blob: 38ce703bba7b7c16812b720ed6126fb741308442 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class Message;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace kudu {
class Slice;
class Sockaddr;
class Trace;
namespace rpc {
class InboundCall;
class RemoteUser;
class ResultTracker;
class RpcSidecar;
#define PANIC_RPC(rpc_context, message) \
do { \
if (rpc_context) { \
rpc_context->Panic(__FILE__, __LINE__, (message)); \
} else { \
LOG(FATAL) << message; \
} \
} while (0)
// The context provided to a generated ServiceIf. This provides
// methods to respond to the RPC. In the future, this will also
// include methods to access information about the caller: e.g
// authentication info, tracing info, and cancellation status.
// This is the server-side analogue to the RpcController class.
class RpcContext {
// Create an RpcContext. This is called only from generated code
// and is not a public API.
RpcContext(InboundCall *call,
const google::protobuf::Message *request_pb,
google::protobuf::Message *response_pb);
// Initialize a result tracker for the RPC.
// This is delayed until after the constructor in order to allow for RPCs to
// be validated and used prior to initializing the tracking (primarily for
// authorization).
void SetResultTracker(scoped_refptr<ResultTracker> result_tracker);
// Return the trace buffer for this call.
Trace* trace();
// Send a response to the call. The service may call this method
// before or after returning from the original handler method,
// and it may call this method from a different thread.
// The response should be prepared already in the response PB pointer
// which was passed to the handler method.
// After this method returns, this RpcContext object is destroyed. The request
// and response protobufs are also destroyed.
void RespondSuccess();
// Like the above, but doesn't store the results of the service call, if results
// are being tracked.
// Used in cases where a call specific error was set on the response protobuf,
// the call should be considered failed, thus results shouldn't be cached.
void RespondNoCache();
// Respond with an error to the client. This sends back an error with the code
// ERROR_APPLICATION. Because there is no more specific error code passed back
// to the client, most applications should create a custom error PB extension
// and use RespondApplicationError(...) below. This method should only be used
// for unexpected errors where the server doesn't expect the client to do any
// more advanced handling.
// After this method returns, this RpcContext object is destroyed. The request
// and response protobufs are also destroyed.
void RespondFailure(const Status &status);
// Respond with an RPC-level error. This typically manifests to the client as
// a remote error, one whose handling is agnostic to the particulars of the
// usually cause the client to retry the RPC at a later time.
// After this method returns, this RpcContext object is destroyed. The request
// and response protobufs are also destroyed.
void RespondRpcFailure(ErrorStatusPB_RpcErrorCodePB err, const Status& status);
// Respond with an application-level error. This causes the caller to get a
// RemoteError status with the provided string message. Additionally, a
// service-specific error extension is passed back to the client. The
// extension must be registered with the ErrorStatusPB protobuf. For
// example:
// message MyServiceError {
// extend kudu.rpc.ErrorStatusPB {
// optional MyServiceError my_service_error_ext = 101;
// }
// // Add any extra fields or status codes you want to pass back to
// // the client here.
// required string extra_error_data = 1;
// }
// NOTE: the numeric '101' above must be an integer greater than 101
// and must be unique across your code base.
// Given the above definition in your service protobuf file, you would
// use this method like:
// MyServiceError err;
// err.set_extra_error_data("foo bar");
// ctx->RespondApplicationError(MyServiceError::my_service_error_ext.number(),
// "Some error occurred", err);
// The client side may then retreieve the error by calling:
// const MyServiceError& err_details =
// controller->error_response()->GetExtension(MyServiceError::my_service_error_ext);
// After this method returns, this RpcContext object is destroyed. The request
// and response protobufs are also destroyed.
void RespondApplicationError(int error_ext_id, const std::string& message,
const google::protobuf::Message& app_error_pb);
// Adds an RpcSidecar to the response. This is the preferred method for
// transferring large amounts of binary data, because this avoids additional
// copies made by serializing the protobuf.
// Assumes no changes to the sidecar's data are made after insertion.
// Upon success, writes the index of the sidecar (necessary to be retrieved
// later) to 'idx'. Call may fail if all sidecars have already been used
// by the RPC response.
Status AddOutboundSidecar(std::unique_ptr<RpcSidecar> car, int* idx);
// Fills 'sidecar' with a sidecar sent by the client. Returns an error if 'idx' is out
// of bounds.
Status GetInboundSidecar(int idx, Slice* slice) const;
// Return the identity of remote user who made this call.
const RemoteUser& remote_user() const;
// Whether it's OK to pass confidential information between the client and the
// server in the context of the RPC call being handled. In real world, this
// translates into properties of the connection between the client and the
// server. For example, this methods returns 'true' for a call over an
// encrypted connection.
bool is_confidential() const;
// Discards the memory associated with the inbound call's payload. All previously
// obtained sidecar slices will be invalidated by this call. It is an error to call
// GetInboundSidecar() after this method. request_pb() remains valid.
// This is useful in the case where the server wishes to delay responding to an RPC
// (perhaps to control the rate of RPC requests), but knows that the RPC payload itself
// won't be processed any further.
void DiscardTransfer();
// Return the remote IP address and port which sent the current RPC call.
const Sockaddr& remote_address() const;
// A string identifying the requestor -- both the user info and the IP address.
// Suitable for use in log messages.
std::string requestor_string() const;
// Return the name of the RPC service method being called.
std::string method_name() const;
// Return the name of the RPC service being called.
std::string service_name() const;
const google::protobuf::Message *request_pb() const { return request_pb_.get(); }
google::protobuf::Message *response_pb() const { return response_pb_.get(); }
// Return an upper bound on the client timeout deadline. This does not
// account for transmission delays between the client and the server.
// If the client did not specify a deadline, returns MonoTime::Max().
MonoTime GetClientDeadline() const;
// Return the time when the inbound call was received.
MonoTime GetTimeReceived() const;
// Whether the results of this RPC are tracked with a ResultTracker.
// If this returns true, both result_tracker() and request_id() should return non-null results.
bool AreResultsTracked() const { return result_tracker_.get() != nullptr; }
// Returns this call's result tracker, if it is set.
const scoped_refptr<ResultTracker>& result_tracker() const {
return result_tracker_;
// Returns this call's request id, if it is set.
const rpc::RequestIdPB* request_id() const;
// Returns the size of the transfer buffer that backs 'call_'. If the
// transfer buffer no longer exists (e.g. GetTransferSize() is called after
// DiscardTransfer()), returns 0.
size_t GetTransferSize() const;
// Panic the server. This logs a fatal error with the given message, and
// also includes the current RPC request, requestor, trace information, etc,
// to make it easier to debug.
// Call this via the PANIC_RPC() macro.
void Panic(const char* filepath, int line_number, const std::string& message)
friend class ResultTracker;
InboundCall* const call_;
const gscoped_ptr<const google::protobuf::Message> request_pb_;
const gscoped_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> response_pb_;
scoped_refptr<ResultTracker> result_tracker_;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu