blob: 966b7910cbbf7fb842f9942e471208692ff60766 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/clock/clock.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/timestamp.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class CountDownLatch;
namespace consensus {
class ReplicateMsg;
// Manages timestamp assignment to consensus rounds and safe time advancement.
// Safe time corresponds to a timestamp before which all transactions have been applied to the
// tablet or are in-flight and is a monotonically increasing timestamp (see note at the end
// of this class comment).
// Snapshot scans can use WaitUntilSafe() to wait for a timestamp to be safe. After this method
// returns an OK status, all the transactions whose timestamps fall before the scan's timestamp
// will be either committed or in-flight. If the scanner additionally uses the MvccManager to wait
// until the given timestamp is clean, then the read will be repeatable.
// In leader mode the TimeManager is responsible for assigning timestamps to transactions
// and for moving the leader's safe time, which in turn may be sent to replicas on heartbeats
// moving their safe time. The leader's safe time moves with the clock unless there has been a
// transaction that was assigned a timestamp that is not yet known by the queue
// (i.e. AdvanceSafeTimeWithMessage() hasn't been called on the corresponding message).
// In this case the TimeManager returns the last known safe time.
// On non-leader mode this class tracks the safe time sent by the leader and updates waiters
// when it advances.
// This class's leadership status is meant to be in tune with the queue's as the queue
// is responsible for broadcasting safe time from a leader (and will eventually be responsible
// for calculating that leader's lease).
// See: docs/design-docs/
// NOTE: Until leader leases are implemented the cluster's safe time can occasionally move back.
// This does not mean, however, that the timestamp returned by GetSafeTime() can move back.
// GetSafeTime will still return monotonically increasing timestamps, it's just
// that, in certain corner cases, the timestamp returned by GetSafeTime() can't be trusted
// to mean that all future messages will be assigned future timestamps.
// This anomaly can cause non-repeatable reads in certain conditions.
// This class is thread safe.
class TimeManager : public RefCountedThreadSafe<TimeManager> {
// Constructs a TimeManager in non-leader mode.
TimeManager(scoped_refptr<clock::Clock> clock, Timestamp initial_safe_time);
// Sets this TimeManager to leader mode.
void SetLeaderMode();
// Sets this TimeManager to non-leader mode.
void SetNonLeaderMode();
// Assigns a timestamp to 'message' according to the message's ExternalConsistencyMode and/or
// message type.
// Note that the timestamp in 'message' is not considered safe until the message has
// been appended to the queue. Until then safe time is pinned to the last known value.
// When the message is appended later on, AdvanceSafeTimeWithMessage() is called and safe time
// is advanced.
// Requires Leader mode (non-OK status otherwise).
Status AssignTimestamp(ReplicateMsg* message);
// Updates the internal state based on 'message' received from a leader replica.
// Replicas are expected to call this for every message received from a valid leader.
// Returns Status::OK if the message/leader is valid and the clock was correctly updated.
// Requires non-leader mode (CHECK failure if it isn't).
Status MessageReceivedFromLeader(const ReplicateMsg& message);
// Advances safe time based on the timestamp and type of 'message'.
// This only moves safe time if 'message's timestamp is higher than the currently known one.
// Allowed in both leader and non-leader modes.
void AdvanceSafeTimeWithMessage(const ReplicateMsg& message);
// Same as above but for a specific timestamp.
// This only moves safe time if 'safe_time' is higher than the currently known one.
// Requires non-leader mode (CHECK failure if it isn't).
void AdvanceSafeTime(Timestamp safe_time);
// Waits until 'timestamp' is less than or equal to safe time or until 'deadline' has elapsed.
// Returns Status::OK() if it safe time advanced past 'timestamp' before 'deadline'
// Returns Status::TimeOut() if deadline elapsed without safe time moving enough.
// Returns Status::ServiceUnavailable() is the request should be retried somewhere else.
// TODO(KUDU-1127) make this return another status if safe time is too far back in the past
// or hasn't moved in a long time.
Status WaitUntilSafe(Timestamp timestamp, const MonoTime& deadline);
// Returns the current safe time.
// In leader mode returns clock_->Now() or some value close to it.
// In non-leader mode returns the last safe time received from a leader.
Timestamp GetSafeTime();
// Returns a timestamp that is guaranteed to be higher than all other timestamps
// that have been assigned by calls to GetSerialTimestamp() (in this or another
// replica).
Timestamp GetSerialTimestamp();
FRIEND_TEST(TimeManagerTest, TestTimeManagerNonLeaderMode);
FRIEND_TEST(TimeManagerTest, TestTimeManagerLeaderMode);
// Returns whether we've advanced safe time recently.
// If this returns false we might be partitioned or there might be election churn.
// The client should try again.
// If this returns false, sets error information in 'error_message'.
bool HasAdvancedSafeTimeRecentlyUnlocked(std::string* error_message);
// Returns whether safe time is lagging too much behind 'timestamp' and the client
// should be forced to retry.
// If this returns true, sets error information in 'error_message'.
bool IsSafeTimeLaggingUnlocked(Timestamp timestamp, std::string* error_message);
// Helper to build the final error message of WaitUntilSafe().
void MakeWaiterTimeoutMessageUnlocked(Timestamp timestamp, std::string* error_message);
// Helper to return the external consistency mode of 'message'.
static ExternalConsistencyMode GetMessageConsistencyMode(const ReplicateMsg& message);
// The mode of this TimeManager.
enum Mode {
// State for waiters.
struct WaitingState {
// The timestamp the waiter requires be safe.
Timestamp timestamp;
// Latch that will be count down once 'timestamp' if safe, unblocking the waiter.
CountDownLatch* latch;
// Returns whether 'timestamp' is safe.
// Requires that we've waited for the local clock to move past 'timestamp'.
bool IsTimestampSafe(Timestamp timestamp);
// Internal, unlocked implementation of IsTimestampSafe().
bool IsTimestampSafeUnlocked(Timestamp timestamp);
// Advances safe time and wakes up any waiters.
void AdvanceSafeTimeAndWakeUpWaitersUnlocked(Timestamp safe_time);
// Internal, unlocked implementation of GetSerialTimestamp().
Timestamp GetSerialTimestampUnlocked();
// Like GetSerialTimestamp(), but returns a serial timestamp plus the maximum error.
// NOTE: GetSerialTimestamp() might still return timestamps that are smaller.
Timestamp GetSerialTimestampPlusMaxError();
// Internal, unlocked implementation of GetSafeTime().
Timestamp GetSafeTimeUnlocked();
// Lock to protect the non-const fields below.
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
// Vector of waiters to be notified when the safe time advances.
mutable std::vector<WaitingState*> waiters_;
// The last serial timestamp that was assigned.
Timestamp last_serial_ts_assigned_;
// On replicas this is the latest safe time received from the leader, on the leader this is
// the last serial timestamp appended to the queue.
Timestamp last_safe_ts_;
// The last time we advanced safe time.
// Used in the decision of whether we should have waiters wait or try again.
MonoTime last_advanced_safe_time_;
// The current mode of the TimeManager.
Mode mode_;
const scoped_refptr<clock::Clock> clock_;
const std::string local_peer_uuid_;
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu