-spec-path>>>\ |
|fact add single-partition [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-spec-path\>|add single partition to fact <<<fact_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading spec from <<<partition-spec-path>>>\ |
|fact add storage [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--path] \<path-to-storage-spec\>|adds a new storage to fact <<<fact_name>>>, taking storage spec from <<<path-to-storage-spec>>>\ |
|fact drop all storages [--fact_name] \<fact_name\>|drop all storages associated to fact <<<fact_name>>>\ |
|fact drop partitions [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--update_period] \<update_period\> [[--filter] \<partition-filter\>]|drop all partitions associated with fact <<<fact_name>>>, storage <<<storage_name>>> filtered by <<<partition-filter>>>\ |
|fact drop storage [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\>|drop storage <<<storage_name>>> from fact <<<fact_name>>>\ |
|fact get storage [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<path-to-storage-spec\>|describe storage <<<storage_name>>> of fact <<<fact_name>>>\ |
|fact list partitions [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--filter] \<partition-filter\>|get all partitions associated with fact <<<fact_name>>>, storage <<<storage_name>>> filtered by <<<partition-filter>>>\ |
|fact list storage [--fact_name] \<fact_name\>|display list of storages associated to fact <<<fact_name>>>\ |
|fact timelines [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name \<storage_name\>] [--update_period \<update_period\>] [--time_dimension \<time_dimension\>]|get timelines for fact. Can optionally specify storage, update period and time dimension to filter by. Instead of time dimension, partition column can be directly passed as <<<time_dimension>>>\ |
|fact update partitions [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-list-spec-path\>|update multiple partition of fact <<<fact_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading partition list spec from <<<partition-list-spec-path>>> The partitions have to exist to be eligible for updation.\ |
|fact update single-partition [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-spec-path\>|update single partition to fact <<<fact_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading spec from <<<partition-spec-path>>> The partition has to exist to be eligible for updation.\ |
|show facts [[--cube_name] \<cube_name\>]|display list of fact tables in current database. If optional <<<cube_name>>> is supplied, only facts belonging to cube <<<cube_name>>> will be displayed\ |
|update fact [--fact_name] \<fact_name\> [--path] \<path-to-fact-spec\>|update fact <<<fact_name>>> taking spec from <<<path-to-fact-spec>>>\ |
<<Lens Fact Commands>>
** Commands for Dimension Tables Management
These commands provide CRUD for dimension tables, associated storages, and fact partitions
|create dimtable [--path] \<path-to-dimtable-spec-file\>|Create a new dimension table taking spec from <<<path-to-dimtable-spec-file>>>\ |
|describe dimtable [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\>|describe dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>\ |
|dimtable add partitions [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-list-spec-path\>|add multiple partition to dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading partition list spec from <<<partition-list-spec-path>>>\ |
|dimtable add single-partition [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-spec-path\>|add single partition to dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading spec from <<<partition-spec-path>>>\ |
|dimtable add storage [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--path] \<path-to-storage-spec\>|adds a new storage to dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>, taking storage spec from <<<path-to-storage-spec>>>\ |
|dimtable drop all storages [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\>|drop all storages associated to dimension table\ |
|dimtable drop partitions [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [[--filter] \<partition-filter\>]|drop all partitions associated with dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>, storage <<<storage_name>>> filtered by <<<partition-filter>>>\ |
|dimtable drop storage [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\>|drop storage <<<storage_name>>> from dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>\ |
|dimtable get storage [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\>|describe storage <<<storage_name>>> of dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>\ |
|dimtable list partitions [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [[--filter] \<partition-filter\>]|get all partitions associated with dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>, storage <<<storage_name>>> filtered by <<<partition-filter>>>\ |
|dimtable list storages [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\>|display list of storage associated to dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>\ |
|dimtable update partitions [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-list-spec-path\>|update multiple partition to dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading partition list spec from <<<partition-list-spec-path>>> The partitions have to exist to be eligible for updation.\ |
|dimtable update single-partition [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--storage_name] \<storage_name\> [--path] \<partition-spec-path\>|update single partition to dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>'s storage <<<storage_name>>>, reading spec from <<<partition-spec-path>>> The partition has to exist to be eligible for updation.\ |
|drop dimtable [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--cascade \<cascade\>]|drop dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>>. If <<<cascade>>> is true, all the storage tables associated with the dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>> are also dropped. By default <<<cascade>>> is false\ |
|show dimtables [[--dimension_name] \<dimension_name\>]|display list of dimtables in current database. If optional <<<dimension_name>>> is supplied, only facts belonging to dimension <<<dimension_name>>> will be displayed\ |
|update dimtable [--dimtable_name] \<dimtable_name\> [--path] \<path-to-dimtable-spec\>|update dimtable <<<dimtable_name>>> taking spec from <<<path-to-dimtable-spec>>>\ |
<<Lens Dimension Table Commands>>
** Commands for Native Table Management
Read operations on native tables
|describe nativetable [--name] \<native-table-name\>|describe nativetable named <<<native-table-name>>>\ |
|show nativetables|show list of native tables belonging to current database\ |
<<Lens Native Table Commands>>
** Commands for Query Management
This section provides commands for query life cycle - submit, check status,
fetch results, kill or list all the queries. Also provides commands for
prepare a query, destroy a prepared query and list all prepared queries.
Please note that, character <<<">>> is used as delimiter by the Spring Shell
framework, which is used to build lens cli. So queries which require <<<">>>,
should be prefixed with another double quote. For example
<<<query execute cube select id,name from dim_table where name != ""first"">>>,
will be parsed as <<<cube select id,name from dim_table where name != "first">>>
|cube select \<query-string-without-cube-select\> [--async \<async\>] [--name \<query-name\>]|Execute cube query <<<cube select query-string-without-cube-select>>>. If <<<async>>> is true, The query is launched in async manner and query handle is returned. It's by default false. <<<query name>>> can also be provided, though not required.\ |
|prepQuery destroy [--prepare_handle] \<prepare_handle\>|Destroy prepared query with handle <<<prepare_handle>>>\ |
|prepQuery details [--prepare_handle] \<prepare_handle\>|Get prepared query with handle <<<prepare_handle>>>\ |
|prepQuery execute [--prepare_handle] Prepare handle to execute [--async \<async\>] [--name \<query-name\>]|Execute prepared query with handle <<<prepare_handle>>>. If <<<async>>> is supplied and is true, query is run in async manner and query handle is returned immediately. Optionally, <<<query-name>>> can be provided, though not required.\ |
|prepQuery explain [--query] \<query-string\> [--name \<query-name\>]|Explain and prepare query <<<query-string>>>. Can optionally provide <<<query-name>>>\ |
|prepQuery list [--name \<query-name\>] [--user \<user-who-submitted-query\>] [--fromDate \<submission-time-is-after\>] [--toDate \<submission-time-is-before\>]|Get all prepared queries. Various filters can be provided(optionally) as can be seen from command syntax\ |
|prepQuery prepare [--query] \<query-string\> [--name \<query-name\>]|Prepapre query <<<query-string>>> and return prepare handle. Can optionaly provide <<<query-name>>>\ |
|query details [[--query_handle] \<query_handle\>]|Get query details of query with handle <<<query_handle>>>.If not provided, takes last query handle interacted with.\ |
|query execute [--query] \<query-string\> [--async \<async\>] [--name \<query-name\>]|Execute query <<<query-string>>>. If <<<async>>> is true, The query is launched in async manner and query handle is returned. It's by default false. <<<query name>>> can also be provided, though not required.\ |
|query explain [--query] \<query-string\> [--save_location \<save_location\>]|Explain execution plan of query <<<query-string>>>. Can optionally save the plan to a file by providing <<<save_location>>>\ |
|query kill [[--query_handle] \<query_handle\>]|Kill query with handle <<<query_handle>>>.If not provided, takes last query handle interacted with.\ |
|query list [--state \<query-status\>] [--name \<query-name\>] [--user \<user-who-submitted-query\>] [--driver \<driver-where-query-ran\>] [--fromDate \<submission-time-is-after\>] [--toDate \<submission-time-is-before\>]|Get all queries. Various filter options can be provided(optionally), as can be seen from the command syntax\ |
|query results [[--query_handle] \<query_handle\>] [--save_location \<save_location\>] [--async \<async\>]|get results of query with query handle <<<query_handle>>>. If not provided, takes last query handle interacted with.If async is false then wait till the query execution is completed, it's by default true. Can optionally save the results to a file by providing <<<save_location>>>.\ |
|query status [[--query_handle] \<query_handle\>]|Fetch status of executed query having query handle <<<query_handle>>>. If not provided, takes last query handle interacted with.\ |
|select \<query-string-without-select\> [--async \<async\>] [--name \<query-name\>]|Execute query <<<select query-string-without-select>>>. If <<<async>>> is true, The query is launched in async manner and query handle is returned. It's by default false. <<<query name>>> can also be provided, though not required.\ |
<<Lens Query Commands>>
** Commands for Accessing Logs
This section provides commands for fetching logs under LENS_LOG_DIR.
|show logs [[--log_handle] \<log_handle\>] [--save_location \<save_location\>]|show logs for the given handle <<<log_handle>>>. Handle can either be a query handle or request id. If not provided, takes last query handle interacted with. You can optionally provide a location to save the logs as <<<save_location>>>\ |
<<Lens Log Resource Commands>>
** Creating schema with one command
|schema/create schema [--db] \<database-to-create-schema-in\> [--path/--file] \<schema-directory\> [[--type] \<schema-type-filter\>] [[--name] \<file-name-filter\>]|Parses the specified resource file and executes commands for creation/updation of schema. If <<<schema-type-filter>>> is provided, only schema types matching that will be worked upon. If <<<file-name-filter>>> is provided, then only those files that contain the filter value will be worked upon. \ |
| |Expected\ directory\ structure\ is\ \ |
| |. \ |
| |\|--\ storages \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ storage1.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ storage2.xml \ |
| |\| \ |
| |\|--\ dimensions \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ dim1.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ dim2.xml \ |
| |\| \ |
| |\|--\ cubes \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ base \ |
| |\|\ \ \|\ \ \|--\ base_cube1.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|\ \ \|--\ base_cube2.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \| \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ derived \ |
| |\|\ \ \|\ \ \|--\ derived_cube1.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|\ \ \|--\ derived_cube2.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \| \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ independent_cube1.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ independent_cube2.xml \ |
| |\| \ |
| |\|--\ dimensiontables \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ dimtable1.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ dimtable2.xml \ |
| |\| \ |
| |\|--\ dimtables \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ dimtable3.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ dimtable4.xml \ |
| |\| \ |
| |\|--\ facts \ |
| |\ \ \ \|--\ fact1.xml \ |
| |\ \ \ \|--\ fact2.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \| \ |
| |\|\ \ \|--\ virtual \ |
| |\|\ \ \|\ \ \|--\ virtual_fact1.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \|\ \ \|--\ virtual_fact2.xml \ |
| |\|\ \ \| \ |
| | \ |
| | \ |
| |If\ your\ cubes\ are\ divided\ between\ base\ and\ derived\ cubes, \ |
| |it\ makes\ sense\ to\ seperate\ into\ two\ directories,\ since\ derived\ cubes\ can't\ be\ created\ unless\ base\ cube\ exists. \ |
| |In\ the\ other\ case\ you\ can\ keep\ them\ in\ the\ cubes\ directory\ itself. \ |
| |For\ dimtables,\ you\ can\ keep\ your\ schema\ files\ in\ a\ directory\ named\ either\ dimtables\ or\ dimensiontables. \ |
| |Each\ of\ these\ directories\ is\ optional\ and\ the\ order\ of\ processing\ is\ top\ to\ bottom. \ |
| |CLI\ will\ let\ you\ know\ in\ case\ of\ any\ errors\ and\ proceed\ further\ without\ failing\ in\ between. \ |
<<Lens Schema Commands>>