blob: 65bdc568cdde9c5b3403e3ee9420fa9f5e310f2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/server/webserver_options.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/security/security_flags.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_validators.h"
using std::string;
namespace kudu {
static std::string GetDefaultDocumentRoot();
} // namespace kudu
// Flags defining web server behavior. The class implementation should
// not use these directly, but rather access them via WebserverOptions.
// This makes it easier to instantiate web servers with different options
// within a single unit test.
DEFINE_string(webserver_interface, "",
"Interface to start debug webserver on. If blank, webserver binds to");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_interface, advanced);
DEFINE_string(webserver_advertised_addresses, "",
"Comma-separated list of addresses to advertise externally for "
"HTTP(S) connections. Ephemeral ports (i.e. port 0) are not "
"allowed. This should be configured when the locally bound "
"webserver address specified in --webserver_interface and "
"--webserver_port are not externally resolvable, for example, if "
"Kudu is deployed in a container.");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_advertised_addresses, advanced);
DEFINE_string(webserver_doc_root, kudu::GetDefaultDocumentRoot(),
"Files under <webserver_doc_root> are accessible via the debug webserver. "
"Defaults to $KUDU_HOME/www, or if $KUDU_HOME is not set, disables the document "
TAG_FLAG(webserver_doc_root, advanced);
DEFINE_bool(webserver_enable_doc_root, true,
"If true, webserver may serve static files from the webserver_doc_root");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_enable_doc_root, advanced);
// SSL configuration.
DEFINE_string(webserver_certificate_file, "",
"The location of the debug webserver's SSL certificate file, in PEM format. If "
"empty, webserver SSL support is not enabled. If --webserver_private_key_file "
"is set, this option must be set as well.");
DEFINE_string(webserver_private_key_file, "", "The full path to the private key used as a"
" counterpart to the public key contained in --webserver_certificate_file. If "
"--webserver_certificate_file is set, this option must be set as well.");
DEFINE_string(webserver_private_key_password_cmd, "", "A Unix command whose output "
"returns the password used to decrypt the Webserver's certificate private key file "
"specified in --webserver_private_key_file. If the PEM key file is not "
"password-protected, this flag does not need to be set. Trailing whitespace will be trimmed "
"before it is used to decrypt the private key");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_certificate_file, stable);
TAG_FLAG(webserver_private_key_file, stable);
TAG_FLAG(webserver_private_key_password_cmd, stable);
DEFINE_string(webserver_authentication_domain, "",
"Domain used for debug webserver authentication");
DEFINE_string(webserver_password_file, "",
"(Optional) Location of .htpasswd file containing user names and hashed passwords for"
" debug webserver authentication");
DEFINE_int32(webserver_num_worker_threads, 50,
"Maximum number of threads to start for handling web server requests");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_num_worker_threads, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(webserver_port, 0,
"Port to bind to for the web server");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_port, stable);
// See security/ for origin of this list.
"The cipher suite preferences to use for webserver HTTPS connections. "
"Uses the OpenSSL cipher preference list format. See man (1) ciphers "
"for more information.");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_tls_ciphers, advanced);
DEFINE_string(webserver_tls_min_protocol, kudu::security::SecurityDefaults::kDefaultTlsMinVersion,
"The minimum protocol version to allow when for webserver HTTPS "
"connections. May be one of 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1.2'.");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_tls_min_protocol, advanced);
namespace kudu {
static bool ValidateTlsFlags() {
bool has_cert = !FLAGS_webserver_certificate_file.empty();
bool has_key = !FLAGS_webserver_private_key_file.empty();
bool has_passwd = !FLAGS_webserver_private_key_password_cmd.empty();
if (has_key != has_cert) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--webserver_certificate_file and --webserver_private_key_file "
"must be set as a group; i.e. either set all or none of them.";
return false;
if (has_passwd && !has_key) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--webserver_private_key_password_cmd may not be set without "
return false;
return true;
GROUP_FLAG_VALIDATOR(webserver_tls_options, ValidateTlsFlags);
// Returns KUDU_HOME if set, otherwise we won't serve any static files.
static string GetDefaultDocumentRoot() {
char* kudu_home = getenv("KUDU_HOME");
// Empty document root means don't serve static files
return kudu_home ? strings::Substitute("$0/www", kudu_home) : "";
: bind_interface(FLAGS_webserver_interface),
num_worker_threads(FLAGS_webserver_num_worker_threads) {
} // namespace kudu