blob: a4a30927d1ec22123c13e1802a5d834c1e5f2af2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/client/session-internal.h"
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/bind.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/client/batcher.h"
#include "kudu/client/callbacks.h"
#include "kudu/client/error_collector.h"
#include "kudu/client/shared_ptr.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "kudu/client/write_op.h"
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/messenger.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
using std::unique_ptr;
namespace kudu {
using rpc::Messenger;
namespace client {
using internal::Batcher;
using internal::ErrorCollector;
using sp::shared_ptr;
using sp::weak_ptr;
KuduSession::Data::Data(shared_ptr<KuduClient> client,
std::weak_ptr<rpc::Messenger> messenger)
: client_(std::move(client)),
error_collector_(new ErrorCollector()),
buffer_bytes_limit_(7 * 1024 * 1024),
buffer_pre_flush_enabled_(true) {
void KuduSession::Data::Init(weak_ptr<KuduSession> session) {
void KuduSession::Data::FlushFinished(Batcher* batcher) {
const int64_t bytes_flushed = batcher->buffer_bytes_used();
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
buffer_bytes_used_ -= bytes_flushed;
// The logic of KuduSession::ApplyWriteOp() needs to know
// if total number of batchers or buffer byte count decreases.
// There can be a thread waiting on the corresponding condition
// variable: the thread which runs KuduSession::Apply(), and
// since KuduSession interface does not advertise thread-safety, it's
// the only thread to notify.
Status KuduSession::Data::Close(bool force) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (!batcher_) {
return Status::OK();
if (batcher_->HasPendingOperations() && !force) {
return Status::IllegalState("Could not close. There are pending operations.");
return Status::OK();
Status KuduSession::Data::SetExternalConsistencyMode(
KuduSession::ExternalConsistencyMode m) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (HasPendingOperationsUnlocked()) {
// NOTE: this is an artificial restriction.
return Status::IllegalState(
"Cannot change external consistency mode when writes are buffered");
// Thread-safety note: the external_consistency_mode_ is not supposed
// to be accessed or modified from any other thread:
// no thread-safety is assumed for the kudu::KuduSession interface.
// However, the lock is needed to check for pending operations because
// there may be pending RPCs and the background flush task may be running.
external_consistency_mode_ = m;
return Status::OK();
Status KuduSession::Data::SetFlushMode(FlushMode mode) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (HasPendingOperationsUnlocked()) {
// Don't allow to change flush mode otherwise it might lead to
// unexpected behavior while working with the KuduSession interface.
// E.g., if changing from MANUAL_FLUSH/AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND to
// AUTO_FLUSH_SYNC while there are pending operations, on the next call of
// KuduSession::Apply() the buffered operations will be flushed along
// with the new one, which is not a good predictable behavior.
return Status::IllegalState(
"Cannot change flush mode when writes are buffered.");
// Thread-safety note: the flush_mode_ is accessed from the background flush
// thread for reading, so it should be modified under protection.
// There should not be any threads waiting on conditions
// which are affected by the setting, so no signalling is necessary here.
flush_mode_ = mode;
return Status::OK();
Status KuduSession::Data::SetBufferBytesLimit(size_t size) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (HasPendingOperationsUnlocked()) {
// NOTE: this is an artificial restriction.
return Status::IllegalState(
"Cannot change buffer size limit when writes are buffered.");
// Thread-safety note: the buffer_bytes_limit_ is not supposed to be accessed
// or modified from any other thread: no thread-safety is assumed
// for the kudu::KuduSession interface. Due to the latter reason,
// there should not be any threads waiting on conditions which are affected
// by the change, so signalling other threads isn't necessary here.
// However, the lock is needed to check for pending operations because
// there may be pending RPCs and the background flush task may be running.
buffer_bytes_limit_ = size;
return Status::OK();
Status KuduSession::Data::SetBufferFlushWatermark(int watermark_pct) {
if (watermark_pct < 0 || watermark_pct > 100) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
strings::Substitute("$0: watermark must be between 0 and 100 inclusive",
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (HasPendingOperationsUnlocked()) {
// NOTE: this is an artificial restriction.
return Status::IllegalState(
"Cannot change buffer flush watermark when writes are buffered.");
// Thread-safety note: the buffer_watermark_pct_ is not supposed
// to be accessed or modified from any other thread:
// no thread-safety is assumed for the kudu::KuduSession interface.
// Due to the latter reason, there should not be any threads waiting on
// conditions which are affected by the setting, so no signalling
// is necessary here.
// However, the lock is needed to check for pending operations because
// there may be pending RPCs and the background flush task may be running.
buffer_watermark_pct_ = watermark_pct;
return Status::OK();
Status KuduSession::Data::SetBufferFlushInterval(unsigned int millis) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (HasPendingOperationsUnlocked()) {
// NOTE: this is an artificial restriction.
return Status::IllegalState(
"Cannot change buffer flush interval when writes are buffered.");
// Thread-safety note: the flush_interval_ is accessed from the background
// flush thread for reading, so it should be modified under protection.
flush_interval_ = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(millis);
return Status::OK();
Status KuduSession::Data::SetMaxBatchersNum(unsigned int max_num) {
// 1 is the minimum possible number of batchers per session.
// 0 means there isn't any limit on the maximum number of batchers.
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (HasPendingOperationsUnlocked()) {
// NOTE: this is an artificial restriction.
return Status::IllegalState(
"Cannot change the limit on maximum number of batchers when writes are buffered.");
// Thread-safety note: the batchers_num_limit_ is not supposed
// to be accessed or modified from any other thread:
// no thread-safety is assumed for the kudu::KuduSession interface.
// Due to the latter reason, there should not be any threads waiting
// on conditions which are affected by the setting, so no signalling
// is necessary here.
// However, the lock is needed to check for pending operations because
// there may be pending RPCs and the background flush task may be running.
batchers_num_limit_ = max_num;
return Status::OK();
void KuduSession::Data::SetTimeoutMillis(int timeout_ms) {
if (timeout_ms < 0) {
timeout_ms = 0;
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
timeout_ = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(timeout_ms);
if (batcher_) {
void KuduSession::Data::FlushAsync(KuduStatusCallback* cb) {
// Flush the current batcher if it is non-empty.
FlushCurrentBatcher(kWatermarkNonEmptyBatcher, cb);
Status KuduSession::Data::Flush() {
// The synchronous flush should initiate flushing of the current batcher,
// if it exists and has some data, and wait for flush completion of
// all session's batchers.
FlushCurrentBatcher(kWatermarkNonEmptyBatcher, nullptr);
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
while (buffer_bytes_used_ > 0) {
return error_collector_->CountErrors()
? Status::IOError("Some errors occurred") : Status::OK();
bool KuduSession::Data::HasPendingOperations() const {
// Thread-safety note: the buffer_bytes_used_ can be accessed or modified
// from the threads busy with pending RPCs or from the background flush task.
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
return HasPendingOperationsUnlocked();
bool KuduSession::Data::HasPendingOperationsUnlocked() const {
return buffer_bytes_used_ > 0;
int KuduSession::Data::CountBufferedOperations() const {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (batcher_) {
// Prior batchers (if any) with pending operations are not relevant here:
// the flushed operations, even if they have not reached the tablet server,
// are not considered "buffered". Yes, they are "pending",
// but not "buffered".
return batcher_->CountBufferedOperations();
return 0;
void KuduSession::Data::FlushCurrentBatcher(int64_t watermark,
KuduStatusCallback* cb) {
scoped_refptr<Batcher> batcher_to_flush;
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (PREDICT_TRUE(batcher_) && batcher_->buffer_bytes_used() >= watermark) {
if (batcher_to_flush) {
// Send off the buffered data. Important to do this outside of the lock
// since the callback may itself try to take the lock, in the case that
// the batch fails "inline" on the same thread.
} else {
// Nothing to do -- declare a victory.
if (cb) {
MonoDelta KuduSession::Data::FlushCurrentBatcher(const MonoDelta& max_age) {
MonoDelta time_left;
scoped_refptr<Batcher> batcher_to_flush;
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (batcher_) {
const MonoTime first_op_time = batcher_->first_op_time();
if (PREDICT_TRUE(first_op_time.Initialized())) {
const MonoTime now = MonoTime::Now();
if (first_op_time + max_age <= now) {
} else {
time_left = first_op_time + max_age - now;
if (batcher_to_flush) {
// Send off the buffered data. Important to do this outside of the lock
// since the callback may itself try to take the lock, in the case that
// the batch fails "inline" on the same thread.
return time_left;
// This method takes ownership over the specified write operation. On the return
// from this this method, the operation must end up either in the corresponding
// batcher (success path) or in the error collector (failure path). Otherwise
// it would be a memory leak.
Status KuduSession::Data::ApplyWriteOp(KuduWriteOperation* write_op) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!write_op)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("NULL operation");
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!write_op->row().IsKeySet())) {
Status status = Status::IllegalState("Key not specified", KUDU_REDACT(write_op->ToString()));
error_collector_->AddError(unique_ptr<KuduError>(new KuduError(write_op, status)));
return status;
// Get 'wire size' of the write operation.
const int64_t required_size = Batcher::GetOperationSizeInBuffer(write_op);
const size_t max_size = buffer_bytes_limit_;
// Thread-safety note: the flush_mode_ is accessed from the background
// time-based flush task for reading. Practically, it would be possible
// to get away with not protecting the flush_mode_ since it's read-only
// access here as well, but TSAN does not like that.
FlushMode flush_mode;
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
flush_mode = flush_mode_;
// A sanity check: before trying to validate against any of run-time metrics,
// verify that the single operation can fit into an empty buffer
// given the restriction on the buffer size.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(required_size > max_size)) {
Status s = Status::Incomplete(strings::Substitute(
"buffer size limit is too small to fit operation: "
"required $0, size limit $1",
required_size, max_size));
error_collector_->AddError(unique_ptr<KuduError>(new KuduError(write_op, s)));
return s;
if (flush_mode == AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND) {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(buffer_pre_flush_enabled_)) {
// NOTE: the buffer_pre_flush_enabled_ is set to false only in tests.
// In need of an extra flush in some cases like shown in the diagram
// below, otherwise it will require waiting for the time-based flush
// to happen. Waiting for the time-based flush delays the stream
// of incoming write operations if such situation happens in the middle.
// The diagram shows the data layout in the buffer, the flush watermark,
// and the incoming write operation:
// +----required_size-----+
// | |
// | Data of the |
// +-------max_size-------+ | operation to add. |
// flush_watermark-> | | | |
// +--buffer_bytes_used---+ +----------0-----------+
// | |
// | Data of fresh (newly |
// | added) operations. |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// | Data of operations |
// | being flushed now. |
// +----------0-----------+
FlushCurrentBatcher(max_size - required_size + 1, nullptr);
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
if (flush_mode == AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND) {
// In AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND mode Apply() blocks if total would-be-used
// buffer space is over the limit. Once amount of buffered data drops
// below the limit, a blocking call to Apply() is unblocked.
while (buffer_bytes_used_ + required_size > max_size) {
} else if (PREDICT_FALSE(buffer_bytes_used_ + required_size > max_size)) {
Status s = Status::Incomplete(strings::Substitute(
"not enough mutation buffer space remaining for operation: "
"required additional $0 when $1 of $2 already used",
required_size, buffer_bytes_used_, max_size));
unique_ptr<KuduError>(new KuduError(write_op, s)));
return s;
// Add the operation to the current batcher. If the current batcher
// is not there, allocate one and set it to be current.
if (!batcher_) {
while (batchers_num_limit_ != 0 &&
batchers_num_ >= batchers_num_limit_) {
// Wait until it's possible to add a new batcher given the limit
// on the maximum outstanding batchers per session.
// Thread-safety note: the external_consistecy_mode_ and timeout_ms_
// are not supposed to be accessed or modified from any other thread
// no thread-safety is advertised for the kudu::KuduSession interface.
scoped_refptr<Batcher> batcher(
new Batcher(client_.get(), error_collector_, session_,
if (timeout_.Initialized()) {
Status op_add_status = batcher_->Add(write_op);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!op_add_status.ok())) {
unique_ptr<KuduError>(new KuduError(write_op, op_add_status)));
return op_add_status;
// Finally, update the buffer space usage.
buffer_bytes_used_ += required_size;
if (flush_mode == AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND) {
const size_t flush_watermark =
buffer_bytes_limit_ * buffer_watermark_pct_ / 100;
// In AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND mode it's necessary to flush the newly added
// operations if the flush watermark is reached. The current batcher is
// the exclusive and the only container for the newly added operations.
// All other batchers, if any, contain operations which are scheduled
// to be sent or already on their way to corresponding tablet servers.
FlushCurrentBatcher(flush_watermark, nullptr);
return Status::OK();
void KuduSession::Data::TimeBasedFlushInit() {
Status::OK(), messenger_, session_, true);
void KuduSession::Data::TimeBasedFlushTask(
const Status& status,
std::weak_ptr<rpc::Messenger> weak_messenger,
sp::weak_ptr<KuduSession> weak_session,
bool do_startup_check) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!status.ok())) {
// Check that the session is still alive to access the data safely.
sp::shared_ptr<KuduSession> session(weak_session.lock());
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!session)) {
KuduSession::Data* data = session->data_;
MonoDelta max_batcher_age;
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(data->mutex_);
if (do_startup_check && data->flush_task_active_) {
// The task is already active.
if (data->flush_mode_ == AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND) {
data->flush_task_active_ = true;
} else {
// Flush mode could change during the operation. If current mode
// is no longer AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND, do not re-schedule the task.
data->flush_task_active_ = false;
max_batcher_age = data->flush_interval_;
// Let's measure the age of a batcher as the time elapsed from the moment
// of adding the very first operation into the batcher.
// The idea is to flush the batcher when its age is very close to the
// flush_interval_: let's call it 'batcher flush age'. If current batcher
// hasn't reached its flush age yet, just re-schedule the task to
// re-evaluate the age of then-will-be-current batcher. So, if the current
// batcher is still current at that time, it will be exactly of its flush age.
MonoDelta time_left = data->FlushCurrentBatcher(max_batcher_age);
MonoDelta next_run = time_left.Initialized() ? time_left : max_batcher_age;
// Re-schedule the task to check and flush the current batcher
// when its age is closer to the flush_interval_.
std::shared_ptr<rpc::Messenger> messenger(weak_messenger.lock());
if (PREDICT_TRUE(messenger)) {
boost::bind(&KuduSession::Data::TimeBasedFlushTask, _1,
std::move(weak_messenger), std::move(weak_session), false),
int64_t KuduSession::Data::GetPendingOperationsSizeForTests() const {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
return buffer_bytes_used_;
size_t KuduSession::Data::GetBatchersCountForTests() const {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(mutex_);
return batchers_num_;
} // namespace client
} // namespace kudu