blob: 96850a47bef30bbe06059a5d684750f20e399619 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package command
import (
type CreateOptions struct {
namespace string
cluster string
shard int
replica int
nodes []string
password string
var createOptions CreateOptions
var CreateCommand = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create",
Short: "Create a resource",
Example: `
# Create a namespace
kvctl create namespace <namespace>
# Create a cluster in the namespace
kvctl create cluster <cluster> -n <namespace> --replica 1 --nodes,,
# Create a shard in the cluster
kvctl create shard -n <namespace> -c <cluster> --nodes,
# Create nodes in the cluster
kvctl create node -n <namespace> -c <cluster> --shard <shard>
PreRunE: createPreRun,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
host, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("host")
client := newClient(host)
switch strings.ToLower(args[0]) {
case ResourceNamespace:
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("missing namespace name")
return createNamespace(client, args[1])
case ResourceCluster:
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("missing cluster name")
createOptions.cluster = args[1]
return createCluster(client, &createOptions)
case ResourceShard:
return createShard(client, &createOptions)
case ResourceNode:
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("missing node address")
createOptions.nodes = []string{args[1]}
return createNodes(client, &createOptions)
return errors.New("unsupported resource type, please specify one of [namespace, cluster, shard, nodes]")
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
func createPreRun(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.New("missing resource type, please specify one of [namespace, cluster, shard, node]")
resource := strings.ToLower(args[0])
if resource == ResourceNamespace {
return nil
if createOptions.namespace == "" {
return errors.New("missing namespace, please specify the namespace via -n or --namespace option")
if resource != ResourceNode && createOptions.nodes == nil {
return errors.New("missing nodes, please specify the nodes via --nodes option")
if resource == ResourceCluster {
return nil
if createOptions.cluster == "" {
return errors.New("missing cluster, please specify the cluster via -c or --cluster option")
if resource == ResourceShard {
return nil
if createOptions.shard == -1 {
return errors.New("missing shard, please specify the shard via -s or --shard option")
if createOptions.shard < 0 {
return errors.New("shard must be a positive number")
return nil
func createNamespace(cli *client, name string) error {
rsp, err := cli.restyCli.R().
SetBody(map[string]string{"namespace": name}).
if err != nil {
return err
if rsp.IsError() {
return unmarshalError(rsp.Body())
printLine("create namespace: %s successfully.", name)
return nil
func createCluster(cli *client, options *CreateOptions) error {
rsp, err := cli.restyCli.R().
SetPathParam("namespace", options.namespace).
"name": options.cluster,
"replicas": options.replica,
"nodes": options.nodes,
"password": options.password,
if err != nil {
return err
if rsp.IsError() {
return unmarshalError(rsp.Body())
printLine("create cluster: %s successfully.", options.cluster)
return nil
func createShard(cli *client, options *CreateOptions) error {
rsp, err := cli.restyCli.R().
SetPathParam("namespace", options.namespace).
SetPathParam("cluster", options.cluster).
"name": options.cluster,
"nodes": options.nodes,
"password": options.password,
if err != nil {
return err
if rsp.IsError() {
return unmarshalError(rsp.Body())
printLine("create the new shard successfully.")
return nil
func createNodes(cli *client, options *CreateOptions) error {
rsp, err := cli.restyCli.R().
SetPathParam("namespace", options.namespace).
SetPathParam("cluster", options.cluster).
SetPathParam("shard", strconv.Itoa(options.shard)).
"addr": options.nodes[0],
"password": options.password,
if err != nil {
return err
if rsp.IsError() {
return unmarshalError(rsp.Body())
printLine("create node: %v successfully.", options.nodes[0])
return nil
func init() {
CreateCommand.Flags().StringVarP(&createOptions.namespace, "namespace", "n", "", "The namespace")
CreateCommand.Flags().StringVarP(&createOptions.cluster, "cluster", "c", "", "The cluster")
CreateCommand.Flags().IntVarP(&createOptions.shard, "shard", "s", -1, "The shard number")
CreateCommand.Flags().IntVarP(&createOptions.replica, "replica", "r", 1, "The replica number")
CreateCommand.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&createOptions.nodes, "nodes", "", nil, "The node list")
CreateCommand.Flags().StringVarP(&createOptions.password, "password", "", "", "The password")