[KYUUBI #6297] Package Spark SQL engine both Scala 2.12 and 2.13

# :mag: Description
## Issue References ๐Ÿ”—

This pull request fixes #6297

## Describe Your Solution ๐Ÿ”ง

Here are my main modifications:
1. In the `build/dist` file, I added an additional packaging command that detects the version of `SCALA_VERSION`. If it is version 2.12, then it will additionally package version 2.13, otherwise it will package version 2.12
2. In the section of `# Copy spark engines`, the Jar packages of versions 2.12 and 2.13 will be moved to `$DISTDIR/externals/engines/spark/`

This is my first time submitting a PR, so there may be many unfamiliar areas, and I don't know if my changes meet the needs of the community. More guidance may be needed. When testing locally, it was able to be packaged successfully

## Types of changes :bookmark:

- [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)

## Test Plan ๐Ÿงช




# Checklist ๐Ÿ“

- [x] This patch was not authored or co-authored using [Generative Tooling](https://www.apache.org/legal/generative-tooling.html)

**Be nice. Be informative.**

Closes #6305 from PorterZhang2021/issue-6297.

Closes #6297

efc864373 [PorterZhang2021] Improved task "Package Spark SQL engine both Scala 2.12 and 2.13" #6297
cb9310bee [PorterZhang2021] Improved task "Package Spark SQL engine both Scala 2.12 and 2.13" #6297
b6c907509 [PorterZhang2021] Finished task "Package Spark SQL engine both Scala 2.12 and 2.13" #6297

Authored-by: PorterZhang2021 <porterzhang@aliyun.com>
Signed-off-by: Cheng Pan <chengpan@apache.org>
diff --git a/build/dist b/build/dist
index 74c0467..ea58f7a 100755
--- a/build/dist
+++ b/build/dist
@@ -248,7 +248,18 @@
 # shellcheck disable=SC2145
 echo -e "\$ ${BUILD_COMMAND[@]}\n"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2050
+if [ "$SCALA_VERSION" = "2.12" ]; then
+  EXTRA_SPARK_ENGINE_BUILD_COMMAND=("$MVN" install $MVN_DIST_OPT $@ -Pscala-2.13 -pl :kyuubi-spark-sql-engine_2.13 -am)
+  EXTRA_SPARK_ENGINE_BUILD_COMMAND=("$MVN" install $MVN_DIST_OPT $@ -Pscala-2.12 -pl :kyuubi-spark-sql-engine_2.12 -am)
+# shellcheck disable=SC2145
 # Make directories
 rm -rf "$DISTDIR"
@@ -296,7 +307,9 @@
 cp "$KYUUBI_HOME/externals/kyuubi-flink-sql-engine/target/kyuubi-flink-sql-engine_${SCALA_VERSION}-${VERSION}.jar" "$DISTDIR/externals/engines/flink/"
 # Copy spark engines
-cp "$KYUUBI_HOME/externals/kyuubi-spark-sql-engine/target/kyuubi-spark-sql-engine_${SCALA_VERSION}-${VERSION}.jar" "$DISTDIR/externals/engines/spark/"
+for scala_version in 2.12 2.13; do
+  cp "$KYUUBI_HOME/externals/kyuubi-spark-sql-engine/target/kyuubi-spark-sql-engine_${scala_version}-${VERSION}.jar" "$DISTDIR/externals/engines/spark/"
 # Copy trino engines
 cp "$KYUUBI_HOME/externals/kyuubi-trino-engine/target/kyuubi-trino-engine_${SCALA_VERSION}-${VERSION}.jar" "$DISTDIR/externals/engines/trino/"