blob: c0d156e04b29c1d4af32d27607cd79b6ef440e57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <boost/container/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/fs/block_id.h"
#include "kudu/fs/fs_manager.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet_metadata.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace tablet {
class RowSetDataPB;
class RowSetMetadataUpdate;
// Keeps track of the RowSet data blocks.
// On each tablet MemRowSet flush, a new RowSetMetadata is created,
// and the DiskRowSetWriter will create and write the "immutable" blocks for
// columns, bloom filter and adHoc-Index.
// Once the flush is completed and all the blocks are written,
// the RowSetMetadata will be flushed. Currently, there is only a block
// containing all the tablet metadata, so flushing the RowSetMetadata will
// trigger a full TabletMetadata flush.
// Metadata writeback can be lazy: usage should generally be:
// 1) create new files on disk (durably)
// 2) change in-memory state to point to new files
// 3) make corresponding change in RowSetMetadata in-memory
// 4) trigger asynchronous flush
// callback: when metadata has been written:
// 1) remove old data files from disk
// 2) remove log anchors corresponding to previously in-memory data
class RowSetMetadata {
// We use a flat_map to save memory, since there are lots of these metadata
// objects.
typedef boost::container::flat_map<ColumnId, BlockId> ColumnIdToBlockIdMap;
// Create a new RowSetMetadata
static Status CreateNew(TabletMetadata* tablet_metadata,
int64_t id,
std::unique_ptr<RowSetMetadata>* metadata);
// Load metadata from a protobuf which was previously read from disk.
static Status Load(TabletMetadata* tablet_metadata,
const RowSetDataPB& pb,
std::unique_ptr<RowSetMetadata>* metadata);
// Resets the in-memory state to mirror 'pb'.
// Should only be used to initialize a RowSetMetadata instance or to
// immediately roll-back an updated RowSetMetadata instance following an
// error after calling CommitUpdate().
void LoadFromPB(const RowSetDataPB& pb);
Status Flush();
void AddOrphanedBlocks(const std::vector<BlockId>& blocks);
const std::string ToString() const;
int64_t id() const { return id_; }
const Schema& tablet_schema() const {
return tablet_metadata_->schema();
void set_bloom_block(const BlockId& block_id) {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
bloom_block_ = block_id;
void set_adhoc_index_block(const BlockId& block_id) {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
adhoc_index_block_ = block_id;
void SetColumnDataBlocks(const std::map<ColumnId, BlockId>& blocks_by_col_id);
Status CommitRedoDeltaDataBlock(int64_t dms_id, const BlockId& block_id);
Status CommitUndoDeltaDataBlock(const BlockId& block_id);
bool has_encoded_keys_unlocked() const {
return min_encoded_key_ != boost::none && max_encoded_key_ != boost::none;
bool has_encoded_keys() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return has_encoded_keys_unlocked();
void set_min_encoded_key(std::string min_encoded_key) {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
min_encoded_key_ = std::move(min_encoded_key);
void set_max_encoded_key(std::string max_encoded_key) {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
max_encoded_key_ = std::move(max_encoded_key);
std::string min_encoded_key() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
DCHECK(min_encoded_key_ != boost::none);
return *min_encoded_key_;
std::string max_encoded_key() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
DCHECK(max_encoded_key_ != boost::none);
return *max_encoded_key_;
BlockId bloom_block() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return bloom_block_;
BlockId adhoc_index_block() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return adhoc_index_block_;
bool has_adhoc_index_block() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return !adhoc_index_block_.IsNull();
BlockId column_data_block_for_col_id(const ColumnId& col_id) const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return FindOrDie(blocks_by_col_id_, col_id);
ColumnIdToBlockIdMap GetColumnBlocksById() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return blocks_by_col_id_;
std::vector<BlockId> redo_delta_blocks() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return redo_delta_blocks_;
std::vector<BlockId> undo_delta_blocks() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return undo_delta_blocks_;
TabletMetadata *tablet_metadata() const { return tablet_metadata_; }
int64_t last_durable_redo_dms_id() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return last_durable_redo_dms_id_;
void SetLastDurableRedoDmsIdForTests(int64_t redo_dms_id) {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
last_durable_redo_dms_id_ = redo_dms_id;
bool HasDataForColumnIdForTests(ColumnId col_id) const {
BlockId b;
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
if (!FindCopy(blocks_by_col_id_, col_id, &b)) return false;
return fs_manager()->BlockExists(b);
bool HasBloomDataBlockForTests() const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return !bloom_block_.IsNull() && fs_manager()->BlockExists(bloom_block_);
FsManager *fs_manager() const { return tablet_metadata_->fs_manager(); }
// Atomically commit a set of changes to this object.
// Returns the blocks removed from the rowset metadata during the update.
// These blocks must be added to the TabletMetadata's orphaned blocks list.
void CommitUpdate(const RowSetMetadataUpdate& update,
std::vector<BlockId>* removed);
void ToProtobuf(RowSetDataPB *pb);
std::vector<BlockId> GetAllBlocks();
friend class TabletMetadata;
typedef simple_spinlock LockType;
explicit RowSetMetadata(TabletMetadata *tablet_metadata)
: tablet_metadata_(tablet_metadata),
last_durable_redo_dms_id_(kNoDurableMemStore) {
RowSetMetadata(TabletMetadata *tablet_metadata,
int64_t id)
: tablet_metadata_(DCHECK_NOTNULL(tablet_metadata)),
last_durable_redo_dms_id_(kNoDurableMemStore) {
Status InitFromPB(const RowSetDataPB& pb);
TabletMetadata* const tablet_metadata_;
bool initted_;
int64_t id_;
// Protects the below mutable fields.
mutable LockType lock_;
// The min and max keys of the rowset.
boost::optional<std::string> min_encoded_key_;
boost::optional<std::string> max_encoded_key_;
BlockId bloom_block_;
BlockId adhoc_index_block_;
// Map of column ID to block ID.
ColumnIdToBlockIdMap blocks_by_col_id_;
std::vector<BlockId> redo_delta_blocks_;
std::vector<BlockId> undo_delta_blocks_;
int64_t last_durable_redo_dms_id_;
// A set up of updates to be made to a RowSetMetadata object.
// Updates can be collected here, and then atomically applied to a RowSetMetadata
// using the CommitUpdate() function.
class RowSetMetadataUpdate {
// Replace the subsequence of redo delta blocks with the new (compacted) delta blocks.
// The replaced blocks must be a contiguous subsequence of the the full list,
// since delta files cannot overlap in time.
// 'to_add' may be empty, in which case the blocks in to_remove are simply removed
// with no replacement.
RowSetMetadataUpdate& ReplaceRedoDeltaBlocks(const std::vector<BlockId>& to_remove,
const std::vector<BlockId>& to_add);
// Remove the specified undo delta blocks.
RowSetMetadataUpdate& RemoveUndoDeltaBlocks(const std::vector<BlockId>& to_remove);
// Replace the CFile for the given column ID.
RowSetMetadataUpdate& ReplaceColumnId(ColumnId col_id, const BlockId& block_id);
// Remove the CFile for the given column ID.
RowSetMetadataUpdate& RemoveColumnId(ColumnId col_id);
// Add a new UNDO delta block to the list of UNDO files.
// We'll need to replace them instead when we start GCing.
RowSetMetadataUpdate& SetNewUndoBlock(const BlockId& undo_block);
friend class RowSetMetadata;
RowSetMetadata::ColumnIdToBlockIdMap cols_to_replace_;
std::vector<ColumnId> col_ids_to_remove_;
std::vector<BlockId> new_redo_blocks_;
struct ReplaceDeltaBlocks {
std::vector<BlockId> to_remove;
std::vector<BlockId> to_add;
std::vector<ReplaceDeltaBlocks> replace_redo_blocks_;
std::vector<BlockId> remove_undo_blocks_;
BlockId new_undo_block_;
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu