blob: eb366efcb663c7255b53119153604d8207883312 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus_queue.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/timestamp.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/opid_util.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/quorum_util.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/time_manager.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/bind.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/bind_helpers.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/fault_injection.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/threadpool.h"
#include "kudu/util/url-coding.h"
DEFINE_int32(consensus_max_batch_size_bytes, 1024 * 1024,
"The maximum per-tablet RPC batch size when updating peers.");
TAG_FLAG(consensus_max_batch_size_bytes, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec, 300,
"Seconds that a leader is unable to successfully heartbeat to a "
"follower after which the follower is considered to be failed and "
"evicted from the config.");
TAG_FLAG(follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec, runtime);
DEFINE_int32(consensus_inject_latency_ms_in_notifications, 0,
"Injects a random sleep between 0 and this many milliseconds into "
"asynchronous notifications from the consensus queue back to the "
"consensus implementation.");
TAG_FLAG(consensus_inject_latency_ms_in_notifications, hidden);
TAG_FLAG(consensus_inject_latency_ms_in_notifications, unsafe);
using kudu::log::Log;
using kudu::pb_util::SecureDebugString;
using kudu::pb_util::SecureShortDebugString;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace consensus {
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int64(tablet, majority_done_ops, "Leader Operations Acked by Majority",
"Number of operations in the leader queue ack'd by a majority but "
"not all peers. This metric is always zero for followers.");
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int64(tablet, in_progress_ops, "Operations in Progress",
"Number of operations in the peer's queue ack'd by a minority of "
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int64(tablet, ops_behind_leader, "Operations Behind Leader",
"Number of operations this server believes it is behind the leader.");
const char* PeerStatusToString(PeerStatus p) {
switch (p) {
case PeerStatus::OK: return "OK";
case PeerStatus::REMOTE_ERROR: return "REMOTE_ERROR";
case PeerStatus::RPC_LAYER_ERROR: return "RPC_LAYER_ERROR";
case PeerStatus::TABLET_FAILED: return "TABLET_FAILED";
case PeerStatus::TABLET_NOT_FOUND: return "TABLET_NOT_FOUND";
case PeerStatus::INVALID_TERM: return "INVALID_TERM";
case PeerStatus::LMP_MISMATCH: return "LMP_MISMATCH";
case PeerStatus::CANNOT_PREPARE: return "CANNOT_PREPARE";
case PeerStatus::NEW: return "NEW";
return "<unknown>";
PeerMessageQueue::TrackedPeer::TrackedPeer(RaftPeerPB peer_pb)
: peer_pb(std::move(peer_pb)),
last_seen_term_(0) {
std::string PeerMessageQueue::TrackedPeer::ToString() const {
return Substitute("Peer: $0, Status: $1, Last received: $2, Next index: $3, "
"Last known committed idx: $4, Time since last communication: $5",
OpIdToString(last_received), next_index,
(MonoTime::Now() - last_communication_time).ToString());
x.Instantiate(metric_entity, 0)
PeerMessageQueue::Metrics::Metrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity)
: num_majority_done_ops(INSTANTIATE_METRIC(METRIC_majority_done_ops)),
num_ops_behind_leader(INSTANTIATE_METRIC(METRIC_ops_behind_leader)) {
PeerMessageQueue::PeerMessageQueue(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity,
scoped_refptr<log::Log> log,
scoped_refptr<TimeManager> time_manager,
RaftPeerPB local_peer_pb,
string tablet_id,
unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> raft_pool_observers_token,
OpId last_locally_replicated,
const OpId& last_locally_committed)
: raft_pool_observers_token_(std::move(raft_pool_observers_token)),
log_cache_(metric_entity, std::move(log), local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid(), tablet_id_),
time_manager_(std::move(time_manager)) {
queue_state_.current_term = 0;
queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term = boost::none;
queue_state_.committed_index = 0;
queue_state_.all_replicated_index = 0;
queue_state_.majority_replicated_index = 0;
queue_state_.last_idx_appended_to_leader = 0;
queue_state_.mode = NON_LEADER;
queue_state_.majority_size_ = -1;
queue_state_.last_appended = std::move(last_locally_replicated);
queue_state_.committed_index = last_locally_committed.index();
queue_state_.state = kQueueOpen;
// TODO(mpercy): Merge LogCache::Init() with its constructor.
void PeerMessageQueue::SetLeaderMode(int64_t committed_index,
int64_t current_term,
const RaftConfigPB& active_config) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
if (current_term != queue_state_.current_term) {
CHECK_GT(current_term, queue_state_.current_term) << "Terms should only increase";
queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term = boost::none;
queue_state_.current_term = current_term;
queue_state_.committed_index = committed_index;
queue_state_.majority_replicated_index = committed_index;
queue_state_.active_config.reset(new RaftConfigPB(active_config));
queue_state_.majority_size_ = MajoritySize(CountVoters(*queue_state_.active_config));
queue_state_.mode = LEADER;
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(INFO) << "Queue going to LEADER mode. State: "
<< queue_state_.ToString();
// Reset last communication time with all peers to reset the clock on the
// failure timeout.
const auto now = MonoTime::Now();
for (const PeersMap::value_type& entry : peers_map_) {
entry.second->last_communication_time = now;
void PeerMessageQueue::SetNonLeaderMode(const RaftConfigPB& active_config) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
queue_state_.active_config.reset(new RaftConfigPB(active_config));
queue_state_.mode = NON_LEADER;
queue_state_.majority_size_ = -1;
// Update this when stepping down, since it doesn't get tracked as LEADER.
queue_state_.last_idx_appended_to_leader = queue_state_.last_appended.index();
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(INFO) << "Queue going to NON_LEADER mode. State: "
<< queue_state_.ToString();
void PeerMessageQueue::TrackPeer(const RaftPeerPB& peer_pb) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
void PeerMessageQueue::TrackPeerUnlocked(const RaftPeerPB& peer_pb) {
CHECK(!peer_pb.permanent_uuid().empty()) << SecureShortDebugString(peer_pb);
CHECK(peer_pb.has_member_type()) << SecureShortDebugString(peer_pb);
DCHECK_EQ(queue_state_.state, kQueueOpen);
TrackedPeer* tracked_peer = new TrackedPeer(peer_pb);
// We don't know the last operation received by the peer so, following the
// Raft protocol, we set next_index to one past the end of our own log. This
// way, if calling this method is the result of a successful leader election
// and the logs between the new leader and remote peer match, the
// peer->next_index will point to the index of the soon-to-be-written NO_OP
// entry that is used to assert leadership. If we guessed wrong, and the peer
// does not have a log that matches ours, the normal queue negotiation
// process will eventually find the right point to resume from.
tracked_peer->next_index = queue_state_.last_appended.index() + 1;
InsertOrDie(&peers_map_, tracked_peer->uuid(), tracked_peer);
// We don't know how far back this peer is, so set the all replicated watermark to
// 0. We'll advance it when we know how far along the peer is.
queue_state_.all_replicated_index = 0;
void PeerMessageQueue::UntrackPeer(const string& uuid) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
void PeerMessageQueue::UntrackPeerUnlocked(const string& uuid) {
TrackedPeer* peer = EraseKeyReturnValuePtr(&peers_map_, uuid);
delete peer; // Deleting a nullptr is safe.
void PeerMessageQueue::TrackLocalPeerUnlocked() {
RaftPeerPB* local_peer_in_config;
Status s = GetRaftConfigMember(queue_state_.active_config.get(),
auto local_copy = local_peer_pb_;
if (!s.ok()) {
// The local peer is not a member of the config. The queue requires the
// 'member_type' field to be set for any tracked peer, so we explicitly
// mark the local peer as a NON_VOTER. This case is only possible when the
// local peer is not the leader, so the choice is not particularly
// important, but NON_VOTER is the most reasonable option.
local_peer_in_config = &local_copy;
CHECK(local_peer_in_config->member_type() == RaftPeerPB::VOTER ||
queue_state_.mode != LEADER)
<< "local peer " << local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid()
<< " is not a voter in config: " << queue_state_.ToString();
if (ContainsKey(peers_map_, local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid())) {
unordered_map<string, HealthReportPB> PeerMessageQueue::ReportHealthOfPeers() const {
unordered_map<string, HealthReportPB> reports;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
for (const auto& entry : peers_map_) {
const string& peer_uuid = entry.first;
const TrackedPeer* peer = entry.second;
HealthReportPB report;
auto overall_health = peer->last_overall_health_status;
// We always consider the local peer (ourselves) to be healthy.
// TODO(mpercy): Is this always a safe assumption?
if (peer_uuid == local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid()) {
overall_health = HealthReportPB::HEALTHY;
reports.emplace(peer_uuid, std::move(report));
return reports;
void PeerMessageQueue::CheckPeersInActiveConfigIfLeaderUnlocked() const {
if (queue_state_.mode != LEADER) return;
std::unordered_set<string> config_peer_uuids;
for (const RaftPeerPB& peer_pb : queue_state_.active_config->peers()) {
InsertOrDie(&config_peer_uuids, peer_pb.permanent_uuid());
for (const PeersMap::value_type& entry : peers_map_) {
if (!ContainsKey(config_peer_uuids, entry.first)) {
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(FATAL) << Substitute("Peer $0 is not in the active config. "
"Queue state: $1",
void PeerMessageQueue::LocalPeerAppendFinished(const OpId& id,
const StatusCallback& callback,
const Status& status) {
// Fake an RPC response from the local peer.
// TODO: we should probably refactor the ResponseFromPeer function
// so that we don't need to construct this fake response, but this
// seems to work for now.
ConsensusResponsePB fake_response;
*fake_response.mutable_status()->mutable_last_received() = id;
*fake_response.mutable_status()->mutable_last_received_current_leader() = id;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
ResponseFromPeer(local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid(), fake_response);
Status PeerMessageQueue::AppendOperation(const ReplicateRefPtr& msg) {
return AppendOperations({ msg }, Bind(CrashIfNotOkStatusCB,
"Enqueued replicate operation failed to write to WAL"));
Status PeerMessageQueue::AppendOperations(const vector<ReplicateRefPtr>& msgs,
const StatusCallback& log_append_callback) {
std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
OpId last_id = msgs.back()->get()->id();
// "Snoop" on the appended operations to watch for term changes (as follower)
// and to determine the first index in our term (as leader).
// TODO: it would be a cleaner design to explicitly set the first index in the
// leader term as part of SetLeaderMode(). However, we are currently also
// using that method to handle refreshing the peer list during configuration
// changes, so the refactor isn't trivial.
for (const auto& msg : msgs) {
const auto& id = msg->get()->id();
if (id.term() > queue_state_.current_term) {
queue_state_.current_term = id.term();
queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term = id.index();
} else if (id.term() == queue_state_.current_term &&
queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term == boost::none) {
queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term = id.index();
// Update safe time in the TimeManager if we're leader.
// This will 'unpin' safe time advancement, which had stopped since we assigned a timestamp to
// the message.
// Until we have leader leases, replicas only call this when the message is committed.
if (queue_state_.mode == LEADER) {
// Unlock ourselves during Append to prevent a deadlock: it's possible that
// the log buffer is full, in which case AppendOperations would block. However,
// for the log buffer to empty, it may need to call LocalPeerAppendFinished()
// which also needs queue_lock_.
queue_state_.last_appended = last_id;
return Status::OK();
void PeerMessageQueue::TruncateOpsAfter(int64_t index) {
DFAKE_SCOPED_LOCK(append_fake_lock_); // should not race with append.
OpId op;
CHECK_OK_PREPEND(log_cache_.LookupOpId(index, &op),
Substitute("$0: cannot truncate ops after bad index $1",
std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
queue_state_.last_appended = op;
OpId PeerMessageQueue::GetLastOpIdInLog() const {
std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return queue_state_.last_appended;
OpId PeerMessageQueue::GetNextOpId() const {
std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return MakeOpId(queue_state_.current_term,
queue_state_.last_appended.index() + 1);
bool PeerMessageQueue::SafeToEvictUnlocked(const string& evict_uuid) const {
DCHECK_EQ(LEADER, queue_state_.mode);
auto now = MonoTime::Now();
int remaining_voters = 0;
int remaining_viable_voters = 0;
for (const auto& e : peers_map_) {
const auto& uuid = e.first;
const auto& peer = e.second;
if (uuid == evict_uuid) {
if (!IsRaftConfigVoter(uuid, *queue_state_.active_config)) {
bool viable = true;
// Being alive, the local peer itself (the leader) is always a viable
// voter: the criteria below apply only to non-local peers.
if (uuid != local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid()) {
// Only consider a peer to be a viable voter if...
// ...its last exchange was successful
viable &= peer->last_exchange_status == PeerStatus::OK;
// ...the peer is up to date with the latest majority.
// This indicates that it's actively participating in majorities and likely to
// replicate a config change immediately when we propose it.
viable &= peer->last_received.index() >= queue_state_.majority_replicated_index;
// ...we have communicated successfully with it recently.
// This handles the case where the tablet has had no recent writes and therefore
// even a replica that is down would have participated in the latest majority.
auto unreachable_time = now - peer->last_communication_time;
viable &= unreachable_time.ToMilliseconds() < FLAGS_consensus_rpc_timeout_ms;
if (viable) {
// We never drop from 2 to 1 automatically, at least for now. We may want
// to revisit this later, we're just being cautious with this.
if (remaining_voters <= 1) {
VLOG(2) << LogPrefixUnlocked() << "Not evicting P $0 (only one voter would remain)";
return false;
// Unless the --raft_attempt_to_replace_replica_without_majority flag is set,
// don't evict anything if the remaining number of viable voters is not enough
// to form a majority of the remaining voters.
if (PREDICT_TRUE(!FLAGS_raft_attempt_to_replace_replica_without_majority) &&
remaining_viable_voters < MajoritySize(remaining_voters)) {
VLOG(2) << LogPrefixUnlocked() << Substitute(
"Not evicting P $0 (only $1/$2 remaining voters appear viable)",
evict_uuid, remaining_viable_voters, remaining_voters);
return false;
return true;
void PeerMessageQueue::UpdatePeerHealthUnlocked(TrackedPeer* peer) {
DCHECK_EQ(LEADER, queue_state_.mode);
auto overall_health_status = PeerHealthStatus(*peer);
// Prepare error messages for different conditions.
string error_msg;
if (overall_health_status == HealthReportPB::FAILED ||
overall_health_status == HealthReportPB::FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE) {
if (peer->last_exchange_status == PeerStatus::TABLET_FAILED) {
error_msg = Substitute("The tablet replica hosted on peer $0 has failed", peer->uuid());
} else if (!peer->wal_catchup_possible) {
error_msg = Substitute("The logs necessary to catch up peer $0 have been "
"garbage collected. The replica will never be able "
"to catch up", peer->uuid());
} else {
error_msg = Substitute("Leader has been unable to successfully communicate "
"with peer $0 for more than $1 seconds ($2)",
(MonoTime::Now() - peer->last_communication_time).ToString());
bool changed = overall_health_status != peer->last_overall_health_status;
peer->last_overall_health_status = overall_health_status;
if (FLAGS_raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction) {
// Only take action when there is a change.
if (changed) {
// Only log a message when the status changes to some flavor of failure.
if (overall_health_status == HealthReportPB::FAILED ||
overall_health_status == HealthReportPB::FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE) {
} else {
if ((overall_health_status == HealthReportPB::FAILED ||
overall_health_status == HealthReportPB::FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE) &&
SafeToEvictUnlocked(peer->uuid())) {
NotifyObserversOfFailedFollower(peer->uuid(), queue_state_.current_term, error_msg);
// While reporting on the replica health status, it's important to report on
// the 'definitive' health statuses once they surface. That allows the system
// to expedite decisions on replica replacement because the more 'definitive'
// statuses have less uncertainty and provide more information (compared
// with less 'definitive' statuses). Informally, the level of 'definitiveness'
// could be measured by the number of possible state transitions on the replica
// health status state diagram.
// The health status chain below has increasing level of 'definitiveness'
// left to right:
// For example, in the case when a replica has been unreachable longer than the
// time interval specified by the --follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec
// flag, the system should start reporting its health status as FAILED.
// However, once the replica falls behind the WAL log GC threshold, the system
// should start reporting its healths status as FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE. The code
// below is written to adhere to that informal policy.
HealthReportPB::HealthStatus PeerMessageQueue::PeerHealthStatus(const TrackedPeer& peer) {
// Replicas that have fallen behind the leader's retained WAL segments are
// failed irrecoverably and will not come back because they cannot ever catch
// up with the leader replica.
if (!peer.wal_catchup_possible) {
// Replicas returning TABLET_FAILED status are considered irrecoverably
// failed because the TABLED_FAILED status manifests about IO failures
// caused by disk corruption, etc.
if (peer.last_exchange_status == PeerStatus::TABLET_FAILED) {
// Replicas which have been unreachable for too long are considered failed,
// unless it's known that they have failed irrecoverably (see above). They
// might come back at some point and successfully catch up with the leader.
auto max_unreachable = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(FLAGS_follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec);
if (MonoTime::Now() - peer.last_communication_time > max_unreachable) {
return HealthReportPB::FAILED;
// The happy case: replicas returned OK during the recent exchange are considered healthy.
if (peer.last_exchange_status == PeerStatus::OK) {
return HealthReportPB::HEALTHY;
// Other cases are for various situations when there hasn't been a contact
// with the replica yet or it's impossible to definitely tell the health
// status of the replica based on the last exchange status (transient error,
// etc.). For such cases, the replica health status is reported as UNKNOWN.
return HealthReportPB::UNKNOWN;
Status PeerMessageQueue::RequestForPeer(const string& uuid,
ConsensusRequestPB* request,
vector<ReplicateRefPtr>* msg_refs,
bool* needs_tablet_copy) {
// Maintain a thread-safe copy of necessary members.
OpId preceding_id;
int64_t current_term;
TrackedPeer peer_copy;
MonoDelta unreachable_time;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
DCHECK_EQ(queue_state_.state, kQueueOpen);
DCHECK_NE(uuid, local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid());
TrackedPeer* peer = FindPtrOrNull(peers_map_, uuid);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(peer == nullptr || queue_state_.mode == NON_LEADER)) {
return Status::NotFound(Substitute("peer $0 is no longer tracked or "
"queue is not in leader mode", uuid));
peer_copy = *peer;
// Clear the requests without deleting the entries, as they may be in use by other peers.
request->mutable_ops()->ExtractSubrange(0, request->ops_size(), nullptr);
// This is initialized to the queue's last appended op but gets set to the id of the
// log entry preceding the first one in 'messages' if messages are found for the peer.
preceding_id = queue_state_.last_appended;
current_term = queue_state_.current_term;
unreachable_time = MonoTime::Now() - peer_copy.last_communication_time;
// Always trigger a health status update check at the end of this function.
bool wal_catchup_progress = false;
bool wal_catchup_failure = false;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
TrackedPeer* peer = FindPtrOrNull(peers_map_, uuid);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(peer == nullptr || queue_state_.mode == NON_LEADER)) {
VLOG(1) << LogPrefixUnlocked() << "peer " << uuid
<< " is no longer tracked or queue is not in leader mode";
if (wal_catchup_progress) peer->wal_catchup_possible = true;
if (wal_catchup_failure) peer->wal_catchup_possible = false;
if (peer_copy.last_exchange_status == PeerStatus::TABLET_NOT_FOUND) {
VLOG(3) << LogPrefixUnlocked() << "Peer " << uuid << " needs tablet copy" << THROTTLE_MSG;
*needs_tablet_copy = true;
return Status::OK();
*needs_tablet_copy = false;
// If we've never communicated with the peer, we don't know what messages to
// send, so we'll send a status-only request. Otherwise, we grab requests
// from the log starting at the last_received point.
if (peer_copy.last_exchange_status != PeerStatus::NEW) {
// The batch of messages to send to the peer.
vector<ReplicateRefPtr> messages;
int max_batch_size = FLAGS_consensus_max_batch_size_bytes - request->ByteSize();
// We try to get the follower's next_index from our log.
Status s = log_cache_.ReadOps(peer_copy.next_index - 1,
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!s.ok())) {
// It's normal to have a NotFound() here if a follower falls behind where
// the leader has GCed its logs. The follower replica will hang around
// for a while until it's evicted.
if (PREDICT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound())) {
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS_THROTTLER(INFO, 60, *peer_copy.status_log_throttler, "logs_gced")
<< LogPrefixUnlocked()
<< Substitute("The logs necessary to catch up peer $0 have been "
"garbage collected. The follower will never be able "
"to catch up ($1)", uuid, s.ToString());
wal_catchup_failure = true;
return s;
if (s.IsIncomplete()) {
// IsIncomplete() means that we tried to read beyond the head of the log
// (in the future). See KUDU-1078.
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(ERROR) << "Error trying to read ahead of the log "
<< "while preparing peer request: "
<< s.ToString() << ". Destination peer: "
<< peer_copy.ToString();
return s;
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(FATAL) << "Error reading the log while preparing peer request: "
<< s.ToString() << ". Destination peer: "
<< peer_copy.ToString();
// Since we were able to read ops through the log cache, we know that
// catchup is possible.
wal_catchup_progress = true;
// We use AddAllocated rather than copy, because we pin the log cache at the
// "all replicated" point. At some point we may want to allow partially loading
// (and not pinning) earlier messages. At that point we'll need to do something
// smarter here, like copy or ref-count.
for (const ReplicateRefPtr& msg : messages) {
// If we are sending ops to the follower, but the batch doesn't reach the current
// committed index, we can consider the follower lagging, and it's worth
// logging this fact periodically.
if (request->ops_size() > 0) {
int64_t last_op_sent = request->ops(request->ops_size() - 1).id().index();
if (last_op_sent < request->committed_index()) {
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS_THROTTLER(INFO, 3, *peer_copy.status_log_throttler, "lagging")
<< LogPrefixUnlocked() << "Peer " << uuid << " is lagging by at least "
<< (request->committed_index() - last_op_sent)
<< " ops behind the committed index " << THROTTLE_MSG;
// If we're not sending ops to the follower, set the safe time on the request.
// TODO(dralves) When we have leader leases, send this all the time.
} else {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(FLAGS_safe_time_advancement_without_writes)) {
} else {
KLOG_EVERY_N_SECS(WARNING, 300) << "Safe time advancement without writes is disabled. "
"Snapshot reads on non-leader replicas may stall if there are no writes in progress.";
if (request->ops_size() > 0) {
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(2) << "Sending request with operations to Peer: " << uuid
<< ". Size: " << request->ops_size()
<< ". From: " << SecureShortDebugString(request->ops(0).id()) << ". To: "
<< SecureShortDebugString(request->ops(request->ops_size() - 1).id());
} else {
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(2) << "Sending status only request to Peer: " << uuid
<< ": " << SecureDebugString(*request);
return Status::OK();
Status PeerMessageQueue::GetTabletCopyRequestForPeer(const string& uuid,
StartTabletCopyRequestPB* req) {
TrackedPeer* peer = nullptr;
int64_t current_term;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
DCHECK_EQ(queue_state_.state, kQueueOpen);
DCHECK_NE(uuid, local_peer_pb_.permanent_uuid());
peer = FindPtrOrNull(peers_map_, uuid);
current_term = queue_state_.current_term;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(peer == nullptr || queue_state_.mode == NON_LEADER)) {
return Status::NotFound("Peer not tracked or queue not in leader mode.");
if (PREDICT_FALSE(peer->last_exchange_status != PeerStatus::TABLET_NOT_FOUND)) {
return Status::IllegalState("Peer does not need to initiate Tablet Copy", uuid);
*req->mutable_copy_peer_addr() = local_peer_pb_.last_known_addr();
return Status::OK();
void PeerMessageQueue::AdvanceQueueWatermark(const char* type,
int64_t* watermark,
const OpId& replicated_before,
const OpId& replicated_after,
int num_peers_required,
ReplicaTypes replica_types,
const TrackedPeer* who_caused) {
if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(2) << "Updating " << type << " watermark: "
<< "Peer (" << who_caused->ToString() << ") changed from "
<< replicated_before << " to " << replicated_after << ". "
<< "Current value: " << *watermark;
// Go through the peer's watermarks, we want the highest watermark that
// 'num_peers_required' of peers has replicated. To find this we do the
// following:
// - Store all the peer's 'last_received' in a vector
// - Sort the vector
// - Find the vector.size() - 'num_peers_required' position, this
// will be the new 'watermark'.
vector<int64_t> watermarks;
for (const PeersMap::value_type& peer : peers_map_) {
if (replica_types == VOTER_REPLICAS &&
peer.second->peer_pb.member_type() != RaftPeerPB::VOTER) {
// TODO(todd): The fact that we only consider peers whose last exchange was
// successful can cause the "all_replicated" watermark to lag behind
// farther than necessary. For example:
// - local peer has replicated opid 100
// - remote peer A has replicated opid 100
// - remote peer B has replication opid 10 and is catching up
// - remote peer A goes down
// Here we'd start getting a non-OK last_exchange_status for peer A.
// In that case, the 'all_replicated_watermark', which requires 3 peers, would not
// be updateable, even once we've replicated peer 'B' up to opid 100. It would
// get "stuck" at 10. In fact, in this case, the 'majority_replicated_watermark' would
// also move *backwards* when peer A started getting errors.
// The issue with simply removing this condition is that 'last_received' does not
// perfectly correspond to the 'match_index' in Raft Figure 2. It is simply the
// highest operation in a peer's log, regardless of whether that peer currently
// holds a prefix of the leader's log. So, in the case that the last exchange
// was an error (LMP mismatch, for example), the 'last_received' is _not_ usable
// for watermark calculation. This could be fixed by separately storing the
// 'match_index' on a per-peer basis and using that for watermark calculation.
if (peer.second->last_exchange_status == PeerStatus::OK) {
// If we haven't enough peers to calculate the watermark return.
if (watermarks.size() < num_peers_required) {
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(3) << "Watermarks size: " << watermarks.size() << ", "
<< "Num peers required: " << num_peers_required;
std::sort(watermarks.begin(), watermarks.end());
int64_t new_watermark = watermarks[watermarks.size() - num_peers_required];
int64_t old_watermark = *watermark;
*watermark = new_watermark;
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(1) << "Updated " << type << " watermark "
<< "from " << old_watermark << " to " << new_watermark;
if (VLOG_IS_ON(3)) {
for (const PeersMap::value_type& peer : peers_map_) {
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(3) << "Peer: " << peer.second->ToString();
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(3) << "Sorted watermarks:";
for (int64_t watermark : watermarks) {
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(3) << "Watermark: " << watermark;
void PeerMessageQueue::UpdateFollowerWatermarks(int64_t committed_index,
int64_t all_replicated_index) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(queue_lock_);
DCHECK_EQ(queue_state_.mode, NON_LEADER);
queue_state_.committed_index = committed_index;
queue_state_.all_replicated_index = all_replicated_index;
void PeerMessageQueue::UpdateLastIndexAppendedToLeader(int64_t last_idx_appended_to_leader) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(queue_lock_);
DCHECK_EQ(queue_state_.mode, NON_LEADER);
queue_state_.last_idx_appended_to_leader = last_idx_appended_to_leader;
void PeerMessageQueue::UpdatePeerStatus(const string& peer_uuid,
PeerStatus ps,
const Status& status) {
std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> l(queue_lock_);
TrackedPeer* peer = FindPtrOrNull(peers_map_, peer_uuid);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(peer == nullptr || queue_state_.mode == NON_LEADER)) {
VLOG(1) << LogPrefixUnlocked() << "peer " << peer_uuid
<< " is no longer tracked or queue is not in leader mode";
peer->last_exchange_status = ps;
if (ps != PeerStatus::RPC_LAYER_ERROR) {
// So long as we got _any_ response from the follower, we consider it a 'communication'.
// RPC_LAYER_ERROR indicates something like a connection failure, indicating that the
// host itself is likely down.
// This indicates that the node is at least online.
peer->last_communication_time = MonoTime::Now();
switch (ps) {
case PeerStatus::NEW:
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(DFATAL) << "Should not update an existing peer to 'NEW' state";
case PeerStatus::RPC_LAYER_ERROR:
// Most controller errors are caused by network issues or corner cases
// like shutdown and failure to deserialize a protobuf. Therefore, we
// generally consider these errors to indicate an unreachable peer.
case PeerStatus::TABLET_NOT_FOUND:
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(1) << "Peer needs tablet copy: " << peer->ToString();
case PeerStatus::TABLET_FAILED: {
case PeerStatus::REMOTE_ERROR:
case PeerStatus::INVALID_TERM:
case PeerStatus::LMP_MISMATCH:
case PeerStatus::CANNOT_PREPARE:
// No special handling here for these - we assume that we'll just retry until
// we make progress.
case PeerStatus::OK:
void PeerMessageQueue::UpdateExchangeStatus(TrackedPeer* peer,
const TrackedPeer& prev_peer_state,
const ConsensusResponsePB& response,
bool* lmp_mismatch) {
const ConsensusStatusPB& status = response.status();
peer->last_communication_time = MonoTime::Now();
peer->last_known_committed_index = status.last_committed_idx();
if (PREDICT_TRUE(!status.has_error())) {
peer->last_exchange_status = PeerStatus::OK;
*lmp_mismatch = false;
switch (status.error().code()) {
peer->last_exchange_status = PeerStatus::LMP_MISMATCH;
if (prev_peer_state.last_exchange_status == PeerStatus::NEW) {
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(INFO) << "Connected to new peer: " << peer->ToString();
} else {
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(INFO) << "Got LMP mismatch error from peer: "
<< peer->ToString();
*lmp_mismatch = true;
case ConsensusErrorPB::INVALID_TERM:
peer->last_exchange_status = PeerStatus::INVALID_TERM;
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(INFO) << "Peer responded invalid term: " << peer->ToString();
*lmp_mismatch = false;
// Other ConsensusStatusPB error codes (such as remote errors) are
// supposed to be handled higher up in the stack.
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(FATAL) << "Unexpected consensus error. Code: "
<< ConsensusErrorPB::Code_Name(status.error().code()) << ". Response: "
<< SecureShortDebugString(response);
void PeerMessageQueue::PromoteIfNeeded(TrackedPeer* peer, const TrackedPeer& prev_peer_state,
const ConsensusStatusPB& status) {
if (queue_state_.mode != PeerMessageQueue::LEADER ||
peer->last_exchange_status != PeerStatus::OK) {
// TODO(mpercy): It would be more efficient to cache the member type in the
// TrackedPeer data structure.
RaftPeerPB* peer_pb;
Status s = GetRaftConfigMember(DCHECK_NOTNULL(queue_state_.active_config.get()),
peer->uuid(), &peer_pb);
if (s.ok() &&
peer_pb->member_type() == RaftPeerPB::NON_VOTER &&
peer_pb->attrs().promote()) {
// Only promote the peer if it is within one round-trip of being fully
// caught-up with the current commit index, as measured by recent
// UpdateConsensus() operation batch sizes.
// If we had never previously contacted this peer, wait until the second
// time we contact them to try to promote them.
if (prev_peer_state.last_received.index() == 0) return;
int64_t last_batch_size =
std::max<int64_t>(0, peer->last_received.index() - prev_peer_state.last_received.index());
bool peer_caught_up =
!OpIdEquals(status.last_received_current_leader(), MinimumOpId()) &&
status.last_received_current_leader().index() + last_batch_size
>= queue_state_.committed_index;
if (!peer_caught_up) return;
// TODO(mpercy): Implement a SafeToPromote() check to ensure that we only
// try to promote a NON_VOTER to VOTER if we will be able to commit the
// resulting config change operation.
bool PeerMessageQueue::ResponseFromPeer(const std::string& peer_uuid,
const ConsensusResponsePB& response) {
DCHECK(response.IsInitialized()) << "Error: Uninitialized: "
<< response.InitializationErrorString() << ". Response: " << SecureShortDebugString(response);
bool send_more_immediately = false;
boost::optional<int64_t> updated_commit_index;
Mode mode_copy;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> scoped_lock(queue_lock_);
TrackedPeer* peer = FindPtrOrNull(peers_map_, peer_uuid);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(queue_state_.state != kQueueOpen || peer == nullptr)) {
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(WARNING) << "Queue is closed or peer was untracked, disregarding "
"peer response. Response: " << SecureShortDebugString(response);
return send_more_immediately;
// Sanity checks.
// Some of these can be eventually removed, but they are handy for now.
<< "Error: Uninitialized: " << response.InitializationErrorString()
<< ". Response: "<< SecureShortDebugString(response);
// TODO(mpercy): Include uuid in error messages as well.
DCHECK(response.has_responder_uuid() && !response.responder_uuid().empty())
<< "Got response from peer with empty UUID";
DCHECK(!response.has_error()); // Application-level errors should be handled elsewhere.
DCHECK(response.has_status()); // Responses should always have a status.
// The status must always have a last received op id and a last committed index.
const ConsensusStatusPB& status = response.status();
// Take a snapshot of the previously-recorded peer state.
const TrackedPeer prev_peer_state = *peer;
// Update the peer's last exchange status based on the response.
// In this case, if there is a log matching property (LMP) mismatch, we
// want to immediately send another request as we attempt to sync the log
// offset between the local leader and the remote peer.
UpdateExchangeStatus(peer, prev_peer_state, response, &send_more_immediately);
// If the reported last-received op for the replica is in our local log,
// then resume sending entries from that point onward. Otherwise, resume
// after the last op they received from us. If we've never successfully
// sent them anything, start after the last-committed op in their log, which
// is guaranteed by the Raft protocol to be a valid op.
bool peer_has_prefix_of_log = IsOpInLog(status.last_received());
if (peer_has_prefix_of_log) {
// If the latest thing in their log is in our log, we are in sync.
peer->last_received = status.last_received();
peer->next_index = peer->last_received.index() + 1;
// Check if the peer is a NON_VOTER candidate ready for promotion.
PromoteIfNeeded(peer, prev_peer_state, status);
} else if (!OpIdEquals(status.last_received_current_leader(), MinimumOpId())) {
// Their log may have diverged from ours, however we are in the process
// of replicating our ops to them, so continue doing so. Eventually, we
// will cause the divergent entry in their log to be overwritten.
peer->last_received = status.last_received_current_leader();
peer->next_index = peer->last_received.index() + 1;
} else {
// The peer is divergent and they have not (successfully) received
// anything from us yet. Start sending from their last committed index.
// This logic differs from the Raft spec slightly because instead of
// stepping back one-by-one from the end until we no longer have an LMP
// error, we jump back to the last committed op indicated by the peer with
// the hope that doing so will result in a faster catch-up process.
DCHECK_GE(peer->last_known_committed_index, 0);
peer->next_index = peer->last_known_committed_index + 1;
<< "Peer " << peer_uuid << " log is divergent from this leader: "
<< "its last log entry " << OpIdToString(status.last_received()) << " is not in "
<< "this leader's log and it has not received anything from this leader yet. "
<< "Falling back to committed index " << peer->last_known_committed_index;
if (peer->last_exchange_status != PeerStatus::OK) {
// In this case, 'send_more_immediately' has already been set by
// UpdateExchangeStatus() to true in the case of an LMP mismatch, false
// otherwise.
return send_more_immediately;
if (response.has_responder_term()) {
// The peer must have responded with a term that is greater than or equal to
// the last known term for that peer.
// If the responder didn't send an error back that must mean that it has
// a term that is the same or lower than ours.
CHECK_LE(response.responder_term(), queue_state_.current_term);
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(2) << "Received Response from Peer (" << peer->ToString() << "). "
<< "Response: " << SecureShortDebugString(response);
mode_copy = queue_state_.mode;
// If we're the leader, we can compute the new watermarks based on the progress
// of our followers.
// NOTE: it's possible this node might have lost its leadership (and the notification
// is just pending behind the lock we're holding), but any future leader will observe
// the same watermarks and make the same advancement, so this is safe.
if (mode_copy == LEADER) {
// Advance the majority replicated index.
/*replicated_before=*/ prev_peer_state.last_received,
/*replicated_after=*/ peer->last_received,
/*num_peers_required=*/ queue_state_.majority_size_,
// Advance the all replicated index.
/*replicated_before=*/ prev_peer_state.last_received,
/*replicated_after=*/ peer->last_received,
/*num_peers_required=*/ peers_map_.size(),
// If the majority-replicated index is in our current term,
// and it is above our current committed index, then
// we can advance the committed index.
// It would seem that the "it is above our current committed index"
// check is redundant (and could be a CHECK), but in fact the
// majority-replicated index can currently go down, since we don't
// consider peers whose last contact was an error in the watermark
// calculation. See the TODO in AdvanceQueueWatermark() for more details.
int64_t commit_index_before = queue_state_.committed_index;
if (queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term != boost::none &&
queue_state_.majority_replicated_index >= queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term &&
queue_state_.majority_replicated_index > queue_state_.committed_index) {
queue_state_.committed_index = queue_state_.majority_replicated_index;
} else {
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(2) << "Cannot advance commit index, waiting for > "
<< "first index in current leader term: "
<< queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term << ". "
<< "current majority_replicated_index: "
<< queue_state_.majority_replicated_index << ", "
<< "current committed_index: "
<< queue_state_.committed_index;
// Only notify observers if the commit index actually changed.
if (queue_state_.committed_index != commit_index_before) {
DCHECK_GT(queue_state_.committed_index, commit_index_before);
updated_commit_index = queue_state_.committed_index;
VLOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(2) << "Commit index advanced from "
<< commit_index_before << " to "
<< *updated_commit_index;
// If the peer's committed index is lower than our own, or if our log has
// the next request for the peer, set 'send_more_immediately' to true.
send_more_immediately = peer->last_known_committed_index < queue_state_.committed_index ||
if (mode_copy == LEADER && updated_commit_index != boost::none) {
return send_more_immediately;
PeerMessageQueue::TrackedPeer PeerMessageQueue::GetTrackedPeerForTests(const string& uuid) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> scoped_lock(queue_lock_);
TrackedPeer* tracked = FindOrDie(peers_map_, uuid);
return *tracked;
int64_t PeerMessageQueue::GetAllReplicatedIndex() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return queue_state_.all_replicated_index;
int64_t PeerMessageQueue::GetCommittedIndex() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return queue_state_.committed_index;
bool PeerMessageQueue::IsCommittedIndexInCurrentTerm() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term != boost::none &&
queue_state_.committed_index >= *queue_state_.first_index_in_current_term;
bool PeerMessageQueue::IsInLeaderMode() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return queue_state_.mode == Mode::LEADER;
int64_t PeerMessageQueue::GetMajorityReplicatedIndexForTests() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return queue_state_.majority_replicated_index;
void PeerMessageQueue::UpdateMetricsUnlocked() {
// Since operations have consecutive indices we can update the metrics based
// on simple index math.
// For non-leaders, majority_done_ops isn't meaningful because followers don't
// track when an op is replicated to all peers.
metrics_.num_majority_done_ops->set_value(queue_state_.mode == LEADER ?
queue_state_.committed_index - queue_state_.all_replicated_index
: 0);
queue_state_.last_appended.index() - queue_state_.committed_index);
void PeerMessageQueue::UpdateLagMetricsUnlocked() {
metrics_.num_ops_behind_leader->set_value(queue_state_.mode == LEADER ? 0 :
queue_state_.last_idx_appended_to_leader - queue_state_.last_appended.index());
void PeerMessageQueue::DumpToStrings(vector<string>* lines) const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
void PeerMessageQueue::DumpToStringsUnlocked(vector<string>* lines) const {
for (const PeersMap::value_type& entry : peers_map_) {
Substitute("Peer: $0 Watermark: $1", entry.first, entry.second->ToString()));
void PeerMessageQueue::DumpToHtml(std::ostream& out) const {
using std::endl;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
out << "<h3>Watermarks</h3>" << endl;
out << "<table>" << endl;;
out << " <tr><th>Peer</th><th>Watermark</th></tr>" << endl;
for (const PeersMap::value_type& entry : peers_map_) {
out << Substitute(" <tr><td>$0</td><td>$1</td></tr>",
EscapeForHtmlToString(entry.second->ToString())) << endl;
out << "</table>" << endl;
out << "<p>" << queue_state_.ToString() << "</p>" << endl;
void PeerMessageQueue::ClearUnlocked() {
queue_state_.state = kQueueClosed;
void PeerMessageQueue::Close() {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
int64_t PeerMessageQueue::GetQueuedOperationsSizeBytesForTests() const {
return log_cache_.BytesUsed();
string PeerMessageQueue::ToString() const {
// Even though metrics are thread-safe obtain the lock so that we get
// a "consistent" snapshot of the metrics.
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
return ToStringUnlocked();
string PeerMessageQueue::ToStringUnlocked() const {
return Substitute("Consensus queue metrics: "
"Only Majority Done Ops: $0, In Progress Ops: $1, Cache: $2",
metrics_.num_majority_done_ops->value(), metrics_.num_in_progress_ops->value(),
void PeerMessageQueue::RegisterObserver(PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
auto iter = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), observer);
if (iter == observers_.end()) {
Status PeerMessageQueue::UnRegisterObserver(PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
auto iter = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), observer);
if (iter == observers_.end()) {
return Status::NotFound("Can't find observer.");
return Status::OK();
bool PeerMessageQueue::IsOpInLog(const OpId& desired_op) const {
OpId log_op;
Status s = log_cache_.LookupOpId(desired_op.index(), &log_op);
if (PREDICT_TRUE(s.ok())) {
return OpIdEquals(desired_op, log_op);
if (PREDICT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound() || s.IsIncomplete())) {
return false;
LOG_WITH_PREFIX_UNLOCKED(FATAL) << "Error while reading the log: " << s.ToString();
return false; // Unreachable; here to squelch GCC warning.
void PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversOfCommitIndexChange(int64_t new_commit_index) {
Bind(&PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversTask, Unretained(this),
[=](PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer) {
LogPrefixUnlocked() + "Unable to notify RaftConsensus of commit index change.");
void PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversOfTermChange(int64_t term) {
Bind(&PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversTask, Unretained(this),
[=](PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer) {
LogPrefixUnlocked() + "Unable to notify RaftConsensus of term change.");
void PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversOfFailedFollower(const string& uuid,
int64_t term,
const string& reason) {
Bind(&PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversTask, Unretained(this),
[=](PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer) {
observer->NotifyFailedFollower(uuid, term, reason);
LogPrefixUnlocked() + "Unable to notify RaftConsensus of abandoned follower.");
void PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversOfPeerToPromote(const string& peer_uuid) {
Bind(&PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversTask, Unretained(this),
[=](PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer) {
LogPrefixUnlocked() + "Unable to notify RaftConsensus of peer to promote.");
void PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversOfPeerHealthChange() {
Bind(&PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversTask, Unretained(this),
[](PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer) {
LogPrefixUnlocked() + "Unable to notify RaftConsensus peer health change.");
void PeerMessageQueue::NotifyObserversTask(
const std::function<void(PeerMessageQueueObserver*)>& func) {
std::vector<PeerMessageQueueObserver*> observers_copy;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(queue_lock_);
observers_copy = observers_;
for (PeerMessageQueueObserver* observer : observers_copy) {
PeerMessageQueue::~PeerMessageQueue() {
string PeerMessageQueue::LogPrefixUnlocked() const {
// TODO: we should probably use an atomic here. We'll just annotate
// away the TSAN error for now, since the worst case is a slightly out-of-date
// log message, and not very likely.
Mode mode = ANNOTATE_UNPROTECTED_READ(queue_state_.mode);
return Substitute("T $0 P $1 [$2]: ",
mode == LEADER ? "LEADER" : "NON_LEADER");
string PeerMessageQueue::QueueState::ToString() const {
return Substitute("All replicated index: $0, Majority replicated index: $1, "
"Committed index: $2, Last appended: $3, Last appended by leader: $4, Current term: $5, "
"Majority size: $6, State: $7, Mode: $8$9",
all_replicated_index, majority_replicated_index,
committed_index, OpIdToString(last_appended), last_idx_appended_to_leader, current_term,
majority_size_, state, (mode == LEADER ? "LEADER" : "NON_LEADER"),
active_config ? ", active raft config: " + SecureShortDebugString(*active_config) : "");
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu