blob: d1ead15d2abca1b8680b67c6f41703fed0277818 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/tablet/compaction_policy.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/mathlimits.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset_info.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/svg_dump.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/knapsack_solver.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
using std::vector;
DEFINE_int32(budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size, 32*1024*1024,
"The target size for DiskRowSets during flush/compact when the "
"budgeted compaction policy is used");
TAG_FLAG(budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size, experimental);
TAG_FLAG(budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size, advanced);
DEFINE_double(compaction_approximation_ratio, 1.05f,
"Approximation ratio allowed for optimal compaction calculation. A "
"value of 1.05 indicates that the policy may use an approximate result "
"if it is known to be within 5% of the optimal solution.");
TAG_FLAG(compaction_approximation_ratio, experimental);
DEFINE_double(compaction_minimum_improvement, 0.01f,
"The minimum quality for a compaction to run. If a compaction does not "
"improve the average height of DiskRowSets by at least this amount, the "
"compaction will be considered ineligible.");
namespace kudu {
namespace tablet {
// Adjust the result downward slightly for wider solutions.
// Consider this input:
// |-----A----||----C----|
// |-----B----|
// where A, B, and C are all 1MB, and the budget is 10MB.
// Without this tweak, the solution {A, B, C} has the exact same
// solution value as {A, B}, since both compactions would yield a
// tablet with average height 1. Since both solutions fit within
// the budget, either would be a valid pick, and it would be up
// to chance which solution would be selected.
// Intuitively, though, there's no benefit to including "C" in the
// compaction -- it just uses up some extra IO. If we slightly
// penalize wider solutions as a tie-breaker, then we'll pick {A, B}
// here.
static const double kSupportAdjust = 1.01;
// BudgetedCompactionPolicy
BudgetedCompactionPolicy::BudgetedCompactionPolicy(int budget)
: size_budget_mb_(budget) {
CHECK_GT(budget, 0);
uint64_t BudgetedCompactionPolicy::target_rowset_size() const {
CHECK_GT(FLAGS_budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size, 0);
return FLAGS_budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size;
// Returns in min-key and max-key sorted order
void BudgetedCompactionPolicy::SetupKnapsackInput(const RowSetTree &tree,
vector<RowSetInfo>* min_key,
vector<RowSetInfo>* max_key) {
RowSetInfo::CollectOrdered(tree, min_key, max_key);
if (min_key->size() < 2) {
// require at least 2 rowsets to compact
namespace {
struct CompareByDescendingDensity {
bool operator()(const RowSetInfo& a, const RowSetInfo& b) const {
return a.density() > b.density();
struct KnapsackTraits {
typedef const RowSetInfo* item_type;
typedef double value_type;
static int get_weight(const RowSetInfo* item) {
return item->size_mb();
static value_type get_value(const RowSetInfo* item) {
return item->width();
// Dereference-then-compare comparator
template<class Compare>
struct DerefCompare {
template<class T>
bool operator()(T* a, T* b) const {
static const Compare comp = Compare();
return comp(*a, *b);
// Incremental calculator for lower and upper bounds on a knapsack solution,
// given a set of items. The bounds are computed by solving the
// simpler "fractional knapsack problem" -- i.e the related problem
// in which each input may be fractionally put in the knapsack, instead
// of all-or-nothing. The fractional knapsack problem has a very efficient
// solution: sort by descending density and greedily choose elements
// until the budget is reached. The last element to be chosen may be
// partially included in the knapsack.
// This provides an upper bound (with the last element fractionally included)
// and a lower bound (the same solution but without the fractional last element).
// Because this greedy solution only depends on sorting, it can be computed
// incrementally as items are considered by maintaining a min-heap, ordered
// by the density of the input elements. We need only maintain enough elements
// to satisfy the budget, making this logarithmic in the budget and linear
// in the number of elements added.
class BoundCalculator {
explicit BoundCalculator(int max_weight)
: total_weight_(0),
topdensity_(MathLimits<double>::kNegInf) {
void Add(const RowSetInfo& candidate) {
// No need to add if less dense than the top and have no more room
if (total_weight_ >= max_weight_ &&
candidate.density() <= topdensity_)
std::push_heap(fractional_solution_.begin(), fractional_solution_.end(),
total_weight_ += candidate.size_mb();
total_value_ += candidate.width();
const RowSetInfo* top = fractional_solution_.front();
while (total_weight_ - top->size_mb() > max_weight_) {
total_weight_ -= top->size_mb();
total_value_ -= top->width();
std::pop_heap(fractional_solution_.begin(), fractional_solution_.end(),
top = fractional_solution_.front();
topdensity_ = top->density();
// Compute the lower and upper bounds to the 0-1 knapsack problem with the elements
// added so far.
std::pair<double, double> ComputeLowerAndUpperBound() const {
int excess_weight = total_weight_ - max_weight_;
if (excess_weight <= 0) {
// If we've added less than the budget, our "bounds" are just including
// all of the items.
return { total_value_, total_value_ };
const RowSetInfo& top = *fractional_solution_.front();
// The lower bound is either of:
// - the highest density N items such that they all fit, OR
// - the N+1th item, if it fits
// This is a 2-approximation (i.e. no worse than 1/2 of the best solution).
// See
double lower_bound = std::max(total_value_ - top.width(), top.width());
// An upper bound for the integer problem is the solution to the fractional problem:
// in the fractional problem we can add just a portion of the top element. The
// portion to remove is determined by the amount of excess weight:
// fraction_to_remove = excess_weight / top.size_mb();
// portion_to_remove = fraction_to_remove * top.width()
// To avoid the division, we can just use the fact that density = width/size:
double portion_of_top_to_remove = static_cast<double>(excess_weight) * top.density();
DCHECK_GT(portion_of_top_to_remove, 0);
double upper_bound = total_value_ - portion_of_top_to_remove;
return {lower_bound, upper_bound};
// Return the items which make up the current lower-bound solution.
void GetLowerBoundSolution(vector<const RowSetInfo*>* solution) {
int excess_weight = total_weight_ - max_weight_;
if (excess_weight <= 0) {
*solution = fractional_solution_;
} else {
const RowSetInfo* top = fractional_solution_.front();
// See above: there are two choices for the lower-bound estimate,
// and we need to return the one matching the bound we computed.
if (total_value_ - top->width() > top->width()) {
// The current solution less the top (minimum density) element.
solution->assign(fractional_solution_.begin() + 1,
} else {
void clear() {
total_weight_ = 0;
total_value_ = 0;
// Store pointers to RowSetInfo rather than whole copies in order
// to allow for fast swapping in the heap.
vector<const RowSetInfo*> fractional_solution_;
int total_weight_;
double total_value_;
int max_weight_;
double topdensity_;
} // anonymous namespace
void BudgetedCompactionPolicy::RunApproximation(
const vector<RowSetInfo>& asc_min_key,
const vector<RowSetInfo>& asc_max_key,
vector<double>* best_upper_bounds,
SolutionAndValue* best_solution) {
BoundCalculator bound_calc(size_budget_mb_);
for (const RowSetInfo& cc_a : asc_min_key) {
double ab_min = cc_a.cdf_min_key();
double ab_max = cc_a.cdf_max_key();
double best_upper = 0;
for (const RowSetInfo& cc_b : asc_max_key) {
if (cc_b.cdf_min_key() < ab_min) {
ab_max = std::max(cc_b.cdf_max_key(), ab_max);
double union_width = ab_max - ab_min;
auto bounds = bound_calc.ComputeLowerAndUpperBound();
double lower = bounds.first - union_width * kSupportAdjust;
double upper = bounds.second - union_width * kSupportAdjust;
best_upper = std::max(upper, best_upper);
if (lower > best_solution->value) {
vector<const RowSetInfo*> approx_solution;
for (const auto* rsi : approx_solution) {
best_solution->value = lower;
void BudgetedCompactionPolicy::RunExact(
const vector<RowSetInfo>& asc_min_key,
const vector<RowSetInfo>& asc_max_key,
const vector<double>& best_upper_bounds,
SolutionAndValue* best_solution) {
KnapsackSolver<KnapsackTraits> solver;
vector<const RowSetInfo*> inrange_candidates;
for (int i = 0; i < asc_min_key.size(); i++) {
const RowSetInfo& cc_a = asc_min_key[i];
const double upper_bound = best_upper_bounds[i];
// 'upper_bound' is an upper bound on the solution value of any compaction that includes
// 'cc_a' as its left-most RowSet. If that bound is worse than the current best solution,
// then we can skip finding the precise value of this solution.
// Here we also build in the approximation ratio as slop: the upper bound doesn't need
// to just be better than the current solution, but needs to be better by at least
// the approximation ratio before we bother looking for it.
if (upper_bound <= best_solution->value * FLAGS_compaction_approximation_ratio) {
double ab_min = cc_a.cdf_min_key();
double ab_max = cc_a.cdf_max_key();
for (const RowSetInfo& cc_b : asc_max_key) {
if (cc_b.cdf_min_key() < ab_min) {
// Would expand support to the left.
// TODO: possible optimization here: binary search to skip to the first
// cc_b with cdf_max_key() > cc_a.cdf_min_key()
if (inrange_candidates.empty()) continue;
solver.Reset(size_budget_mb_, &inrange_candidates);
vector<int> chosen_indexes;
int j = 0;
while (solver.ProcessNext()) {
const RowSetInfo* item = inrange_candidates[j++];
std::pair<int, double> best_with_this_item = solver.GetSolution();
double best_value = best_with_this_item.second;
ab_max = std::max(item->cdf_max_key(), ab_max);
DCHECK_GE(ab_max, ab_min);
double solution = best_value - (ab_max - ab_min) * kSupportAdjust;
if (solution > best_solution->value) {
solver.TracePath(best_with_this_item, &chosen_indexes);
best_solution->value = solution;
// If we came up with a new solution, replace.
if (!chosen_indexes.empty()) {
for (int idx : chosen_indexes) {
// See docs/design-docs/ for an overview of the compaction
// policy implemented in this function.
Status BudgetedCompactionPolicy::PickRowSets(const RowSetTree &tree,
std::unordered_set<RowSet*>* picked,
double* quality,
std::vector<std::string>* log) {
vector<RowSetInfo> asc_min_key, asc_max_key;
SetupKnapsackInput(tree, &asc_min_key, &asc_max_key);
if (asc_max_key.empty()) {
if (log) {
LOG_STRING(INFO, log) << "No rowsets to compact";
// nothing to compact.
return Status::OK();
// The best set of rowsets chosen so far, and the value attained by that choice.
SolutionAndValue best_solution;
// The algorithm proceeds in two passes. The first is based on an approximation
// of the knapsack problem, and computes some upper and lower bounds. The second
// pass looks again over the input for any cases where the upper bound tells us
// there is a significant improvement potentially available, and only in those
// cases runs the actual knapsack solver.
// Both passes are structured as a loop over all pairs {cc_a, cc_b} such that
// cc_a.min_key() < cc_b.min_key(). Given any such pair, we know that a compaction
// including both of these pairs would result in an output rowset that spans
// the range [cc_a.min_key(), max(cc_a.max_key(), cc_b.max_key())]. This width
// is designated 'union_width' below.
// In particular, the order in which we consider 'cc_b' is such that, for the
// inner loop (a fixed 'cc_a'), the 'union_width' increases minimally to only
// include the new 'cc_b' and not also cover any other rowsets.
// For example:
// |-----A----|
// |-----B----|
// |----C----|
// |--------D-------|
// We process in the order: A, B, C, D.
// With this iteration order, each knapsack problem builds on the previous knapsack
// problem by adding just a single rowset, meaning that we can reuse the
// existing solution state to incrementally update the solution, rather than having
// to rebuild from scratch.
// Pass 1 (approximate)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// First, run the whole algorithm using a fast approximation of the knapsack solver
// to come up with lower bounds and upper bounds. The approximation algorithm is a
// 2-approximation but in practice often yields results that are very close to optimal
// for the sort of problems we encounter in our use case.
// This pass calculates:
// 1) 'best_upper_bounds': for each 'cc_a', what's the upper bound for any solution
// including this rowset. We use this later to avoid solving the knapsack for
// cases where the upper bound is lower than our current best solution.
// 2) 'best_solution' and 'best_solution->value': the best approximate solution
// found.
vector<double> best_upper_bounds;
RunApproximation(asc_min_key, asc_max_key, &best_upper_bounds, &best_solution);
// If the best solution found above is less than some tiny threshold, we don't
// need to bother searching for the exact solution, since it could be at most twice
// the approximate solution.
if (best_solution.value * 2 <= FLAGS_compaction_minimum_improvement ||
*std::max_element(best_upper_bounds.begin(), best_upper_bounds.end()) <=
FLAGS_compaction_minimum_improvement) {
VLOG(1) << "Approximation algorithm short-circuited exact compaction calculation";
*quality = 0;
return Status::OK();
// Pass 2 (precise)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Now that we've found an approximate solution and upper bounds, do another pass.
// In cases where the upper bound indicates we could do substantially better than
// our current best solution, we use the exact knapsack solver to find the improved
// solution.
RunExact(asc_min_key, asc_max_key, best_upper_bounds, &best_solution);
// Log the input and output of the selection.
if (VLOG_IS_ON(1) || log != nullptr) {
LOG_STRING(INFO, log) << "Budgeted compaction selection:";
for (RowSetInfo &cand : asc_min_key) {
const char *checkbox = "[ ]";
if (ContainsKey(best_solution.rowsets, cand.rowset())) {
checkbox = "[x]";
LOG_STRING(INFO, log) << " " << checkbox << " " << cand.ToString();
LOG_STRING(INFO, log) << "Solution value: " << best_solution.value;
*quality = best_solution.value;
if (best_solution.value <= FLAGS_compaction_minimum_improvement) {
VLOG(1) << "Best compaction available (" << best_solution.value << " less than "
<< "minimum quality " << FLAGS_compaction_minimum_improvement
<< ": not compacting.";
*quality = 0;
return Status::OK();
DumpCompactionSVGToFile(asc_min_key, *picked);
return Status::OK();
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu