blob: b42262dedc52b7864544a2acfeaae58b778249a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.lens.cube.parse;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.*;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Node;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
* Holds context of a candidate fact table.
public class CandidateFact implements CandidateTable, QueryAST {
final CubeFactTable fact;
private Set<String> storageTables;
private int numQueriedParts = 0;
private final Set<FactPartition> partsQueried = Sets.newHashSet();
private CubeInterface baseTable;
private ASTNode selectAST;
private ASTNode whereAST;
private ASTNode groupByAST;
private ASTNode havingAST;
private ASTNode joinAST;
private ASTNode orderByAST;
private Integer limitValue;
private String fromString;
private final List<Integer> selectIndices = Lists.newArrayList();
private final List<Integer> dimFieldIndices = Lists.newArrayList();
private Collection<String> columns;
private final Map<String, ASTNode> storgeWhereClauseMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, String> storgeWhereStringMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<TimeRange, Map<String, LinkedHashSet<FactPartition>>> rangeToStoragePartMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<TimeRange, Map<String, String>> rangeToStorageWhereMap = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, Map<String, Float>> dataCompletenessMap;
CandidateFact(CubeFactTable fact, CubeInterface cube) {
this.fact = fact;
this.baseTable = cube;
public String toString() {
return fact.toString();
public Collection<String> getColumns() {
if (columns == null) {
columns = fact.getValidColumns();
if (columns == null) {
columns = fact.getAllFieldNames();
return columns;
public boolean isValidForTimeRange(TimeRange timeRange) {
return (!timeRange.getFromDate().before(fact.getStartTime())) && (!timeRange.getToDate().after(fact.getEndTime()));
public void addToHaving(ASTNode ast) {
if (getHavingAST() == null) {
setHavingAST(new ASTNode(new CommonToken(TOK_HAVING, "TOK_HAVING")));
ASTNode existingHavingAST = (ASTNode) getHavingAST().getChild(0);
ASTNode newHavingAST = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(KW_AND, "AND"));
getHavingAST().setChild(0, newHavingAST);
public String addAndGetAliasFromSelect(ASTNode ast, AliasDecider aliasDecider) {
for (Node n : getSelectAST().getChildren()) {
ASTNode astNode = (ASTNode) n;
if (HQLParser.equalsAST(ast, (ASTNode) astNode.getChild(0))) {
if (astNode.getChildCount() > 1) {
return astNode.getChild(1).getText();
String alias = aliasDecider.decideAlias(astNode);
astNode.addChild(new ASTNode(new CommonToken(Identifier, alias)));
return alias;
// Not found, have to add to select
String alias = aliasDecider.decideAlias(ast);
ASTNode selectExprNode = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(TOK_SELEXPR));
selectExprNode.addChild(new ASTNode(new CommonToken(Identifier, alias)));
return alias;
void incrementPartsQueried(int incr) {
numQueriedParts += incr;
// copy ASTs from CubeQueryContext
public void copyASTs(CubeQueryContext cubeql) throws LensException {
if (cubeql.getJoinAST() != null) {
if (cubeql.getGroupByAST() != null) {
public ASTNode getStorageWhereClause(String storageTable) {
return storgeWhereClauseMap.get(storageTable);
public String getStorageWhereString(String storageTable) {
return storgeWhereStringMap.get(storageTable);
public boolean isExpressionAnswerable(ASTNode node, CubeQueryContext context) throws LensException {
return getColumns().containsAll(HQLParser.getColsInExpr(context.getAliasForTableName(context.getCube()), node));
* Update the ASTs to include only the fields queried from this fact, in all the expressions
* @param cubeql
* @throws LensException
public void updateASTs(CubeQueryContext cubeql) throws LensException {
// update select AST with selected fields
int currentChild = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cubeql.getSelectAST().getChildCount(); i++) {
ASTNode selectExpr = (ASTNode) this.selectAST.getChild(currentChild);
Set<String> exprCols = HQLParser.getColsInExpr(cubeql.getAliasForTableName(cubeql.getCube()), selectExpr);
if (getColumns().containsAll(exprCols)) {
if (exprCols.isEmpty() // no direct fact columns
// does not have measure names
|| (!containsAny(cubeql.getCube().getMeasureNames(), exprCols))) {
ASTNode aliasNode = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(selectExpr, Identifier);
String alias = cubeql.getSelectPhrases().get(i).getSelectAlias();
if (aliasNode != null) {
String queryAlias = aliasNode.getText();
if (!queryAlias.equals(alias)) {
// replace the alias node
ASTNode newAliasNode = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, alias));
this.selectAST.getChild(currentChild).replaceChildren(selectExpr.getChildCount() - 1,
selectExpr.getChildCount() - 1, newAliasNode);
} else {
// add column alias
ASTNode newAliasNode = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, alias));
} else {
// don't need to update where ast, since where is only on dim attributes and dim attributes
// are assumed to be common in multi fact queries.
// push down of having clauses happens just after this call in cubequerycontext
// The source set contains atleast one column in the colSet
static boolean containsAny(Collection<String> srcSet, Collection<String> colSet) {
if (colSet == null || colSet.isEmpty()) {
return true;
for (String column : colSet) {
if (srcSet.contains(column)) {
return true;
return false;
public String getStorageString(String alias) {
return StringUtils.join(storageTables, ",") + " " + alias;
public void setStorageTables(Set<String> storageTables) {
String database = SessionState.get().getCurrentDatabase();
// Add database name prefix for non default database
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(database) && !"default".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) {
Set<String> storageTbls = new TreeSet<>();
Iterator<String> names = storageTables.iterator();
while (names.hasNext()) {
storageTbls.add(database + "." +;
this.storageTables = storageTbls;
} else {
this.storageTables = storageTables;
public AbstractCubeTable getBaseTable() {
return (AbstractCubeTable) baseTable;
public CubeFactTable getTable() {
return fact;
public String getName() {
return fact.getName();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!super.equals(obj)) {
return false;
CandidateFact other = (CandidateFact) obj;
if (this.getTable() == null) {
if (other.getTable() != null) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = super.hashCode();
result = prime * result + ((getTable() == null) ? 0 : getTable().getName().toLowerCase().hashCode());
return result;
public String getSelectString() {
return HQLParser.getString(selectAST);
public String getWhereString() {
if (whereAST != null) {
return HQLParser.getString(whereAST);
return null;
public String getHavingString() {
if (havingAST != null) {
return HQLParser.getString(havingAST);
return null;
public String getOrderByString() {
if (orderByAST != null) {
return HQLParser.getString(orderByAST);
return null;
* @return the selectIndices
public List<Integer> getSelectIndices() {
return selectIndices;
* @return the groupbyIndices
public List<Integer> getDimFieldIndices() {
return dimFieldIndices;
public String getGroupByString() {
if (groupByAST != null) {
return HQLParser.getString(groupByAST);
return null;
public Set<String> getTimePartCols(CubeQueryContext query) throws LensException {
Set<String> cubeTimeDimensions = baseTable.getTimedDimensions();
Set<String> timePartDimensions = new HashSet<String>();
String singleStorageTable = storageTables.iterator().next();
List<FieldSchema> partitionKeys = null;
partitionKeys = query.getMetastoreClient().getTable(singleStorageTable).getPartitionKeys();
for (FieldSchema fs : partitionKeys) {
if (cubeTimeDimensions.contains(CubeQueryContext.getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(baseTable, fs.getName()))) {
return timePartDimensions;
public void updateFromString(CubeQueryContext query, Set<Dimension> queryDims,
Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery) throws LensException {
fromString = "%s"; // to update the storage alias later
if (query.isAutoJoinResolved()) {
fromString =
query.getAutoJoinCtx().getFromString(fromString, this, queryDims, dimsToQuery,
query, this);