blob: cf680dd4b4016d3762f4ddf88f1ff653688c86c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package kudu.server;
option java_package = "org.apache.kudu.server";
import "kudu/common/common.proto";
import "kudu/common/wire_protocol.proto";
import "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.proto";
import "kudu/util/version_info.proto";
// The status information dumped by a server after it starts.
// This is optionally exposed on the local host in a text file which the server writes out
// at startup.
// Additionally, it is exposed via RPC through the GenericService interface.
message ServerStatusPB {
required NodeInstancePB node_instance = 1;
repeated HostPortPB bound_rpc_addresses = 2;
repeated HostPortPB bound_http_addresses = 3;
optional VersionInfoPB version_info = 4;
// NOTE: this PB may be fetched by any authenticated user, not just superusers.
// So, do not expose anything here which may be sensitive!
// Retrieve the values of command line flags.
message GetFlagsRequestPB {
// Whether to return all flags, or only flags with non-default values.
optional bool all_flags = 1;
// A list of flag tags. Flags that match at least one tag are returned. If
// no tags are specified, all flags match.
repeated string tags = 2;
message GetFlagsResponsePB {
message Flag {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
repeated string tags = 3;
// true if the flag has its default value.
optional bool is_default_value = 4;
repeated Flag flags = 1;
// Attempt to set a command line flag.
// Note that many command line flags do not take effect if changed
// at runtime.
message SetFlagRequestPB {
required string flag = 1;
required string value = 2;
// Force the change, even if the flag is not marked as safe to change
// at runtime. This can cause crashes or other bad behavior, so should
// only be used as a last resort.
optional bool force = 3 [default = false];
message SetFlagResponsePB {
enum Code {
// The flag is not safe to change at runtime without the 'force' flag.
required Code result = 1;
// A string describing the new value that the option has been set to.
// This passes through the return value of SetCommandLineOption() from
// gflags, which doesn't specify anything about the format of this message.
// Using 'result' above is more reliable.
optional string msg = 2;
// If the flag exists, the prior value of the flag. This is set even in the
// case of BAD_VALUE.
optional string old_value = 3;
// Attempt to flush coverage information to disk, if running a coverage build.
message FlushCoverageRequestPB {
message FlushCoverageResponsePB {
// If the current build is not a coverage build, returns false.
optional bool success = 1;
// Run leak checks in an LSAN-instrumented build.
message CheckLeaksRequestPB {
message CheckLeaksResponsePB {
// If the current build is not an LSAN-instrumented build, returns false.
optional bool success = 1;
optional bool found_leaks = 2;
// Requests the server's current timestamp.
message ServerClockRequestPB {
message ServerClockResponsePB {
// The current timestamp of the server.
optional fixed64 timestamp = 1;
// Requests the server's status and version info
message GetStatusRequestPB {
message GetStatusResponsePB {
required ServerStatusPB status = 1;
optional AppStatusPB error = 2;
// Makes the HybridClock of the server use these values for wall clock time and error,
// for testing purposes.
// Requires that the server was started with '--time_source=mock'.
message SetServerWallClockForTestsRequestPB {
optional uint64 now_usec = 1;
optional uint64 max_error_usec = 2;
// Response corresponding to the request above.
message SetServerWallClockForTestsResponsePB {
// Set to 'true' if the clock was updated successfully.
required bool success = 1;
service GenericService {
option (kudu.rpc.default_authz_method) = "AuthorizeSuperUser";
rpc GetFlags(GetFlagsRequestPB)
returns (GetFlagsResponsePB);
rpc SetFlag(SetFlagRequestPB)
returns (SetFlagResponsePB);
rpc FlushCoverage(FlushCoverageRequestPB)
returns (FlushCoverageResponsePB);
rpc CheckLeaks(CheckLeaksRequestPB)
returns (CheckLeaksResponsePB);
rpc ServerClock(ServerClockRequestPB) returns (ServerClockResponsePB) {
option (kudu.rpc.authz_method) = "AuthorizeClient";
// TODO(dralves): seems unused. can we remove this?
rpc SetServerWallClockForTests(SetServerWallClockForTestsRequestPB)
returns (SetServerWallClockForTestsResponsePB);
rpc GetStatus(GetStatusRequestPB) returns (GetStatusResponsePB) {
option (kudu.rpc.authz_method) = "AuthorizeClient";