blob: 844fefd42e4c292108bb0f9cfcdde7dd30b95178 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/consensus/log_cache.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/opid.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/ref_counted_replicate.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/threading/thread_collision_warner.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/status_callback.h"
namespace kudu {
class ThreadPoolToken;
namespace log {
class Log;
namespace logging {
class LogThrottler;
namespace consensus {
class ConsensusRequestPB;
class ConsensusResponsePB;
class ConsensusStatusPB;
class PeerMessageQueueObserver;
class TimeManager;
class StartTabletCopyRequestPB;
// The id for the server-wide consensus queue MemTracker.
extern const char kConsensusQueueParentTrackerId[];
// State enum for the last known status of a peer tracked by the
// ConsensusQueue.
enum class PeerStatus {
// The peer has not yet had a round of communication.
// The last exchange with the peer was successful. We transmitted
// an update to the peer and it accepted it.
// Some tserver-level or consensus-level error occurred that didn't
// fall into any of the below buckets.
// Some RPC-layer level error occurred. For example, a network error or timeout
// occurred while attempting to send the RPC.
// The remote tablet server indicated that the tablet was in a FAILED state.
// The remote tablet server indicated that the tablet was in a NOT_FOUND state.
// The remote tablet server indicated that the term of this leader was older
// than its latest seen term.
// The remote tablet server was unable to prepare any operations in the most recent
// batch.
// The remote tablet server's log was divergent from the leader's log.
const char* PeerStatusToString(PeerStatus p);
// Tracks the state of the peers and which transactions they have replicated.
// Owns the LogCache which actually holds the replicate messages which are
// en route to the various peers.
// This also takes care of pushing requests to peers as new operations are
// added, and notifying RaftConsensus when the commit index advances.
// TODO(todd): Right now this class is able to track one outstanding operation
// per peer. If we want to have more than one outstanding RPC we need to
// modify it.
class PeerMessageQueue {
struct TrackedPeer {
explicit TrackedPeer(RaftPeerPB peer_pb);
TrackedPeer() = default;
// Copy a given TrackedPeer.
TrackedPeer& operator=(const TrackedPeer& tracked_peer) = default;
// Check that the terms seen from a given peer only increase
// monotonically.
void CheckMonotonicTerms(int64_t term) {
DCHECK_GE(term, last_seen_term_);
last_seen_term_ = term;
const std::string& uuid() const {
return peer_pb.permanent_uuid();
std::string ToString() const;
RaftPeerPB peer_pb;
// Next index to send to the peer.
// This corresponds to "nextIndex" as specified in Raft.
int64_t next_index;
// The last operation that we've sent to this peer and that
// it acked. Used for watermark movement.
OpId last_received;
// The last committed index this peer knows about.
int64_t last_known_committed_index;
// The status after our last attempt to communicate with the peer.
// See the comments within the PeerStatus enum above for details.
PeerStatus last_exchange_status;
// The time of the last communication with the peer.
// NOTE: this does not indicate that the peer successfully made progress at the
// given time -- this only indicates that we got some indication that the tablet
// server process was alive. It could be that the tablet was not found, etc.
// Consult last_exchange_status for details.
// Defaults to the time of construction, so does not necessarily mean that
// successful communication ever took place.
MonoTime last_communication_time;
// Set to false if it is determined that the remote peer has fallen behind
// the local peer's WAL.
bool wal_catchup_possible;
// The peer's latest overall health status.
HealthReportPB::HealthStatus last_overall_health_status;
// Throttler for how often we will log status messages pertaining to this
// peer (eg when it is lagging, etc).
std::shared_ptr<logging::LogThrottler> status_log_throttler;
// The last term we saw from a given peer.
// This is only used for sanity checking that a peer doesn't
// go backwards in time.
int64_t last_seen_term_;
PeerMessageQueue(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity,
scoped_refptr<log::Log> log,
scoped_refptr<TimeManager> time_manager,
RaftPeerPB local_peer_pb,
std::string tablet_id,
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> raft_pool_observers_token,
OpId last_locally_replicated,
const OpId& last_locally_committed);
// Changes the queue to leader mode, meaning it tracks majority replicated
// operations and notifies observers when those change.
// 'committed_index' corresponds to the id of the last committed operation,
// i.e. operations with ids <= 'committed_index' should be considered committed.
// 'current_term' corresponds to the leader's current term, this is different
// from 'committed_index.term()' if the leader has not yet committed an
// operation in the current term.
// 'active_config' is the currently-active Raft config. This must always be
// a superset of the tracked peers, and that is enforced with runtime CHECKs.
void SetLeaderMode(int64_t committed_index,
int64_t current_term,
const RaftConfigPB& active_config);
// Changes the queue to non-leader mode. Currently tracked peers will still
// be tracked so that the cache is only evicted when the peers no longer need
// the operations but the queue will no longer advance the majority replicated
// index or notify observers of its advancement.
void SetNonLeaderMode(const RaftConfigPB& active_config);
// Makes the queue track this peer.
void TrackPeer(const RaftPeerPB& peer_pb);
// Makes the queue untrack this peer.
void UntrackPeer(const std::string& uuid);
// Returns a health report for all active peers.
// Returns IllegalState if the local peer is not the leader of the config.
std::unordered_map<std::string, HealthReportPB> ReportHealthOfPeers() const;
// Appends a single message to be replicated to the peers.
// Returns OK unless the message could not be added to the queue for some
// reason (e.g. the queue reached max size).
// If it returns OK the queue takes ownership of 'msg'.
// This is thread-safe against all of the read methods, but not thread-safe
// with concurrent Append calls.
Status AppendOperation(const ReplicateRefPtr& msg);
// Appends a vector of messages to be replicated to the peers.
// Returns OK unless the message could not be added to the queue for some
// reason (e.g. the queue reached max size), calls 'log_append_callback' when
// the messages are durable in the local Log.
// If it returns OK the queue takes ownership of 'msgs'.
// This is thread-safe against all of the read methods, but not thread-safe
// with concurrent Append calls.
Status AppendOperations(const std::vector<ReplicateRefPtr>& msgs,
const StatusCallback& log_append_callback);
// Truncate all operations coming after 'index'. Following this, the 'last_appended'
// operation is reset to the OpId with this index, and the log cache will be truncated
// accordingly.
void TruncateOpsAfter(int64_t index);
// Return the last OpId in the log.
// Note that this can move backwards after a truncation (TruncateOpsAfter).
OpId GetLastOpIdInLog() const;
// Return the next OpId to be appended to the queue in the current term.
OpId GetNextOpId() const;
// Assembles a request for a peer, adding entries past 'op_id' up to
// 'consensus_max_batch_size_bytes'.
// Returns OK if the request was assembled, or Status::NotFound() if the
// peer with 'uuid' was not tracked, of if the queue is not in leader mode.
// Returns Status::Incomplete if we try to read an operation index from the
// log that has not been written.
// WARNING: In order to avoid copying the same messages to every peer,
// entries are added to 'request' via AddAllocated() methods.
// The owner of 'request' is expected not to delete the request prior
// to removing the entries through ExtractSubRange() or any other method
// that does not delete the entries. The simplest way is to pass the same
// instance of ConsensusRequestPB to RequestForPeer(): the buffer will
// replace the old entries with new ones without de-allocating the old
// ones if they are still required.
Status RequestForPeer(const std::string& uuid,
ConsensusRequestPB* request,
std::vector<ReplicateRefPtr>* msg_refs,
bool* needs_tablet_copy);
// Fill in a StartTabletCopyRequest for the specified peer.
// If that peer should not initiate Tablet Copy, returns a non-OK status.
// On success, also internally resets peer->needs_tablet_copy to false.
Status GetTabletCopyRequestForPeer(const std::string& uuid,
StartTabletCopyRequestPB* req);
// Inform the queue of a new status known for one of its peers.
// 'ps' indicates an interpretation of the status, while 'status'
// may contain a more specific error message in the case of one of
// the error statuses.
void UpdatePeerStatus(const std::string& peer_uuid,
PeerStatus ps,
const Status& status);
// Updates the request queue with the latest response from a request to a
// consensus peer.
// Returns true iff there are more requests pending in the queue for this
// peer and another request should be sent immediately, with no intervening
// delay.
bool ResponseFromPeer(const std::string& peer_uuid,
const ConsensusResponsePB& response);
// Called by the consensus implementation to update the queue's watermarks
// based on information provided by the leader. This is used for metrics and
// log retention.
void UpdateFollowerWatermarks(int64_t committed_index,
int64_t all_replicated_index);
// Updates the last op appended to the leader and the corresponding lag metric.
// This should not be called by a leader.
void UpdateLastIndexAppendedToLeader(int64_t last_idx_appended_to_leader);
// Closes the queue. Once the queue is closed, peers are still allowed to
// call UntrackPeer() and ResponseFromPeer(), however no additional peers may
// be tracked and no additional messages may be enqueued.
void Close();
int64_t GetQueuedOperationsSizeBytesForTests() const;
// Returns the last message replicated by all peers.
int64_t GetAllReplicatedIndex() const;
// Returns the committed index. All operations with index less than or equal to
// this index have been committed.
int64_t GetCommittedIndex() const;
// Return true if the committed index falls within the current term.
bool IsCommittedIndexInCurrentTerm() const;
// Whether the queue run in the leader mode.
bool IsInLeaderMode() const;
// Returns the current majority replicated index, for tests.
int64_t GetMajorityReplicatedIndexForTests() const;
// Returns a copy of the TrackedPeer with 'uuid' or crashes if the peer is
// not being tracked.
TrackedPeer GetTrackedPeerForTests(const std::string& uuid);
std::string ToString() const;
// Dumps the contents of the queue to the provided string vector.
void DumpToStrings(std::vector<std::string>* lines) const;
void DumpToHtml(std::ostream& out) const;
void RegisterObserver(PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer);
Status UnRegisterObserver(PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer);
struct Metrics {
// Keeps track of the number of ops. that are completed by a majority but still need
// to be replicated to a minority (IsDone() is true, IsAllDone() is false).
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<int64_t> > num_majority_done_ops;
// Keeps track of the number of ops. that are still in progress (IsDone() returns false).
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<int64_t> > num_in_progress_ops;
// Keeps track of the number of ops. behind the leader the peer is, measured as the difference
// between the latest appended op index on this peer versus on the leader (0 if leader).
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<int64_t> > num_ops_behind_leader;
explicit Metrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity);
FRIEND_TEST(ConsensusQueueTest, TestQueueAdvancesCommittedIndex);
FRIEND_TEST(ConsensusQueueTest, TestQueueMovesWatermarksBackward);
FRIEND_TEST(ConsensusQueueTest, TestFollowerCommittedIndexAndMetrics);
FRIEND_TEST(ConsensusQueueUnitTest, PeerHealthStatus);
FRIEND_TEST(RaftConsensusQuorumTest, TestReplicasEnforceTheLogMatchingProperty);
// Mode specifies how the queue currently behaves:
// LEADER - Means the queue tracks remote peers and replicates whatever messages
// are appended. Observers are notified of changes.
// NON_LEADER - Means the queue only tracks the local peer (remote peers are ignored).
// Observers are not notified of changes.
enum Mode {
enum State {
// Types of replicas to count when advancing a queue watermark.
enum ReplicaTypes {
struct QueueState {
// The first operation that has been replicated to all currently
// tracked peers.
int64_t all_replicated_index;
// The index of the last operation replicated to a majority.
// This is usually the same as 'committed_index' but might not
// be if the terms changed.
int64_t majority_replicated_index;
// The index of the last operation to be considered committed.
int64_t committed_index;
// The index of the last operation appended to the leader. A follower will use this to
// determine how many ops behind the leader it is, as a soft metric for follower lag.
int64_t last_idx_appended_to_leader;
// The opid of the last operation appended to the queue.
OpId last_appended;
// The queue's owner current_term.
// Set by the last appended operation.
// If the queue owner's term is less than the term observed
// from another peer the queue owner must step down.
int64_t current_term;
// The first index that we saw that was part of this current term.
// When the term advances, this is set to boost::none, and then set
// when the first operation is appended in the new term.
boost::optional<int64_t> first_index_in_current_term;
// The size of the majority for the queue.
int majority_size_;
State state;
// The current mode of the queue.
Mode mode;
// The currently-active raft config. Only set if in LEADER mode.
gscoped_ptr<RaftConfigPB> active_config;
std::string ToString() const;
// Returns true iff given 'desired_op' is found in the local WAL.
// If the op is not found, returns false.
// If the log cache returns some error other than NotFound, crashes with a
// fatal error.
bool IsOpInLog(const OpId& desired_op) const;
// Return true if it would be safe to evict the peer 'evict_uuid' at this
// point in time.
bool SafeToEvictUnlocked(const std::string& evict_uuid) const;
// Update a peer's last_health_status field and trigger the appropriate
// notifications.
void UpdatePeerHealthUnlocked(TrackedPeer* peer);
// Update the peer's last exchange status, and other fields, based on the
// response. Sets 'lmp_mismatch' to true if the given response indicates
// there was a log-matching property mismatch on the remote, otherwise sets
// it to false.
void UpdateExchangeStatus(TrackedPeer* peer, const TrackedPeer& prev_peer_state,
const ConsensusResponsePB& response, bool* lmp_mismatch);
// Check if the peer is a NON_VOTER candidate ready for promotion. If so,
// trigger promotion.
void PromoteIfNeeded(TrackedPeer* peer, const TrackedPeer& prev_peer_state,
const ConsensusStatusPB& status);
// Calculate a peer's up-to-date health status based on internal fields.
static HealthReportPB::HealthStatus PeerHealthStatus(const TrackedPeer& peer);
// Asynchronously trigger various types of observer notifications on a
// separate thread.
void NotifyObserversOfCommitIndexChange(int64_t new_commit_index);
void NotifyObserversOfTermChange(int64_t term);
void NotifyObserversOfFailedFollower(const std::string& uuid,
int64_t term,
const std::string& reason);
void NotifyObserversOfPeerToPromote(const std::string& peer_uuid);
void NotifyObserversOfPeerHealthChange();
// Notify all PeerMessageQueueObservers using the given callback function.
void NotifyObserversTask(const std::function<void(PeerMessageQueueObserver*)>& func);
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, TrackedPeer*> PeersMap;
std::string ToStringUnlocked() const;
std::string LogPrefixUnlocked() const;
void DumpToStringsUnlocked(std::vector<std::string>* lines) const;
// Updates the metrics based on index math.
void UpdateMetricsUnlocked();
// Update the metric that measures how many ops behind the leader the local
// replica believes it is (0 if leader).
void UpdateLagMetricsUnlocked();
void ClearUnlocked();
// Returns the last operation in the message queue, or
// 'preceding_first_op_in_queue_' if the queue is empty.
const OpId& GetLastOp() const;
void TrackPeerUnlocked(const RaftPeerPB& peer_pb);
void UntrackPeerUnlocked(const std::string& uuid);
// We need the local peer in the config because it contains the current
// 'member_type' of the local node while 'local_peer_pb_' does not.
void TrackLocalPeerUnlocked();
// Checks that if the queue is in LEADER mode then all registered peers are
// in the active config. Crashes with a FATAL log message if this invariant
// does not hold. If the queue is in NON_LEADER mode, does nothing.
void CheckPeersInActiveConfigIfLeaderUnlocked() const;
// Callback when a REPLICATE message has finished appending to the local log.
void LocalPeerAppendFinished(const OpId& id,
const StatusCallback& callback,
const Status& status);
// Advances 'watermark' to the smallest op that 'num_peers_required' have.
// If 'replica_types' is set to VOTER_REPLICAS, the 'num_peers_required' is
// interpreted as "number of voters required". If 'replica_types' is set to
// ALL_REPLICAS, 'num_peers_required' counts any peer, regardless of its
// voting status.
void AdvanceQueueWatermark(const char* type,
int64_t* watermark,
const OpId& replicated_before,
const OpId& replicated_after,
int num_peers_required,
ReplicaTypes replica_types,
const TrackedPeer* who_caused);
std::vector<PeerMessageQueueObserver*> observers_;
// The pool token which executes observer notifications.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> raft_pool_observers_token_;
// PB containing identifying information about the local peer.
const RaftPeerPB local_peer_pb_;
// The id of the tablet.
const std::string tablet_id_;
QueueState queue_state_;
// The currently tracked peers.
PeersMap peers_map_;
mutable simple_spinlock queue_lock_; // TODO: rename
// We assume that we never have multiple threads racing to append to the queue.
// This fake mutex adds some extra assurance that this implementation property
// doesn't change.
LogCache log_cache_;
Metrics metrics_;
scoped_refptr<TimeManager> time_manager_;
// The interface between RaftConsensus and the PeerMessageQueue.
class PeerMessageQueueObserver {
// Notify the observer that the commit index has advanced to 'committed_index'.
virtual void NotifyCommitIndex(int64_t committed_index) = 0;
// Notify the observer that a follower replied with a term
// higher than that established in the queue.
virtual void NotifyTermChange(int64_t term) = 0;
// Notify the observer that a peer is unable to catch up due to falling behind
// the leader's log GC threshold.
virtual void NotifyFailedFollower(const std::string& peer_uuid,
int64_t term,
const std::string& reason) = 0;
// Notify the observer that the specified peer is ready to be promoted from
virtual void NotifyPeerToPromote(const std::string& peer_uuid) = 0;
// Notify the observer that the health of one of the peers has changed.
virtual void NotifyPeerHealthChange() = 0;
virtual ~PeerMessageQueueObserver() {}
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu