blob: 310a655cd2102ce7c8da19ae3301cf9b241caff4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.lens.cube.parse;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.MetastoreConstants;
import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.TimeRange;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
class QueriedPhraseContext extends TracksQueriedColumns implements TrackQueriedCubeFields {
// position in org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CubeQueryContext.queriedPhrases
private int position;
private final ASTNode exprAST;
private Boolean aggregate;
private String expr;
private final Set<String> queriedDimAttrs = new HashSet<>();
private final Set<String> queriedMsrs = new HashSet<>();
private final Set<String> queriedExprColumns = new HashSet<>();
private final Set<String> columns = new HashSet<>();
void setNotAggregate() {
this.aggregate = false;
boolean isAggregate() {
if (aggregate == null) {
aggregate = HQLParser.hasAggregate(exprAST);
return aggregate;
String getExpr() {
if (expr == null) {
expr = HQLParser.getString(getExprAST()).trim();
return expr;
void updateExprs() {
expr = HQLParser.getString(getExprAST()).trim();
public void addQueriedDimAttr(String attrName) {
public void addQueriedMsr(String msrName) {
public void addQueriedExprColumn(String exprCol) {
public boolean hasMeasures(CubeQueryContext cubeQl) {
if (!queriedMsrs.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (!queriedExprColumns.isEmpty()) {
for (String exprCol : queriedExprColumns) {
if (cubeQl.getQueriedExprsWithMeasures().contains(exprCol)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param cubeQl
* @param sc
* @return
* @throws LensException
public boolean isEvaluable(CubeQueryContext cubeQl, StorageCandidate sc) throws LensException {
// all measures of the queried phrase should be present
for (String msr : queriedMsrs) {
if (!checkForColumnExistsAndValidForRange(sc, msr, cubeQl)) {
return false;
// all expression columns should be evaluable
for (String exprCol : queriedExprColumns) {
if (!cubeQl.getExprCtx().isEvaluable(exprCol, sc)) {"expression {} is not evaluable in fact table:{}", expr, sc);
return false;
// all dim-attributes should be present.
for (String col : queriedDimAttrs) {
if (!sc.getColumns().contains(col.toLowerCase())) {
// check if it available as reference
if (!cubeQl.getDeNormCtx().addRefUsage(cubeQl, sc, col, cubeQl.getCube().getName())) {"column {} is not available in fact table:{} ", col, sc);
return false;
} else if (!isFactColumnValidForRange(cubeQl, sc, col)) {"column {} is not available in range queried in fact {}", col, sc);
return false;
return true;
private static boolean isColumnAvailableInRange(final TimeRange range, Date startTime, Date endTime) {
return (isColumnAvailableFrom(range.getFromDate(), startTime)
&& isColumnAvailableTill(range.getToDate(), endTime));
private static boolean isColumnAvailableFrom(@NonNull final Date date, Date startTime) {
return (startTime == null) || date.equals(startTime) || date.after(startTime);
private static boolean isColumnAvailableTill(@NonNull final Date date, Date endTime) {
return (endTime == null) || date.equals(endTime) || date.before(endTime);
public static boolean isFactColumnValidForRange(CubeQueryContext cubeql, StorageCandidate sc, String col) {
for (TimeRange range : cubeql.getTimeRanges()) {
if (!isColumnAvailableInRange(range, getFactColumnStartTime(sc, col), getFactColumnEndTime(sc, col))) {
return false;
return true;
public static Date getFactColumnStartTime(StorageCandidate sc, String factCol) {
Date startTime = null;
for (String key : sc.getTable().getProperties().keySet()) {
if (key.contains(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX)) {
String propCol = StringUtils.substringAfter(key, MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX);
if (factCol.equals(propCol)) {
startTime = sc.getTable().getDateFromProperty(key, false, true);
return startTime;
public static Date getFactColumnEndTime(StorageCandidate sc, String factCol) {
Date endTime = null;
for (String key : sc.getTable().getProperties().keySet()) {
if (key.contains(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_END_TIME_PFX)) {
String propCol = StringUtils.substringAfter(key, MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_END_TIME_PFX);
if (factCol.equals(propCol)) {
endTime = sc.getTable().getDateFromProperty(key, false, true);
return endTime;
static boolean checkForColumnExistsAndValidForRange(StorageCandidate sc, String column, CubeQueryContext cubeql) {
return (sc.getColumns().contains(column) && isFactColumnValidForRange(cubeql, sc, column));