blob: 345efb424c72efd8149e8f3e4a67d6f0ac6196fe [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
~ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
~ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
~ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
~ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Kyuubi Project Parent</name>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Dev Mailing List</name>
<system>GitHub Issues</system>
<!-- Please don't upgrade the version to 4.10+, it depends on JDK 11 -->
Do NOT upgrade Netty 4.1.94.Final or above, because breaks the Arrow
DO NOT forget to change the following properties when change the minor version of Spark:
`delta.version`, `maven.plugin.scalatest.exclude.tags`
<!-- -->
<!-- webui -->
<!-- apply to kyuubi-hive-jdbc/kyuubi-hive-beeline module -->
<!-- MSOURCES-121 breaks creating source artifacts for shaded modules,
we should skip upgrading until MSOURCES-141 gets fixed. -->
<!-- Needed for consistent times -->
<>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z</>
<!-- Package to use when relocating shaded classes. -->
<!-- Needed for Spotless style check-->
<!-- Please also update .scalafmt.conf when you change it here -->
<distMgmtReleaseName>Apache Release Distribution Repository</distMgmtReleaseName>
<distMgmtSnapshotsName>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</distMgmtSnapshotsName>
<!-- Use Hadoop Shaded Client to gain more clean transitive dependencies -->
<!-- Use log4j2 -->
<!-- SPARK-40511 upgrade SLF4J2, which is not compatible w/ SLF4J1 -->
<!-- Use Hadoop Shaded Client to gain more clean transitive dependencies -->
<!-- Use Hadoop Shaded Client to gain more clean transitive dependencies -->
<!-- Use log4j2 -->
<!-- SPARK-40511 upgrade SLF4J2, which is not compatible w/ SLF4J1 -->
according to kubernetes-client, we should include this dependency
for doing any customization to OkHttp clients.
because of THRIFT-4805, we don't upgrade to libthrift:0.12.0,
because of THRIFT-5274, we don't upgrade to libthrift:0.13.0,
so just keep libthrift:0.9.3
<!-- API bridge between log4j 1 and 2 -->
compatible with dropwizard 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x
Use `jakarta.servlet-api` instead.
Apache Spark already has Antlr and Scala dependencies, and a potential compatibility
issue of Antlr version on delta 1.0.0:
<!-- Used by Yarn Mini Cluster 3.3 -->
Required for JDK 11. Previous as a transitive dependency of hadoop-client,
since SPARK-33212(will be included in Apache Spark 3.2), Apache Spark moved
to Hadoop Shaded Client, and Kyuubi always uses Hadoop Shaded Client, thus
we need explicitly add this dependency.
Required for Yarn Mini Cluster on JDK 11, it is already a transitive dependency
of spark-core, thus only should explicitly add on Kyuubi Server Main test scope.
<!-- Zookeeper Cli required -->
<!-- RESTful service required -->
<!-- flink -->
<name>GCS Maven Central mirror Asia Pacific</name>
<name>Maven Repository</name>
<name>GCS Maven Central mirror Asia Pacific</name>
<mkdir dir="${}/tmp"></mkdir>
<arg>-P:silencer:globalFilters=.*Could not find any member to link for.*</arg>
<arg>-P:silencer:globalFilters=.*undefined in comment for class.*</arg>
<!-- only skipping `scala:doc-jar` -->
<!-- disable surefire globally, only enable it on pure Java modules -->
<!-- Note config is repeated in scalatest config -->
<!-- enable scalatest -->
<!-- Note config is repeated in surefire config -->
<!-- This includes dependencies with 'runtime' and 'compile' scopes;
see the docs for includeScope for more details -->
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<familyName>Apache License 2.0</familyName>
<!-- dump test classpath into a folder -->
<!-- disable surefire -->
<!-- enable scalatest -->
<!-- the apache cdn mirror works only for latest apache releases -->
<!-- For development only, not generally applicable for all modules -->
<arg>-P:silencer:globalFilters=.*Could not find any member to link for.*</arg>
<arg>-P:silencer:globalFilters=.*undefined in comment for class.*</arg>
<!-- only skipping `scala:doc-jar` -->
<!-- Iceberg removed the support for Spark 3.1 in apache/iceberg#8661 since 1.4.0 -->
<id>Apache Snapshots Repository</id>
<!-- Prevent the source-release-assembly execution defined in the Apache parent POM
from running so we can control it ourselves -->