blob: a32e36867866ca4d2423e996bbe5a5cbd3aa724a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/consensus/quorum_util.h"
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace consensus {
// Handy notation of membership types used by AddPeer(), etc.
constexpr auto N = RaftPeerPB::NON_VOTER; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
constexpr auto U = RaftPeerPB::UNKNOWN_MEMBER_TYPE; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
constexpr auto V = RaftPeerPB::VOTER; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
constexpr auto MHP_H = MajorityHealthPolicy::HONOR; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
constexpr auto MHP_I = MajorityHealthPolicy::IGNORE;// NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
// The various possible health statuses.
constexpr auto kHealthStatuses = { '?', '-', 'x', '+' };
typedef std::pair<string, bool> Attr;
static void SetOverallHealth(HealthReportPB* health_report,
char overall_health) {
switch (overall_health) {
case '+':
case '-':
case 'x':
case '?':
FAIL() << overall_health << ": unexpected replica health status";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MajorityHealthPolicy policy) {
switch (policy) {
case MajorityHealthPolicy::HONOR:
os << "MajorityHealthPolicy::HONOR";
case MajorityHealthPolicy::IGNORE:
os << "MajorityHealthPolicy::IGNORE";
os << policy << ": unsupported health policy";
return os;
// Add a consensus peer into the specified configuration.
static void AddPeer(RaftConfigPB* config,
const string& uuid,
RaftPeerPB::MemberType type,
boost::optional<char> overall_health = boost::none,
vector<Attr> attrs = {}) {
RaftPeerPB* peer = config->add_peers();
peer->mutable_last_known_addr()->set_host(uuid + "");
if (overall_health) {
unique_ptr<HealthReportPB> health_report(new HealthReportPB);
SetOverallHealth(health_report.get(), *overall_health);
if (!attrs.empty()) {
unique_ptr<RaftPeerAttrsPB> attrs_pb(new RaftPeerAttrsPB);
for (const auto& attr : attrs) {
if (attr.first == "PROMOTE") {
} else if (attr.first == "REPLACE") {
} else {
FAIL() << attr.first << ": unexpected attribute to set";
using RaftMemberSpec = pair<string, RaftPeerPB::MemberType>;
static RaftConfigPB CreateConfig(const vector<RaftMemberSpec>& specs) {
RaftConfigPB config;
for (const auto& spec : specs) {
AddPeer(&config, spec.first, spec.second);
return config;
static void PromotePeer(RaftConfigPB* config, const string& peer_uuid) {
RaftPeerPB* peer_pb;
const Status s = GetRaftConfigMember(config, peer_uuid, &peer_pb);
if (!s.ok()) {
FAIL() << peer_uuid << ": " << s.ToString();
static void RemovePeer(RaftConfigPB* config, const string& peer_uuid) {
if (!RemoveFromRaftConfig(config, peer_uuid)) {
FAIL() << peer_uuid << ": peer is not in the config";
static void SetPeerHealth(RaftConfigPB* config, const string& uuid, char health) {
RaftPeerPB* peer_pb;
const Status s = GetRaftConfigMember(config, uuid, &peer_pb);
if (!s.ok()) {
FAIL() << "unexpected failure from GetRaftConfigMember(): " << s.ToString();
SetOverallHealth(peer_pb->mutable_health_report(), health);
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, TestMemberExtraction) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V);
AddPeer(&config, "B", V);
AddPeer(&config, "C", V);
// Basic test for GetRaftConfigMember().
RaftPeerPB* peer_pb;
Status s = GetRaftConfigMember(&config, "invalid", &peer_pb);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_OK(GetRaftConfigMember(&config, "A", &peer_pb));
ASSERT_EQ("A", peer_pb->permanent_uuid());
// Basic test for GetRaftConfigLeader().
ConsensusStatePB cstate;
*cstate.mutable_committed_config() = config;
s = GetRaftConfigLeader(&cstate, &peer_pb);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_OK(GetRaftConfigLeader(&cstate, &peer_pb));
ASSERT_EQ("B", peer_pb->permanent_uuid());
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, TestDiffConsensusStates) {
ConsensusStatePB old_cs;
AddPeer(old_cs.mutable_committed_config(), "A", V);
AddPeer(old_cs.mutable_committed_config(), "B", V);
AddPeer(old_cs.mutable_committed_config(), "C", V);
// Simple case of no change.
EXPECT_EQ("no change",
DiffConsensusStates(old_cs, old_cs));
// Simulate a leader change.
auto new_cs = old_cs;
EXPECT_EQ("term changed from 1 to 2, "
"leader changed from A ( to B (",
DiffConsensusStates(old_cs, new_cs));
// Simulate eviction of a peer.
auto new_cs = old_cs;
EXPECT_EQ("config changed from index 1 to 2, "
"VOTER C ( evicted",
DiffConsensusStates(old_cs, new_cs));
// Simulate addition of a peer.
auto new_cs = old_cs;
AddPeer(new_cs.mutable_committed_config(), "D", N);
EXPECT_EQ("config changed from index 1 to 2, "
"NON_VOTER D ( added",
DiffConsensusStates(old_cs, new_cs));
// Simulate change of a peer's member type.
auto new_cs = old_cs;
EXPECT_EQ("config changed from index 1 to 2, "
"C ( changed from VOTER to NON_VOTER",
DiffConsensusStates(old_cs, new_cs));
// Simulate change from no leader to a leader
auto no_leader_cs = old_cs;
auto new_cs = old_cs;
EXPECT_EQ("term changed from 1 to 2, "
"leader changed from <none> to A (",
DiffConsensusStates(no_leader_cs, new_cs));
// Simulate gaining a pending config
auto pending_config_cs = old_cs;
EXPECT_EQ("now has a pending config: ", DiffConsensusStates(old_cs, pending_config_cs));
// Simulate losing a pending config
auto pending_config_cs = old_cs;
EXPECT_EQ("no longer has a pending config: ", DiffConsensusStates(pending_config_cs, old_cs));
// Simulate a change in a pending config
auto before_cs = old_cs;
AddPeer(before_cs.mutable_pending_config(), "A", V);
auto after_cs = before_cs;
EXPECT_EQ("pending config changed, A ( changed from VOTER to NON_VOTER",
DiffConsensusStates(before_cs, after_cs));
// Unit test for the variants of GetConsensusRole().
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, TestGetConsensusRole) {
const auto LEADER = RaftPeerPB::LEADER;
const auto FOLLOWER = RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER;
const auto LEARNER = RaftPeerPB::LEARNER;
// 3-argument variant of GetConsensusRole().
const auto config1 = CreateConfig({ {"A", V}, {"B", V}, {"C", N} });
ASSERT_EQ(LEADER, GetConsensusRole("A", "A", config1));
ASSERT_EQ(FOLLOWER, GetConsensusRole("B", "A", config1));
ASSERT_EQ(FOLLOWER, GetConsensusRole("A", "", config1));
ASSERT_EQ(LEARNER, GetConsensusRole("C", "A", config1));
ASSERT_EQ(LEARNER, GetConsensusRole("C", "C", config1)); // Illegal.
ASSERT_EQ(NON_PARTICIPANT, GetConsensusRole("D", "A", config1));
ASSERT_EQ(NON_PARTICIPANT, GetConsensusRole("D", "D", config1)); // Illegal.
ASSERT_EQ(NON_PARTICIPANT, GetConsensusRole("", "A", config1)); // Illegal.
ASSERT_EQ(NON_PARTICIPANT, GetConsensusRole("", "", config1)); // Illegal.
// 2-argument variant of GetConsensusRole().
const auto config2 = CreateConfig({ {"A", V}, {"B", V}, {"C", V} });
ConsensusStatePB cstate;
*cstate.mutable_committed_config() = config1;
*cstate.mutable_pending_config() = config2;
ASSERT_EQ(LEADER, GetConsensusRole("A", cstate));
ASSERT_EQ(FOLLOWER, GetConsensusRole("B", cstate));
ASSERT_EQ(FOLLOWER, GetConsensusRole("C", cstate));
ASSERT_EQ(NON_PARTICIPANT, GetConsensusRole("D", cstate));
ASSERT_EQ(NON_PARTICIPANT, GetConsensusRole("D", cstate)); // Illegal.
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, TestIsRaftConfigVoter) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V);
AddPeer(&config, "B", N);
AddPeer(&config, "C", U);
// The case when membership type is not specified. That sort of configuration
// would not pass VerifyRaftConfig(), though. Anyway, that should result
// in non-voter since the member_type is initialized with UNKNOWN_MEMBER_TYPE.
const string no_member_type_peer_uuid = "D";
RaftPeerPB* no_member_type_peer = config.add_peers();
no_member_type_peer_uuid + "");
ASSERT_TRUE(IsRaftConfigVoter("A", config));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsRaftConfigVoter("B", config));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsRaftConfigVoter("C", config));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsRaftConfigVoter(no_member_type_peer_uuid, config));
RaftPeerPB* peer_a;
ASSERT_OK(GetRaftConfigMember(&config, "A", &peer_a));
RaftPeerPB* peer_b;
ASSERT_OK(GetRaftConfigMember(&config, "B", &peer_b));
ASSERT_FALSE(ReplicaTypesEqual(*peer_a, *peer_b));
ASSERT_TRUE(ReplicaTypesEqual(*peer_b, *peer_b));
RaftPeerPB* peer_c;
ASSERT_OK(GetRaftConfigMember(&config, "C", &peer_c));
ASSERT_FALSE(ReplicaTypesEqual(*peer_b, *peer_c));
// Tests paremeterized by the policy on the replica majority's health.
class QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest :
public ::testing::Test,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<MajorityHealthPolicy> {
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest,
::testing::Values(MHP_H, MHP_I));
// Verify basic functionality of the kudu::consensus::ShouldAddReplica() utility
// function.
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, ShouldAddReplica) {
const auto policy = GetParam();
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V);
AddPeer(&config, "B", V);
AddPeer(&config, "C", V);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// The configuration is under-replicated, but there are not enough healthy
// voters to commit the configuration change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '?');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// The configuration is under-replicated, but there are not enough healthy
// voters to commit the configuration change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// The configuration is under-replicated, but there are not enough healthy
// voters to commit the configuration change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '-');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// The configuration is under-replicated, but there are not enough healthy
// voters to commit the configuration change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// The configuration is under-replicated, but there are not enough healthy
// voters to commit the configuration change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
// Should add a replica if ignoring the health status of the majority.
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, '+');
// The configuration is over-replicated already.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// Not enough voters to commit the change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// The configuration is under-replicated, but there are not enough healthy
// voters to commit the configuration change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, health_status, {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '?');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
// The catalog manager should wait for a definite health status of replica
// 'C' before making decision whether to add replica for replacement or not.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+');
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, health_status);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
// The non-voter replica does not have the PROMOTE attribute,
// so a new one is needed.
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, health_status, {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 2, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, health_status, {{"PROMOTE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, health_status, {{"PROMOTE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", false}});
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// If honoring the health of the replica's majority, the catalog manager
// will not add a new non-voter replica until the situation is resolved.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, health_status);
AddPeer(&config, "E", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 4, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 5, policy));
// Verify logic of the kudu::consensus::ShouldEvictReplica(), anticipating
// removal of a voter replica.
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, ShouldEvictReplicaVoters) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
// Not safe to evict because we don't have enough healthy nodes to commit
// the eviction.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "C", 1, MHP_H));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "C", 2, MHP_H));
// Should evict if ignoring the health status of the majority.
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "C", 1, MHP_I, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "C", 2, MHP_I, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V);
AddPeer(&config, "C", V);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_H));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", false}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 4, MHP_H));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 4, MHP_H));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
for (char health_status : kHealthStatuses) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("replica health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, health_status, {{"REPLACE", true}});
// For replication factors <= 3 we will be able to commit the eviction of D
// with only A and B, regardless of D's health and regardless of the
// desired replication factor.
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_H, &to_evict));
// The priority of voter replica replacement (decreasing):
// * failed & slated for replacement
// * failed
// * ...
if (health_status == '-' || health_status == 'x') {
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H, &to_evict));
if (health_status == '-' || health_status == 'x') {
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
if (health_status == 'x') {
// Unrecoverably failed replica should be evicted even if the configuration
// is not over-replicated if it's safe to commit the configuration change.
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 4, MHP_H));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
} else {
// Since we are not over-replicated, we will not evict in this case.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 4, MHP_H));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
// For the replication factor 3, it's too early to evict 'C': it might be
// in a good health, actually (reported, say, next heartbeat). Evicting 'D'
// at this step is not a good idea neither: the 'C' might appear to fail,
// and then it's better to keep 'D' around to provide the required
// replication factor. It's necessary to wait for more deterministic status
// of replica 'C' before making proper eviction decision.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 4, MHP_H));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, 'x');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, 'x');
// No majority to commit the change.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_H));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_H));
// If ignoring the safety rules, it tries to evict even if the majority
// of replicas are not online. Among failed replicas, replicas failed
// irreverisbly are evicted first.
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, MHP_I, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_I, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
// Verify logic of the kudu::consensus::ShouldEvictReplica(), anticipating
// removal of a voter replica.
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, ShouldEvictReplicaVoters) {
const auto policy = GetParam();
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V);
AddPeer(&config, "B", V);
AddPeer(&config, "C", V);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "", 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "", 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "", 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "", 2, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '-', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, health_status);
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
if (health_status == '-') {
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "C", 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, 'x');
if (policy == MHP_H) {
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
} else {
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
// Verify logic of the kudu::consensus::ShouldEvictReplica(), anticipating
// removal of a non-voter replica (generic for all health policies).
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, ShouldEvictReplicaNonVoters) {
const auto policy = GetParam();
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "", 1, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", N);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, '+');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", N, '-', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
string to_evict;
// It's always safe to evict an unhealthy non-voter if we have enough
// healthy voters to commit the config change.
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", N, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "C", N);
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", N, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", N);
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V);
AddPeer(&config, "C", N);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, policy));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
if (policy == MHP_H) {
// Would evict a non-voter first, but it's not known whether the majority
// of the voter replicas are on-line to commence the operation: that's
// because the state of B is unknown. So, in this case the voter replica B
// will be removed first.
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
RemovePeer(&config, "B");
// Now, having just a single online replica, it's possible to evict the
// failed non-voter replica C.
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V);
AddPeer(&config, "C", N);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "", 2, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "", 1, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 3, policy));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 2, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
// Make sure failed non-voter replicas are removed from the configuration to
// avoid polluting all tablet servers with failed non-voter replicas.
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '-', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 4, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "C", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 4, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, 'x', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 4, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, 'x');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, 'x');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 4, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, 'x');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '-');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("A", to_evict);
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 4, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("A", to_evict);
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, DontEvictLeader) {
const vector<string> replicas = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, replicas[0], V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, replicas[1], V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, replicas[2], V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, replicas[3], V, '+');
const auto policy = GetParam();
// Exhaustively loop through all nodes, each as leader, when over-replicated
// and ensure that the leader never gets evicted.
for (const auto& leader : replicas) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("leader $0", leader));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader, 3, policy, &to_evict));
ASSERT_NE(leader, to_evict);
// This is a scenario for tablet configurations with more than the required
// number of voter replicas. For different health policies, the results depend
// on whether the majority of replicas is on-line.
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, TooManyVoters) {
const auto policy = GetParam();
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '-');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '-');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "C" || to_evict == "D") << to_evict;
if (policy == MHP_H) {
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
// Basic scenarios involving replicas with the REPLACE attribute set.
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, ReplaceAttributeBasic) {
const auto policy = GetParam();
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy));
// Regression test scenario for KUDU-2443.
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("A", to_evict);
for (auto health_status : { '+', '-', '?', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", N, health_status);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
if (health_status == '+' || health_status == '?') {
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy));
} else {
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
// If a non-voter replica with PROMOTE=true is already in the Raft config,
// no need to add an additional one if the health status of the non-voter
// replica is HEALTHY or UNKNOWN.
for (auto health_status : { '+', '-', '?', 'x' }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", N, health_status, {{"PROMOTE", true}});
if (health_status == '+' || health_status == '?') {
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 1, policy));
if (health_status == '+' || health_status == '?') {
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy));
} else {
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (const auto& leader_replica : { "B", "C", "D" }) {
string to_evict;
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("leader $0", leader_replica));
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("A", to_evict);
for (auto health_status : { '-', '?', 'x' }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, health_status, {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
for (const auto& leader_replica : { "B", "C", "D" }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0', leader $1",
health_status, leader_replica));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("A", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "E", V, '+');
// There should be no attempt to evict the leader.
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_NE("A", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (const auto& leader_replica : { "B", "C", "D", "E" }) {
string to_evict;
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("leader $0", leader_replica));
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("A", to_evict);
for (auto replica_health : kHealthStatuses) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, replica_health, {{"REPLACE", true}});
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("replica health status '$0'", replica_health));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
if (replica_health == '+') {
EXPECT_NE("A", to_evict);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '?', '-', 'x' }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, health_status, {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
for (const auto& leader_replica : { "B", "C", "D" }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0', leader $1",
health_status, leader_replica));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("A", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '-');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '?');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '?', '-', 'x' }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, health_status, {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "E", V, '+');
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("health status '$0'", health_status));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
// Test specific to the scenarios where the leader replica itself marked with
// the 'REPLACE' attribute.
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, LeaderReplicaWithReplaceAttribute) {
const auto policy = GetParam();
// Healthy excess voter replicas (both voters and non-voters) should not be
// evicted when the leader is marked with the 'REPLACE' attribute.
for (auto health_status : { '+', '?' }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, health_status, {{"PROMOTE", true}});
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("non-voter replica with status '$0'", health_status));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto health_status : { '+', '?' }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, health_status);
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("voter replica with status '$0'", health_status));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto promote : { false, true }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '-', {{"PROMOTE", promote}});
"failed non-voter replica with PROMOTE attribute $0",
promote ? "set" : "unset"));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '-');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
// Current algorithm is conservative in the cases like below, but we might
// evict non-voter replica 'E' which does not have the PROMOTE attribute.
// TODO(aserbin): clarify on this.
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
// The non-voter replica does not have the 'promote' attribute, so
// it should be evicted since it's not going to become a voter anyway,
// and we don't support standby non-voter replicas at this point.
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '+');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("E", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
// In the case below the non-voter replica 'D' is not needed. The
// configuration like that might be the result of an attempt to replace 'D'
// which was previously reported as failed. However, by the time the newly
// added replica caught up with the leader, replica 'E' was back on-line.
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "E", V, '+');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
// This test is specific for various scenarios when multiple replicas have the
// REPLACE attribute set (for all health policies).
TEST_P(QuorumUtilHealthPolicyParamTest, MultipleReplicasWithReplaceAttribute) {
const auto policy = GetParam();
for (auto replica_type : { N, V }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", replica_type, '-');
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("replica of $0 type",
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto replica_health : { '+', '?' }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, replica_health);
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("NON_VOTER replica with health status '$0'",
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (const auto& leader_replica : { "A", "B", "C" }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '?');
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("leader $0", leader_replica));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (const auto& leader_replica : { "A", "C" }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("leader $0", leader_replica));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "B" || to_evict == "C");
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
// The non-voter replica does not have the PROMOTE attribute, so it the
// configuration should be considered under-replicated.
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
for (auto replica_status : { '+', '?' }) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, replica_status, {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '-');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "E", V, '+');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "B" || to_evict == "C");
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "E", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "F", V, '+');
for (const string& leader_replica : { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" }) {
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "A" || to_evict == "B" || to_evict == "C");
if (leader_replica == "A" || leader_replica == "B" || leader_replica == "C") {
EXPECT_NE(leader_replica, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "F", N, '+', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
for (const string& leader_replica : { "A", "B", "C" }) {
// All non-voters are in good shape and not a single one has been
// promoted yet.
ASSERT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, leader_replica, 3, policy));
// No more replicas are needed for the replacement.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, 3, policy));
// Verify logic of the kudu::consensus::ShouldEvictReplica(), anticipating
// removal of a non-voter replica (specific for particular health policies).
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, ShouldEvictReplicaNonVoters) {
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '-');
AddPeer(&config, "C", N, '-', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_H));
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 2, MHP_I, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
// Would evict a non-voter first, but replica B is reported as failed and
// the configuration does not have enough healthy voter replicas to have a
// majority of votes. So, the voter replica B will be removed first.
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RemovePeer(&config, "B");
// Now, having just a single online replica, it's possible to evict the
// failed non-voter replica C.
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", 1, MHP_H, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
// A scenario of replica replacement where replicas fall behind the log segment
// GC threshold and are replaced accordingly. This scenario is written to
// address scenarios like of KUDU-2342.
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, NewlyAddedNonVoterFallsBehindLogGC) {
constexpr auto kReplicationFactor = 3;
constexpr auto kPolicy = MajorityHealthPolicy::HONOR;
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica B falls behind the log segment GC threshold. Since this is an
// irreverisble failure, system tries to evict the replica right away.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", 'x');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Adding a non-voter to replace B.
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The new non-voter replica becomes healthy.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The new non-voter replica falls behind the log segment GC threshold. The
// system should evict it before trying to add a replacement replica.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", 'x');
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("D", to_evict);
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
// A new non-voter replica is needed.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Adding a non-voter to replace D.
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The new non-voter replica 'E' becomes healthy.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "E", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The newly added replica gets promoted to voter.
PromotePeer(&config, "E");
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The new voter replica E falls behind the log segment GC threshold. The
// replica should be evicted.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "E", 'x');
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("E", to_evict);
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The system should add a replacement for the evicted replica.
AddPeer(&config, "F", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The new non-voter replica 'F' becomes healthy.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "F", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The newly added replica 'F' gets promoted to voter, all is well now.
PromotePeer(&config, "F");
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// A scenario of replica replacement where the replica added for replacement
// of a failed one also fails. The system should end up replacing both failed
// replicas.
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, NewlyPromotedReplicaCrashes) {
constexpr auto kReplicationFactor = 3;
constexpr auto kPolicy = MajorityHealthPolicy::HONOR;
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica B fails.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '-');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Adding a non-voter to replace B.
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The new non-voter replica becomes healthy.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The newly added non-voter replica is promoted.
PromotePeer(&config, "D");
// B would be evicted, if it's reported as is.
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// However, the newly promoted replica crashes prior to B getting evicted.
// The system should add a new replica for replacement.
// We cannot evict because we don't have enough healthy voters to commit
// the eviction config change.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '?');
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("B", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '-');
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "B" || to_evict == "D") << to_evict;
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
SetPeerHealth(&config, "E", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
PromotePeer(&config, "E");
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "B" || to_evict == "D") << to_evict;
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
// The processs converges: 3 voter replicas, all are healthy.
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// A scenario to verify that the catalog manager does not do anything unexpected
// in the 3-4-3 replica management mode when replica's health is flapping
// between HEALTHY and UNKNOWN (e.g., when leader replica changes).
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, ReplicaHealthFlapping) {
constexpr auto kReplicationFactor = 3;
constexpr auto kPolicy = MajorityHealthPolicy::HONOR;
// The initial tablet report after the tablet replica A has started and
// become the leader.
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+');
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '?');
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '?');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica B is reported as healthy.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica C is reported as healthy.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica B becomes the new leader.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "A", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '?');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica A is reported as healthy; replica C fails.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "A", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '-');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// A new non-voter replica has been added to replace failed replica C.
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "B", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica A becomes the new leader.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "A", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '?');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// The new leader has contacted on-line replicas.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "A", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica D catches up with the leader's WAL and gets promoted.
PromotePeer(&config, "D");
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica D becomes the new leader.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "A", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "D", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
SetPeerHealth(&config, "A", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "B", '+');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '?');
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '+');
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "D", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
SetPeerHealth(&config, "C", '-');
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "D", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_EQ("C", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
RemovePeer(&config, "C");
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "D", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// A scenario to simulate the process of migrating all replicas of a tablet,
// where all replicas are marked for replacement simultaneously. This is a
// possible scenario when decommissioning multiple tablet servers/nodes at once.
TEST(QuorumUtilTest, ReplaceAllTabletReplicas) {
constexpr auto kReplicationFactor = 3;
constexpr auto kPolicy = MajorityHealthPolicy::HONOR;
// The initial tablet report after the tablet replica 'A' has started and
// become the leader.
RaftConfigPB config;
AddPeer(&config, "A", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "B", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
AddPeer(&config, "C", V, '+', {{"REPLACE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// First non-voter replica added.
AddPeer(&config, "D", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Second non-voter replica added.
AddPeer(&config, "E", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Third non-voter replica added.
AddPeer(&config, "F", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
SetPeerHealth(&config, "D", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica 'D' catches up with the leader's WAL and gets promoted.
PromotePeer(&config, "D");
string to_evict;
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "B" || to_evict == "C");
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Evicting the replica selected by ShouldEvictReplica() above.
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Non-voter replica 'F' become unavailable.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "F", '-');
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
ASSERT_EQ("F", to_evict);
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Evicting the failed non-voter replica, selected by ShouldEvictReplica() above.
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_TRUE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Adding a new non-voter replica.
AddPeer(&config, "G", N, '?', {{"PROMOTE", true}});
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// A newly added non-voter replica is in good shape.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "G", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica 'E' is reported in good health.
SetPeerHealth(&config, "E", '+');
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica 'E' catches up with the leader's WAL and gets promoted.
PromotePeer(&config, "E");
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
EXPECT_TRUE(to_evict == "B" || to_evict == "C");
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Evicting the replica selected by ShouldEvictReplica() above.
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Replica 'G' catches up, but replica 'A' cannot yet be evicted since it's
// a leader replica.
PromotePeer(&config, "G");
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "A", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Leadership changes from 'A' to 'G', so now it's possible to evict 'A'.
ASSERT_TRUE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "G", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy, &to_evict));
ASSERT_EQ("A", to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
// Evicting the replica selected by ShouldEvictReplica() above. With that,
// the replacement process of all the marked replicas is complete; no further
// changes is necessary for the tablet's Raft configuration.
RemovePeer(&config, to_evict);
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldEvictReplica(config, "G", kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
EXPECT_FALSE(ShouldAddReplica(config, kReplicationFactor, kPolicy));
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu