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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<description>The connection class from HiveDriver to HiveServer. The default is
an embedded connection which does not require a remote hive server.
For connecting to a hiveserver end point, remote connection should be used.
The possible values are org.apache.lens.driver.hive.EmbeddedThriftConnection
and org.apache.lens.driver.hive.RemoteThriftConnection.
<description>The query hook classes for hive driver. By default there are no hooks. To add a hook, you should look
at the default implementation and from there it'll be easy to derive what value can be added through a new hook.
Multiple hooks can be provided by providing comma seperated name of classes.
<description>The idle time (in milliseconds) for expiring connection from hivedriver to HiveServer2</description>
<!-- Hive server client params -->
<description>The host on which hive server is running</description>
<description>The port on which hive server is running</description>
<description>Number of times to retry a Thrift service call upon failure</description>
<description>Number of times to retry a connection to a Thrift hive server</description>
<description>Number of seconds the client should wait between connection attempts.</description>
<description>TCP Keep alive socket option for HiveServer connection</description>
<description>Socket timeout for the client connection</description>
<!-- query params -->
<description>List of comma separated storage names that supported by a driver. If no value is specified, all
storages are valid
<description>Tells whether timedim attribute queried in the time range should be replaced
with its corresponding partition column name.
<description>Whether priority should be calculated for hive mr jobs or not</description>
<description>Priority Ranges. The numbers are the costs of the query.\
The cost is calculated based on partition weights and fact weights. The interpretation of the
default config is: \
cost \&lt;= 7\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ \ \ \ \ Priority = VERY_HIGH \
7 \&lt; cost \&lt;= 30\ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ \ \ \ \ Priority = HIGH \
30 \&lt; cost \&lt;= 90\ \ \ \ \ \ :\ \ \ \ \ Priority = NORMAL \
90 \&lt; cost\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ \ \ \ \ Priority = LOW \
Some perspective wrt default weights and default ranges(1 for hourly, 0.75 for daily, 0.5 for monthly):\
For exclusively hourly data this translates to VERY_HIGH,7days,HIGH,30days,NORMAL,90days,LOW. \
FOR exclusively daily data this translates to VERY_HIGH,9days,HIGH,40days,NORMAL,120days,LOW. \
for exclusively monthly data this translates to VERY_HIGH,never,HIGH,1month,NORMAL,6months,LOW. \
One use case in range tuning can be that you never want queries to run with VERY_HIGH,
assuming no other changes, you'll modify the value of this param in hivedriver-site.xml to be
via the configs, you can tune both the ranges and partition weights. this would give the end
user more control.
<description>Cost calculator class. By default calculating cost through fact partitions.</description>
<description>Factories used to instantiate constraints enforced on queries by driver. A query will be launched
only if all constraints pass. Every Factory should be an implementation of
org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create an implementation of
<description>Factories used to instantiate driver specific waiting queries selection policies. Every factory should
be an implementation of org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create an
implementation of org.apache.lens.server.api.query.collect.WaitingQueriesSelectionPolicy.</description>