blob: 88a231c68e76128369229d90b1408b362770fd1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/consensus/quorum_util.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
using kudu::pb_util::SecureShortDebugString;
using kudu::pb_util::SecureDebugString;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::priority_queue;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace consensus {
bool IsRaftConfigMember(const std::string& uuid, const RaftConfigPB& config) {
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config.peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == uuid) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsRaftConfigVoter(const std::string& uuid, const RaftConfigPB& config) {
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config.peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == uuid) {
return peer.member_type() == RaftPeerPB::VOTER;
return false;
bool IsVoterRole(RaftPeerPB::Role role) {
return role == RaftPeerPB::LEADER || role == RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER;
Status GetRaftConfigMember(RaftConfigPB* config,
const std::string& uuid,
RaftPeerPB** peer_pb) {
for (RaftPeerPB& peer : *config->mutable_peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == uuid) {
*peer_pb = &peer;
return Status::OK();
return Status::NotFound(Substitute("Peer with uuid $0 not found in consensus config", uuid));
Status GetRaftConfigLeader(ConsensusStatePB* cstate, RaftPeerPB** peer_pb) {
if (cstate->leader_uuid().empty()) {
return Status::NotFound("Consensus config has no leader");
return GetRaftConfigMember(cstate->mutable_committed_config(), cstate->leader_uuid(), peer_pb);
bool RemoveFromRaftConfig(RaftConfigPB* config, const string& uuid) {
RepeatedPtrField<RaftPeerPB> modified_peers;
bool removed = false;
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config->peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == uuid) {
removed = true;
*modified_peers.Add() = peer;
if (!removed) return false;
return true;
bool ReplicaTypesEqual(const RaftPeerPB& peer1, const RaftPeerPB& peer2) {
// TODO(mpercy): Include comparison of replica intentions once they are
// implemented.
return peer1.member_type() == peer2.member_type();
int CountVoters(const RaftConfigPB& config) {
int voters = 0;
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config.peers()) {
if (peer.member_type() == RaftPeerPB::VOTER) {
return voters;
int MajoritySize(int num_voters) {
DCHECK_GE(num_voters, 1);
return (num_voters / 2) + 1;
RaftPeerPB::Role GetConsensusRole(const std::string& peer_uuid,
const std::string& leader_uuid,
const RaftConfigPB& config) {
if (peer_uuid.empty()) {
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config.peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == peer_uuid) {
switch (peer.member_type()) {
case RaftPeerPB::VOTER:
if (peer_uuid == leader_uuid) {
return RaftPeerPB::LEADER;
return RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER;
return RaftPeerPB::LEARNER;
RaftPeerPB::Role GetConsensusRole(const std::string& peer_uuid,
const ConsensusStatePB& cstate) {
// The active config is the pending config if there is one, else it's the committed config.
const RaftConfigPB& config = cstate.has_pending_config() ?
cstate.pending_config() :
return GetConsensusRole(peer_uuid, cstate.leader_uuid(), config);
Status VerifyRaftConfig(const RaftConfigPB& config) {
std::set<string> uuids;
if (config.peers().empty()) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("RaftConfig must have at least one peer. RaftConfig: $0",
// All configurations must have 'opid_index' populated.
if (!config.has_opid_index()) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("Configs must have opid_index set. RaftConfig: $0",
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config.peers()) {
if (!peer.has_permanent_uuid() || peer.permanent_uuid().empty()) {
return Status::IllegalState(Substitute("One peer didn't have an uuid or had the empty"
" string. RaftConfig: $0", SecureShortDebugString(config)));
if (ContainsKey(uuids, peer.permanent_uuid())) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("Found multiple peers with uuid: $0. RaftConfig: $1",
peer.permanent_uuid(), SecureShortDebugString(config)));
if (config.peers_size() > 1 && !peer.has_last_known_addr()) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("Peer: $0 has no address. RaftConfig: $1",
peer.permanent_uuid(), SecureShortDebugString(config)));
if (!peer.has_member_type()) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("Peer: $0 has no member type set. RaftConfig: $1", peer.permanent_uuid(),
return Status::OK();
Status VerifyConsensusState(const ConsensusStatePB& cstate) {
if (!cstate.has_current_term()) {
return Status::IllegalState("ConsensusStatePB missing current_term",
if (!cstate.has_committed_config()) {
return Status::IllegalState("ConsensusStatePB missing config", SecureShortDebugString(cstate));
if (cstate.has_pending_config()) {
if (!cstate.leader_uuid().empty()) {
if (!IsRaftConfigVoter(cstate.leader_uuid(), cstate.committed_config())
&& cstate.has_pending_config()
&& !IsRaftConfigVoter(cstate.leader_uuid(), cstate.pending_config())) {
return Status::IllegalState(
Substitute("Leader with UUID $0 is not a VOTER in the committed or pending config! "
"Consensus state: $1",
cstate.leader_uuid(), SecureShortDebugString(cstate)));
return Status::OK();
std::string DiffRaftConfigs(const RaftConfigPB& old_config,
const RaftConfigPB& new_config) {
// Create dummy ConsensusState objects so we can reuse the code
// from the below function.
ConsensusStatePB old_state;
ConsensusStatePB new_state;
return DiffConsensusStates(old_state, new_state);
namespace {
// A mapping from peer UUID to to <old peer, new peer> pairs.
typedef map<string, pair<RaftPeerPB, RaftPeerPB>> PeerInfoMap;
bool DiffPeers(const PeerInfoMap& peer_infos,
vector<string>* change_strs) {
bool changes = false;
for (const auto& e : peer_infos) {
const auto& old_peer = e.second.first;
const auto& new_peer = e.second.second;
if (old_peer.has_permanent_uuid() && !new_peer.has_permanent_uuid()) {
changes = true;
Substitute("$0 $1 ($2) evicted",
} else if (!old_peer.has_permanent_uuid() && new_peer.has_permanent_uuid()) {
changes = true;
Substitute("$0 $1 ($2) added",
} else if (old_peer.has_permanent_uuid() && new_peer.has_permanent_uuid()) {
changes = true;
if (old_peer.member_type() != new_peer.member_type()) {
Substitute("$0 ($1) changed from $2 to $3",
return changes;
string PeersString(const RaftConfigPB& config) {
vector<string> strs;
for (const auto& p : config.peers()) {
strs.push_back(Substitute("$0 $1 ($2)",
return JoinStrings(strs, ", ");
} // anonymous namespace
string DiffConsensusStates(const ConsensusStatePB& old_state,
const ConsensusStatePB& new_state) {
bool leader_changed = old_state.leader_uuid() != new_state.leader_uuid();
bool term_changed = old_state.current_term() != new_state.current_term();
bool config_changed =
old_state.committed_config().opid_index() != new_state.committed_config().opid_index();
bool pending_config_gained = !old_state.has_pending_config() && new_state.has_pending_config();
bool pending_config_lost = old_state.has_pending_config() && !new_state.has_pending_config();
// Construct a map from Peer UUID to '<old peer, new peer>' pairs.
// Due to the default construction nature of std::map and std::pair, if a peer
// is present in one configuration but not the other, we'll end up with an empty
// protobuf in that element of the pair.
PeerInfoMap committed_peer_infos;
for (const auto& p : old_state.committed_config().peers()) {
committed_peer_infos[p.permanent_uuid()].first = p;
for (const auto& p : new_state.committed_config().peers()) {
committed_peer_infos[p.permanent_uuid()].second = p;
// Now collect strings representing the changes.
vector<string> change_strs;
if (config_changed) {
Substitute("config changed from index $0 to $1",
if (term_changed) {
Substitute("term changed from $0 to $1",
if (leader_changed) {
string old_leader = "<none>";
string new_leader = "<none>";
if (!old_state.leader_uuid().empty()) {
old_leader = Substitute("$0 ($1)",
if (!new_state.leader_uuid().empty()) {
new_leader = Substitute("$0 ($1)",
change_strs.push_back(Substitute("leader changed from $0 to $1",
old_leader, new_leader));
DiffPeers(committed_peer_infos, &change_strs);
if (pending_config_gained) {
change_strs.push_back(Substitute("now has a pending config: $0",
if (pending_config_lost) {
change_strs.push_back(Substitute("no longer has a pending config: $0",
// A pending config doesn't have a committed opid_index yet, so we determine if there's a change
// by computing the peer differences.
if (old_state.has_pending_config() && new_state.has_pending_config()) {
PeerInfoMap pending_peer_infos;
for (const auto &p : old_state.pending_config().peers()) {
pending_peer_infos[p.permanent_uuid()].first = p;
for (const auto &p : new_state.pending_config().peers()) {
pending_peer_infos[p.permanent_uuid()].second = p;
vector<string> pending_change_strs;
if (DiffPeers(pending_peer_infos, &pending_change_strs)) {
change_strs.emplace_back("pending config changed");
change_strs.insert(change_strs.end(), pending_change_strs.cbegin(),
// We expect to have detected some differences above, but in case
// someone forgets to update this function when adding a new field,
// it's still useful to report some change unless the protobufs are identical.
// So, we fall back to just dumping the before/after debug strings.
if (change_strs.empty()) {
if (SecureShortDebugString(old_state) == SecureShortDebugString(new_state)) {
return "no change";
return Substitute("change from {$0} to {$1}",
return JoinStrings(change_strs, ", ");
// The decision is based on:
// * the number of voter replicas in definitively bad shape and replicas
// marked with the REPLACE attribute
// * the number of non-voter replicas marked with the PROMOTE=true attribute
// in good or possibly good state.
// This is because a replica with UNKNOWN reported health state might actually
// be in good shape. If so, then adding a new replica would lead to
// over-provisioning. This logic assumes that a non-voter replica does not
// stay in unknown state for eternity -- the leader replica should take care of
// that and eventually update the health status either to 'HEALTHY' or 'FAILED'.
// TODO(aserbin): add a test scenario for the leader replica's logic to cover
// the latter case.
bool ShouldAddReplica(const RaftConfigPB& config,
int replication_factor,
MajorityHealthPolicy policy) {
int num_voters_total = 0;
int num_voters_healthy = 0;
int num_voters_need_replacement = 0;
int num_non_voters_to_promote = 0;
// While working with the optional fields related to per-replica health status
// and attributes, has_a_field()-like methods are not called because of
// the appropriate default values of those fields.
VLOG(2) << "config to evaluate: " << SecureDebugString(config);
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config.peers()) {
const auto overall_health = peer.health_report().overall_health();
switch (peer.member_type()) {
case RaftPeerPB::VOTER:
if (peer.attrs().replace() ||
overall_health == HealthReportPB::FAILED ||
overall_health == HealthReportPB::FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE) {
if (overall_health == HealthReportPB::HEALTHY) {
case RaftPeerPB::NON_VOTER:
if (peer.attrs().promote() &&
overall_health != HealthReportPB::FAILED &&
overall_health != HealthReportPB::FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE) {
// A replica with HEALTHY or UNKNOWN overall health status
// is considered as a replica to promote: a new non-voter replica is
// added with UNKNOWN health status. If such a replica is not
// responsive for a long time, then its state will change to
// HealthReportPB::FAILED after some time and it will be evicted. But
// before that, it's considered as a candidate for promotion in the
// code below.
LOG(DFATAL) << peer.member_type() << ": unsupported member type";
// Whether the configuration is under-replicated: the projected number of
// viable replicas is less than the required replication factor.
const bool is_under_replicated = replication_factor >
num_voters_total - num_voters_need_replacement + num_non_voters_to_promote;
// Whether it's time to add a new replica: the tablet Raft configuration might
// be under-replicated, but it does not make much sense trying to add a new
// replica if the configuration change cannot be committed.
const bool should_add_replica = is_under_replicated &&
(num_voters_healthy >= MajoritySize(num_voters_total) ||
policy == MajorityHealthPolicy::IGNORE);
VLOG(2) << "decision: the config is" << (is_under_replicated ? " " : " not ")
<< "under-replicated; should" << (should_add_replica ? " " : " not ")
<< "add a non-voter replica";
return should_add_replica;
// Whether there is an excess replica to evict.
bool ShouldEvictReplica(const RaftConfigPB& config,
const string& leader_uuid,
int replication_factor,
MajorityHealthPolicy policy,
string* uuid_to_evict) {
if (leader_uuid.empty()) {
// If there is no leader, we can't evict anybody.
return false;
typedef pair<string, int> Elem;
static const auto kCmp = [](const Elem& lhs, const Elem& rhs) {
// Elements of higher priorty should pop up to the top of the queue.
return lhs.second < rhs.second;
typedef priority_queue<Elem, vector<Elem>, decltype(kCmp)> PeerPriorityQueue;
PeerPriorityQueue pq_non_voters(kCmp);
PeerPriorityQueue pq_voters(kCmp);
const auto peer_to_elem = [](const RaftPeerPB& peer) {
const string& peer_uuid = peer.permanent_uuid();
const auto overall_health = peer.health_report().overall_health();
// Non-voter candidates for eviction (in decreasing priority):
// * failed unrecoverably
// * failed
// * in unknown health state
// * any other
// Voter candidates for eviction (in decreasing priority):
// * failed unrecoverably and having the attribute REPLACE set
// * failed unrecoverably
// * failed and having the attribute REPLACE set
// * failed
// * having the attribute REPLACE set
// * in unknown health state
// * any other
int priority = 0;
switch (overall_health) {
priority = 8;
case HealthReportPB::FAILED:
priority = 4;
case HealthReportPB::HEALTHY:
priority = 0;
priority = 1;
if (peer.member_type() == RaftPeerPB::VOTER && peer.attrs().replace()) {
priority += 2;
return Elem(peer_uuid, priority);
int num_non_voters_total = 0;
int num_voters_healthy = 0;
int num_voters_total = 0;
int num_voters_with_replace = 0;
int num_voters_viable = 0;
bool leader_with_replace = false;
bool has_non_voter_failed = false;
bool has_non_voter_failed_unrecoverable = false;
bool has_voter_failed = false;
bool has_voter_failed_unrecoverable = false;
bool has_voter_unknown_health = false;
// While working with the optional fields related to per-replica health status
// and attributes, has_a_field()-like methods are not called because of
// the appropriate default values of those fields.
VLOG(2) << "config to evaluate: " << SecureDebugString(config);
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer : config.peers()) {
DCHECK(peer.has_permanent_uuid() && !peer.permanent_uuid().empty());
const string& peer_uuid = peer.permanent_uuid();
const auto overall_health = peer.health_report().overall_health();
const bool failed = overall_health == HealthReportPB::FAILED;
const bool failed_unrecoverable = overall_health == HealthReportPB::FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE;
const bool healthy = overall_health == HealthReportPB::HEALTHY;
const bool unknown = !peer.has_health_report() ||
!peer.health_report().has_overall_health() ||
overall_health == HealthReportPB::UNKNOWN;
const bool has_replace = peer.attrs().replace();
switch (peer.member_type()) {
case RaftPeerPB::VOTER:
// A leader should always report itself as being healthy.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(peer_uuid == leader_uuid && !healthy)) {
LOG(WARNING) << Substitute("leader peer $0 reported health as $1; config: $2",
DCHECK(false) << "Found non-HEALTHY LEADER"; // Crash in DEBUG builds.
// TODO(KUDU-2335): We have seen this assertion in rare circumstances
// in pre-commit builds, so until we fix this lifecycle issue we
// simply do not evict any nodes when the leader is not HEALTHY.
return false;
if (healthy) {
if (!has_replace) {
if (has_replace) {
if (peer_uuid == leader_uuid) {
leader_with_replace = true;
if (peer_uuid == leader_uuid) {
// Everything below is to keep track of replicas to evict; the leader
// replica is not to be evicted.
has_voter_failed |= failed;
has_voter_failed_unrecoverable |= failed_unrecoverable;
has_voter_unknown_health |= unknown;
case RaftPeerPB::NON_VOTER:
DCHECK_NE(peer_uuid, leader_uuid) << peer_uuid
<< ": non-voter as a leader; " << SecureShortDebugString(config);
has_non_voter_failed |= failed;
has_non_voter_failed_unrecoverable |= failed_unrecoverable;
LOG(DFATAL) << peer.member_type() << ": unsupported member type";
// Sanity check: the leader replica UUID should not be among those to evict.
DCHECK(pq_voters.empty() || != leader_uuid);
DCHECK(pq_non_voters.empty() || != leader_uuid);
// A conservative approach is used when evicting replicas. In short, the
// removal of replicas from the tablet without exact knowledge of their health
// status could lead to removing the healthy ones and keeping the failed
// ones, or attempting a config change operation that cannot be committed.
// From the other side, if the number of voter replicas in good health is
// greater or equal to the required replication factor, a replica with any
// health status can be safely evicted without compromising the availability
// of the tablet. Also, the eviction policy is more liberal when dealing with
// failed replicas: if the total number of voter replicas is greater than or
// equal to the required replication factor, the failed replicas are evicted
// aggressively. The latter is to avoid polluting tablet servers with failed
// replicas, reducing the number of possible locations for new non-voter
// replicas created to replace the failed ones. See below for more details.
// * A non-voter replica may be evicted regardless of its health status
// if the number of voter replicas in good health without the 'replace'
// attribute is greater than or equal to the required replication factor.
// The idea is to not evict non-voter replicas that might be needed to reach
// the required replication factor, while a present non-voter replica could
// be a good fit to replace a voter replica, if needed.
// * A non-voter replica with FAILED or FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE health status
// may be evicted if the number of voter replicas in good health without
// the 'replace' attribute is greater than or equal to a strict majority
// of voter replicas. The idea is to avoid polluting available tablet
// servers with failed non-voter replicas, while replacing failed non-voters
// with healthy non-voters as aggressively as possible. Also, we want to be
// sure that an eviction can succeed before initiating it.
// * A voter replica may be evicted regardless of its health status
// if after the eviction the number of voter replicas in good health will be
// greater than or equal to the required replication factor and the leader
// replica itself is not marked with the 'replace' attribute. The latter
// part of the condition emerges from the following observations:
// ** By definition, a voter replica marked with the 'replace' attribute
// should be eventually evicted from the Raft group.
// ** If all voter replicas are in good health and their total count is
// greater than the target replication and only a single one is marked
// with the 'replace' attribute, that's the replica to be evicted.
// ** Kudu Raft implementation does not support evicting the leader of
// a Raft group.
// So, the removal of a leader replica marked with the 'replace' attribute
// is postponed until the leader replica steps down and becomes a follower.
// * A voter replica with FAILED health may be evicted only if the total
// number of voter replicas is greater than the required replication factor
// and the number of *other* voter replicas in good health without the
// 'replace' attribute is greater than or equal to a strict majority of
// voter replicas.
// * A voter replica with FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE health may be evicted when
// the number of *other* voter replicas in good health without the 'replace'
// attribute is greater than or equal to a strict majority of voter replicas.
// * A voter replica in good health marked with the 'replace' attribute may be
// evicted when the number of replicas in good health after the eviction
// is greater than or equal to the required replication factor.
bool need_to_evict_non_voter = false;
// Check if there is any excess non-voter replica. We add non-voter replicas
// to replace non-viable (i.e. failed or explicitly marked for eviction) ones.
need_to_evict_non_voter |=
num_voters_viable >= replication_factor &&
num_non_voters_total > 0;
// Some non-voter replica has failed: we want to remove those aggressively.
// This is to avoid polluting tablet servers with failed replicas. Otherwise,
// it may be a situation when it's impossible to add a new non-voter replica
// to replace failed ones.
need_to_evict_non_voter |=
has_non_voter_failed ||
// All the non-voter-related sub-cases are applicable only when there is at
// least one non-voter replica and a majority of voter replicas are on-line
// to commit the Raft configuration change.
const bool should_evict_non_voter = need_to_evict_non_voter &&
(num_voters_healthy >= MajoritySize(num_voters_total) ||
policy == MajorityHealthPolicy::IGNORE);
bool need_to_evict_voter = false;
// The abundant case: can evict any voter replica. The code below will select
// the most appropriate candidate.
need_to_evict_voter |= num_voters_viable > replication_factor;
// Some voter replica has failed: we want to remove those aggressively.
// This is to avoid polluting tablet servers with failed replicas. Otherwise,
// it may be a situation when it's impossible to add a new non-voter replica
// to replace failed ones.
need_to_evict_voter |= (has_voter_failed || has_voter_failed_unrecoverable);
// In case if we already have enough healthy replicas running, it's safe to
// get rid of replicas with unknown health state.
need_to_evict_voter |=
num_voters_viable >= replication_factor &&
// Working with the replicas marked with the 'replace' attribute:
// the case when too many replicas are marked with the 'replace' attribute
// while all required replicas are healthy.
// In the special case when the leader replica is the only one marked with the
// 'replace' attribute, the leader replica cannot be evicted.
need_to_evict_voter |= (num_voters_healthy >= replication_factor) &&
!(num_voters_with_replace == 1 && leader_with_replace) &&
((num_voters_with_replace > replication_factor) ||
(num_voters_with_replace >= replication_factor && num_voters_viable > 0));
// Working with the replicas marked with the 'replace' attribute:
// the case where a few replicas are marked with the 'replace' attribute
// while all required replicas are healthy.
// In the special case when the leader replica is the only one marked with the
// 'replace' attribute, the leader replica cannot be evicted.
need_to_evict_voter |=
!(num_voters_with_replace == 1 && leader_with_replace) &&
(num_voters_with_replace > 0 && num_voters_healthy > replication_factor);
// The voter-related sub-cases are applicable only when the total number of
// voter replicas is greater than the target replication factor or it's
// a non-recoverable failure; meanwhile, a majority of voter replicas should
// be on-line to commit the Raft configuration change.
const bool should_evict_voter = need_to_evict_voter &&
(num_voters_total > replication_factor ||
has_voter_failed_unrecoverable) &&
(num_voters_healthy >= MajoritySize(num_voters_total - 1) ||
policy == MajorityHealthPolicy::IGNORE);
const bool should_evict = should_evict_non_voter || should_evict_voter;
// When we have the same type of failures between voters and non-voters
// we evict non-voters first, but if there is an irreversibly failed voter and
// no irreversibly failed non-voters, then we evict such the voter first.
// That's because a transiently failed non-voter might be back and in good
// shape a few moments. Also, getting rid of a irreversibly failed voter may
// be beneficial in case of even-number-of-voters configurations: the majority
// gets more chances to be actionable if other replica fails.
// So, the eviction priority order is:
// (1) unrecoverable non_voters
// (2) unrecoverable voters
// (3) evictable non_voters
// (4) evictable voters
string to_evict;
if (should_evict_non_voter && has_non_voter_failed_unrecoverable) {
to_evict =;
} else if (should_evict_voter && has_voter_failed_unrecoverable) {
to_evict =;
} else if (should_evict_non_voter) {
to_evict =;
} else if (should_evict_voter) {
to_evict =;
DCHECK((!should_evict && to_evict.empty()) ||
(should_evict && !to_evict.empty()));
if (should_evict) {
DCHECK_NE(leader_uuid, to_evict);
if (uuid_to_evict) {
*uuid_to_evict = to_evict;
VLOG(2) << "decision: should"
<< (should_evict ? "" : "not") << " evict replica "
<< (should_evict ? to_evict : "");
return should_evict;
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu