blob: 0af6a34d2f852494d318f61871eb71db71dbfc62 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.lens.server.metastore;
import static org.apache.lens.api.APIResult.*;
import static org.apache.lens.cube.error.LensCubeErrorCode.NO_PARTITION_FILTER;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import org.apache.lens.api.APIResult;
import org.apache.lens.api.APIResult.*;
import org.apache.lens.api.DateTime;
import org.apache.lens.api.LensSessionHandle;
import org.apache.lens.api.StringList;
import org.apache.lens.api.metastore.*;
import org.apache.lens.server.LensServices;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.metastore.CubeMetastoreService;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
* metastore resource api
* <p> </p>
* This provides api for all things metastore.
public class MetastoreResource {
public static final ObjectFactory X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY = new ObjectFactory();
public static CubeMetastoreService getSvc() {
return LensServices.get().getService(CubeMetastoreService.NAME);
private static void checkSessionId(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle) throws LensException {
private void checkNonNullArgs(String message, Object... args) {
for (Object arg : args) {
if (arg == null) {
throw new BadRequestException(message);
private void checkNonNullPartitionList(XPartitionList partitions) {
checkNonNullArgs("Partition List is null", partitions);
checkNonNullArgs("One partition is null", partitions.getPartition().toArray());
private static LensException processLensException(LensException exc) {
return LensServices.processLensException(exc);
public enum Entity {
public List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle) throws LensException {
return getSvc().getAllDatabases(sessionHandle);
public void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
if (cascade == null) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
} else {
getSvc().dropDatabase(sessionid, entityName, cascade);
public List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return getSvc().getAllStorageNames(sessionid);
public void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
if (cascade == null) {
getSvc().dropStorage(sessionid, entityName);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
}, CUBE {
public List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle) throws LensException {
return getSvc().getAllCubeNames(sessionHandle);
public void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
if (cascade == null) {
getSvc().dropCube(sessionid, entityName);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
}, FACT {
public List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return getSvc().getAllFactNames(sessionid, null);
public void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
if (cascade == null) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
} else {
getSvc().dropFactTable(sessionid, entityName, cascade);
public List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return getSvc().getAllSegmentations(sessionid, null);
public void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
if (cascade == null) {
getSvc().dropSegmentation(sessionid, entityName);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return getSvc().getAllDimensionNames(sessionid);
public void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
if (cascade == null) {
getSvc().dropDimension(sessionid, entityName);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return getSvc().getAllDimTableNames(sessionid, null);
public void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
if (cascade == null) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
} else {
getSvc().dropDimensionTable(sessionid, entityName, cascade);
public abstract List<String> doGetAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException;
public abstract void doDelete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException;
public StringList getAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return new StringList(doGetAll(sessionid));
public APIResult delete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {"Drop {} {} cascade: {}", name(), entityName, cascade);
doDelete(sessionid, entityName, cascade);
return success();
public APIResult delete(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String entityName) throws LensException {
return delete(sessionid, entityName, null);
public APIResult deleteAll(LensSessionHandle sessionid, Boolean cascade) throws LensException {
List<String> entities;
int numDeleted = 0;
int numExpected = 0;
LensException exc = null;
try {
entities = doGetAll(sessionid);
numExpected = entities.size();
for (String entity : entities) {
doDelete(sessionid, entity, cascade);
} catch (LensException e) {
log.error("Error deleting cubes:", e);
exc = e;
return successOrPartialOrFailure(numDeleted, numExpected, processLensException(exc));
* API to know if metastore service is up and running
* @return Simple text saying it up
public String getMessage() {
return "Metastore is up";
* Get all databases in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return StringList consisting of all database names.
* @throws WebApplicationException
public StringList getAllDatabases(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.DATABASE.getAll(sessionid);
* Get the current database
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return The current db name
public String getDatabase(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
checkSessionId(sessionid);"Get database");
return getSvc().getCurrentDatabase(sessionid);
* Set the current db
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dbName The db name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if set was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if set has failed
public APIResult setDatabase(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, String dbName)
throws LensException {
checkSessionId(sessionid);"Set database:{}", dbName);
getSvc().setCurrentDatabase(sessionid, dbName);
return success();
* Delete the db specified by name. Deleting underlying tables is optional. If db does not exist, delete is ignored.
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dbName The db name
* @param cascade if true, all the tables inside the db will also be dropped.
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if delete was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if delete has failed
public APIResult dropDatabase(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dbName") String dbName,
@QueryParam("cascade") boolean cascade) throws LensException {
return Entity.DATABASE.delete(sessionid, dbName, cascade);
* Create a new database
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param ignoreIfExisting If true, create will be ignored if db already exists, otherwise it fails.
* @param dbName The db name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if create was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if create has failed
public APIResult createDatabase(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@QueryParam("ignoreIfExisting") @DefaultValue("true") boolean ignoreIfExisting,
String dbName) throws LensException {
checkSessionId(sessionid);"Create database {} Ignore Existing? {}", dbName, ignoreIfExisting);
getSvc().createDatabase(sessionid, dbName, ignoreIfExisting);
return success();
* Get all native tables.
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dbOption The options available are 'current' and 'all'. If option is current, gives all tables from current
* db. If option is all, gives all tables from all databases. If dbname is passed, dbOption is
* ignored. If no dbOption or dbname are passed, then default is to get tables from current db.
* @param dbName The db name. If not empty, the tables in the db will be returned
* @return StringList consisting of all table names.
* @throws WebApplicationException
public StringList getAllNativeTables(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@QueryParam("dbOption") String dbOption,
@QueryParam("dbName") String dbName) throws LensException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(dbName) && !StringUtils.isBlank(dbOption)) {
if (!dbOption.equalsIgnoreCase("current") && !dbOption.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid dbOption param:" + dbOption
+ " Allowed values are 'current' and 'all'");
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllNativeTableNames(sessionid, dbOption, dbName));
* Get the native table passed in name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param tableName The native table name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XNativeTable}
* @throws WebApplicationException
public JAXBElement<XNativeTable> getNativeTable(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("tableName") String tableName) throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXNativeTable(getSvc().getNativeTable(sessionid, tableName));
* Get all cubes in the metastores, of the specified type
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cubeTypes The type of cubes. Accepted values are 'all' or 'base' or 'derived' or 'queryable'
* @return StringList consisting of all cubes names
public StringList getAllCubes(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@QueryParam("type") @DefaultValue("all") String cubeTypes) throws LensException {
switch (cubeTypes) {
case "all":
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllCubeNames(sessionid));
case "base":
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllBaseCubeNames(sessionid));
case "derived":
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllDerivedCubeNames(sessionid));
case "queryable":
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllQueryableCubeNames(sessionid));
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid type " + cubeTypes + " Accepted"
+ " values are 'all' or 'base' or 'derived' or 'queryable'");
* Delete all cubes
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return APIResult with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED} in case of successful delete. APIResult with state {@link
* Status#FAILED} in case of delete failure. APIResult with state {@link Status#PARTIAL} in case of partial delete.
public APIResult deleteAllCubes(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.CUBE.deleteAll(sessionid, null);
* Create a new cube
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cube The {@link XCube} representation of the cube definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if create was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if create has failed
public APIResult createNewCube(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, XCube cube)
throws LensException {
getSvc().createCube(sessionid, cube);
return success();
* Update cube definition
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cubeName The cube name
* @param cube The {@link XCube} representation of the updated cube definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updateCube(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("cubeName") String cubeName, XCube cube) throws LensException {
getSvc().updateCube(sessionid, cube);
return success();
* Get the cube specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cubeName The cube name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XCube}
public JAXBElement<XCube> getCube(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("cubeName") String cubeName) throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXCube(getSvc().getCube(sessionid, cubeName));
* Drop the cube, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cubeName The cube name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropCube(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("cubeName") String cubeName) throws LensException {
return Entity.CUBE.delete(sessionid, cubeName, null);
* Get all storages in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return StringList consisting of all the storage names
* @throws WebApplicationException Wraps LensException
public StringList getAllStorages(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.STORAGE.getAll(sessionid);
* Create new storage
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param storage The XStorage representation of storage
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if create was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if create has failed
public APIResult createNewStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, XStorage storage)
throws LensException {
getSvc().createStorage(sessionid, storage);
return success();
* Delete all storages in metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return APIResult with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED} in case of successful delete. APIResult with state {@link
* Status#FAILED} in case of delete failure. APIResult with state {@link Status#PARTIAL} in case of partial delete.
public APIResult deleteAllStorages(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.STORAGE.deleteAll(sessionid, null);
* Update storage definition
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param storageName The storage name
* @param storage The {@link XStorage} representation of the updated storage definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updateStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("storageName") String storageName, XStorage storage) throws LensException {
getSvc().alterStorage(sessionid, storageName, storage);
return success();
* Get the storage specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param storageName The storage name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XStorage}
public JAXBElement<XStorage> getStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("storage") String storageName) throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXStorage(getSvc().getStorage(sessionid, storageName));
* Drop the storage, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param storageName The storage name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("storage") String storageName) throws LensException {
return Entity.STORAGE.delete(sessionid, storageName, null);
* Get all dimensions in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return StringList consisting of all the dimension names
* @throws WebApplicationException wraps lensException
public StringList getAllDimensionNames(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.DIMENSION.getAll(sessionid);
* Create new dimension
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimension The XDimension representation of dimension
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if create was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if create has failed
public APIResult createDimension(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, XDimension dimension)
throws LensException {
getSvc().createDimension(sessionid, dimension);
return success();
* Delete all dimensions in metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return APIResult with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED} in case of successful delete. APIResult with state {@link
* Status#FAILED} in case of delete failure. APIResult with state {@link Status#PARTIAL} in case of partial delete.
public APIResult deleteAllDimensions(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.DIMENSION.deleteAll(sessionid, null);
* Update dimension definition
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimName The dimension name
* @param dimension The {@link XDimension} representation of the updated dimension definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updateDimension(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimName") String dimName, XDimension dimension) throws LensException {
getSvc().updateDimension(sessionid, dimName, dimension);
return success();
* Get the dimension specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimName The dimension name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XDimension}
public JAXBElement<XDimension> getDimension(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimName") String dimName) throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXDimension(getSvc().getDimension(sessionid, dimName));
* Drop the dimension, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimName The dimension name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropDimension(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimName") String dimName) throws LensException {
return Entity.DIMENSION.delete(sessionid, dimName, null);
* Get all dimtables that belong to a dimension in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimensionName name of the dimension
* @return List of {@link XDimensionTable} objects
public StringList getAllDimensionTablesOfDimension(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, @PathParam("dimName") String dimensionName)
throws LensException {
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllDimTableNames(sessionid, dimensionName));
* Get all facts that belong to a cube in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cubeName name of the base cube or derived cube
* @return StringList consisting of all the fact names in the given cube
public StringList getAllFactsOfCube(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, @PathParam("cubeName") String cubeName)
throws LensException {
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllFactNames(sessionid, cubeName));
* Get all segmentations that belong to a cube in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cubeName name of the base cube or derived cube
* @return List of {@link XSegmentation} objects
public StringList getAllSegmentationsOfCube(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, @PathParam("cubeName") String cubeName)
throws LensException {
return new StringList(getSvc().getAllSegmentations(sessionid, cubeName));
* Get all fact tables in the metastore in the current database
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return StringList consisting of all fact table names
public StringList getAllFacts(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.FACT.getAll(sessionid);
* Get all segmentations in the current database
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return StringList consisting of all segmentations
public StringList getAllSegmentations(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid)
throws LensException {
return Entity.SEGMENTATION.getAll(sessionid);
* Delete all fact tables
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param cascade if set to true, all the underlying tables will be dropped, if set to false, only the fact table
* will be dropped
* @return APIResult with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED} in case of successful delete. APIResult with state {@link
* Status#FAILED} in case of delete failure. APIResult with state {@link Status#PARTIAL} in case of partial delete.
public APIResult deleteAllFacts(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("cascade") boolean cascade) throws LensException {
return Entity.FACT.deleteAll(sessionid, cascade);
* Delete all segmentations
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return APIResult with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED} in case of successful delete. APIResult with state {@link
* Status#FAILED} in case of delete failure. APIResult with state {@link Status#PARTIAL} in case of partial delete.
public APIResult deleteAllSegmentations(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.SEGMENTATION.deleteAll(sessionid, null);
* Get the fact table specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XFact}
public JAXBElement<XFact> getFactTable(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName)
throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXFact(getSvc().getFactTable(sessionid, factName));
* Get the segmentation specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param segmentationName The segmentation name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XSegmentation}
public JAXBElement<XSegmentation> getSegmentation(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("segmentationName") String segmentationName)
throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXSegmentation(getSvc().getSegmentation(sessionid, segmentationName));
* Create a new fact tabble
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param fact The {@link XFact} representation of the fact table definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if create was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if create has failed
public APIResult createFactTable(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, XFact fact)
throws LensException {
checkSessionId(sessionid);"Create fact table");
getSvc().createFactTable(sessionid, fact);
return success();
* Create a new segmentation
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param seg The {@link XSegmentation} representation of the segmentation
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if create was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if create has failed
public APIResult createSegmentation(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, XSegmentation seg)
throws LensException {
checkSessionId(sessionid);"Create segmentation");
getSvc().createSegmentation(sessionid, seg);
return success();
* Update fact table definition
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName name of the fact table
* @param fact The {@link XFact} representation of the updated fact table definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updateFactTable(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName, XFact fact)
throws LensException {
getSvc().updateFactTable(sessionid, fact);
return success();
* Update segmentation
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param segmentationName name of segmentation
* @param seg The {@link XSegmentation} representation of the updated fact table definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updateSegmentation(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("segmentationName") String segmentationName, XSegmentation seg)
throws LensException {
getSvc().updateSegmentation(sessionid, seg);
return success();
* Drop the fact table, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @param cascade If true, all the storage tables of the fact will also be dropped
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropFactTable(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("cascade") boolean cascade)
throws LensException {
return Entity.FACT.delete(sessionid, factName, cascade);
* Drop the segmentation, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param segmentationName The segmentation name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropSegmentation(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("segmentationName") String segmentationName)
throws LensException {
return Entity.SEGMENTATION.delete(sessionid, segmentationName, null);
* Get all storages of the fact table in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @return {@link StringList} consisting of all the storage names
* @throws LensException
public StringList getStoragesOfFact(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName) throws LensException {
return new StringList(getSvc().getStoragesOfFact(sessionid, factName));
* Drop all the storage tables of a fact table
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropAllStoragesOfFact(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName) throws LensException {
getSvc().dropAllStoragesOfFact(sessionid, factName);
return success();
* Add storage to fact table
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @param storageTable The storage table description
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if add was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if add has failed
public APIResult addStorageToFact(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName, XStorageTableElement storageTable) throws LensException {
getSvc().addStorageToFact(sessionid, factName, storageTable);
return success();
* Drop the storage of a fact, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropStorageFromFact(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage) throws LensException {
getSvc().dropStorageOfFact(sessionid, factName, storage);
return success();
* Get the fact storage table
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XStorageTableElement}
public JAXBElement<XStorageTableElement> getStorageOfFact(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage) throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXStorageTableElement(getSvc().getStorageOfFact(sessionid, factName, storage));
* Get all partitions of the fact table in the specified storage; can be filtered as well.
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @param filter The filter for partitions, string representation of the filter for ex: x &lt; "xxx" and y &gt;
* "yyy"
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XPartitionList} containing {@link XPartition} objects
public JAXBElement<XPartitionList> getAllPartitionsOfFactStorageByFilter(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, @PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
@QueryParam("filter") String filter) throws LensException {
if (filter == null || filter.isEmpty()) {
throw new LensException(NO_PARTITION_FILTER.getLensErrorInfo());
.createXPartitionList(getSvc().getAllPartitionsOfFactStorage(sessionid, factName, storage, filter));
* Drop the partitions in the storage of a fact; can specified filter as well
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @param filter The filter for partitions, string representation of the filter for ex: x &lt; "xxx" and y &gt;
* "yyy"
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropPartitionsOfFactStorageByFilter(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
@QueryParam("filter") String filter) throws LensException {
try {
getSvc().dropPartitionFromStorageByFilter(sessionid, factName, storage, filter);
} catch (LensException exc) {
log.warn("Got exception while dropping partition.", exc);
return partial(processLensException(exc));
return success();
* Add a new partition for a storage of fact
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName fact table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partition {@link XPartition} representation of partition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if add was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if add has failed
public APIResult addPartitionToFactStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartition partition) throws LensException {
checkNonNullArgs("Partition is null", partition);
checkNonNullArgs("Partition elements are null", partition.getFactOrDimensionTableName(),
return successOrPartialOrFailure(getSvc().addPartitionToFactStorage(sessionid, factName, storage, partition), 1);
* updates an existing partition for a storage of fact
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName fact table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partition {@link XPartition} representation of partition.
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful.
* {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updatePartitionOfFactStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartition partition) throws LensException {
return checkAndUpdatePartitions(sessionid, factName, storage, partition);
* Batch Add partitions for a storage of fact
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName fact table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partitions {@link XPartitionList} representation of partitions
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if add was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if add has failed
public APIResult addPartitionsToFactStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartitionList partitions) throws LensException {
return successOrPartialOrFailure(getSvc().addPartitionsToFactStorage(sessionid, factName, storage, partitions),
* Batch Update partitions for a storage of fact
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName fact table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partitions {@link XPartitionList} representation of partitions
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful.
* {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updatePartitionsOfFactStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartitionList partitions) throws LensException {
getSvc().updatePartitions(sessionid, factName, storage, partitions);
return success();
* Drop the partitions in the storage of a fact table, specified by exact values
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName The fact table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @param values Comma separated values
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropPartitionOfFactStorageByValues(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
@QueryParam("values") String values) throws LensException {
getSvc().dropPartitionFromStorageByValues(sessionid, factName, storage, values);
return success();
* Get all dimension tables in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @return StringList consisting of all dimension table names
public StringList getAllDims(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid) throws LensException {
return Entity.DIMTABLE.getAll(sessionid);
* Create a new dimension table
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimensionTable The {@link XDimensionTable} representation of the dimension table definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if create was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if create has failed
public APIResult createDimensionTable(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable) throws LensException {
getSvc().createDimensionTable(sessionid, dimensionTable);
return success();
* Update dimension table definition
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimensionTable The {@link XDimensionTable} representation of the updated dim table definition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful. {@link APIResult} with
* state {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updateCubeDimension(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable) throws LensException {
getSvc().updateDimensionTable(sessionid, dimensionTable);
return success();
* Drop the dimension table, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimension The dimension table name
* @param cascade if true, all the storage tables of dimension table will also be dropped
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropDimensionTable(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimension,
@QueryParam("cascade") boolean cascade) throws LensException {
return Entity.DIMTABLE.delete(sessionid, dimension, cascade);
* Get the dimension table specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName The cube name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XDimensionTable}
public JAXBElement<XDimensionTable> getDimensionTable(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, @PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName)
throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXDimensionTable(getSvc().getDimensionTable(sessionid, dimTableName));
* Get all storages of the dimension table in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimension The dimension table name
* @return StringList consisting of all the storage names
* @throws LensException
public StringList getDimensionStorages(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimension)
throws LensException {
return new StringList(getSvc().getDimTableStorages(sessionid, dimension));
* Add storage to dimension table
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName The dimension table name
* @param storageTbl The Storage table description
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if add was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if add has failed
public APIResult createDimensionStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
XStorageTableElement storageTbl) throws LensException {
getSvc().addDimTableStorage(sessionid, dimTableName, storageTbl);
return success();
* Get the dim storage table
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName The fact table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XStorageTableElement}
public JAXBElement<XStorageTableElement> getStorageOfDim(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage) throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXStorageTableElement(getSvc().getStorageOfDim(sessionid, dimTableName, storage));
* Drop all the storage tables of a dimension table
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName The dimension table name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropAllStoragesOfDim(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName) throws LensException {
getSvc().dropAllStoragesOfDimTable(sessionid, dimTableName);
return success();
* Drop the storage of a dimension table, specified by name
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName The dimension table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropStorageOfDim(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage) throws LensException {
getSvc().dropStorageOfDimTable(sessionid, dimTableName, storage);
return success();
* Get all partition of the dimension table in the specified storage; can be filtered
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimension The dimension table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @param filter The filter for partitions, string representation of the filter for ex: x &lt; "xxx" and y &gt;
* "yyy"
* @return JAXB representation of {@link XPartitionList} containing {@link XPartition} objects
public JAXBElement<XPartitionList> getAllPartitionsOfDimStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimension,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
@QueryParam("filter") String filter)
throws LensException {
.createXPartitionList(getSvc().getAllPartitionsOfDimTableStorage(sessionid, dimension, storage, filter));
* Drop the partitions in the storage of a dimension table; can specified filter as well
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName The dimension table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @param filter The filter for partitions, string representation of the filter for ex: x &lt; 'xxx' and y &gt;
* 'yyy'
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropPartitionsOfDimStorageByFilter(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
@QueryParam("filter") String filter) throws LensException {
try {
getSvc().dropPartitionFromStorageByFilter(sessionid, dimTableName, storage, filter);
} catch (LensException exc) {
log.error("Error dropping partition on storage of dimension table {}:{}", dimTableName, storage, exc);
return partial(processLensException(exc));
return success();
* Drop the partitions in the storage of a dimension table, specified by exact values
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName The dimension table name
* @param storage The storage name
* @param values Comma separated values
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if drop was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if drop has failed
public APIResult dropPartitionsOfDimStorageByValue(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
@QueryParam("values") String values) throws LensException {
getSvc().dropPartitionFromStorageByValues(sessionid, dimTableName, storage, values);
return success();
* Add a new partition for a storage of dimension
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName dimension table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partition {@link XPartition} representation of partition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if add was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if add has failed
public APIResult addPartitionToDimStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartition partition) throws LensException {
checkNonNullArgs("Partition is null", partition);
checkNonNullArgs("Partition elements are null", partition.getFactOrDimensionTableName(),
return successOrPartialOrFailure(getSvc().addPartitionToDimStorage(sessionid, dimTableName, storage, partition), 1);
* Updates an existing partition for a storage of dimension
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName dimension table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partition {@link XPartition} representation of partition
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful.
* {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updatePartitionOfDimStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName, @PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartition partition) throws LensException {
return checkAndUpdatePartitions(sessionid, dimTableName, storage, partition);
* Add new partitions for a storage of dimension
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName dimension table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partitions {@link XPartitionList} representation of list of partitions
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if add was successful. {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if add has failed
public APIResult addPartitionsToDimStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartitionList partitions) throws LensException {
return successOrPartialOrFailure(getSvc().addPartitionsToDimStorage(sessionid, dimTableName, storage, partitions),
* Add new partitions for a storage of dimension
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param dimTableName dimension table name
* @param storage storage name
* @param partitions {@link XPartitionList} representation of list of partitions
* @return {@link APIResult} with state {@link Status#SUCCEEDED}, if update was successful.
* {@link APIResult} with state
* {@link Status#FAILED}, if update has failed
public APIResult updatePartitionsOfDimStorage(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("dimTableName") String dimTableName,
@PathParam("storage") String storage,
XPartitionList partitions) throws LensException {
getSvc().updatePartitions(sessionid, dimTableName, storage, partitions);
return success();
* Get flattened list of columns reachable from a cube or a dimension
* @param sessionid session id
* @param tableName name of the table
* @param addChains whether columns accessed via chains should also be returned
* @return list of measures, expressions or dimension attributes
public JAXBElement<XFlattenedColumns> getFlattenedColumns(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("tableName") String tableName, @QueryParam("add_chains") @DefaultValue("true") boolean addChains)
throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXFlattenedColumns(
getSvc().getFlattenedColumns(sessionid, tableName, addChains));
* Get all chains that belong to a table(cube or dimension) in the metastore
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param tableName name of the table. can be either cube or dimension
* @return {@link XJoinChains} object
public JAXBElement<XJoinChains> getAllJoinChains(
@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid, @PathParam("tableName") String tableName)
throws LensException {
return X_CUBE_OBJECT_FACTORY.createXJoinChains(getSvc().getAllJoinChains(sessionid, tableName));
* Get the latest available date upto which data is available for the base cubes, for the time dimension.
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param timeDimension time dimension name
* @param cubeName name of the base cube
* @return DateTime object which has Date in it.
public DateTime getLatestDateOfCube(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("cubeName") String cubeName, @QueryParam("timeDimension") String timeDimension) throws LensException,
HiveException {
return new DateTime(getSvc().getLatestDateOfCube(sessionid, cubeName, timeDimension));
* Get the partition timelines.
* @param sessionid The sessionid in which user is working
* @param factName name of the fact
* @param storage storage Name
* @param updatePeriod update period
* @param timeDimension time dimension name
* @return List os partition timelines.
public StringList getPartitionTimelines(@QueryParam("sessionid") LensSessionHandle sessionid,
@PathParam("factName") String factName, @QueryParam("storage") String storage,
@QueryParam("updatePeriod") String updatePeriod, @QueryParam("timeDimension") String timeDimension)
throws LensException, HiveException {
return new StringList(getSvc().getPartitionTimelines(sessionid, factName, storage,
updatePeriod, timeDimension));
private APIResult checkAndUpdatePartitions(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String table, String storage,
XPartition partition) throws LensException {
checkNonNullArgs("Partition is null", partition);
checkNonNullArgs("Partition elements are null", partition.getFactOrDimensionTableName(),
getSvc().updatePartition(sessionid, table, storage, partition);
return success();