blob: 0c7f0ef41b2b3e2b513991c867b220b340f78b93 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
# Kudu log parser. Summarize delays potentially related to RaftConsensus
# activity across a cluster.
# Pass it a list of logs from a whole cluster.
# The logs are allowed to be gzipped.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
sub main();
sub process_file($$$);
sub print_history(@);
sub print_record($$);
sub duration_to_nanos($);
sub glog_timestamp_to_micros($$);
sub timestamp_string_to_micros($);
sub format_ts($);
sub format_duration_micros($);
# Extension of gzip files.
my $pat_gzip_ext = qr/\.gz$/;
# Log line patterns
# -----------------
my $pat_glog_prefix = qr{^[A-Z](\d{4}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{6})\s+\d+ \S+\]};
my $pat_tablet_prefix = qr{$pat_glog_prefix T (\S+) P (\S+)};
my $pat_raft_prefix = qr{$pat_tablet_prefix \[term (\d+) (\w+)\]:};
my $pat_raft_election_prefix = qr{$pat_tablet_prefix \[CANDIDATE\]: Term (\d+) ((?:pre-)?election):};
# W0912 11:19:51.896980 30674] T 45765f7e72ae4923aa5ba2a7df69fabf P b80b06235d304dad93ada855a442e051 -> Peer 5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad ( Couldn't send request to peer 5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad for tablet 45765f7e72ae4923aa5ba2a7df69fabf. Status: Timed out: UpdateConsensus RPC to timed out after 1.000s (SENT). Retrying in the next heartbeat period. Already tried 4 times.
my $pat_raft_hb_timeout = qr{$pat_tablet_prefix -> Peer (\S+) (\(\S+\)): .* Timed out: UpdateConsensus RPC .* timed out after ([\d.]+)s};
# I0926 11:16:07.158995 3293] T 3480ca98bb444244b73fe9ee082d1449 P b80b06235d304dad93ada855a442e051 [term 42155 FOLLOWER]: Starting leader election with config: opid_index: 31577 OBSOLETE_local: false peers { permanent_uuid: "a283d70a0bfb4ef8a324e4f0893bfa2d" member_type: VOTER last_known_addr { host: "" port: 7050 } } peers { permanent_uuid: "5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad" member_type: VOTER last_known_addr { host: "" port: 7050 } } peers { permanent_uuid: "b80b06235d304dad93ada855a442e051" member_type: VOTER last_known_addr { host: "" port: 7050 } }
my $pat_raft_start_election = qr{$pat_raft_prefix Starting (?:(?:forced )?leader )?((?:pre-)?election) \(([^)]+)\)$};
# I0926 11:17:05.697587 15122] T 45765f7e72ae4923aa5ba2a7df69fabf P 5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad [CANDIDATE]: Term 37134 pre-election: Election decided. Result: candidate won.
# I0926 11:17:05.697796 15121] T efc242c62e0746e9b6514fc67d90daac P 5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad [CANDIDATE]: Term 29786 pre-election: Election decided. Result: candidate lost.
# I0118 19:08:21.448396 26370] T 961748f097f64ff09b3e803a1fdff15e P 23d473f441674d43807fd9e631862bfd [CANDIDATE]: Term 2010 election: Election decided. Result: candidate won.
my $pat_raft_election_result = qr{$pat_raft_election_prefix Election decided\. Result: candidate (\w+)\.};
# W0926 11:17:05.697788 15121] T efc242c62e0746e9b6514fc67d90daac P 5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad [CANDIDATE]: Term 29786 pre-election: RPC error from VoteRequest() call to peer a283d70a0bfb4ef8a324e4f0893bfa2d: Timed out: RequestConsensusVote RPC to timed out after 1.512s (SENT)
my $pat_raft_election_timeout = qr{$pat_raft_election_prefix RPC error from VoteRequest\(\) call to peer (\w+): (.*)$};
# I0926 11:18:08.630019 10465] T 6082f57e00094402a7ff15ae4795dac5 P b80b06235d304dad93ada855a442e051 [term 41550 LEADER]: Becoming Leader. State: Replica: b80b06235d304dad93ada855a442e051, State: 1, Role: LEADER
my $pat_raft_becoming_leader = qr{$pat_raft_prefix Becoming Leader\.};
# I0912 11:19:51.976449 30979] T fa265673c946476592e781921b90e8c3 P b80b06235d304dad93ada855a442e051 [term 21610 LEADER]: Leader pre-election vote request: Denying vote to candidate 5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad for term 21611 because replica is either leader or believes a valid leader to be alive.
my $pat_raft_deny_vote = qr{$pat_raft_prefix Leader (\S+) vote request: Denying vote to candidate (\S+) for term (\d+) because (.*?)[.]?$};
# I0926 11:16:11.727576 15199] T 40e5b8a7ba8d4770a8eadcdae0c210c8 P 5b25d072a0864275806370a4834f1dad [term 18965 FOLLOWER]: Leader pre-election vote request: Granting yes vote for candidate a283d70a0bfb4ef8a324e4f0893bfa2d in term 18965.
my $pat_raft_grant_vote = qr{$pat_raft_prefix Leader (\S+) vote request: Granting yes vote for candidate (\S+) in term (\d+)\.$};
# W0926 11:18:56.379592 26278] RPC callback for RPC call kudu.consensus.ConsensusService.UpdateConsensus -> {remote=, user_credentials={real_user=kudu}} blocked reactor thread for 50364.1us
my $pat_blocked_reactor = qr{$pat_glog_prefix RPC callback for RPC call (\S+) -> \{remote=(\S+), user_credentials=\{real_user=kudu\}\} blocked reactor thread for (\S+)$};
# W0926 11:17:05.677790 15105] Thread 15122 stuck at /home/mpercy/src/kudu/src/kudu/rpc/ for 166ms:
my $pat_kernel_stack_watchdog = qr{$pat_glog_prefix Thread (\d+) stuck at .*/([^/]+\.\w+):(\d+) for (\S+):$};
# W0926 11:19:01.339553 27231] Time spent resolving address for real 0.202s user 0.000s sys 0.000s
my $pat_slow_execution = qr{$pat_glog_prefix .*(Time spent .*): real (\S+)};
# Global datetime formatter object.
my $g_dt_formatter = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(pattern => "%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%6N");
use constant RAW_LOG_LINE => '';
use constant VOTE => 'VOTE ';
use constant KERNEL_DELAY => 'KERNEL_DELAY ';
my $rc = main();
exit $rc;
sub main() {
if (!@ARGV) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [options] <glog1> [<glog2> ...]\n";
print STDERR "Where the following options are available:\n";
print STDERR " --tablet <tablet-id> Filter by tablet id\n";
print STDERR " --nosummary Print raw log lines\n";
print STDERR " --before <ts> Only include lines with timestamp earlier than or equal to <ts>\n";
print STDERR " --after <ts> Only include lines with timestamp later than or equal to <ts>\n";
print STDERR "Note that many formats are supported for <ts>. See 'perldoc Date::Parse' for details.\n";
return 1;
my %opts;
"after=s") or die "Error in command-line arguments: $!";
my $tot_lines = 0;
my @records = ();
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
$tot_lines += process_file($file, \%opts, \@records);
#print STDERR "Number of lines: $tot_lines\n";
#print STDERR "Number of records: " . scalar @records . "\n";
return 0;
sub process_file($$$) {
defined(my $file = shift) or die;
defined(my $opts = shift) or die;
defined(my $records = shift) or die;
# Support gzipped files.
if ($file =~ $pat_gzip_ext) {
open(IN, "gunzip -c $file |") or die "can't open gunzip pipe to $file: $!";
} else {
open(IN, "< $file") or die "can't open $file: $!";
print STDERR "processing file $file...\n";
my $min_ts_micros = 0;
my $max_ts_micros = 2**64 - 1;
if (exists $opts->{before}) {
$max_ts_micros = timestamp_string_to_micros($opts->{before});
if (exists $opts->{after}) {
$min_ts_micros = timestamp_string_to_micros($opts->{after});
my $line_count = 0;
while (defined(my $line = <IN>)) {
# Skip non-glog lines.
next unless $line =~ $pat_glog_prefix;
my ($date, $ts) = ($1, $2);
my $ts_micros = glog_timestamp_to_micros($date, $ts);
next unless $ts_micros >= $min_ts_micros;
next unless $ts_micros <= $max_ts_micros;
chomp $line;
if (exists $opts->{nosummary}) {
if (exists $opts->{tablet}) {
next unless (my @m = $line =~ $pat_tablet_prefix);
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid) = @m;
next unless $tablet_id eq $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => RAW_LOG_LINE(),
data => {line => $line}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_raft_hb_timeout) {
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid, $remote_peer_uuid, $remote_peer_host, $timeout_sec) = @m;
next if exists $opts->{tablet} && $tablet_id ne $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => RAFT_UPDT_TIMEOUT(),
data => {tablet_id => $tablet_id, local_peer_uuid => $local_peer_uuid,
remote_peer_uuid => $remote_peer_uuid}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_raft_start_election) {
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid, $local_peer_term, $local_peer_role, $election_type, $reason) = @m;
next if exists $opts->{tablet} && $tablet_id ne $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => ELECTION_STARTING(),
data => {tablet_id => $tablet_id, local_peer_uuid => $local_peer_uuid,
local_peer_term => $local_peer_term, local_peer_role => $local_peer_role,
election_type => $election_type, reason => $reason}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_raft_election_result) {
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid, $local_peer_term, $election_type, $result) = @m;
next if exists $opts->{tablet} && $tablet_id ne $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => ELECTION_RESULT(),
data => {tablet_id => $tablet_id, local_peer_uuid => $local_peer_uuid,
local_peer_term => $local_peer_term, election_type => $election_type,
result => $result}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_raft_election_timeout) {
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid, $local_peer_term, $election_type, $remote_peer_uuid, $error) = @m;
next if exists $opts->{tablet} && $tablet_id ne $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => VOTE_REQ_TIMEOUT(),
data => {tablet_id => $tablet_id, local_peer_uuid => $local_peer_uuid,
local_peer_term => $local_peer_term, election_type => $election_type,
remote_peer_uuid => $remote_peer_uuid,
error => $error}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_raft_becoming_leader) {
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid, $local_peer_term, $local_peer_role) = @m;
next if exists $opts->{tablet} && $tablet_id ne $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => BECOMING_LEADER(),
data => {tablet_id => $tablet_id, local_peer_uuid => $local_peer_uuid,
local_peer_term => $local_peer_term, local_peer_role => $local_peer_role}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_raft_deny_vote) {
next; # We don't really care about denied votes since they are not very expensive
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid, $local_peer_term, $local_peer_role,
$election_type, $remote_peer_uuid, $remote_peer_term, $reason) = @m;
next if exists $opts->{tablet} && $tablet_id ne $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => VOTE(),
data => {tablet_id => $tablet_id, local_peer_uuid => $local_peer_uuid,
local_peer_term => $local_peer_term, local_role => $local_peer_role,
election_type => $election_type, remote_peer_uuid => $remote_peer_uuid,
remote_peer_term => $remote_peer_term, reason => $reason, result => "DENIED"}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_raft_grant_vote) {
my ($date, $ts, $tablet_id, $local_peer_uuid, $local_peer_term, $local_peer_role, $election_type,
$remote_peer_uuid, $remote_peer_term) = @m;
next if exists $opts->{tablet} && $tablet_id ne $opts->{tablet};
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => VOTE(),
data => {tablet_id => $tablet_id, local_peer_uuid => $local_peer_uuid,
local_peer_term => $local_peer_term, local_role => $local_peer_role,
election_type => $election_type, remote_peer_uuid => $remote_peer_uuid,
remote_peer_term => $remote_peer_term, reason => "", result => "GRANTED"}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_blocked_reactor) {
my ($date, $ts, $rpc, $remote_addr, $duration_str) = @m;
my $duration_micros = duration_to_micros($duration_str);
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => BLOCKED_REACTOR(),
data => {rpc => $rpc, remote_addr => $remote_addr, duration_micros => $duration_micros}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_kernel_stack_watchdog) {
my ($date, $ts, $thread, $file, $line, $duration_str) = @m;
my $duration_micros = duration_to_micros($duration_str);
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => KERNEL_DELAY(),
data => {thread => $thread, file => $file, line => $line, duration_micros => $duration_micros}};
if (my @m = $line =~ $pat_slow_execution) {
my ($date, $ts, $task, $duration_str) = @m;
my $duration_micros = duration_to_micros($duration_str);
push @$records, {ts => $ts_micros, type => SLOW_EXECUTION(),
data => {task => $task, duration_micros => $duration_micros}};
return $line_count;
sub print_history(@) {
# TODO(mpercy): sort individual files and merge them at the end.
@_ = sort { $a->{ts} <=> $b->{ts} } @_;
my $first_dup_record = undef;
my $dup_rec_count = undef;
foreach my $record (@_) {
# Accumulate consecutive duplicates.
if (defined $first_dup_record &&
($record->{type} eq RAFT_UPDT_TIMEOUT || $record->{type} eq VOTE || $record->{type} eq ELECTION_STARTING) &&
$record->{type} eq $first_dup_record->{type} &&
$record->{data}{tablet_id} eq $first_dup_record->{data}{tablet_id}) {
# It's a dup.
# Print previous record, if it's there.
if (defined $first_dup_record) {
print_record($first_dup_record, $dup_rec_count);
# Reset the dup count.
$first_dup_record = $record;
$dup_rec_count = 1;
if (defined $first_dup_record) {
print_record($first_dup_record, $dup_rec_count);
sub print_record($$) {
defined(my $record = shift) or die "Undefined record";
defined(my $count = shift) or die "Undefined count";
my $date_str = format_ts($record->{ts});
my $data = $record->{data};
if ($record->{type} eq RAW_LOG_LINE) {
print $data->{line};
} elsif ($record->{type} eq ELECTION_STARTING) {
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{election_type}, $data->{tablet_id}, $data->{local_peer_uuid},
$data->{local_peer_term}, $data->{reason});
} elsif ($record->{type} eq ELECTION_RESULT) {
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{election_type}, $data->{tablet_id}, $data->{local_peer_uuid},
$data->{local_peer_term}, uc($data->{result}));
} elsif ($record->{type} eq VOTE_REQ_TIMEOUT) {
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{election_type}, $data->{tablet_id}, $data->{local_peer_uuid},
$data->{remote_peer_uuid}, $data->{local_peer_term}, $data->{error});
} elsif ($record->{type} eq BECOMING_LEADER) {
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{tablet_id}, $data->{local_peer_uuid}, $data->{local_peer_term});
} elsif ($record->{type} eq VOTE) {
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{election_type}, $data->{tablet_id}, $data->{local_peer_uuid},
$data->{remote_peer_uuid}, $data->{election_type}, $data->{result}, $data->{reason});
} elsif ($record->{type} eq RAFT_UPDT_TIMEOUT) {
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{tablet_id}, $data->{local_peer_uuid}, $data->{remote_peer_uuid});
} elsif ($record->{type} eq BLOCKED_REACTOR) {
my $duration_str = format_duration_micros($data->{duration_micros});
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{rpc}, $data->{remote_addr}, $duration_str);
} elsif ($record->{type} eq KERNEL_DELAY) {
my $duration_str = format_duration_micros($data->{duration_micros});
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{thread}, $data->{file} . ':' . $data->{line}, $duration_str);
} elsif ($record->{type} eq SLOW_EXECUTION) {
my $duration_str = format_duration_micros($data->{duration_micros});
print join("\t", $date_str, $record->{type}, $data->{task}, $duration_str);
} else {
die "Unsupported record type: " . $record->{type};
print " (repeated $count times)" if $count > 1;
print "\n";
# Parse a duration string like "41.2ms" and convert it to microseconds.
sub duration_to_micros($) {
defined(my $str = shift) or die "Undefined duration";
if ($str !~ /^([\d.e+-]+)([A-Za-z]+)$/) {
die "Unsupported duration format: $str";
my $num = $1 + 0.0;
my $units = $2;
if ($units eq 'ns') { return $num / 1000; }
if ($units eq 'us') { return $num; }
if ($units eq 'ms') { return $num * 1000; }
if ($units eq 's' || $units eq 'sec') { return $num * 1000 * 1000; }
if ($units eq 'm' || $units eq 'min') { return $num * 1000 * 1000 * 60; }
die "Unsupported units ($units): $str";
# Convert the date and timestamp parsed from a glog log prefix (see regular
# expression at the top of this file) to UNIX time in microseconds.
sub glog_timestamp_to_micros($$) {
defined(my $date = shift) or die;
defined(my $ts = shift) or die;
if ($date !~ /^(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) {
die "Bad date format: $date";
my ($month, $day) = ($1, $2);
my $strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(
pattern => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%6N',
time_zone => 'UTC', # Arbitrary TZ.
on_error => 'croak',
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime();
$year += 1900;
my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime("$year/$month/$day $ts");
if (!$dt) {
print STDERR "Warning: Unable to parse date: $date $ts ($month/$day $ts)\n";
return 0;
return $dt->epoch() * 1000_000 + $dt->microsecond();
# Convert a user-specified timestamp to UNIX time in microseconds.
# For supported date and time formats, see `perldoc Date::Parse`.
sub timestamp_string_to_micros($) {
defined(my $date = shift) or die;
my $unixtime = str2time($date);
return $unixtime * 1000_000; # Return UNIX timestamp in microseconds.
sub format_ts($) {
defined(my $epoch_micros = shift) or die;
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $epoch_micros / 1000_000);
$dt->set_nanosecond($epoch_micros % 1000_000 * 1000);
return $g_dt_formatter->format_datetime($dt);
sub format_duration_micros($) {
defined(my $duration = shift) or die;
my $duration_sec = int($duration / 1000_000);
my $duration_micros = $duration % 1000_000;
return sprintf("%0d.%06ds", $duration_sec, $duration_micros);