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Developer Documentation : How to contribute to Apache Lens?
Welcome contributors! This page provides necessary guidelines on how to contribute towards furthering the development
and evolution of Apache Lens.
* Contributions
Contributions are welcome in all the following forms which improves the project overall.
* {{{#Code_Contributions}Code contributions}}
* {{{#Documentation}Documentation}}
* {{{#Quality_improvements}Quality Improvements}}
* {{{#Review} Reviewing}}
* Miscellaneous contributions
** Simpler tasks like setting component field to No component issues in jira, set appropriate Priority for jira
** Propose new features and improvements for the project
** Participate in discussions on dev list and jiras
** Verify and Vote for a release
** Volunteer for releasing a version of the project
** Improve review process, release process, builds, packaging, jenkins jobs, code contribution process and etc.
* Development Environment Setup
Below sections guide a developer on how to contribute code or doc changes to Lens.
** Source Repository
Lens uses {{{} git}} for its code repository. The repository is available at
If you are comfortable working in github environment by forking a github repo, sothat you can push changes to your
repository before they are accepted in apache, we have a mirror of source at
{{{}}}. Its better to add the apache
repo as remote than github repo, because github repo might be delayed as it is a mirror of apache repo.
** Build tools
* A Java Development Kit. You can use java7 and java8.
* Generating site and javadoc with java8 is not supported yet. See [Enunciate issue {{{}Enunciate issue}}
and {{{}Javadoc issue}} for more details.
* Apache maven (3.x+)
Ensure all the tools are installed by executing mvn, git and javac respectively.
As the Lens builds use the external Maven repository to download artifacts, Maven needs to be set up with the proxy
settings needed to make external HTTP requests. The first build of every Lens project needs internet connectivity
to download Maven dependencies.
* Be online for that first build, on a good network
* See {{{} Maven proxy settings}}
** Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
You are free to use whatever IDE you prefer or your favorite text editor. Note that:
* Building and testing is often done on the command line or at least via the Maven support in the IDEs.
* Set up the IDE to follow the source layout rules of the project.
* Building from source
** Building Lens from Source
Download Apache Lens source release from {{{/releases/download.html} here}}.
unzip apache-lens-<version>
cd apache-lens-<version>
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Clone Apache Lens source code from {{{}}}
git clone
cd lens
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Once one of the above sets of commands completes successfully, the build will produce
<lens-dist/target/apache-lens-<version>-bin/apache-lens-<version>-bin/client>, and
<lens-dist/target/apache-lens-<version>-bin/apache-lens-<version>-bin/ui>. These can be used as the Lens server
installation directory, Lens client installation directory, and Lens UI installation directory respectively.
{{{/lenshome/install-and-run.html#Running_Lens} run}} lens server, lens client and UI.
Lens UI is written in <nodejs>, and can be run directly from the module itself. In fact, it's recommended to run
from there since the npm dependencies are already fetched in <lens-ui> module by <mvn clean package> step above.
cd lens-ui
npm start
For making changes in lens-ui code, it can be started in dev mode where it'll watch for your changes and re-bundle
whenever changes are made. To run ui server in dev mode, use the following command:
npm run dev
The build will also produce debians for server, client and ui in <lens-dist/target>. Client debian uses
</usr/local/lens/client> as the Lens client installation directory and Server debian uses </usr/local/lens/server> as
the Lens server installation directory. UI debian uses </usr/local/lens/ui> as the installation directory.
Apache Lens depends on Hive. Please {{{#Building_Hive_from_Source} build}} Hive from Source or install it using the
documentation {{{/lenshome/install-and-run.html#Installing_Hive} here}}. After installing Lens and Hive,
refer {{{/lenshome/install-and-run.html#Running_Lens} here}} for running lens client and lens server from
installation directories.
** Building Hive from Source
git clone
cd hive
git checkout <release-tag>
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdist,deb
Once above package command completes successfully, <packaging/target> will have <apache-hive-$project.version-bin>.
This build also produces source, binary tar.gz files and deb package for hive.
Set the environment variable HIVE_HOME to point to the Hive installation directory built from source:
cd packaging/target/apache-hive-$project.version-bin/apache-hive-$project.version-bin
export HIVE_HOME=`pwd`
* Code Contributions
All code changes should be initiated based on an issue in {{{}LENS JIRA}},
so that other contributors are aware of the proposed work and have the opportunity to actively participate
(through review, suggestions, etc). This also allows scoping the changes in appropriate releases. Code contributions
are to be made available as a patch against a specific JIRA created for the task. Once patches are attached to the
JIRA, the JIRA issue should be marked as "Patch available" by clicking submit. Lens project follows
RTC (Review then commit). If the change is bigger than a couple of lines of code, contributor should raise a review
request on review board and attach the patch on jira once review request gets "Ship it" from one of the reviewers.
It is recommended that large changes are broken up into smaller changes, thus making it
easy for review. The patches should comply with the requirements below before they are made available for review.
** Code compliance
All contributions should satisfy the following requirements
* All public classes and methods should have informative javadoc comments.
* Do not use @author tags.
* All existing unit tests and integration tests should pass.
* New unit tests should be provided to demonstrate bugs and fixes. Lens
uses {{{} TestNG}} test framework. If any code change does not include unit test,
the contributor should give the reason why it is not possible to include a unit test.
* Project documentation corresponding to the change should be updated along with the code change. See
{{{#Documentation}Documentation}} section to know how Lens documentation is organized and how to update
* Code must be formatted according to java standards, with the following changes:
* Trailing White spaces: Remove all trailing white spaces.
* Indentation: Never use tabs! Always use 2 space indents.
* Line wrapping: Always use a 120-column line width.
* Use slf4j framewrok for logging and use parameterized logging. Avoid commons logging and log4j fully, and those
should be removed from transitive dependencies of newer dependencies added.
* All working files (java, xml, others) should have the ASF license header in all versioned files.
* If new features requires illustrative examples, they should be added in lens-examples.
** Naming convention for configuration properties
Developers should follow the following naming convention for configuration properties
* All server configuration names start with <<lens.server>>.
* All configuration overridable for each query start with <<lens.query>>.
* All configuration of drivers start with <<lens.driver>>. For HiveDriver the names start with <<lens.driver.hive>>.
and for JDBCDriver it is <<lens.driver.jdbc>>
* All configuration overridable for each session start with <<lens.session>>.
* How do I suggest my code changes to the community?
So you've cloned lens, assigned a jira to yourself and made changes for that. You've also tested and verified the changes.
Now you want to suggest the change to the lens community. There's two major steps involved in that:
* {{{#Generate_a_Patch}Generate a patch}}
* {{{#Review_request}Create a review request}}
* {{{#Submit_patch}Submit the patch}}
* {{{#Unifying_the_above}Unified way of doing both of these in one step}}
** Generate a patch
*** Creating patch
Check to see what files you have modified with:
git status
Add any new files with:
git add src/.../
git add src/.../
In order to create a patch, type the following:
git diff > LENS-1234.patch
The above command will only generate diff of your uncommitted files. If you've made commits, you'll have to diff
between last community commit of lens and your own commit id. In this case, it's recommended to commit all
uncommitted changes, and do:
git diff master..HEAD > LENS-1234.patch
where master is the branch whose last commit is a community commit. Instead, you can provide commit id also, if
you've made commits in master branch itself.
This will report all modifications done on Lens sources on your local disk and save them into the LENS-1234.patch file.
Read the patch file. Make sure it includes ONLY the modifications required to fix a single issue.
Please do not:
* reformatting code unrelated to the bug being fixed: formatting changes should be separate patches/commits.
* comment out code that is now obsolete: just remove it.
* make things public which are not required by end users.
Please do:
* Try to adhere to the coding style of files you edit.
* Comment code whose function or rationale is not obvious.
* Update documentation (e.g., package.html files, this wiki, etc.)
*** Naming your patch
Patches for master should be named according to the Jira: jira-xyz.patch, eg LENS-1234.patch.
Patches for a branch should be named jira-xyz-branch.patch, eg LENS-1234-branch-x.patch.
The branch name suffix should be the exact name of a git branch.
It's OK to upload a new patch to Jira with the same name as an existing patch. However many contributors find
it convenient to add a numeric suffix to the patch indicating the patch revision. e.g. LENS-1234.01.patch,
LENS-1234.02.patch etc.
*** Testing your patch
Before submitting your patch, make sure all tests pass by running <mvn clean package> .
Upon successful completion of the build, you can upload the patch on the JIRA and mark the JIRA as patch available.
Till the automatic jenkins setup is available to verifying patch available issues, please update the test report on
jira. Once a committer reviews the change, it will be committed to the repo and jira issue will be resolved.
*** Applying a patch
To apply a patch either you generated or found from JIRA, you can issue
git apply --check lens_patch.patch
git apply lens_patch.patch
** Review request
Install reviewboard command line tool:
* Make sure you have python installed and easy_install is available.
* $ easy_install -U setuptools
* More help available at {{{}Reviewboard Documentation}}.
*** Posting a review request
Whenever you want to publish a new review request, commit all the changes you want to send to the request and do:
rbt post --parent=master
Reviewboard is not foolproof. Sometimes this will create a review request but wouldn't attach the patch. In that case,
you have to manually create the patch and upload it to the url of the request. To create the patch:
git diff master..HEAD > ~/LENS-##.patch
For updating an existing review request:
rbt post -u --parent=master
Any changes you make from the command line to the review request are not published. They are only submitted as a
draft. So the second step would be to open the review request url and update the necessary info like Title, Reviewer,
Bug number etc.
*** After the patch is merged
After merge, make sure you close the review request by either clicking close on the request's URL or by command line:
rbt close --close-type={submitted/discarded} #####(request id)
But it won't be merged until you follow one more step:
** Submit patch
After the patch is reviewed on review board and validated by committers, they will post a "Ship It!" review.
After that, you're expected to take the patch from reviewboard, attach it on the jira and make the jira "Patch Available".
Only after that's done, will it be committed.
** Unifying the above
So The above steps can get time consuming after few times. We recommend you use the above steps at least a few times
to understand and internalize the process. There is also an automated way of doing the above things. One of the lens
developers has developed a command line tool for it. It's available at
The typical contributor workflow will be like following:
* Make Changes
* Generate patch using git diff
* Post patch to reviewboard.
* Review Happens
* Go back to step 1 to make changes according to the review. Or go to next step if Ship It! is provided
* Download patch from review board
* Attach patch in jira
* Make jira patch available
* Still a review can cause the patch to be cancelled. Go back to step 1. Or next step if it's committed.
* Done.
So there's multiple steps involved in loops. The rbt-jira tool aims to automate precisely them. The documentation of
the tool you can check on it's own github, as it's still in development and is subject to change.
* Quality improvements
Here are some guidelines for contributing to Apache Lens, to improve quality of the project
* Actively look at {{{}Review board}} and
{{{} Patch available queue}}
on lens and check the issues if they are verifiable, by looking for the following
** All the issues are updated with enough documentation which can be used in verifying.
** All bug fixes have an illustrative unit test to illustrate the bug, which can be added to regression.
** None of the patches degrade the quality of the project.
* Add more code quality tools for the build like findbugs.
* Verify resolved issues and close them by adding regression
* Improve test suite by adding unit tests, smoke tests, regression tests, integration tests and etc.
* Report issues you encountered while trying out a feature
* Documentation
You can contribute to improving project documentation by reporting issues in existing documentation or proposing
changes. Most of the doc changes are done in existing files under src/site or add you can add new files under
src/site or you can use space on confluence for some of the documentation. You can provide the changes for
documentation in code similar to code contributions. For updating confluence space, you can request for edit access
on dev mailing list for your account.
Below are some guidelines on updating document
** Project documentation
The design, architecture and feature documentation needs to be updated in src/site of parent module. The
documentation is organized into four menus under the site.
*** Lens Menu
Has main page, getting started page, install and run pages. This is place for all additions/changes required which
improves documentation for the whole project
*** User Menu
User menu is meant for end user to use the lens as platform. It should be the place to reach end user. The
documentation here should not talk about implementation details. For new feature user guide needs to be updated with
how end user can use it. If feature is only a server improvement or admin feature, which end user shouldn't care,
then this is not the place to add them. Usually api documentation, client side documentation, user level
configuration go here.
*** Admin Menu
Admin menu is meant for administrator of the lens platform. All the documentation with respect to server deployment,
configurations, monitoring goes here. Any new feature or improvement which is effecting admin should update this
admin doc on how admin can use that feature.
*** Developer Menu
Developer menu is meant for developers to understand lens design and architecture, modules
Developer documentation would contain overall design and architecture doc, feature design docs, extension api doc,
how to contribute/commit/release docs and etc.
** Configuration documentation
Configuration pages should be linked from user guide and admin guide with respect to the configuration exposed to
them. See {{{#Developer_FAQ} Developer FAQ}} on how to update config docs.
** REST api documentation
REST api documentation is auto generated through {{{} Enunciate}}. Once the javadoc for
the resource api is updated correctly, the REST api doc should get updated.
If a new resource is added in lens-server module, it should be updated in lens-server/enunciate.xml sothat the
REST api doc gets generated. If a new module is added with resources and the module pom entry need to updated with
enunciate plugin usage and tools/scripts/ needs to be updated with site generation and
publishing the docs.
** Feature documentation
End users of Lens include :
* Querying users : mostly un-aware of system details, and un-aware of underlying data layout.
* Schema designer : Schema designer would understand the data model and come up with schema for their data.
* Server administrator : Lens server administrator understands the server setup, how multiple execution engines can be
added/removed and how to support multiple storage.
* Developer : Developers can develop new drivers, new features on server or client or anything to do with code.
Whenever a new feature is added to Lens, the developer should understand to whom the feature is applicable and put
it in proper menu - "User Menu" for Querying users and schema designers; "Admin Menu" for server administrators and
"Developer Menu" for developer related features.
The following details about the feature should be documented :
* The use case : Explaining Why the feature is required.
* The feature itself : What the feature is.
* How to enable the feature, if any.
* Who are the users of feature and who are not, if any.
* Illustration with example would be very welcome
The design documentation related to the feature can go in developer documentation or
{{{} Design docs}}. It would be necessary to add in which
version the feature is available if the documentation is in confluence. Also when behavior is modified or improved on
existing features, version tagging is quite useful. Any defaults (in terms of config or behavior) assumed with the
feature should also be highlighted. Configuration descriptions should be linked to config apt files, so that they
are always in sync with code.
** Confluence usage
{{{}Cwiki}} should be used for documentation that cannot go into
code, which is some adhoc documentation. This falls into following main categories
* Design doc for a feature, which is just proposed or it is under implementation. Once the feature is implemented doc
should be updated in project documentation
* Project roadmap
* Discussions : Placeholder for discussions that cannot be done in jira
* Presentations : Links to slideshare or google docs
* Events : Developer/User Meetup minutes
Cwiki should not be used for documentation that is already present in code, which is the following
* Architecture documentation
* Feature documentation
* How to contribute/commit/release pages
* Generated doc for REST API/Javadoc
* Getting started pages
* Review
Lens uses {{{}Review board}} for review requests. If
you are interested in reviewing in changes put by other contributors actively look at the review board for requests
put up
Some things that are important to check for in patches/review requests
* Code style as per {{{./contribute.html#Code_compliance}coding guidelines in contributer guide}}
* Correctness of the patch
* Exception handling and thread safety
* Log levels
* Documentation (project documentation, javadoc, feature design docs)
* Any assumptions made in the patch that might not be practical or that could be cumbersome to manage
* Increase in complexity of installation, use, or operability
* Becoming a committer
"What do I need to do in order to become a committer?" The simple (though frustrating) answer to this question
is, "If you want to become a committer, behave like a committer." If you follow this advice, then rest assured
that the PMC will notice, and committership will seek you out rather than the other way around.
So besides continuing to contribute high-quality code and tests, there are many other things that you should
naturally be undertaking as part of getting deeper into the project's life:
* Help out users and other developers on the mailing lists, in JIRA, and in IRC
* Review and test the patches submitted by others; this can help to offload the burden on existing
committers, who will definitely appreciate your efforts
* Participate in discussions about releases, roadmaps, architecture, and long-term plans
* Help improve the website and the wiki
* Participate in (or even initiate) real-world events such as user/developer meetups,
papers/talks at conferences, etc
* Improve project infrastructure in order to increase the efficiency of committers and other contributors
* Help raise the project's quality bar (e.g. by setting up code coverage analysis)
* As much as possible, keep your activity sustained rather than sporadic
* Stay involved
Contributors should join the Lens {{{../mail-lists.html}mailing lists}}. In particular, the commit list (to see
changes as they are made), the dev list (to join discussions of changes) and the user list (to help others). Also
refer to {{{} Apache contributors guide}} and
{{{} Apache voting process}}.
* Developer FAQ
** How to update documentation?
The new doc files can added in src/site of parent module. Or doc change can be done in existing files under src/site.
Update the config files and run the TestGenerateConfigDoc test calss for updating the config docs.
Once the changes are done, contributor can run the below command.
mvn site:run
This will start localhost doc server on {{{http://localhost:8080}http://localhost:8080}}, which can opened through browser and doc can be validated.
** How to update the config docs?
Add/Delete/Modify the config to the resource config files(Ex: lens-client-default.xml file for Client resource).
Run the TestGenerateConfigDoc, which automatically updates the config apt files under src/site.
||Resource|| Config FileName || Location of config property file|
|<<Hive Driver>>|hivedriver-default.xml|lens-driver-hive/src/main/resources/hivedriver-default.xml|
|<<JDBC Driver>>|jdbcdriver-default.xml|lens-driver-jdbc/src/main/resources/jdbcdriver-default.xml|
** How to update CLI doc?
So cli doc is auto generated by reading all the annotations in cli java files. So if you've added a new cli command
or modified an existing command, please make sure to have enough documentation in the help section of the command's
annotations. Look at other commands to get an idea. After any modifications, run TestGenerateCLIUserDoc to
automatically re-generate cli doc. Once you do that, start the site locally and verify the change is reflected at
{{{http://localhost:8080/user/cli.html}http://localhost:8080/user/cli.html}}. Also verify it doesn't look
out of place by looking at neighbouring command documentations.
** How to add license headers for newly added files?
Run the command mvn license:format. This is add license headers for all the files automatically. If some files
need to excluded they should be put in excludes section in parent project pom's license-maven-plugin.
** How to check all licenses are fine?
Run the command mvn apache-rat:check. If check needs to be excluded for any file, it should be put in excludes section
in parent project pom's apache-rat-plugin.
** What is versioning strategy in Lens?
Lens follows three number versioning which is major.minor.revision. If the current release is 2.0.0, the next usual
development release will be 2.1.0. If there needs to be separate release on released version and not from development
branch (usually critical patch release), it will be 2.0.1. If the next release is not compatible with previous
release, then the major version needs to be incremented, then it would become 3.0.0. This way all 2.x.x releases will
be compatible with one another. And incompatibility is clearly communicated to users through major version number
The jira fix version for all the issues in 2.0.x is called 2.0, and 2.1.x is called 2.1. For patch releases from
release branch, the jira fix version can be exact patch release version number.
** What is the branching strategy in Lens?
Lens has two main branches - <<master>> and <<current-release-line>>. All the day to day development happens on
<<master>> branch. <<current-release-line>> branch is used to make releases. When <<master>> branch is ready for
release (all improvements/features/bug fixes marked for release are fixed and all tests passing), <<master>> will be
merged to <<current-release-line>>. The version number on <<master>> will be incremented to next development version.
The only issues that can be cherry-picked into <<current-release-line>> till release is rolled are
critical/blocker bugs, documentation changes and test case changes. Once all the issues are verified for the release,
and release will be triggered from <<current-release-line>>.
If a critical release (not pulling code from master) needs to be made, a new branch will be created with release
number, by checking out <<current-release-line>> branch. And changes will be put on the branch. Once the branch is
ready they will merged to <<current-release-line>> and released. The changes should be cherry-picked back into
<<master>> from <<current-release-line>> once the release is made and resolving conflicts in <<master>> if any.
Having two main branches makes all release tags to be created on <current-release-line> branch and removes the pile
up of old and stale branches, which are created by one for each release.
For major version increments, <<current-release-line>> will be branched to a a <$major.x-line> and
<<current-release-line>> and master will be moved to next major version.
There can be feature branches created from <<master>>, if feature is not actively developed in <<master>> branch
directly. For a feature branch to be created a contirbutor can start discuss thread on dev list for consensus on
whether it is required.
** How to add a new Driver in Lens?
Please refer to {{{} this wiki article}}.
For examples you can refer to the following review board requests
1. {{{} Druid driver in Lens}}
2. {{{} Elastic Search Driver}}
** How to add a new Error Code in Lens?
Please refer to {{{} this wiki article}}