blob: 5abbf3a1b978c83f355e7d4899d59d9cd8732555 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log_util.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/opid.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/ref_counted_replicate.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/callback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/util/blocking_queue.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/promise.h"
#include "kudu/util/rw_mutex.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/status_callback.h"
namespace kudu {
class CompressionCodec;
class FsManager;
class MetricEntity;
class ThreadPool;
class WritableFile;
struct WritableFileOptions;
namespace log {
struct LogEntryBatchLogicalSize;
struct LogMetrics;
struct RetentionIndexes;
class LogEntryBatch;
class LogIndex;
class LogReader;
typedef BlockingQueue<LogEntryBatch*, LogEntryBatchLogicalSize> LogEntryBatchQueue;
// Log interface, inspired by Raft's (logcabin) Log. Provides durability to
// Kudu as a normal Write Ahead Log and also plays the role of persistent
// storage for the consensus state machine.
// Log uses group commit to improve write throughput and latency
// without compromising ordering and durability guarantees. A single background
// thread per Log instance is responsible for accumulating pending writes
// and flushing them to the log.
// This class is thread-safe unless otherwise noted.
// Note: The Log needs to be Close()d before any log-writing class is
// destroyed, otherwise the Log might hold references to these classes
// to execute the callbacks after each write.
class Log : public RefCountedThreadSafe<Log> {
class LogFaultHooks;
static const Status kLogShutdownStatus;
static const uint64_t kInitialLogSegmentSequenceNumber;
// Opens or continues a log and sets 'log' to the newly built Log.
// After a successful Open() the Log is ready to receive entries.
static Status Open(const LogOptions &options,
FsManager *fs_manager,
const std::string& tablet_id,
const Schema& schema,
uint32_t schema_version,
const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity,
scoped_refptr<Log> *log);
// Synchronously append a new entry to the log.
// Log does not take ownership of the passed 'entry'.
Status Append(LogEntryPB* entry);
// Append the given set of replicate messages, asynchronously.
// This requires that the replicates have already been assigned OpIds.
Status AsyncAppendReplicates(const std::vector<consensus::ReplicateRefPtr>& replicates,
const StatusCallback& callback);
// Append the given commit message, asynchronously.
// Returns a bad status if the log is already shut down.
Status AsyncAppendCommit(gscoped_ptr<consensus::CommitMsg> commit_msg,
const StatusCallback& callback);
// Blocks the current thread until all the entries in the log queue
// are flushed and fsynced (if fsync of log entries is enabled).
Status WaitUntilAllFlushed();
// Kick off an asynchronous task that pre-allocates a new
// log-segment, setting 'allocation_status_'. To wait for the
// result of the task, use allocation_status_.Get().
Status AsyncAllocateSegment();
// The closure submitted to allocation_pool_ to allocate a new segment.
void SegmentAllocationTask();
// Syncs all state and closes the log.
Status Close();
// Return true if there is any on-disk data for the given tablet.
static bool HasOnDiskData(FsManager* fs_manager, const std::string& tablet_id);
// Delete all WAL data from the log associated with this tablet.
// REQUIRES: The Log must be closed.
static Status DeleteOnDiskData(FsManager* fs_manager, const std::string& tablet_id);
// Removes the recovery directory and all files contained therein, if it exists.
// Intended to be invoked after log replay successfully completes.
static Status RemoveRecoveryDirIfExists(FsManager* fs_manager, const std::string& tablet_id);
// Returns a reader that is able to read through the previous segments,
// provided the log is initialized and not yet closed. After being closed,
// this function will return NULL, but existing reader references will
// remain live.
std::shared_ptr<LogReader> reader() const { return reader_; }
void SetMaxSegmentSizeForTests(uint64_t max_segment_size) {
max_segment_size_ = max_segment_size;
void DisableAsyncAllocationForTests() {
options_.async_preallocate_segments = false;
void DisableSync() {
sync_disabled_ = true;
// If we previous called DisableSync(), we should restore the
// default behavior and then call Sync() which will perform the
// actual syncing if required.
Status ReEnableSyncIfRequired() {
sync_disabled_ = false;
return Sync();
// Get ID of tablet.
const std::string& tablet_id() const {
return tablet_id_;
// Runs the garbage collector on the set of previous segments. Segments that
// only refer to in-mem state that has been flushed are candidates for
// garbage collection.
// 'min_op_idx' is the minimum operation index required to be retained.
// If successful, num_gced is set to the number of deleted log segments.
// This method is thread-safe.
Status GC(RetentionIndexes retention_indexes, int* num_gced);
// Computes the amount of bytes that would have been GC'd if Log::GC had been called.
int64_t GetGCableDataSize(RetentionIndexes retention_indexes) const;
// Returns a map which can be used to determine the cumulative size of log segments
// containing entries at or above any given log index.
// For example, if the current log segments are:
// Indexes Size
// ------------------
// [1-100] 20MB
// [101-200] 15MB
// [201-300] 10MB
// [302-???] <open> (counts as 0MB)
// This function will return:
// {100 => 45MB,
// 200 => 25MB,
// 300 => 10MB}
// In other words, an anchor on any index <= 100 would retain 45MB of logs,
// and any anchor on 100 < index <= 200 would retain 25MB of logs, etc.
// Note that the returned values are in units of bytes, not MB.
void GetReplaySizeMap(std::map<int64_t, int64_t>* replay_size) const;
// Returns the total size of the current segments, in bytes.
// Returns 0 if the log is shut down.
int64_t OnDiskSize();
// Returns the file system location of the currently active WAL segment.
const std::string& ActiveSegmentPathForTests() const {
return active_segment_->path();
// Return true if the append thread is currently active.
bool append_thread_active_for_tests() const;
// Forces the Log to allocate a new segment and roll over.
// This can be used to make sure all entries appended up to this point are
// available in closed, readable segments.
Status AllocateSegmentAndRollOver();
// Returns this Log's FsManager.
FsManager* GetFsManager();
void SetLogFaultHooksForTests(const std::shared_ptr<LogFaultHooks> &hooks) {
log_hooks_ = hooks;
// Set the schema for the _next_ log segment.
// This method is thread-safe.
void SetSchemaForNextLogSegment(const Schema& schema, uint32_t version);
friend class LogTest;
friend class LogTestBase;
FRIEND_TEST(LogTestOptionalCompression, TestMultipleEntriesInABatch);
FRIEND_TEST(LogTestOptionalCompression, TestReadLogWithReplacedReplicates);
FRIEND_TEST(LogTest, TestWriteAndReadToAndFromInProgressSegment);
class AppendThread;
// Log state.
enum LogState {
// State of segment (pre-) allocation.
enum SegmentAllocationState {
kAllocationNotStarted, // No segment allocation requested
kAllocationInProgress, // Next segment allocation started
kAllocationFinished // Next segment ready
Log(LogOptions options, FsManager* fs_manager, std::string log_path,
std::string tablet_id, const Schema& schema, uint32_t schema_version,
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> metric_entity);
// Initializes a new one or continues an existing log.
Status Init();
// Make segments roll over.
Status RollOver();
static Status CreateBatchFromPB(LogEntryTypePB type,
std::unique_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB> entry_batch_pb,
std::unique_ptr<LogEntryBatch>* entry_batch);
// Asynchronously appends 'entry_batch' to the log. Once the append
// completes and is synced, 'callback' will be invoked.
Status AsyncAppend(std::unique_ptr<LogEntryBatch> entry_batch,
const StatusCallback& callback);
// Writes the footer and closes the current segment.
Status CloseCurrentSegment();
// Sets 'out' to a newly created temporary file (see
// Env::NewTempWritableFile()) for a placeholder segment. Sets
// 'result_path' to the fully qualified path to the unique filename
// created for the segment.
Status CreatePlaceholderSegment(const WritableFileOptions& opts,
std::string* result_path,
std::shared_ptr<WritableFile>* out);
// Creates a new WAL segment on disk, writes the next_segment_header_ to
// disk as the header, and sets active_segment_ to point to this new segment.
Status SwitchToAllocatedSegment();
// Preallocates the space for a new segment.
Status PreAllocateNewSegment();
// Writes serialized contents of 'entry' to the log. Called inside
// AppenderThread.
Status DoAppend(LogEntryBatch* entry_batch);
// Update footer_builder_ to reflect the log indexes seen in 'batch'.
void UpdateFooterForBatch(LogEntryBatch* batch);
// Update the LogIndex to include entries for the replicate messages found in
// 'batch'. The index entry points to the offset 'start_offset' in the current
// log segment.
Status UpdateIndexForBatch(const LogEntryBatch& batch,
int64_t start_offset);
// Replaces the last "empty" segment in 'log_reader_', i.e. the one currently
// being written to, by the same segment once properly closed.
Status ReplaceSegmentInReaderUnlocked();
Status Sync();
// Helper method to get the segment sequence to GC based on the provided 'retention' struct.
Status GetSegmentsToGCUnlocked(RetentionIndexes retention_indexes,
SegmentSequence* segments_to_gc) const;
LogEntryBatchQueue* entry_queue() {
return &entry_batch_queue_;
const SegmentAllocationState allocation_state() {
shared_lock<RWMutex> l(allocation_lock_);
return allocation_state_;
std::string LogPrefix() const;
LogOptions options_;
FsManager *fs_manager_;
std::string log_dir_;
// The ID of the tablet this log is dedicated to.
std::string tablet_id_;
// Lock to protect modifications to schema_ and schema_version_.
mutable rw_spinlock schema_lock_;
// The current schema of the tablet this log is dedicated to.
Schema schema_;
// The schema version
uint32_t schema_version_;
// The currently active segment being written.
gscoped_ptr<WritableLogSegment> active_segment_;
// The current (active) segment sequence number.
uint64_t active_segment_sequence_number_;
// The writable file for the next allocated segment
std::shared_ptr<WritableFile> next_segment_file_;
// The path for the next allocated segment.
std::string next_segment_path_;
// Lock to protect mutations to log_state_ and other shared state variables.
mutable percpu_rwlock state_lock_;
LogState log_state_;
// A reader for the previous segments that were not yet GC'd.
// Will be NULL after the log is Closed().
std::shared_ptr<LogReader> reader_;
// Index which translates between operation indexes and the position
// of the operation in the log.
scoped_refptr<LogIndex> log_index_;
// A footer being prepared for the current segment.
// When the segment is closed, it will be written.
LogSegmentFooterPB footer_builder_;
// The maximum segment size, in bytes.
uint64_t max_segment_size_;
// The queue used to communicate between the threads appending operations
// and the thread which actually appends them to the log.
LogEntryBatchQueue entry_batch_queue_;
// Thread writing to the log
gscoped_ptr<AppendThread> append_thread_;
gscoped_ptr<ThreadPool> allocation_pool_;
// If true, sync on all appends.
bool force_sync_all_;
// If true, ignore the 'force_sync_all_' flag above.
// This is used to disable fsync during bootstrap.
bool sync_disabled_;
// The status of the most recent log-allocation action.
Promise<Status> allocation_status_;
// Read-write lock to protect 'allocation_state_'.
mutable RWMutex allocation_lock_;
SegmentAllocationState allocation_state_;
// The codec used to compress entries, or nullptr if not configured.
const CompressionCodec* codec_;
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> metric_entity_;
gscoped_ptr<LogMetrics> metrics_;
std::shared_ptr<LogFaultHooks> log_hooks_;
// The cached on-disk size of the log, used to track its size even if it has been closed.
std::atomic<int64_t> on_disk_size_;
// Indicates which log indexes should be retained for different purposes.
// When default-constructed, starts with maximum indexes, indicating no
// logs need to be retained for either purposes.
struct RetentionIndexes {
explicit RetentionIndexes(int64_t durability = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
int64_t peers = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
: for_durability(durability),
for_peers(peers) {}
// The minimum log entry index which *must* be retained in order to
// preserve durability and the ability to restart the local node
// from its WAL.
int64_t for_durability;
// The minimum log entry index which *should* be retained in order to
// catch up other peers hosting this same tablet. These entries may
// still be GCed in the case that they are from very old log segments
// or the log has become too large.
int64_t for_peers;
// This class represents a batch of operations to be written and
// synced to the log. It is opaque to the user and is managed by the
// Log class.
// A single batch must have only one type of entries in it (eg only
// REPLICATEs or only COMMITs).
// The ReplicateMsg sub-elements of each LogEntryPB within the LogEntryBatchPB
// 'entry_batch_pb_' are not owned by the LogEntryPBs, and at LogEntryBatch
// destruction time they are released.
class LogEntryBatch {
friend class Log;
friend struct LogEntryBatchLogicalSize;
friend class MultiThreadedLogTest;
LogEntryBatch(LogEntryTypePB type,
std::unique_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB> entry_batch_pb,
size_t count);
// Serializes contents of the entry to an internal buffer.
void Serialize();
// Sets the callback that will be invoked after the entry is
// appended and synced to disk
void set_callback(const StatusCallback& cb) {
callback_ = cb;
// Returns the callback that will be invoked after the entry is
// appended and synced to disk.
const StatusCallback& callback() {
return callback_;
// Returns a Slice representing the serialized contents of the
// entry.
Slice data() const {
return Slice(buffer_);
size_t count() const { return count_; }
// Returns the total size in bytes of the object.
size_t total_size_bytes() const {
return total_size_bytes_;
// The highest OpId of a REPLICATE message in this batch.
// Requires that this be a REPLICATE batch.
consensus::OpId MaxReplicateOpId() const {
int idx = entry_batch_pb_->entry_size() - 1;
return entry_batch_pb_->entry(idx).replicate().id();
void SetReplicates(const std::vector<consensus::ReplicateRefPtr>& replicates) {
replicates_ = replicates;
// The type of entries in this batch.
const LogEntryTypePB type_;
// Contents of the log entries that will be written to disk.
std::unique_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB> entry_batch_pb_;
// Total size in bytes of all entries
const uint32_t total_size_bytes_;
// Number of entries in 'entry_batch_pb_'
const size_t count_;
// The vector of refcounted replicates.
// Used only when type is REPLICATE, this makes sure there's at
// least a reference to each replicate message until we're finished
// appending.
std::vector<consensus::ReplicateRefPtr> replicates_;
// Callback to be invoked upon the entries being written and
// synced to disk.
StatusCallback callback_;
// Buffer to which 'phys_entries_' are serialized by call to
// 'Serialize()'
faststring buffer_;
// Used by 'Log::queue_' to determine logical size of a LogEntryBatch.
struct LogEntryBatchLogicalSize {
static size_t logical_size(const LogEntryBatch* batch) {
return batch->total_size_bytes();
class Log::LogFaultHooks {
// Executed immediately before returning from Log::Sync() at *ALL*
// times.
virtual Status PostSync() { return Status::OK(); }
// Iff fsync is enabled, executed immediately after call to fsync.
virtual Status PostSyncIfFsyncEnabled() { return Status::OK(); }
// Emulate a slow disk where the filesystem has decided to synchronously
// flush a full buffer.
virtual Status PostAppend() { return Status::OK(); }
virtual Status PreClose() { return Status::OK(); }
virtual Status PostClose() { return Status::OK(); }
virtual ~LogFaultHooks() {}
} // namespace log
} // namespace kudu
#endif /* KUDU_CONSENSUS_LOG_H_ */